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The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM | www.prosperity.


Ukraine: Prosperity score 57.9 (78th)

Prosperity over time Safety and Security

85 Natural Environment Personal Freedom

75 Governance
Prosperity score

88th 78th
60 93rd 94th 96th
91st 95th 96th 102nd 105th 99th Health Social Capital
45 Investment
40 Living Conditions Environment
30 Economic Quality Enterprise Conditions
Infrastructure and
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Market Access
Ukraine nth Global Rank Eastern Europe PI Countries

Score Rank - Global (1 to 167) 10-year Rank - Eastern Europe (1 to 23)

Breakdown of performance 2011 10-year trend 2021 2021 rank change 2021

Prosperity score 53.7 57.9 78 13 22

Inclusive Societies 52.6 53.3 91 11 20

Safety and Security 66.9 53.0 134 45 22

Personal Freedom 57.9 61.2 73 11 14

Governance 42.3 48.5 77 28 15

Social Capital 43.5 50.7 102 35 17

Open Economies 42.7 51.4 85 22 22

Investment Environment 38.2 42.6 123 3 23

Enterprise Conditions 38.6 55.7 72 70 15

Infrastructure and Market Access 44.5 58.5 74 15 21

Economic Quality 49.4 48.8 75 10 16

Empowered People 65.8 68.8 65 8 17

Living Conditions 76.1 76.5 76 11 21

Health 63.2 68.7 104 6 23

Education 74.6 77.7 40 5 9

Natural Environment 49.2 52.4 106 25 18

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine (78th): Pillar and element scores

Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021

Safety and Security 66.9 53.0 134 45 22 Personal Freedom 57.9 61.2 73 11 14

War and Civil Conflict 20% 85.6 51.7 149 57 22 Agency 25% 56.5 57.8 77 1 20

Terrorism 15% 99.4 70.7 137 65 23 Freedom of Assembly and Association 20% 76.6 66.6 84 13 18

Politically Related Terror and Violence 30% 58.3 54.2 112 12 21 Freedom of Speech and Access to Information 20% 60.8 67.0 67 39 11

Violent Crime 25% 41.2 41.1 113 6 22 Absence of Legal Discrimination 20% 65.7 61.7 43 9 11

Property Crime 10% 70.8 55.2 103 38 23 Social Tolerance 15% 21.0 51.6 98 64 10

Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021

Governance 42.3 48.5 77 28 15 Social Capital 43.5 50.7 102 35 17

Executive Constraints 15% 38.4 40.5 98 12 15 Personal and Family Relationships 20% 69.7 74.9 62 23 17

Political Accountability 15% 71.5 64.6 85 15 18 Social Networks 20% 44.0 57.9 127 22 21

Rule of Law 15% 39.0 43.6 86 30 16 Interpersonal Trust 20% 49.6 51.5 21 15 2

Government Integrity 20% 27.7 41.8 92 39 18 Institutional Trust 20% 16.1 25.8 161 6 23

Government Effectiveness 20% 40.4 53.5 63 43 15 Civic and Social Participation 20% 38.1 43.4 65 29 3

Regulatory Quality 15% 42.0 47.4 69 24 16

Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021

Investment Environment 38.2 42.6 123 3 23 Enterprise Conditions 38.6 55.7 72 70 15

Property Rights 30% 41.7 47.8 106 16 22 Domestic Market Contestability 30% 45.2 59.6 57 42 12

Investor Protection 20% 28.3 35.9 126 12 23 Environment for Business Creation 25% 48.5 62.4 83 33 14

Contract Enforcement 20% 50.6 57.9 52 13 15 Burden of Regulation 25% 22.4 57.8 64 103 13

Financing Ecosystem 20% 37.9 38.4 142 8 23 Labour Market Flexibility 10% 66.6 63.1 22 10 5

Restrictions on International Investment 10% 23.3 17.8 162 3 23 Price Distortions 10% 6.7 15.0 163 4 23

Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021
Infrastructure and Market
44.5 58.5 74 15 21 Economic Quality 49.4 48.8 75 10 16
Communications 25% 48.8 75.5 78 3 22 Fiscal Sustainability 25% 43.8 34.7 131 8 22

Energy 15% 46.4 57.0 59 12 14 Macroeconomic Stability 10% 49.5 53.1 113 28 22

Water 10% 45.0 45.4 117 2 22 Productivity and Competitiveness 30% 61.3 60.4 61 1 17

