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Buy-and-Hold and Constant-Mix

May Be Better Allocation

Strategies Than You Think
Thomas J. O’Brien

T homas J. O’Brien
is a professor of finance KEY FINDINGS
in the School of Business • Given mean-reverting equity and uncertain interest rates, investors sacrifice little in
at the University of expected utility by replacing the optimal reallocation strategy with a simpler allocation
Connecticut in Storrs, CT. strategy of either buy-and-hold or constant-mix. • Traditional investors, with positive allocations to both equity and fixed income, are
better off with constant-mix than with buy-and-hold and with allocating to a horizon-
maturity fixed-income instrument rather than a sequence of single-period fixed-income
• More risk-tolerant investors with levered equity positions are better off with buy-and-hold
than with constant-mix and with levering by a sequence of single-period fixed-income
instruments instead of a horizon-maturity fixed-income instrument.

ABSTRACT: Given mean-reverting equity and his article shows that with mean-
interest rate uncertainty, this article shows a rela- reverting equity and uncertain
tively low economic cost of using a simple allocation interest rates, an investor can replace
strategy, buy-and-hold or constant-mix, instead of the relatively complex optimal
optimal reallocation. Moreover, given the decision allocation strategy with a simple one, either
to use one of the simple allocation strategies, the buy-and-hold or constant-mix, with little
article identifies (1) which investors will be better sacrifice in expected utility. The article also
off with buy-and-hold than with constant-mix, and shows that for some investors, buy-and-hold
vice versa, and (2) which investors will be better is better than constant-mix, and a horizon-
off with a horizon-maturity fixed-income posi- maturity fixed-income position is better than
tion than with a sequence of short-maturity ones, rolling a short-maturity one; the opposite
and vice versa. The article uses illustrations in a holds for other investors. The analysis uses
three-period binomial model to bridge the academic/ accessible illustrations in a three-period bino-
practitioner gap and provide useful insights to those mial model. The objective is to bridge the
interested in applied investment management. academic/practitioner gap and provide useful
*All articles are now insights to investment managers and applied
categorized by topics TOPICS: Portfolio management/multi-
and subtopics. View at asset allocation, portfolio theory, portfolio construction*

Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020 The Journal of Portfolio Management   159

Summary of Insights into Mean-Reverting Equity
Practitioners have typically argued that inves-
and Uncertain Risk-Free Rate
tors should allocate more to equity for longer horizons
because of the perceived benefit of time diversification. $QLQYHVWRULQFXUVDUHODWLYHO\ORZHFRQRPLFFRVWZKHQXVLQJHLWKHU
In contrast, the academic position for many years was  DEX\DQGKROGRUFRQVWDQWPL[DOORFDWLRQVWUDWHJ\LQOLHXRIRSWLPDO
that allocation should be myopic—that is, the same for  UHDOORFDWLRQ
any horizon length. This position was based on the classic  ZKRPDNHSRVLWLYHDOORFDWLRQVWRERWKHTXLW\DQGIL[HGLQFRPH7KH
the following: (1) equity follows a random walk; (2) the  HTXLW\SRVLWLRQ
risk-free rate is constant; (3) investors optimally reallo- $KRUL]RQPDWXULW\IL[HGLQFRPHLQVWUXPHQWLVEHWWHUWKDQDVHTXHQFH
cate every period; and (4) investors’ utility is indepen-
However, Samuelson (1991) reconciled with
the practitioner perspective by formally showing that
if equity is mean reverting and the other Samuelson to find than the optimal reallocation strategy’s. Going
(1969)–Merton (1969) assumptions hold, investors forward, both simple strategies are obviously easier to
with typical risk aversion levels will optimally allocate maintain than the optimal reallocation strategy; buy-
more to equity for longer horizons. The horizon effect and-hold requires no additional effort beyond finding
is due to hedging unexpected changes in investment the initial allocation, and constant-mix involves only
opportunities, as described by Merton (1973).1 Other rebalancing each period to the initial allocation.
horizon effect allocations have been identified in models This article compares the buy-and-hold and
with unexpected changes in other investment oppor- constant-mix strategies with each other and with the
tunity variables, such as the uncertain risk-free rate optimal reallocation strategy. Following the approach of
models of Sørensen (1999), Brennan and Xia (2000), Kritzman (1994, 2015), the comparisons use three-period
and Omberg (1999).2 binomial model illustrations with reasonable assumptions
In horizon effect models, investors’ optimal allo- for the equity risk premium, equity volatility, and
cations change through time. For example, in Samu- the risk-free rate. Investors allocate between mean-
elson’s (1991) mean-reverting equity model, investors reverting equity and a risk-free fixed-income instru-
optimally reduce (raise) the equity allocation as equity ment. Instead of a constant risk-free rate (e.g., Samuelson
rises (drops). As a result, the optimal initial allocations 1991; Kritzman 1994, 2015; Barberis 2000; and others),
and reallocations are relatively difficult for investment this article assumes that the short-term risk-free rate
managers to determine and implement in actual practice. depends on market conditions and is therefore uncer-
Two other allocation strategies, buy-and-hold and con- tain. This assumption permits a comparison between
stant-mix, are suboptimal but simpler to apply than the short-term and long-term instruments for an investor’s
optimal reallocation strategy. Both simple strategies have fixed-income allocation. Such a comparison is impos-
non-myopic optimal initial allocations that are easier sible with a constant risk-free rate, in which a sequence
of single-period risk-free instruments is equivalent to a
zero-coupon instrument with a longer time to maturity.
 Lee (1990) also defended the practitioner perspective, based The illustrations yield the following interesting
on an empirical analysis supporting equity mean reversion instead insights, which are brief ly summarized in Exhibit 1.
of a random walk. A summary of empirical support for equity mean
First, the economic cost of using either simple strategy
reversion is given by Campbell et al. (2001). For additional research
with equity mean reversion and a constant risk-free rate, see Kim in lieu of optimal reallocation is relatively low. The
and Omberg (1996), Campbell and Viceira (1999), Barberis (2000), measure of cost is the additional initial wealth needed
Campbell et al. (2001), and Wachter (2002). to make a simple strategy’s expected utility of horizon
 Horizon effect models like those of Campbell and Viceira wealth equal to that of the optimal reallocation strategy,
(2002a), Campbell et al. (2003), Munk, Sørensen, and Vinther as done by Larsen and Munk (2012).
(2004), and Liu (2007) investigate dynamic allocation given multiple
investment opportunity variables.

