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Channels of advertising

Lecturer : Nguyễn Quỳnh Anh

Class : 2371ENTI1012
Group :5

Ha Noi, March 2023

Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Independence – Freedom – Happiness

Group Meeting
Classes section: 2371ENTI1012
Subjects: Specialized English 2
Group: 5
I. Date, location
1. Date: Feb 29th
2. Location: Zalo group
II. Meeting content:
1. Members: 6/6 participants
2. Discussion:
- Based on the protocol – members choose their assignment
- Leader assignment exclusive task: word and PowerPoint
3. End of meeting
Evaluation meetings: Meeting pretty good, everybody actively participate.
Hanoi, February 9th, 2023
Team Leader

Group members
No Student ID Full name Assignments

Table of Contents
I. Introduction............................................................................................................5
II. Body....................................................................................................................... 6
1. Concept of advertising channels..........................................................................6
1.1 What is channels of advertising....................................................................6
1.2 History of advertising channels....................................................................6
1.3 Aims of advertising channels.......................................................................7
2. Channels of advertising.......................................................................................8
2.1 Traditional channels.........................................................................................8
2.2 Modern channels..............................................................................................9
2.3 Compare past and present advertising channels..............................................12
2.4 Futuristic channels of advertising...................................................................15
III. Conclusion........................................................................................................17

Advertising is a marketing tactic that involves paying for space to promote a product,
service, company or idea. The goal of advertising is to reach people who are most likely
willing to pay for a company’s products or services and persuade them to buy.
Understanding the importance of advertising, we have discussed channels of
advertising to help businesses make the right choice in promoting their company's
products and services. The topic is “Channels of advertising”.


1. Concept of advertising channels

1.1 What is channels of advertising
Advertising channel is a medium used by a company to advertise their products and
to inform the customers about some special offer. The number of advertising channels
has expanded with the beginning of internet technology to improve traditional media
advertising. As a result, television, radio, and print advertising are now being used in
connection with technology-based advertising like emails and websites, blogs etc.
Marketers choose their advertising channel depending on the budgets they have at
their disposal and on which will provide the most effective and efficient advertising
tactic for their company.
1.2 History of advertising channels
In order to have a variety of advertising ads today, all have to go through the
accumulation process. The history of advertising is an honorable one. All advertising

industries such as print, billboards, radio, Television, digital are intimately connected
with important columns of the history of world advertising.
In 1704, print advertising first appeared in the United States. It was an advertisement
for a book which was printed on paper and posted on the door of an English church by
William Caxton. And from there, during the 18th century, newspapers began to appear
throughout Europe and North America. Shops in town were able to create and design
ads on these newspapers, and for the first time “mass marketing” made sense.
By the 19th century, businesses began to think of ways to attract more people's
attention, and that is why billboards were born. And the first recorded billboard was in
1835 in New York of a circus. As printing technology advanced rapidly in the next
century, billboards appeared in a more eye-catching form. Over time, billboards are
becoming larger and larger, combined with many unique design technologies and
effects such as: 3D sea technology, billboards that create scents, billboards of smoke.
In the early 1800s, the concept of broadcast radio began to emerge. Scientists and
inventors continued to work on this technology for nearly a century, and in the late
1800s, the first radio broadcast was born. However, it was not until 1922 that radio
advertising appeared. It was an advertisement for a house in New York. And 10 years
later, most of the radio stations at that time were exploiting advertising.
The first TV commercial came out in 1941, a 10-second advertisement for Bulova
watches before a baseball game in New York. Over the next few years during the war,
television programs became scarcer. The following years can all be considered the
golden age of TVs. But when the Internet wave hit, television encountered a big
stumbling block. The number of TV viewers has decreased significantly compared to
the previous 20 years.
Finally, when it comes to the history of advertising in the world, the advent of digital
advertising was a huge blow. Digital advertising was born inextricably linked with the
era of the Internet. In 1990, the arrival of the World Wide Web led to the biggest
revolution in advertising buying since the radio era. Types of advertising on the Internet
began to take shape such as: email ads, pop-up ads, interactive banner ads, email
marketing, etc. Things started to change again in the late 2000s with the rise of social
media and mobile marketing. People are constantly connected to the Internet, going
online for entertainment and keeping up with events and news that are happening in the
world. Therefore, advertising over the internet has become extremely popular and is the
most potential advertising channel today.
1.3 Aims of advertising channels
Advertising is a series of promotional campaigns that are scaled and implemented to
achieve the marketing effects set out by the business. We can see ads appearing on TV,