Transport 25% 37.3 46.6 73 17 12 Dynamism 15% 21.4 30.7 90 27 18

Border Administration 5% 37.6 48.1 74 36 22 Labour Force Engagement 20% 59.7 60.4 58 6 14

Open Market Scale 5% 10.7 49.2 72 72 17

Import Tariff Barriers 5% 75.4 75.7 61 2 18

Market Distortions 10% 52.9 62.0 72 36 20

Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021

Living Conditions 76.1 76.5 76 11 21 Health 63.2 68.7 104 6 23

Material Resources 20% 88.2 89.9 22 3 6 Behavioural Risk Factors 10% 41.4 44.5 139 6 11

Nutrition 20% 74.4 67.4 101 16 23 Preventative Interventions 15% 69.6 78.7 97 24 17

Basic Services 10% 91.9 89.7 90 24 21 Care Systems 15% 50.5 59.2 69 13 17

Shelter 20% 87.2 83.0 75 15 20 Mental Health 10% 47.4 54.6 130 14 22

Connectedness 15% 48.4 67.0 71 23 17 Physical Health 20% 69.3 69.8 98 2 22

Protection from Harm 15% 64.6 63.0 118 39 23 Longevity 30% 74.8 80.3 99 1 22

Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank Prosperity score Global Rank Eastern Europe Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2021 10-yr rank change 2021

Education 74.6 77.7 40 5 9 Natural Environment 49.2 52.4 106 25 18

Pre-Primary Education 5% 60.2 60.2 77 9 18 Emissions 15% 50.1 49.3 158 1 22

Primary Education 20% 85.7 88.0 66 2 15 Exposure to Air Pollution 15% 64.6 66.9 122 6 18

Secondary Education 30% 69.8 75.7 43 6 11 Forest, Land and Soil 20% 45.6 53.8 25 38 5

Tertiary Education 20% 62.1 61.3 28 4 4 Freshwater 20% 47.5 51.8 103 20 18

Adult Skills 25% 84.3 88.6 8 6 2 Oceans 15% 56.4 56.4 55 8 3

Preservation Efforts 15% 32.9 35.6 126 1 18

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Safety and Security (134th): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

War and Civil Conflict (149th) 20% 85.6 51.7 92 149 Terrorism (137th) 15% 99.4 70.7 72 137
deaths deaths
Two-sided conflict deaths UCDP /1,000,000 0.5 0.000 5.972 1 144 Terrorism deaths GTD /1,000,000 2.0 0.004 0.670 80 128
population population
Civil and ethnic war CSP 1.0 0.0 2.0 1 146 Terrorism injuries GTD /1,000,000 1.0 0.078 0.833 95 120
people incidents
Conflict-driven internal displacement IDMC /1,000,000 1.0 0.0 16,630.9 1 145 Terrorism incidents GTD /1,000,000 0.5 0.035 1.067 66 130
population population
US $ /billion US
Refugees (origin country) UNHCR /1,000,000 1.0 547.2 797.1 114 115 Property cost of terrorism GTD
2010 $
1.0 0.0 1,151.5 1 154

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021
Politically Related Terror and
30% 58.3 54.2 100 112 Violent Crime (113th) 25% 41.2 41.1 107 113
Violence (112th)
Political terror PTS 2.0 3.0 3.0 99 93 Intentional homicides UNODC /100,000 2.0 5.34 6.18 108 123

coding, expert survey,

Extrajudicial killings CIRIGHTS
1.0 1.0 1.0 72 80 Dispute settlement through violence WJP
1.0 0.439 0.573 95 48

Use of torture CIRIGHTS
1.0 0.0 1.0 92 42 Safety walking alone at night Gallup percentage 1.0 38.0 56.0 157 106

coding, index,
Disappearance cases CIRIGHTS 1.0 2.0 1.0 1 129 Physical security of women WomStat 1.0 3.0 4.0 38 105
0-2 0-4

Political imprisonment CIRIGHTS
0.5 2.0 1.0 1 78

One-sided conflict deaths UCDP /1,000,000 0.5 0.000 0.000 1 1

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Property Crime (103rd) 10% 70.8 55.2 65 103 #N/A #N/A ## ##

Property stolen Gallup percentage 2.0 7.0 17.0 16 101

expert survey,
Business costs of crime and violence WEF
0.5 4.98 4.13 66 105

expert survey,
Business costs of organised crime WEF
1.0 4.21 3.87 131 133

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Personal Freedom (73rd): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Freedom of Assembly and