160   Buy-and-Hold and Constant-Mix May Be Better Allocation Strategies Than You Think Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020
Second, an investor’s optimal simple allocation Exhibit 2
strategy depends on whether the investor is a traditional Equity Price Dynamics
investor, who makes positive allocations to both equity
and fixed income, or a more risk-tolerant investor, who 7LPH    
holds a levered equity position. Traditional investors are 
better off with a constant-mix strategy than with buy- 
and-hold. In contrast, more risk-tolerant investors with  
levered equity positions are better off with a buy-and-  
hold strategy than with constant-mix.  

Third, although optimal reallocators are indif-

ferent about a fixed-income allocation to short- or long-
term instruments, this is not the case for investors using
one of the simple allocation strategies. For either simple
strategy, traditional investors are better off allocating to
Exhibit 3
Equity Mean-Reversion Dynamics
a horizon-maturity fixed-income instrument instead of
a sequence of short-term ones, and more risk-tolerant, 7LPH    
levered investors are better off using a sequence of short- 
term instruments instead of a long-term one. 
Investors allocate wealth between equity and  
a fixed-income position. Here, investors may choose    
between two approaches to the fixed-income position.  
In the bills approach, the fixed-income position uses a
rolling sequence of single-period risk-free instruments.   
In the horizon-maturity approach, the fixed-income 
position is a zero-coupon instrument with maturity  
equal to the investment horizon. 
Given the allocation strategy, an investor allocates 
to maximize the expected utility of horizon wealth.
The analysis uses traditional power utility functions of
the form U = 1 - W 1-b, where W is horizon wealth and The bottom half of the tree has the same structure.
b denotes the degree of CRRA. Guo and Whitelaw At time 0 and at any point in the middle of the tree,
(2006) indicated that power utility describes empirical the probability of moving up (down) is 0.50 (0.50), and
data fairly well and that the average investor’s CRRA the single-period expected equity return is 9% with a
is higher than 1. standard deviation of 15%. As Exhibit 3 shows in the
For the equity, each up-state (down-state) is 1.24 boxes, the single-period expected equity return drops
(0.94) times the prior period’s realized value (dividends (rises) as the equity price rises (drops). Exhibit 3 shows
reinvested), as shown in the three-period binomial tree the up- and down-state probabilities between the times.3
in Exhibit 2.
To illustrate mean reversion, the probability of 3
 The assumed up- and down-state probability structure is
an up-state in the top half of the tree is assumed to arbitrary and selected because the resulting risk-free rate and equity
risk premium dynamics (in Exhibit 4) seem reasonable. This simple
be lower than that of an immediately preceding up-
approach to mean reversion in a binomial framework is sufficient
state. For example, after an up-state with a probability for the three-period illustrations here. Researchers investigating
of 0.50, the probability of a repeat up-state is 0.4333, mean-reversion effects for longer horizons may find the methods of
that of a third consecutive up-state is 0.376, and so on. Nelson and Ramaswamy (1990) and Hahn and Dyer (2008) helpful.

Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020 The Journal of Portfolio Management   161