on social networking platforms like Facebook, Zalo, Instagram,.. on entertainment
channels like YouTube, Tiktok... Usually, a campaign Advertising translation needs to
achieve the following values:
a. Introduce new brand
It is extremely important to build a specific and careful advertising campaign to
make consumers aware of the business, as a premise for brand development. The
advertising campaigns will then be built around the positioning goal, the message must
contain: brand name, core values, vision of the business,
b. Create attraction for customers
Advertising will provide customers with information about products being sold. This
helps customers find the products they want in a convenient way, significantly saving
travel costs and time. Not only that, advertising also lets customers know about
promotional campaigns such as discounts, gifts, after-sales, etc. This contributes to
arousing purchase needs in customers' minds.
c. Increase sales
Good advertising strategies will help businesses easily expand and dominate the
market, thereby increasing sales. Advertising is the most effective method of
communication activities to help businesses ensure their share in the market, helping the
message and image of the business spread to the right customers on an effective range.
Advertising helps businesses retain old customers and reach new customers, so sales are
both stable and increasing.
d. Attract competitors' customers
Advertising is also considered as a tool to help businesses compete in the healthiest
way in the market. The main goal of advertising has always been to grow market share,
which also means, making customers of other competitors become customers of the
business. Businesses can do this through advertising messages that provide information
about the product's value to customers. Understanding the purpose behind competitors'
advertising also helps businesses enhance their competitive edge in the market.
2. Channels of advertising
2.1 Traditional channels
With the rise of social media, traditional channels are often underestimated by
marketers. However, traditional channels still have a great influence on the daily life of
consumers. If you have the budget to advertise your campaigns and products in
magazines and television during prime time, then the money you spend is totally worth

Traditional channels include:
a. Broadcast (TV, Radio, etc.): is a fairly popular type of advertising that appeared in
the 50s of the twentieth century. By interspersing with TV programs such as game
shows, movies, news, news, advertising on television is a way for viewers to
passively and effectively receive advertising.
Business can make and sell creative ads that help customers learn more about the
brand and products they’re selling. Hearing or seeing these broadcasted
advertisements can intrigue listeners and viewers, which may lead them to research
the company or contact employees to learn more.
The radio broadcast can help brands reach a local audience in a more effective
way than other mediums.
b. Print (Magazines, newspapers, etc.): is a form of marketing that uses physical print
media to reach customers on a large scale. Ads are printed in hard copy on different
types of publications such as newspapers, magazines, brochures or direct mail.
Print advertisements allow company to reach more prospective customers through
outlets like newspapers or magazines. If company want to build more awareness in
the community, showcasing advertisements in the newspaper can help others learn
more about the brand, its location and its products. Determine the types of magazines
or reading materials the target audience typically reads, and place advertisements in
these materials to generate more sales leads.
c. Displaying products in showrooms, shops: is a form of opening showrooms,
introducing goods and services, organizing displays and introducing goods and
services at trade centers, fairs and exhibitions. Or in recreational, sports, cultural, or
artistic activities.
A product display is a custom fixture in the store that is used to attract and entice
customers. The look of the fixture relies heavily on the visual merchandising strategy
companies adopt for their brand. A product display may also showcase details about
a specific product. Details like size, price, color, customer reviews, and shipping
information can sometimes be housed in this fixture.
d. Sponsoring programs and events: is the closest type of relationship between
advertising channels and media or events. There is a closer link between the
advertising channel and the media than conventional forms of advertising.
Sponsorship marketing usually occurs at certain events. Common examples are
sports games, political campaigns, community events, fairs, festivals, and volunteer
functions. A sponsor helps finance a business, person, or event. Sponsors can help
increase advertising if the relationship is used correctly.
The most common way to gain sponsorship is by building a successful business,
or the promise of one. Then that person or business will have something of value to
offer a potential sponsor
2.2 Modern channels