Agency (77th) 25% 56.5 57.8 76 77 20% 76.6 66.6 71 84
Association (84th)
coding, coding,
Personal autonomy and individual rights FH
1.0 11.0 10.0 53 63 Right to associate and organise FH
1.0 9.0 7.0 67 81

expert survey, expert survey,

Due process and rights WJP 1.0 0.434 0.443 86 82 Guarantee of assembly and association WJP 1.0 0.83 0.65 25 66
0-1 0-1

coding, index,
Freedom of movement CIRIGHTS
1.0 3.0 2.0 85 116 Autonomy from the state V-DEM
1.0 0.719 0.765 108 92

Women's agency WomStat
1.0 4.0 4.0 36 36

Freedom from arbitrary interference with expert survey,

WJP 1.0 0.49 0.43 70 76
privacy 0-1

Freedom from forced labour V-DEM
1.0 0.722 0.701 99 100

Government response to slavery GSI
1.0 44.3 53.0 57 44

Satisfaction with freedom Gallup percentage 1.0 43.0 74.1 158 115

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021
Freedom of Speech and Access Absence of Legal
20% 60.8 67.0 106 67 20% 65.7 61.7 34 43
to Information (67th) Discrimination (43rd)
index, expert survey,
Press freedom from government censorship FH 1.0 56.0 53.0 96 86 Equal treatment and absence of discrimination WJP 1.0 0.636 0.673 56 36
0-100 0-1

index, expert survey,

Press freedom from physical repression RsF
1.0 36.8 33.0 116 87 Non-discriminatory civil justice WJP
0.5 0.703 0.691 31 31

expert survey, Freedom from hiring and workplace expert survey,

Freedom of opinion and expression WJP 1.0 0.583 0.613 84 62 WJP 1.0 0.670 0.660 43 44
0-1 discrimination 0-1

coding, coding,
Government media censorship V-DEM 0.5 2.13 2.83 110 62 LGBT rights ILGA 1.0 1.0 1.0 22 42
0-4 0-3

coding, Protection of women's workplace, education coding,

Alternative sources of information V-DEM 1.0 0.660 0.810 120 61 WomStat 1.0 3.0 3.0 16 12
0-4 and family rights 0-8

coding, expert survey,

Political diversity of media perspectives V-DEM
0.5 2.62 2.36 69 90 Freedom of belief and religion WJP
1.0 0.677 0.765 82 31

Government religious intimidation and index,

Pew 1.0 0.05 0.38 57 111
hostility 0-1

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Social Tolerance (98th) 15% 21.0 51.6 162 98 #N/A #N/A ## ##

Perceived tolerance of ethnic minorities Gallup percentage 1.0 33.0 71.1 156 95

Perceived tolerance of LGBT individuals Gallup percentage 1.0 9.3 20.5 120 94

Perceived tolerance of immigrants Gallup percentage 1.0 32.3 62.1 155 96

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Governance (77th): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Executive Constraints (98th) 15% 38.4 40.5 110 98 Political Accountability (85th) 15% 71.5 64.6 70 85
Executive powers are effectively limited by the expert survey, Consensus on democracy and a market expert survey,
WJP 2.0 1.05 1.20 141 123 BTI 1.0 9.0 7.0 48 68
judiciary and legislature 0-3 economy as a goal 1-10

Government powers are subject to expert survey, coding,

WJP 1.0 1.46 1.41 90 92 Political participation and rights FH 0.5 3.0 3.0 66 62
independent and non-governmental checks 0-3 1-7

expert survey, expert survey,

Transition of power is subject to the law WJP
1.0 0.555 0.607 92 72 Democracy level CSP
1.0 6.0 4.0 82 110

index, expert survey,

Military involvement in rule of law and politics FI
0.5 8.30 8.30 34 30 Complaint mechanisms WJP
1.0 0.479 0.561 109 77

Government officials are sanctioned for expert survey,

WJP 1.0 0.315 0.283 133 149
misconduct 0-1

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Rule of Law (86th) 15% 39.0 43.6 116 86 Government Integrity (92nd) 20% 27.7 41.8 131 92

expert survey, expert survey,

Judicial independence WEF 1.0 2.00 2.98 160 120 Use of public office for private gain WJP 1.0 1.06 1.07 127 124
1-7 0-4

expert survey, expert survey,

Civil justice WJP
3.0 2.75 3.08 96 72 Diversion of public funds WEF
1.0 2.17 2.44 151 139

index, expert survey,

Integrity of the legal system FI
2.0 6.07 5.29 72 101 Anti-corruption policy BTI
1.0 4.0 5.0 84 57

expert survey, index,

Efficiency of dispute settlement WEF 0.5 2.3 3.4 164 97 Clientelism V-DEM 1.0 0.609 0.350 101 56
1-7 0-1

