2 Models. Reports C2

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The (0) aim of this report is to describe and evaluate the four-week William
Shakespeare course that I (1)___________ at the community college in April, as well
as assess (2)___________ usefulness and give some recommendations.


The course approached the works of Shakespeare in a way (3)__________ I found to

be quite novel and thoroughly engaging. As a class, we did not look at a play in its
entirety, but parts of different works (4)___________ connected themes such as love,
ambition and conscience. This enabled us to trace the development of Shakespeare's
views. In addition, the tutor drew wonderful parallels between Shakespeare and
present-day situations. This brought Shakespeare to (5)______________ and made
the works very accessible.


The classes were very well-organised. The course objectives were clearly explained
at the start and the class discussion was directed towards (6)_____________
achievements. Due to this, we were able to cover all of the material. Our tutor was
also very firm in steering us along the way- while encouraging plenty of discussion,
she ensured we never strayed far from the topic (7)____________ hand. Clearly, the
tutor is a very experienced and competent teacher.


The course was conducted in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. There was
encouragement from the tutor, as well as a good rapport (8)___________ class
members. The relaxed nature of this course put everyone (9)___________ ease and
this promoted a risk-free atmosphere in which participants could express their views
without fear or hesitation.


In conclusion, I believe anyone attending this course would find it stimulating. It is

particularly useful to students of English literature who will gain new insight into
Shakespeare, but equally of value to anyone who enjoys a lively discussion. In the
(10)_____________ of this, I would suggest each session be slightly longer in order
to accommodate further discussion.

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