Phys 211 12. Electricity

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At the end of the topic, the students can able to perform the following :

a.) Explain comprehensively how electrical charges behave in a given region.

b.) Compute the forces between charges accurately and independently using Coulomb’s law.


Electricity is a phenomenon cause by the presence of movement of electrically charged particles that
exerts an electric force. Electricity is a part of our daily lives. The word “ electricity “ comes from the word “ electrons
“, a Greek word for amber, a substance used in the earliest studies of electricity. Two forms of electricity: Electrostatic
electricity is characterized by the accumulation of charges of electricity on the surface of substances. Like the rubbing
of two materials to produce charges. The other, Electrodynamics is characterized by a flow of electrons through
conductor. Our basic needs for power to run our so many numbers of machines have been dependent largely on


The atomic structure of matter gives us the idea how charges move. An atom is made up of the nucleus
consisting of neutrons and protons which are neutral and positive in charge respectively. Around the nucleus are
electrons with negative charges. If an electron leaves one of the atom, another electron must move in from a different
atom to maintain the neutrality of the first atom. Every atom consists of equal number of electrons and protons,
thus, it is neutral charge.
Electrostatic is electricity at rest. Normally done by rubbing two material like silk and glass rod or rubber with
wool. . When rubbing is applied with the two substances, some electrons are transferred and accumulate at the
surface of the substance. . If a substance receive an electrons from another, the substance is said to be negatively
charged. While a substance loses free electrons, it is said to be positively charged.
Electric charge, q is the basic physical property carried by certain sub atomic particle called electron. The unit
of charges is Coulomb, C.
Law of charges
1. like charges repel one another.
2. unlike charges attract one another
Coulomb’s Law
The electrical force of repulsion or attraction between two charged bodies depend upon the amount of
charge on each and the distance between these interacting charges. The force between two charges is proportional
to the product of the charges and inversely with the square of the distance in between them.

Coulomb’s Law formula : F = K q1 q2


Where : F = is the force of attraction or repulsion, Newton

K = constant = 9 x 109 Nm2 /C2
q = are the two charges, Coulomb.
r = distance between the two charges

Note: a. ) 1 Coulomb = 6.25 x 1018 electrons

b.) 1 μcoulomb = 1 x 10 – 6 coulomb

Clinical Application

1. Electrocardiography – a technique for analyzing the condition of the heart. As the muscle cell in the heart
contracts, positive and negative charges are separated. This because the electric charges on the heart exert
forces on ions in the body surface that cause the ions to move. An electrocardiogram (ECG ) is a recording
of the charge separating on the body’s surface caused by the electric charge of the heart.

2. Removing blankets and sheets from the bed will build up electric charges through the hands
that should be discharged by touching a grounded object before touching others.

3. All equipment used in the operating room, including the operating table, should be grounded. Grounding
is produced by means of a chain or cable leading from the apparatus to a water pipe that makes contact with
the earth. In this way static charges are drained off.

4. Because dry air tends to promote an accumulation of static electricity, a high relative humidity in the
operating room will help to prevent spark formation. It is a practice in some operating room to wrap
a damp cloth around the feet of the operating tables to allow easier passages of charges from the table
to the floor.
Example 1. Find the force between two charges of + 10 μC and 50 μC located 0.5 meter apart in air. Is it repulsive
or attractive
Note : 1 coulomb = 1 x 10- 6 C

Solution :
F = K Q1 Q 2

F = 9 x 10 9 Nm2 / C2 (10 x 10-6 C ) ( 50 x 10-6 C )

( 0.5m ) 2

F = 18 N ( attraction )


An electric field is defined as a region in which there would be a force upon a charge brought into that region.
It is the region that surrounds a certain charged body similar to the effect of a magnet. The direction of an electric
field at a point is the direction of the force upon a positive charge placed at that point.

The intensity of an electric field E, is the force per unit positive test charge at that point. And written :

Formula : E = F/q

Where : E = electric field intensity, N/C

F = force exerted on positive test charge, N
q = electric charge, coulomb.

Example 1. A charge of 2 μC is placed in an electric field experienced a force of 0.16 N. What is the magnitude of
the electric field intensity ?

Solution : E = F/q

= 0.16 N / ( 2 x 10-6 )

E = 8 x 104 N/C

Electric potential is the potential energy acquire by a unit charge and the usual unit is volt. The potential
difference, V between two points is the ratio of the work, W to move a charge, q between that points. So that

work, (W)
Volt , V = ------------
Charge, (q )

𝟏 𝒋𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒆
Note : a. ) 1 volt =

b. 1ev = 1.6 x 10 – 19 joule


Electric current, I is the flow of electrons through the conducting system. The unit of electric current
Is the Ampere (A). It is the amount of charges, q that pass through conductor per unit of time, t.

In equation, I= q/t

Note : a.) 1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb / sec.

b.) 1 Ampere = 1000 mA

Example 1: A steady current of 10A is maintained in a metal conductor for three minutes. What charge, in coulomb
is transferred through it in that time ?

Solution : I = q/t then,

q = Ixt
= ( 10 A ) ( 180 seconds)
q = 1800 coulomb

Example 2 : Two points in an electric field have a potential difference of 5 volts. What work is required to move
a charge of 0.5 coulomb between this points ?

Solution : V = W/ q
W= Vx q
= ( 5 volts ) ( 0.5 coulomb )
W = 2.5 joules.
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Activity No. 13
Electricity and Coulomb’s Law

Solve the following :

1. How many nanocoulomb are there in 3.65 billion electrons ?

2. A 25 ampere electric current flows in a conductor in 75 millisecond. Find :

a. current equivalent in mA ?
b. How many charges are transferred ?
c. How much work is required to transfer if 3V is applied.

3. A charge of 3.5 μC present in an electric field produces a force of 0.008 Newton. What is the intensity
of the electric field ?

4. A charge of 0.6 μC is placed in an electrostatic field whose intensity is 3 x 10 5 N/C. How strong is the
force acting on the charge ?

5. Two objects are both negatively charge with 0.04 coulomb each and 140 cm apart. What kind of force exist
Between charges? How much ?

6. Find the force that exist between two charges of 8.53 μC and 4.5 μC that 0.25 meters in air ?

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