Legislative corruption V-DEM
0.5 0.73 1.49 153 96

Judicial corruption V-DEM
0.5 0.89 1.28 161 141

Executive corruption V-DEM
0.5 0.848 0.491 143 82

Public sector corruption V-DEM 0.5 0.779 0.563 129 91

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021
Government Effectiveness
20% 40.4 53.5 106 63 Regulatory Quality (69th) 15% 42.0 47.4 93 69
index, expert survey,
Government quality and credibility WGI
-2.5 - +2.5
2.0 -0.83 -0.30 128 92 Right to information WJP
0.5 0.59 0.51 43 71

expert survey, expert survey,

Prioritisation BTI
1.0 5.0 6.0 86 60 Publicised laws and government data WJP
1.0 0.51 0.60 49 42

expert survey, expert survey,

Efficiency of government spending WEF
0.5 2.56 2.40 138 139 Transparency of government policy WEF
0.5 3.70 4.04 119 69

expert survey, index,

Efficient use of assets BTI
1.0 4.0 6.0 100 47 Budget transparency IBP
0.5 62.0 63.0 38 44

expert survey, index,

Implementation BTI 1.0 6.0 6.0 59 56 Regulatory quality WGI 1.0 -0.57 -0.26 114 93
1-10 -2.5 - +2.5

expert survey, expert survey,

Policy learning BTI
1.0 6.0 7.0 61 35 Enforcement of regulations WJP
1.0 0.422 0.425 116 121

expert survey, Efficiency of legal framework in challenging expert survey,

Policy coordination BTI 1.0 4.0 7.0 129 44 WEF 1.0 2.26 3.02 162 105
1-10 regulations 1-7

expert survey,
Delay in administrative proceedings WJP
1.0 0.504 0.549 64 47

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Social Capital (102nd): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Personal and Family

20% 69.7 74.9 85 62 Social Networks (127th) 20% 44.0 57.9 149 127
Relationships (62nd)
Help from family and friends when in trouble Gallup percentage 2.0 86.0 87.0 54 54 Respect Gallup percentage 2.0 77.0 85.0 136 107

Family give positive energy Gallup percentage 1.0 62.0 69.0 124 93 Opportunity to make friends Gallup percentage 1.0 59.0 68.0 138 140

Helped another household Gallup percentage 0.5 9.0 12.0 117 111

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Interpersonal Trust (21st) 20% 49.6 51.5 36 21 Institutional Trust (161st) 20% 16.1 25.8 167 161

Generalised interpersonal trust GVS percentage 1.0 44.0 30.7 23 36 Confidence in local police Gallup percentage 2.0 30.0 37.0 163 162

expert survey,
Helped a stranger Gallup percentage 0.5 37.0 66.0 134 33 Public trust in politicians WEF
2.0 1.86 2.52 148 112

Confidence in financial institutions and banks Gallup percentage 1.0 20.0 40.0 164 149

Confidence in judicial system and courts Gallup percentage 1.0 17.0 17.0 163 164

Confidence in national government Gallup percentage 1.0 26.0 23.0 153 158

Confidence in military Gallup percentage 0.5 40.0 64.0 155 113

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021
Civic and Social Participation
20% 38.1 43.4 94 65 #N/A #N/A ## ##
Donated money to charity Gallup percentage 1.5 11.0 43.0 143 32

Voter turnout IDEA
1.5 62.0 49.2 81 105

Volunteering Gallup percentage 1.0 30.0 19.0 30 81

Voiced opinion to a public official Gallup percentage 0.5 14.0 24.0 120 40

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Investment Environment (123rd): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Property Rights (106th) 30% 41.7 47.8 122 106 Investor Protection (126th) 20% 28.3 35.9 138 126

expert survey, index,

Protection of property rights WEF
1.0 2.60 3.32 161 150 Strength of insolvency framework WB-DB
1.0 6.5 8.5 103 96

expert survey,
Lawful process for expropriation WJP 1.0 0.370 0.374 150 153 Insolvency recovery rate WB-DB percentage 1.5 8.8 9.0 142 146

expert survey, expert survey,

Intellectual property protection WEF
2.0 2.64 3.36 138 135 Auditing and reporting standards WEF
2.0 3.51 3.86 152 127

index, index,
Quality of land administration WB-DB
1.0 14.5 16.0 79 76 Extent of shareholder governance WB-DB
1.0 4.0 4.0 53 64

index, index,
Procedures to register property WB-DB 1.0 69.40 71.27 57 57 Conflict of interest regulation WB-DB 0.5 3.0 5.7 132 76
0-100 0-10