Google Ads (Google Ad Words)
Google continues to dominate with a 92.47 search engine market share globally. So,
in order to appear where the majority of product searches initiate and to capitalize on
high volumes of traffic then you need to be advertising on Google. The average Google
Ads conversion rate is 2.81% according to industry benchmarks however this does vary
by industry and campaign format. Both Search and Shopping campaigns are essential,
however Shopping campaigns usually outperform Search due to exposing pre-
qualifying product details such as image, price, and rating before the searcher has even
clicked on a Shopping ad.
The Google Display Network (GDN) can be utilized effectively, especially with the
use of Remarketing campaigns, however expect your KPIs to focus on branding and
awareness, with e-commerce conversion rate being the lowest for Display campaigns
vs. Search and Shopping. Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition) values can be set in order
to control spend and yield higher Return on Investment (ROI)
YouTube Advertising
Great for branding and awareness. This is a highly visual and emotive channel, so
you can select a relevant audience likely to resonate with your brand and build a
connection through your media.
In the current homebound COVID-19 environment, more and more time is being
spent on YouTube, making this an increasingly attractive and engaging platform to
advertise your ecommerce business or brand. You can create videos that showcase the
benefits of the products you’re selling and the USPs of shopping in your online store.
YouTube advertising can be relatively cheap, gaining you a large volume of video ad
impressions and traffic to your site, but acquiring converting traffic can sometimes be
challenging. If you want to succeed, be certain to demonstrate two core content
marketing strategies:
1. Make users aware of your products and ecommerce website.
2. Why you/your products? Your video ads need to convince people that your
offering is better than the competition’s.
You also have 6 ad formats are your disposal: Display ads, overlay ads (show up in
the bottom 20% of other videos), skippable video ads (usually longer running times),
non-skippable ads (shorter videos), bumper ads (very short more disruptive video ads)
and sponsored cards (shoppable featured products in your video). Select an ad format
that is most suitable for your target audience and campaign goal. Tip: shoppable cards
are more direct-selling, so possibly show these to a warm audience already familiar
with your brand and/or products.

Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads
With social marketing, products and ads are shown to users based on their interests
and behavior, whereas Google and Paid Search advertising shows relevant ads to users
specifically searching for a product. Facebook and Instagram, as push and non - direct
advertising channels, are great for brand awareness and nurturing increased customer
lifetime value, but can struggle to achieve Google-level ROIs.
Facebook and Instagram rank highly for ecommerce marketing, however the need for
1) producing creativities that cut through the noise and 2) cultivating cold-to-warm-to-
hot audiences means that instant Return On Investment can be hard to achieve. Creating
ads and selecting, building then optimizing audiences can be time-consuming and
costly, depending on whether you’ll be recruiting an experienced agency to undertake
Facebook advertising management or managing ads in-house. According to the latest
industry data, the average conversion rate for ecommerce businesses is 1.78%, lower
than Google Ads. Retargeting ads perform with marked revenue improvement and also
help to increase conversion rate over time with continual exposure. We suggest starting
with a Facebook and Instagram Dynamic Ads retargeting campaign, targeting website
visitors who viewed products, abandoned their cart, or didn’t complete checkout. This
campaign and targeting option combination will help capture sales you would otherwise
lose, boosting overall conversion rate, revenue and ROI.
TikTok for Business (TikTok Ads)
With over 1 billion monthly users, TikTok is heralded to be the hottest social
platform to advertise on in 2023. Despite the demographic diversifying over the last 12
months, over 60% of its users in the US are under 30. As mentioned before for
Pinterest, if your product is aimed at a younger demographic, then this platform is a
good option for you.
You can apply for an advertising account and, once reviewed by a TikTok
representative and approved, you can start setting up advertising campaigns to reach
your target demographic. Campaign types include:
• In-Feed Video: ads appear in the news feed on the ‘For You’ page.
• Brand Takeover: ad appears when users open the app and completely take over the
screen for a few seconds before turning into an In-Feed Video ad.
• Hashtag Challenge: ad appears on the Discovery page. This format encourages
users to participate in user content creation challenges.
• Branded AR (artificial reality) Content: ad appears as branded lenses, stickers, and
other content for users to select and use in their videos.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is a powerful direct marketing channel, primarily used to retain, and
often attract, customers. An effective email marketing strategy can effectively advertise
your content, products, and brand. If you add personalization and automation to the
mix, your business can develop lasting relationships with customers, in turn promoting
brand loyalty and increasing lifetime value exponentially.
Once you have done the hard work by building up your email database, you can
market to your email audience for “free”. With a reported average conversion rate of
15.11% and generating $38 for every $1 spent (3,800% ROI!), email marketing should
be an integral part of your digital marketing strategy.
Amazon Advertising
Amazon is predicted to make up 50% of all e-commerce sales in the US this year.
What’s more, this platform boasts exceptionally high conversion rates: Amazon Prime
members have a conversion rate of 74% whereas the non-prime members convert
typically at 13% according to Millward Brown Digital.
Why is Amazon so successful? Their consumer-centric platform has been designed
to provide a convenient, user-friendly shopping experience and deliver quick dispatch
and delivery times – instilling total trust in the customer. It is also a consideration-phase
platform – most research is carried out elsewhere – so by the time the consumer lands
on Amazon, they’ve narrowed down what they’re looking for and their buying intent is
Much like Google, Amazon advertising campaigns use keyword targeting, automated
targeting, and product/interest targeting to showcase products, display banners, or brand
In order to advertise on Amazon, you must meet their strict eligibility criteria
• Have an active professional seller account.
• Make sure you’re selling new, in-stock products.
• Your products must be in one of the eligible categories.
• Be enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry
2.3 Compare past and present advertising channels

