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The Fire on My Hearth

I - Nebulae

In this small room I found you,

Through your eyes I saw

How stars came about

Your enamoring gaze,

hushed the room

Your obsidian eyes resembled a black canvas

An empty night sky,

it drew me closer, and there I noticed

a spark of light made the night displaced

That glint of light bundled up

For a moment I saw, a cosmos forming.

II - T Tauri 

The next thing we knew, a new star radiated

Light burning brighter than what Sirius had created

Gravity started pulling things together

inside its core, acting like a tether

The gaze of that small room focused between two souls

Enamored, unfazed, your stare consoles

The star grows, expanding its flames

fusion starts, like our passion exclaims

Warmth like no other, we fell in love with the fire

Our hearts move to its feet, we only went higher

Burning for years to come

In our warmth, we succumb

III - Supernova

Exothermic intimacy, engulfed by the wildfire

Our burns and scars chanted of desire. 

The love was nothing but an inferno

A blaze that should’ve been hummed in adagio 

Devoured by the flame we seek

Choking, grasping, looking for words to speak

We sputter words to no avail

Fire turned to cinder, failing to prevail

The dimming light signals the end

As we see the embers beginning to descend. 

IV - Neutron Star

The star we observed exhausted its ardor

collapsing, with dying luminosity

Staring at it all, we understood

All what’s left is a core of what once was

a remnant of a memory being forgotten

trying to drift away towards the vastness of space

Free of the gravity that pulled so much weight

What was dragged on has now been let go

Like the cry at the final breath that was drawn

Surrounded by the umbra of the moon

I find that the night’s touch had left me frozen

Nevertheless, I embrace the frost

As the ashes of the past felt like snow

I never shivered when the night approached

As I learned to forge a flame for myself

Inside me, new passion awakes

I’m set alight, and no longer do I fear the fire

The burns and scars became reminders

That love can only give so much, before it burns.


The poem is about a persona discovering love, and seeing how it was able to be reflected by a

birth of a star. As their love grows, so does the star inside them, though what they didn’t realize

is that they didn’t keep it in check. With the fire of passion inside them growing wildly, the soon

found out that they’d both get burned in the process. With the burns and scars still fresh, they

realized that this love was too big to contain, and it sparked arguments, and pain. It ends with the

persona alone again, but realizing that he too has his own flame inside, that gives him his own

warmth that’s easier to control.

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