Regulation of property possession and expert survey,

BTI 1.0 6.0 6.0 88 80
exchange 1-10

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Contract Enforcement (52nd) 20% 50.6 57.9 65 52 Financing Ecosystem (142nd) 20% 37.9 38.4 134 142

Quality of judicial administration WB-DB 1.5 8.0 11.5 66 36 Access to finance WB-ES percentage 1.0 34.7 46.3 114 149

expert survey,
Time to resolve commercial cases WB-DB days 1.0 126.0 126.0 26 19 Financing of SMEs WEF
1.0 2.95 3.35 145 128

expert survey,
Legal costs WB-DB percentage 0.5 13.8 15.4 131 145 Venture capital availability WEF
1.0 1.9 3.0 143 84

expert survey, expert survey,

Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms WJP 1.0 0.660 0.635 79 91 Quality of banking system and capital markets BTI 1.0 7.0 6.0 71 107
0-1 1-10

Commercial bank branches IMF-FAS /100,000 adult 1.0 3.2 0.4 135 167

expert survey,
Soundness of banks WEF
1.0 2.49 3.24 166 156

Depth of credit information WB-DB
0.5 7.0 7.0 22 52

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021
Restrictions on International
10% 23.3 17.8 159 162 #N/A #N/A ## ##
Investment (162nd)
expert survey,
Business impact of rules on FDI WEF
2.0 3.99 3.25 144 158

Capital controls FI percentage 1.0 7.692 0.000 122 154

Freedom to own foreign currency bank index,

FI 1.0 0.0 0.0 137 140
accounts 0-10

Restrictions on financial transactions Chinn-Ito
1.0 0.0 0.0 156 156

expert survey,
Prevalence of foreign ownership of companies WEF 1.0 3.71 3.29 150 153

Freedom of foreigners to visit FI
1.0 4.3 5.9 88 104

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Enterprise Conditions (72nd): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Domestic Market Environment for Business

30% 45.2 59.6 99 57 25% 48.5 62.4 116 83
Contestability (57th) Creation (83rd)
expert survey, Private companies are protected and expert survey,
Market-based competition BTI 1.0 6.0 7.0 70 47 BTI 1.0 6.0 8.0 101 46
1-10 permitted 1-10

expert survey, index,

Anti-monopoly policy BTI 1.0 6.0 7.0 68 50 Ease of starting a business WB-DB 1.0 77.4 91.1 83 57
1-10 0-100

expert survey, expert survey,

Extent of market dominance WEF
1.0 2.85 3.59 151 95 State of cluster development WEF
1.0 2.89 3.45 129 106

Labour skill a business constraint WB-ES percentage 0.5 41.9 37.9 148 148

expert survey,
Availability of skilled workers WEF 0.5 4.53 4.40 43 53

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021
Labour Market Flexibility
Burden of Regulation (64th) 25% 22.4 57.8 167 64 10% 66.6 63.1 12 22
expert survey, expert survey,
Burden of government regulation WEF 1.0 2.59 3.64 153 67 Cooperation in labour-employer relations WEF 1.0 3.91 4.29 136 93
1-7 1-7

expert survey,
Time spent complying with regulations WB-ES percentage 1.0 11.3 10.8 123 125 Flexibility of hiring practices WEF
0.5 4.67 4.32 19 35

Number of tax payments WB-DB number per year 1.0 135.0 5.0 167 5 Redundancy costs WEF weeks 0.5 13.0 13.0 23 50

Time spent filing taxes WB-DB hours per year 1.0 657.0 327.5 157 138 Flexibility of employment contracts WB-DB 1.0 1.00 1.00 1 1

index, expert survey,

Burden of obtaining a building permit WB-DB
1.0 34.6 68.9 154 71 Flexibility of wage determination WEF
1.0 5.29 4.47 57 133