Exhibit 4 two-period zero-coupon instrument that pays 100 at
Risk-Free Rate and Equity Risk Premium Dynamics time 2 regardless of which state occurs. This instrument
becomes a single-period one at time 1. The time-1 up-
Time: 0 1 2 3 state (down-state) risk-free rate of 3% (5%) implies the
instrument’s time-1 price is 100/1.03 = 97.09 (100/1.05 =
1.375% 2.375%
2.14% 3.14%
95.24). These time-1 prices may be replicated by a time-0
3% 4% 3% 4%
investment of 6.164 in equity and 86.004 in the single-
4% 5% 4% 5%
period risk-free instrument yielding 4%. Therefore,
5% 6% 5% 6% the time-0 no-arbitrage price of the two-period, zero-
5.86% 6.86% coupon instrument is 6.164 + 86.004 = 92.17, implying
6.625% 7.625% a compound yield-to-maturity of (100/92.17) 0.50 -
1 = 0.0416, or 4.16% per period. By a similar process,
the time-0 yield-to-maturity on a three-period, zero-
The time-0 single-period risk-free rate is 4%, and coupon instrument is 4.30% per period.6
thus the time-0 equity risk premium is 5%.4 A change For the optimal reallocation strategy, the solution
in the expected equity return implies the same change involves finding the optimal allocations for each state at
in the equity risk premium if the risk-free rate is con- the last time before the horizon and then working back-
stant and the same change in the risk-free rate if the ward using trial and error to find the optimal alloca-
equity risk premium is constant. Neither of these two tions for all states at each time, until finding the optimal
extreme cases seems reasonable because in reality both time-0 allocation. For the bills approach, this process
the risk-free rate and the equity risk premium f luctuate results in the following solution for an investor with
with market conditions. Therefore, this analysis uses an b = 4: time-2 equity allocations of 41.9% in the up-state,
intermediate setting in which a change in the expected 61.7% in the mid-state, and 84.0% in the down-state;
equity return is ref lected in equal changes in both the time-1 equity allocations of 58.2% in the up-state and
risk-free rate and the equity risk premium. For example, 81.4% in the down-state; and a time-0 equity allocation
if the expected equity return drops by 200 bps, the risk- of 77.2%. The buy-and-hold and constant-mix strategies
free rate and the equity risk premium each drop by are much easier because they only involve solving for
100 bps. Exhibit 4 shows the binomial tree dynamics the optimal time-0 allocation directly by trial and error
for the short-term risk-free rate (outside the boxes) and using several equations for horizon wealth.7
the equity risk premium (inside the boxes).
The uncertainty in the short-term risk-free rate positively correlated with equity returns. This feature is consistent
implies an upward-sloping yield curve for longer-term with the positive empirical correlation found by Viceira (2012).
risk-free instruments. The yield-to-maturity of a two- Although the integration of fixed-income and equity markets is a
period (three-period) zero-coupon instrument is 4.16% reasonable assumption, the connection between fixed-income and
equity returns here is admittedly a considerable simplification of the
(4.30%). This yield curve occurs because longer-term story by Viceira (2012), especially regarding business cycle effects.
instruments are redundant and may be engineered via 6
 The replication of the three-period instrument, going for-
a no-arbitrage dynamic replication using equity and ward, starts at time 0 with 100/1.04303 = 88.13, which is allocated
single-period instruments.5 For example, consider a 11.02 to equity and 77.11 to the single-period instrument yielding 4%.
The time-1 up-state (down-state) outcome is 93.86 (90.56). Real-
locate at the time-1 up-state (down-state) to 5.83 in equity and
 The 4% short-term risk-free rate is not too far from the 88.03 in a single-period instrument (5.63 in equity and 84.93 in a
long-run average three-month Treasury rate (http://pages.stern single-period instrument). The time-2 outcomes are 97.90, 96.15, and 94.46 in the up-, mid-, and down-state, respectively. At time
The equity risk premium of 9% - 4% = 5% is slightly below the 2, reallocate to 100% in the single-period instrument and collect
historical average (same site), but it is in line with ex ante estimates 100 regardless of the state outcome at time 3.
(e.g., Welch 2009).  Equations for the two-period horizon wealth for each
 Equity is used in the replication because the framework strategy are shown in the Appendix. These equations are sufficient
is a single-factor one, in which equity innovations drive the risk- to help clarify the computational details for the interested reader.
free rate innovations. Given this simple one-factor framework, the The equations for the three-period horizon wealth are analogous
periodic rate of return on multiperiod fixed-income instruments is but are longer and more numerous.

162   Buy-and-Hold and Constant-Mix May Be Better Allocation Strategies Than You Think Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020
Exhibit 5
Optimal Initial Equity Allocations: Three-Period Horizon

Bills Approach Horizon-Maturity Approach

Single- Optimal Buy-and- Constant- Optimal Buy-and- Constant-
b Period Reallocation Hold Mix Reallocation Hold Mix

1.50 1.703 1.817 1.818 1.808 1.934 1.871 1.859

2 1.262 1.406 1.408 1.383 1.464 1.432 1.405
2.50 1.001 1.155 1.146 1.123 1.177 1.152 1.129
3 0.829 0.986 0.966 0.948 0.984 0.960 0.943
3.50 0.708 0.864 0.836 0.823 0.845 0.822 0.809
4 0.617 0.772 0.739 0.729 0.739 0.718 0.709
4.50 0.547 0.701 0.663 0.655 0.658 0.637 0.630
5 0.491 0.642 0.602 0.596 0.591 0.573 0.568
6 0.408 0.557 0.511 0.508 0.494 0.476 0.473
8 0.305 0.450 0.398 0.397 0.371 0.355 0.355
10 0.243 0.385 0.330 0.330 0.297 0.283 0.284
12 0.202 0.342 0.286 0.286 0.248 0.235 0.237