Advantages  Disadvantages 

Traditional  Easy-to-remember, easier-  The cost is quite high:

advertising to understand advertising:  The activities of producing

channel The traditional form of advertising programs, printing leaflets,
has become familiar to many organizing offline events to
generations and is in the serve advertising and media
subconscious of many people. campaigns consume a lot of
Therefore, customers are easily money and effort.
receptive to advertising forms such  Hard to measure:
as posters and leaflets without Traditional forms of advertising
having to propagate or explain too are difficult to measure customer
much. habits and preferences to suggest
 Quick access to customers: products desired by customers as
Businesses can place outdoor ads in with online marketing.
all provinces and cities across the  Takes a long time to
country, which means that their update information:
image is widely covered in the Choosing a form of online
market. Advertising locations in marketing, companies will take a
many different places help increase whole day or even a few days to
the efficiency of reaching potential prepare to launch an advertising
customers and limit the number of product on television or in
viewers. newspapers.
 Bringing sustainability:
The posters or flyers used in
traditional advertising can be read
and re-read anywhere because they
do not depend on an internet
connection. These advertising media
can also be kept for future recycling
and reuse.
 More reliability:
According to the Nielsen Global
Advertising Poll conducted with
30,000 people in 60 countries to
assess the trust level of consumers
for 19 forms of advertising: Nearly
7/10 Vietnamese consumers have
confidence in television
advertisements (number of This is
higher than the global average of
63%). Up to 65% of consumers in
Vietnam trust advertising in
magazines and 60% believe in radio

and newspaper ads.
 Create more new
Due to the combined use of many
advertising media, traditional
advertising can reach a large
number of customers of different
ages and occupations.