Building quality control index WB-DB
0.5 8.0 12.0 116 49

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Price Distortions (163rd) 10% 6.7 15.0 167 163 #N/A #N/A ## ##

expert survey,
Distortive effect of taxes and subsidies WEF
1.0 2.90 3.40 148 112

percentage of
Energy subsidies IMF
1.0 66.66 59.43 167 167

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Infrastructure and Market Access (74th): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Communications (78th) 25% 48.8 75.5 81 78 Energy (59th) 15% 46.4 57.0 71 59

kilobits per kilowatts per

International internet bandwidth ITU
second per capita
1.0 54.4 56.5 36 59 Installed electric capacity UNESD
1.5 1.190 1.167 50 59

index, index,
2G, 3G and 4G network coverage GSMA 2.0 60.7 88.8 101 102 Ease of establishing an electricity connection WB-DB 1.0 54.6 62.5 115 108
0-100 0-100

number /100 index,

Fixed broadband subscriptions ITU
1.0 4.148 16.159 67 62 Reliability of electricity supply WB-DB
1.0 4.0 6.0 71 31

Internet usage ITU percentage 1.0 17.9 62.6 90 83

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Water (117th) 10% 45.0 45.4 115 117 Transport (73rd) 25% 37.3 46.6 90 73
USD per
Gross fixed water assets IBNET population 1.0 11.1 11.1 129 129 Logistics performance WB-LPI 1.5 2.67 2.88 95 69

litres per capita index,

Water production IBNET
per day
0.5 216.8 216.8 100 100 Airport connectivity WEF
2.0 24,541.0 72,988.2 57 54

expert survey, expert survey,

Reliability of water supply WEF
1.0 4.50 4.56 83 78 Efficiency of seaport services WEF
2.0 3.47 3.93 99 77

Liner shipping connectivity UNCTAD rebased to 100 in 0.5 20.2 26.9 75 73

expert survey,
Quality of roads WEF
1.0 2.0 3.0 163 129

km per 100 sq
Road density FAO
km of land area
0.5 28.1 28.1 74 74

km per sq km of
Rail density UIC
land area
0.5 0.0374 0.0373 49 49

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Border Administration (74th) 5% 37.6 48.1 110 74 Open Market Scale (72nd) 5% 10.7 49.2 144 72

survey, Domestic and international market access for percentage of

Efficiency of customs clearance process WB-LPI 1.5 2.02 2.49 147 92 WTO 1.5 3.34 29.36 111 80
1-5 goods global GDP

Time to comply with border regulations and Domestic and international market access for percentage of
WB-DB hours 1.0 68.0 38.0 96 74 WTO 2.0 0.5 24.1 95 61
procedures services global GDP

Cost to comply with border regulations and Trade-weighted average tariff faced in
WB-DB USD (current) 0.5 144.8 132.3 45 45 WEF percentage 0.5 4.4 4.0 147 133
procedures destination markets

Margin of preference in destination markets WEF
0.5 33.1 24.1 101 136

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Import Tariff Barriers (61st) 5% 75.4 75.7 59 61 Market Distortions (72nd) 10% 52.9 62.0 108 72

expert survey,
Share of imports free from tariff duties WEF percentage 1.5 59.43 60.37 77 80 Extent of liberalisation of foreign trade BTI 1.0 8.0 8.0 64 61

expert survey,
Average applied tariff rate WEF percentage 2.0 2.83 2.83 40 40 Prevalence of non-tariff barriers WEF
1.0 3.64 4.25 149 95

Complexity of tariffs WEF
0.3 5.978 5.913 86 85 Non-tariff measures UNCTAD number 0.3 149.6 149.6 40 40
The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Economic Quality (75th): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Macroeconomic Stability
Fiscal Sustainability (131st) 25% 43.8 34.7 139 131 10% 49.5 53.1 141 113
Government budget balance IMF-WEO percentage 1.0 -5.8 -6.2 133 78 GDP per capita growth WB-DI percentage 1.0 1.46 1.95 101 42

Government debt IMF-WEO percentage 1.5 40.6 60.7 94 84 Inflation volatility IMF percentage 1.0 4.6 3.9 133 142

Country credit rating TE
0.5 21.0 26.0 138 123

Country risk premium AD percentage 1.5 8.3 9.6 120 128

Gross savings WB-DI percentage 1.0 17.6 10.4 108 153

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021
Productivity and
30% 61.3 60.4 60 61 Dynamism (90th) 15% 21.4 30.7 117 90
Competitiveness (61st)
number /100
Labour productivity ILO 2011 US $ PPP 1.0 27,122.4 29,325.1 89 97 New business density WB-ES working age 1.0 0.67 1.68 98 78
Economic complexity ECI
1.5 0.63 0.42 47 48 Patent applications WIPO /1,000,000 0.5 62.75 55.90 47 55

index, expert survey,

Export quality IMF
1.0 0.855 0.858 74 71 Capacity to attract talented people WEF
1.0 2.13 2.62 155 132