ALLOCATION RESULTS a buy-and-holder’s with the horizon-maturity approach

for b = 10 or 12.
For degrees of risk aversion ranging from b = 1.50 Despite these observed patterns, practical invest-
to b = 12, Exhibit 5 summarizes the optimal initial ment managers might not regard the three strategies’
equity allocations of the three strategies for the three- allocations as being hugely different, especially for the
period horizon. For comparison purposes, Exhibit 5 first horizon-maturity approach. For example, for b = 4 for
shows the optimal single-period equity allocation, for the horizon-maturity approach, the allocations shown
which there is no distinction among the three strate- (shaded) in Exhibit 5 are as follows: for optimal real-
gies. The next three columns show the optimal initial location, 73.9% (with 26.1% to the three-period zero-
equity allocations for the three strategies for the bills coupon instrument); for buy-and-hold, 71.8% (with
approach to the fixed-income allocation. The last three 28.2% to the three-period zero-coupon instrument);
columns show the optimal initial equity allocations for and for constant-mix, 70.9% (with 29.1% to the three-
the horizon-maturity approach to the fixed-income period zero-coupon instrument). For b = 4 for the bills
allocation. approach, the allocations (shaded) are as follows: for
For both the bills and horizon-maturity approaches, optimal reallocation, 77.2% (with 22.8% to the single-
Exhibit 5 shows several patterns among the initial equity period instrument); for buy-and-hold, 73.9% (with 26.1%
allocations of the three strategies. First, all three strate- to the single-period instrument); and for constant-mix,
gies involve the horizon effect of allocating more to 72.9% (with 27.1% to the single-period instrument).
equity for the three-period horizon than for the single-
period horizon, regardless of the degree of risk aversion.
The Economic Cost of the Simple
Second, an optimal reallocator’s initial equity alloca-
Allocation Strategies
tion tends to be higher than that of a buy-and-holder
or a constant-mixer. The only exceptions are that an By definition, optimal reallocation is the best
optimal reallocator’s initial equity allocation is slightly strategy (in terms of expected utility of horizon wealth)
lower than a buy-and-holder’s with the bills approach for either the bills or horizon-maturity approaches to the
for b = 1.5 or 2. Third, a buy-and-holder’s optimal ini- fixed-income allocation. Following Larsen and Munk
tial equity allocation tends to be higher than that of a (2012), this study quantifies the cost of each simple
constant-mixer. The only exceptions are that a constant- strategy as the percentage of initial wealth that would
mixer’s initial equity allocation is slightly higher than result in the same expected utility of horizon wealth

Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020 The Journal of Portfolio Management   163

Exhibit 6
Cost (%) of Simple Strategies versus Optimal Reallocation: Three-Period Horizon

Bills Approach Horizon-Maturity Approach

Buy-and-Hold Constant-Mix Buy-and-Hold Constant-Mix
b Equity Cost (%) Equity Cost (%) Equity Cost (%) Equity Cost (%)
1.50 1.818 0.03% 1.808 0.27% 1.871 0.05% 1.859 0.28%
2 1.408 0.09% 1.383 0.21% 1.432 0.11% 1.405 0.21%
2.50 1.146 0.14% 1.123 0.18% 1.152 0.15% 1.129 0.18%
3 0.966 0.17% 0.948 0.15% 0.960 0.17% 0.943 0.15%
3.50 0.836 0.18% 0.823 0.14% 0.822 0.17% 0.809 0.13%
4 0.739 0.18% 0.729 0.13% 0.718 0.17% 0.709 0.12%
4.50 0.663 0.19% 0.655 0.12% 0.637 0.16% 0.630 0.10%
5 0.602 0.19% 0.596 0.11% 0.573 0.16% 0.568 0.09%
6 0.511 0.19% 0.508 0.10% 0.476 0.15% 0.473 0.08%
8 0.398 0.18% 0.397 0.10% 0.355 0.13% 0.355 0.06%
10 0.330 0.19% 0.330 0.10% 0.283 0.11% 0.284 0.05%
12 0.286 0.19% 0.286 0.11% 0.235 0.09% 0.237 0.04%

as the optimal reallocation strategy. Trading costs of Buy-and-Hold versus Constant-Mix

reallocating/rebalancing are not considered in the cost
estimates. Exhibit 6 shows that the economic cost for the
The results are shown in Exhibit 6. For the bills and buy-and-hold strategy tends to be lower than that for
horizon-maturity approaches for each simple strategy, the constant-mix strategy for levered investors (with
Exhibit 6 shows the initial equity allocations (again, for initial equity allocations greater than 100%) and higher
convenience) and the percentage cost of the strategy. than that for the constant-mix strategy for traditional
Overall, the cost of either simple strategy seems investors (with positive initial fixed-income allocations).
relatively small. For example, assume an initial wealth These findings should interest investment managers
of $1. For b = 4 with the bills approach, the buy-and- and applied researchers because they imply that buy-
hold strategy has an initial equity allocation of 73.9%; and-hold is superior to constant-mix for levered inves-
with initial wealth of $1.0018, the expected utility of tors, but constant-mix is superior to buy-and-hold for
horizon wealth is equal to that of the optimal realloca- traditional investors, as indicated by the boldfacing in
tion strategy. Therefore, Exhibit 6 shows that the buy- Exhibit 6 of the initial equity allocations with the higher
and-hold strategy’s cost is 0.18%, or $1.80 per $1,000 expected utility of horizon wealth.
invested. The constant-mix strategy has an initial equity These findings are due to the difference between
allocation of 72.9%, and with initial wealth of $1.0013, the two simple strategies’ expectations and dispersion of
the expected utility of horizon wealth is equal to that of horizon wealth. First, think about an investor with an
the optimal reallocation strategy. Therefore, Exhibit 6 initial equity allocation of 100%. For this allocation, the
shows the constant-mix strategy’s cost is 0.13%, or $1.30 buy-and-hold and constant-mix strategies are the same
per $1,000 invested. and therefore have the same expected wealth, dispersion
Exhibit 6 shows that as risk aversion increases, the of wealth, and expected utility of wealth. For a tradi-
buy-and-hold strategy’s cost tends to rise at first for both tional investor with positive allocations in both equity
fixed-income approaches and then level-off for the bills and fixed income, the expected horizon wealth is higher
approach and drop for the horizon-maturity approach. with the buy-and-hold strategy than with the constant-
In contrast, the constant-mix strategy’s cost tends to mix strategy, but so is the dispersion of horizon wealth
drop as risk aversion increases for both fixed-income outcomes. For example, for b = 4 for the bills approach,
approaches. the optimal buy-and-hold (constant-mix) strategy has an
expected horizon wealth of 1.244 (1.242) with a standard

