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ISP Java Coding Practices Version 0.1 03.


General practices
1. Commit messages should be in english.
a. E.g: git commit -m “Added implementation for ex1”
2. Class / variables names should be in english
a. E.g: UserService, age, nrOfEmployees
3. Format the code. Use the shortcut:
a. Windows: CTRL + ALT + L
b. Ubuntu: CTRL + ALT + WINDOWS + L
4. Project code location vs Tests code location
a. Project code is written under src/main/java package
b. Tests code is written under src/test/java package

Coding style

● Format the code using IDE shortcuts.

ISP Java Coding Practices Version 0.1 03.2020

Curly braces
Generally, is a good practice to use curly braces even with a single instruction.

TODO’s that are fixed should be removed from code.

Types / Variables
CamelCase for types, camelCase for variables, SNAKE_CASE for constants

ISP Java Coding Practices Version 0.1 03.2020

Modifiers orders
The order of modifiers should be:

For fields\methods:

@Annotation​ ​public​ ​protected​ ​private​ ​static​ ​final​ ​transient​ ​volatile

@Annotation​ ​public​ ​protected​ ​private​ ​abstract​ ​static​ ​final​ ​synchronized​ ​native​ ​strictfp

Access modifiers
Use ​private ​access modifier for class variables. States should be changed using ​setter
methods. State should be retrieved using ​getter​ methods.

Use ​protected ​access modifier for class variables only when the class is extended by
different class.

ISP Java Coding Practices Version 0.1 03.2020

Variable names length

Extremely short variable names should be reserved for instances like loop indices.

ISP Java Coding Practices Version 0.1 03.2020

Include units in variable names

Space pad, operators and equals

ISP Java Coding Practices Version 0.1 03.2020

Documenting a class
A class doc usually has at least one sentence summary. If the class has a more
complicated behavior, then a more detailed explanation may be needed.

There can also be code examples in the detailed explanation.

Documenting a method
The method doc should explain what the method does. We shouldn't include
documentation that doesn't tell nothing that the method declaration didn't.

ISP Java Coding Practices Version 0.1 03.2020

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