High-tech manufactured exports UN-Com percentage 1.0 5.070 5.579 89 88

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021
Labour Force Engagement
20% 59.7 60.4 52 58 #N/A #N/A ## ##
Labour force participation ILO percentage 1.0 66.4 66.6 94 107

Female labour force participation ILO percentage 0.5 61.4 60.8 74 87

Waged and salaried workers ILO percentage 1.5 81.5 85.1 46 36

Unemployment ILO percentage 1.0 8.1 9.5 101 121

Youth unemployment ILO percentage 0.5 17.84 15.53 102 98

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Living Conditions (76th): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Material Resources (22nd) 20% 88.2 89.9 25 22 Nutrition (101st) 20% 74.4 67.4 85 101

Poverty rate at national poverty lines WB-DI percentage 0.5 5.8 1.1 6 2 Availability of adequate food Gallup percentage 1.0 25.3 48.1 73 90

Poverty rate at $1.90 a day WB-DI percentage 1.0 0.1 0.0 19 1 Prevalence of undernourishment FAO percentage 1.0 2.5 3.5 1 61

Poverty rate at $3.20 a day WB-DI percentage 1.0 0.5 0.2 21 13 Prevalence of wasting in children under-5 WB-DI percentage 1.0 8.2 8.2 131 139

Poverty rate at $5.50 a day WB-DI percentage 1.0 8.2 2.5 42 36 Prevalence of stunting in children under-5 WB-DI percentage 1.0 22.9 22.9 97 114

Households with a refrigerator GDL percentage 1.0 95.1 98.4 8 7

Ability to source emergency funds WB-GFI percentage 1.0 21.1 21.3 19 20

Ability to live on household income Gallup percentage 1.0 62.8 61.8 61 72

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Basic Services (90th) 10% 91.9 89.7 66 90 Shelter (75th) 20% 87.2 83.0 60 75

Access to electricity WB-DI percentage 1.0 100.0 100.0 1 1 Availability of adequate shelter Gallup percentage 1.0 28.8 44.4 110 110

Access to basic water services JMP percentage 1.0 96.42 93.79 58 89 Housing deprivation OPHI percentage 1.0 3.9 3.9 10 11

Access to clean fuels and technologies for

Access to piped water JMP percentage 1.0 71.60 63.77 99 114 WB-DI percentage 1.0 92.5 95.7 53 55

DALYs /100,000
Access to basic sanitation services JMP percentage 1.0 95.25 96.22 48 62 Indoor air quality IHME 1.0 124.1 85.2 67 68

DALYs /100,000
Unsafe water, sanitation or hygiene IHME
1.0 116.7 126.1 51 57

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Connectedness (71st) 15% 48.4 67.0 94 71 Protection from Harm (118th) 15% 64.6 63.0 79 118

DALYs /100,000
Access to a bank account WB-GFI percentage 1.0 41.0 63.0 79 73 Death and injury from road traffic accidents IHME
1.0 928.9 1,132.2 83 119

DALYs /100,000
Use of digital payments WB-GFI percentage 1.0 44.1 60.7 67 63 Death and injury from forces of nature IHME
0.5 1.61 0.11 56 30

DALYs /100,000
Access to a cellphone GDL percentage 1.0 68.4 93.0 101 56 Unintentional death and injury IHME
0.5 2,125.8 2,412.3 153 166

deaths /100,000
Rural access to roads RAI percentage 0.5 56.0 56.0 111 111 Occupational mortality ILO labour force 0.5 8.2 6.1 82 58

Satisfaction with public transportation Gallup percentage 0.5 52.8 56.6 110 94

Satisfaction with roads and highways Gallup percentage 0.5 23.6 51.9 152 97

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Health (104th): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Behavioural Risk Factors Preventative Interventions

10% 41.4 44.5 145 139 15% 69.6 78.7 121 97
(139th) (97th)
Obesity WHO-GDO percentage 1.0 21.7 24.1 130 122 Diphtheria immunisation WHO percentage 1.0 71.0 80.0 151 135

Smoking WHO percentage 1.0 32.9 25.5 136 119 Measles immunisation WHO percentage 1.0 75.0 93.0 139 78

number /100,000
Substance use disorders GBD
1.0 3,114.3 3,099.5 134 136 Hepatitis immunisation WHO percentage 1.0 66.0 76.0 147 138