164   Buy-and-Hold and Constant-Mix May Be Better Allocation Strategies Than You Think Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020
deviation of 0.197 (0.188). Because of this traditional allocation is positive and with the horizon-maturity
investor’s relatively high aversion to dispersion risk, the approach when the fixed-income allocation is negative.9
constant-mix strategy yields a higher expected utility Both simple allocation strategies have the same
of wealth than the buy-and-hold strategy, even though general pattern as optimal reallocation: The equity
buy-and-hold has the higher expected horizon wealth.8 allocation is higher for the bills approach than for the
For an investor with a levered equity allocation, horizon-maturity approach for traditional investors
the dispersion of horizon wealth outcomes is lower with (those with positive allocations to fixed income) and is
the buy-and-hold strategy than with the constant-mix higher for the horizon-maturity approach than for the
strategy. For example, for b = 2 for the bills approach, bills approach for levered investors. The primary source
the optimal buy-and-hold (constant-mix) strategy has an of the pattern is again that a three-period fixed-income
expected horizon wealth of 1.352 (1.350) with a stan- instrument can be replicated by a dynamic combination
dard deviation of 0.389 (0.399). With a higher expected of equity and single-period risk-free instruments.
horizon wealth and a lower dispersion, the buy-and-hold However, because the simple strategies do not
strategy gives a higher expected utility of horizon wealth involve the f lexibility to embed the dynamic replica-
than the constant-mix strategy. tion in the allocations, the bills and horizon-maturity
approaches yield a different maximum expected utility
Bills versus Horizon-Maturity of horizon wealth. Based on the economic cost estimates
Approach to Fixed-Income Allocation in Exhibit 6 for both simple strategies, the horizon-
maturity approach results in a higher expected utility
Exhibit 6 shows that for each of the three allocation of horizon wealth for the more risk-averse traditional
strategies, the optimal initial equity allocation is higher investors, who make positive allocations to both equity
for the bills approach than for the horizon-maturity and fixed income. The bills approach yields a higher
approach for traditional investors holding positive allo- expected utility of horizon wealth for the more risk-
cations in both equity and fixed income but is higher tolerant investors with levered equity allocations.
for the horizon-maturity approach than for the bills For the two simple strategies, the better of the bills
approach for investors with a levered equity allocation. and horizon-maturity approaches is indicated by the
This observed pattern may be understood by first shading in Exhibit 6 of the initial equity allocations for
noting that optimal reallocators are indifferent between the simple strategy with lower economic cost and thus
the bills and horizon-maturity approaches. The two higher expected utility of horizon wealth.
approaches yield the same expected utility of horizon The explanation for these results is that the risk in
wealth because the f lexible reallocations can embed a the framework, which is driven by the uncertainty of
dynamic replication of a long-term risk-free instrument the equity prices, is priced into long-term fixed-income
via a combination of equity and a sequence of single- instrument yields for the degree of risk aversion of a
period risk-free instruments, as described in the pre- representative investor, who holds a 100% equity alloca-
vious section. This feature is due to the simplicity of the tion. Buy-and-holders and constant-mixers who allo-
one-factor framework used here; more general models cate less than 100% to equity, and are thus more risk
(e.g., Sørensen 1999) suggest that a horizon-maturity averse than a representative investor, find it a bargain to
bond is the best hedge of changes in future investment use the horizon-maturity instrument instead of single-
opportunities. Here, optimal reallocators will have the period instruments for their fixed-income allocation.
same effective equity allocation for either fixed-income
approach, despite having a higher actual equity allo- 9
 The initial equity allocations for the bills and horizon-matu-
cation with the bills approach when the fixed-income rity approaches are therefore related. Letting B and H be the respec-
tive initial equity allocations for the bills and horizon-maturity
approaches and R be the ratio of the initial equity allocation to the
single-period instrument allocation for the synthetic three-period
 Constant-mix has a higher horizon wealth outcome in states fixed-income instrument, the relationship between H and B is
that result from the most reversals, consistent with the Perold and H = B(1 + R) - R. For example, consider b = 4, where B = 0.772 and
Sharpe (1995) illustrations for an investor with a constant mix of H = 0.739. Using numbers from footnote 6, R = 0.1102/0.7711 =
60% equity and 40% bills. 0.1429. Thus, H = 0.772(1.1429) - 0.1429 = 0.739.

Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020 The Journal of Portfolio Management   165

Buy-and-holders and constant-mixers who allocate COMPARISON WITH OTHER BASE CASES
more than 100% to equity, and are thus less risk averse
than a representative investor, find it better to lever How do the study’s main results, presented in the
with a sequence of single-period instruments and avoid previous section, compare to those for two other base
overpaying for leverage by borrowing with a long-term cases: (1) the classic model in which equity follows a
instrument.10 random walk and the risk-free rate is constant and (2) the
The fixed-income allocation findings are inter- Samuelson (1991) case in which equity is mean reverting
esting and may be useful to investment managers. It is and the risk-free rate is constant?
natural to ask whether the results are generalizable to First, if equity follows a random walk and the
richer models than the single-factor one used here. That risk-free rate is constant, the constant-mix strategy is
remains for future research to determine, but in any optimal, and so the economic cost of using this simple
model there should be a difference between the expected strategy is zero. In this classic model, Jagannathan and
utility of horizon wealth for the bills and horizon- Kocherlakota (1996), Barberis (2000), and Campbell and
maturity approaches for the two simple allocation Viceira (2002b, p. 26) indicated that buy-and-holders
strategies. The reason is that the simple strategies do not have horizon effects, but the effects are practically negli-
permit investors to embed the replication of a long-term gible for typical equity risk premium and volatility levels.
fixed-income instrument into the allocations. Therefore, the economic cost of using the buy-and-hold
strategy is negligible in the random-walk setting with a
constant risk-free rate.11 In general, the economic cost
Summary: Optimal Alternatives for the
of using a simple allocation strategy is zero or negligible
Simple Allocation Strategies
in the classic model case.
For traditional investors, who allocate less than Next, consider the case in which equity is mean
100% to equity, the previous subsections establish that reverting and the risk-free rate in constant. This is the
the constant-mix strategy is better than the buy-and- case developed by Samuelson (1991) and illuminated
hold strategy, and the horizon-maturity approach is by Kritzman (1994, 2015). An important distinction
better than the bills approach. Therefore, constant-mix between this case and the uncertain risk-free rate case
with the horizon-maturity approach is the best of the presented earlier is that the yield curve is f lat with a
four simple strategy alternatives for traditional investors. constant risk-free rate, and there is no effective distinc-
Similarly, for levered investors, who allocate more than tion between the bills and horizon-maturity approaches
100% to equity, the buy-and-hold strategy is better than to fixed-income allocation.
the constant-mix strategy, and the bills approach is better Exhibit 7 shows the three-period optimal initial
than the horizon-maturity approach. Therefore, the allocations for the three strategies when the risk-free rate
buy-and-hold strategy with the bills approach is the best is a constant 4%. The bold numbers in Exhibit 7 indi-
of the four simple strategy alternatives for levered inves- cate a finding like that in Exhibit 6: that constant-mix
tors. The boldface, shaded outcomes in Exhibit 6 indi- is better than buy-and-hold for investors with positive
cate these optimal simple allocation strategy alternatives. fixed-income allocations, and buy-and-hold is better
than constant-mix for investors with levered equity
 The lending by traditional investors and the borrowing by positions.
levered investors must net to zero. This model feature defines the One can see in Exhibit 7 the Samuelson (1991)
representative investor as one with an equity allocation of 100%. horizon effect that an optimal reallocator with b > 1
Theoretical models of multiperiod equilibrium (e.g., Rubinstein allocates more to mean-reverting equity for a longer
1981) feature only optimal reallocators. Nevertheless, a model that
formally includes buy-and-holders and constant-mixers would
horizon if the risk-free rate is constant. Samuelson (1991)
retain the restriction that the net of all lending and borrowing is and Barberis (2000) explained that optimal realloca-
zero, and thus the representative investor would have an equity tors hold more in mean-reverting equities for longer
allocation of 100%. Note that balancing demand for long-term
lending by traditional constant-mixers and short-term borrowing
by levered buy-and-holders would be reconciled by viewing the  Van Eaton and Conover (1998) showed nonnegligible buy-
long-term fixed-income instrument as a synthetic combination of and-hold horizon effects in the classic model, which are due to
equity and the short-term instrument. an unusually high equity volatility assumption of 54% per period.

