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Grammar: present simple and continuous


Do people in your country A Are you thinking about

✔ going on holiday soon?
work on Sundays?

C Do you have many public ✔
✘ holidays in your country?
B What do you usually do
to relax?

✔ D Are you checking your
✘ emails everyday?

E Are you F Are you drinking a lot of
listening to ✘ tea or coffee?
music when you
work or study?

G ✔
Are you liking football?

I Do you read a book at H Do you travel more at the

the moment? ✘ weekend or in the week?

✔ ✔ J
Are you usually sleeping well?

K What time do people ✘
start and finish work in
your country? ✘
Read the questions. If the grammar is correct, follow the black arrow. If the grammar is incorrect,
follow the dotted arrow to the next box.
Write the order here: Start ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Finish
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