Morden  Easy interaction with  Easy to create a sense of

advertising customers distraction
channel Through social networking sites,
businesses can easily see what the For example:  You search for
public is thinking about their brand quite private things online, then
or marketing strategy. Posts about the next day when surfing
the Company's brand are widely Facebook, you see ads for that
shared, with many positive matter. Many people will resent
comments. That proves the and resent the feeling of being
company's strategy is on the right pursued. Worse, they might
track and has a good approach to permanently block that business
consumers. page out of annoyance.
 Easy to measure
parameters  Easy to miss
On mass communication channels
with modern technology from the
Reaching customers through
internet, the data is shown clearly
modern marketing is really
and in detail. Help businesses know
beneficial and easy. However,
the results of reaching customers of
advertising in the mass media is
brand promotion campaigns.
easy to overlook. Internet users
Motivate the next strategies to
just need to scroll down or click
surpass the previous number.
through to the next page, and the
 Easily reach the intelligent
ad will immediately disappear.
target audience
The tools used in modern Marketing
make it easier for businesses to  Fierce competition
reach their target customers. Like
the example mentioned above about Businesses need to constantly
searching on Google about travel, create new content, change
Google will suggest to customers constantly so as not to lag behind
the units that match their needs. competitors. Strategies must be

Example: Advertising on Facebook, solid and financial potential is
Instagram, SEO also very important in the
modern marketing battle.

 Performance is difficult
to measure:

Example: When hiring KOLs to

advertise products, businesses
are vulnerable because KOLs can
get caught up in unexpected

* Conclusion:
Although technology is developing day by day, traditional advertising channels are
still very popular due to their popularity and effectiveness. Nowadays, people have
combined both traditional and modern advertising using 3D outdoor advertising. This
combination has created excitement with viewers by its magic. 3D advertising offers
many benefits:
 Enhance visual effects
 Time optimization.
 Cost savings
 Increase awareness on the internet and in real life.
 Give the viewer a real feeling.

2.4 Futuristic channels

Even in the past or in the present channels of advertising are being developed days to
days based on their aims. The Future is going to be like present but more futuristic and
the future of advertising has already started some time ago. With the rise of modern
technology and even Artificial Intelligence (AI), that presents an opportunity for savvy
advertisers: By shifting budget to growing channels before the crowds, a smart
advertiser can capitalize on high inventory and low competition — an arbitrage play.
a. Smart home devices
An electronic device that can be connected to your smart home systems that can
interact with other devices, and that can make some decisions on its own.
Google, Apple and Amazon are all investing billions of dollars into smart home
devices, from Google Home and Amazon’s Alexa to the Nest thermometer.
To date, these devices have no advertising component to them, but it’s inevitable that
this will change. After all, the devices are collecting incredibly valuable behavioral data
about users that advertisers will pay handsomely for.
b. Virtual reality (VR)
A simulated 3D environment that enables users to explore and interact with a virtual
There are already plenty of mobile games that use in-app advertising to monetize
“free” games. As virtual reality takes off (some say it will grow to a $75 billion
business by 2021!), why wouldn’t we see VR ad growth as well? For example, a car ad
that lets you walk around the car, sit inside, and even test-drive it — all from the
comfort of your living room.
c. Augmented reality (AR)
The real-time use of information in the form of text, graphics, audio and other virtual
enhancements integrated with real-world objects.
Not to be confused with VR, AR is technology that augments your everyday
activities. Google Glass is probably the most well-known example to date.
Once this technology is commonplace, a walk down the cereal aisle at the
supermarket will likely include some virtual coupons, right inside your glasses.
d. Connected and self-driving cars
The combination of connectivity and automated technologies to assist or replace
humans in the task of driving.
Virtually every car produced today has Bluetooth technology. As self-driving cars
become street-legal, expect your car to have a large computer-like screen and a strong
Wi-Fi connection. Given that “drivers” will no longer exist, a long commute will
involve surfing the web, watching content, and — you guessed it — a slew of ads.
When thinking about these new channels, remember that they are likely to be
replacements of existing channels, rather than supplements.

By searching for advertising channels through history and comparing them in the
past and present, we can see that regardless of the era, advertising channels always have
the same purpose. And with the development of science and technology, advertising
channels are increasingly changing but still aiming for the common purpose of
attracting consumers.
Understanding the evolution of advertising for business shows us how it tends to
progress over time and how we might predict where it’s going at the present moment.
And more than that, we can see what worked, what didn’t and what to look for as
attempting different methods.
If history is correct, the number of ads we will see on a daily basis will not increase
in the future, which means that — like the first law of thermodynamics — ads can
neither be created nor destroyed; they can just be transformed from one form to another.


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