166   Buy-and-Hold and Constant-Mix May Be Better Allocation Strategies Than You Think Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020
Exhibit 7 is constant (uncertain). However, the differences are of
Optimal Initial Equity Allocations: Three-Period a similar order of magnitude. Therefore, the economic
Horizon and Constant Risk-Free Rate cost of using the buy-and-hold strategy is roughly the
same for the certain and uncertain risk-free rate cases.
Single- Optimal Buy-and- Constant- Exhibit 7 also shows that constant-mixers allocate
b Period Reallocation Hold Mix more to mean-reverting equity for longer horizons if the
1.5 1.703 1.852 1.994 1.852 risk-free rate is constant. As for buy-and-holders, con-
2 1.262 1.430 1.532 1.434 stant mixers’ initial equity allocation is higher (lower)
2.5 1.001 1.162 1.235 1.168
than optimal reallocators’ when the risk-free rate is con-
3 0.829 0.977 1.029 0.984
stant (uncertain). However, the differences are much
3.5 0.708 0.843 0.881 0.850
4 0.617 0.742 0.770 0.748
smaller for the constant risk-free rate case than for the
4.5 0.547 0.661 0.683 0.668 uncertain risk-free rate case. Therefore, the economic
5 0.491 0.596 0.614 0.603 cost of using the constant-mix strategy is higher in the
6 0.408 0.499 0.510 0.505 uncertain risk-free rate case than in the constant risk-
8 0.305 0.375 0.380 0.381 free rate case.
10 0.243 0.301 0.303 0.306 The economic cost of using a simple allocation
12 0.202 0.251 0.252 0.255 strategy when equity is mean reverting is thus generally
a bit higher if the risk-free rate is uncertain rather than
constant. Nevertheless, this article’s main point is that
horizons (if b > 1) to hedge the uncertainty in future
the cost is relatively modest even in the more realistic
investment opportunities in the sense of Merton (1973).
case in which interest rates are uncertain.
The optimal reallocators’ initial equity allocations
These interesting comparisons of the allocations
in Exhibit 7 are lower than those in Exhibit 5 for tradi-
for the constant and uncertain risk-free rate cases may be
tional investors, with positive initial fixed-income allo-
leads for future applied research seeking a deeper under-
cations (b ≥ 3), and are higher than those in Exhibit 5 for
standing of dynamic allocation strategies. This study’s
levered investors (b ≤ 2.5). The explanation is that the
binomial model with three periods is a starting point
traditional investors’ hedging demand is higher when the
that keeps the analysis manageable and accessible. Future
risk-free rate is uncertain and the Bills approach is used
research may be able to shed more light on the issues
than if the risk-free rate is constant; for levered optimal
by extending the analysis to more periods. However,
reallocators, the opposite holds.
modeling equity mean reversion in a binomial frame-
In contrast, the optimal reallocators’ initial equity
work with more periods is more difficult. Perhaps fur-
allocations in Exhibit 7 are relatively close to those in
ther progress is possible using techniques such as Monte
Exhibit 5 for the horizon-maturity approach. The reason
Carlo or block bootstrapping simulation, or approaches
is that the three-period risk-free instrument has a risky
like those by Nelson and Ramaswamy (1990) and Hahn
component that is effectively like equity, as explained
and Dyer (2008).
earlier. Thus, some of the hedging demand when the
risk-free rate is uncertain is met with the fixed-income
allocation if the horizon-maturity approach is used. CONCLUSION
Exhibit 7 also shows that buy-and-holders allocate
Recent academic models of dynamic allocation for
more to mean-reverting equity for longer horizons if the
mean-reverting equity show that a higher equity alloca-
risk-free rate is constant, consistent with the buy-and-
tion is optimal for a longer horizon for an investor with
hold horizon effect identified by Kritzman (1994, 2015)
a typical level of risk aversion who optimally reallocates
and Barberis (2000). Barberis (2000) explained that buy-
through time. Equity mean reversion has substantial
and-holders view mean-reverting equity as cumulatively
empirical support, but the dynamic optimal reallocation
less risky for longer horizons, and so they allocate more
strategy is relatively difficult for real-world investors to
to equity for longer horizons than for shorter horizons.
implement. This article therefore investigates the useful-
Buy-and-holders’ initial equity allocation is higher
ness of two strategies that are easier to apply: buy-and-
(lower) than optimal reallocators’ when the risk-free rate
hold and constant-mix.

Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020 The Journal of Portfolio Management   167

The study uses three-period binomial illustrations time-0 equity allocation for the two-period horizon is deter-
of allocating between mean-reverting equity and a fixed- mined by first finding the optimal time-1 equity allocations
income position when the risk-free rate is uncertain. for the up- and down-states, w 1u and w 1d, and then working
The illustrations use reasonable assumptions for the risk- backwards to find the w 0 that maximizes the expected utility
free rate, the equity risk premium, and equity volatility. of time-2 horizon wealth, given w 1u and w 1d.
The goal is to develop insights that may be useful to
investment managers and applied researchers. Bills Approach
The following interesting findings are potentially
useful to investment managers. (1) The economic cost For the bills approach, the possible two-period horizon
wealth outcomes of an investor are shown in Equations A1a
of using a simpler strategy is relatively small when mea-
to A1d for a buy-and-holder, in Equations A2a to A2d for a
sured in terms of the wealth equivalent of the loss in
constant-mixer, and in Equations A3a to A3d for an optimal
the expected utility of horizon wealth versus that of the reallocator. The outcome probabilities are 0.2167, 0.2833,
optimal reallocation strategy; investment managers who 0.2833, and 0.2167, respectively.
prefer using a simple strategy may find these results reas-
suring. (2) Traditional investors, who have positive allo-
cations to both equity and fixed income, would prefer a
constant-mix strategy to a buy-and-hold strategy and a [1.5376w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 + 0.03)(1 – w 0 )] (A1a)
horizon-maturity fixed-income position to a sequence
of single-period fixed-income positions. (3) More risk- [1.1656w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 + 0.03)(1 – w 0 )] (A1b)
tolerant investors with levered equity positions would
prefer a buy-and-hold strategy to a constant-mix strategy
[1.1656w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 + 0.05)(1 – w 0 )] (A1c)
and a sequence of single-period fixed-income positions
to a horizon-maturity position.
[0.8836w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 + 0.05)(1 – w 0 )] (A1d)
As with academic models of optimal reallocation,
this article also finds that for either buy-and-hold or
constant-mix, a typical investor’s optimal equity alloca- Constant-Mixer
tion is higher for a longer horizon. Interestingly, the buy-
and-hold and constant-mix strategies tend to involve [1.24w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [1.24w 0 + (1 + 0.03)(1 – w 0 )]

lower optimal initial equity allocations than an optimal (A2a)
reallocator’s if the risk-free rate is uncertain, but the
reverse holds if the risk-free rate constant. This horizon [1.24w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [0.94w 0 + (1 + 0.03)(1 – w 0 )]

effect finding may be of interest to applied researchers. (A2b)

Although this article uses a reasonable set of
assumptions, a caveat is that findings based on illustra- [0.94w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [1.24w 0 + (1 + 0.05)(1 – w 0 )]

tions are not necessarily general. A further limitation is
the use of only three periods. Nevertheless, the results
are interesting and may be useful to future researchers [0.94w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [0.94w 0 + (1 + 0.05)(1 – w 0 )]
in developing more general models and investigating (A2d)
longer horizons.

Optimal Reallocator
[1.24w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [1.24w1u + (1 + 0.03)(1 – w1u )]
The Appendix shows equations for two-period horizon
wealth assuming a time-0 wealth of 1. The optimal time-0
equity allocation percentage is denoted w 0. The solutions
[1.24w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [0.94w1u + (1 + 0.03)(1 – w1u )]
for w 0 for a buy-and-holder and a constant-mixer are found
using straightforward trial and error. An optimal reallocator’s (A3b)

168   Buy-and-Hold and Constant-Mix May Be Better Allocation Strategies Than You Think Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020
[0.94w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [1.24w1d + (1 + 0.05)(1 – w1d )] Optimal Reallocator

[1.24w 0 + (1 + 0.0534)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [1.24w1u + (1 + 0.03)(1 – w1u )]

[0.94w 0 + (1 + 0.04)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [0.94w1d + (1 + 0.05)(1 – w1d )]
[1.24w 0 + (1 + 0.0534)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [0.94w1u + (1 + 0.03)(1 – w1u )]
Horizon-Maturity Approach
  [0.94w 0 + (1 + 0.0333)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [1.24w1d + (1 + 0.05)(1 – w1d )]
For the horizon-maturity approach, the possible out- (A6c)
comes for horizon wealth of an investor with a two-period
horizon are shown in Equations A4a to A4c for a buy-and-
[0.94w 0 + (1 + 0.0333)(1 – w 0 )] ⋅ [0.94w1d + (1 + 0.05)(1 – w1d )]
holder, in Equations A5a to A5d for a constant-mixer, and in
Equations A6a to A6d for an optimal reallocator.
As shown in the text, the yield-to-maturity of a two-
period, zero-coupon risk-free instrument is 4.16%. For a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
two-period constant-mixer or reallocator using the horizon-
maturity approach, the two-period instrument’s period-1 Thanks to Carmelo Giaccotto, Chris Piros, and an
rates of return are 0.0534 (= 97.09/92.17 - 1) and 0.0333 anonymous reviewer for helpful comments and suggestions.
(= 95.24/92.17 - 1), using prices shown in the text.
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170   Buy-and-Hold and Constant-Mix May Be Better Allocation Strategies Than You Think Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020

Buy and Hold Versus Timing Strategies:

The Winner Is …
Todd Feldman, A lan Jung, and Jim K lein
The Journal of Portfolio Management
ABSTRACT: The authors propose three simple market-timing
strategies and compare them to other commonly known strategies, such
as the yield curve, earnings yield vs. Treasury yield, Shiller CAPE,
and S&P 500 200-day simple moving average. The first strategy
uses the leading economic indicator (LEI) from the Conference Board.
The other two use sentiment indexes from the Baker-Wurger index
and the Feldman perceived loss index to trigger the switch between the
S&P 500 and three-month Treasury bills. The Conference Board’s
LEI strategy earns the highest return of the three strategies, beating
the benchmark strategy, which consists of simply holding the S&P
500, by 1.66% per year from 1970 to 2012. Corresponding monthly
returns are significantly different from those of the benchmark strategy
at the 10% level. The authors also combine strategies and find that a
mix of both fundamental and technical strategies produces even greater
returns than does any single market timing strategy. The combina-
tion of the Conference Board LEI and S&P 500 200-day moving
average beats the benchmark strategy by 2.76% annually. Lastly, they
find that the Shiller CAPE underperforms all of the market-timing
strategies in question, as well as the S&P 500 benchmark strategy.

Multi-Asset Special Issue 2020 The Journal of Portfolio Management   171

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