Contraceptive prevalence UNICEF percentage 1.0 47.5 47.8 75 81

Antenatal care coverage UNICEF percentage 1.0 98.5 98.6 32 34

Existence of national screening programs WHO
0.5 1.0 1.0 1 1

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Care Systems (69th) 15% 50.5 59.2 82 69 Mental Health (130th) 10% 47.4 54.6 144 130

Healthcare coverage ILO percentage 0.5 0.0 0.0 1 1 Emotional wellbeing Gallup 0.5 0.70 0.71 110 49

index, years /100,000

Health facilities WHO
1.0 0.363 0.324 36 44 Depressive disorders GBD
1.0 726.9 683.4 105 90

index, deaths /100,000

Health practitioners and staff WHO
1.0 0.459 0.405 34 45 Suicide WHO
1.0 21.8 17.7 151 152

Births attended by skilled health staff UNICEF percentage 1.0 99.9 99.9 10 12

Tuberculosis treatment coverage WHO percentage 0.5 69.0 75.0 107 105

Antiretroviral HIV therapy UNAIDS percentage 1.0 7.0 54.0 143 110

Satisfaction with healthcare Gallup percentage 1.0 18.2 30.4 164 153

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Physical Health (98th) 20% 69.3 69.8 100 98 Longevity (99th) 30% 74.8 80.3 100 99

deaths /100,000
Physical pain Gallup percentage 0.5 29.5 33.0 105 92 Maternal mortality WB-DI
live births
1.0 33.0 19.0 68 58

number /1,000
Health problems Gallup percentage 0.5 38.5 35.6 161 147 Under 5 mortality WB-DI under 5 1.0 12.3 8.4 59 59
number /1,000 5-
years /100,000
Communicable diseases GBD
2.0 385.7 413.9 68 77 5-14 mortality UN IGME 14 year-old 0.5 2.8 1.7 65 52

years /100,000 number /1,000

Non-communicable diseases GBD
0.5 6,180.6 6,183.2 38 31 15-60 mortality WB-DI
2.0 223.0 194.8 117 116

Raised blood pressure WHO percentage 0.5 29.2 27.1 122 105 Life expectancy at 60 WHO years 1.0 16.8 19.5 103 89

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Education (40th): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Pre-Primary Education (77th) 5% 60.2 60.2 68 77 Primary Education (66th) 20% 85.7 88.0 64 66

Pre-primary enrolment (net) UNESCO percentage 1.0 60.2 60.2 68 77 Primary enrolment UNESCO percentage 1.0 87.9 91.7 119 100

Primary completion UNESCO percentage 1.0 116.5 116.5 1 1

Primary education quality Ang&Al
0.5 471.4 471.4 53 59

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Secondary Education (43rd) 30% 69.8 75.7 49 43 Tertiary Education (28th) 20% 62.1 61.3 24 28

Secondary school enrolment UNESCO percentage 1.0 85.8 85.7 47 61 Tertiary enrolment UNESCO percentage 1.0 82.0 82.7 12 19

Lower-secondary completion UNESCO percentage 1.0 64.9 104.1 104 1 Tertiary completion UNESCO percentage 1.0 89.8 92.9 9 11

index, Average quality of higher education index,

Access to quality education V-DEM 1.0 3.31 2.65 47 65 QS, TES 0.5 0.011 0.020 67 72
0-4 institutions 0-1

score, expert survey,

Secondary education quality Ang&Al 2.0 473.6 490.1 42 40 Skillset of university graduates WEF 1.0 4.61 4.39 46 71
0-625 1-7

expert survey,
Quality of vocational training WEF
1.0 4.28 4.20 51 64

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Adult Skills (8th) 25% 84.3 88.6 14 8 #N/A #N/A ## ##

Adult literacy UNESCO percentage 1.0 99.97 99.97 18 18

Education level of adult population BL
1.0 0.75 0.88 5 4

Women's average years in school IHME years 1.0 13.5 14.7 19 14

Education inequality Cas&Dom
0.5 0.112 0.110 21 23

expert survey,
Digital skills among population WEF 0.5 4.73 4.45 38 56

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |
Ukraine: Natural Environment (106th): Element and indicator scores
Italics: Indicator contains imputed values
Value Global Rank Value Global Rank
Source Unit Weight Source Unit Weight
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Exposure to Air Pollution

Emissions (158th) 15% 50.1 49.3 159 158 15% 64.6 66.9 128 122
CO2 emissions CDIAC
2.0 0.407 0.435 157 152 Exposure to fine particulate matter EPI percentage 2.0 7.373 20.622 91 116

index, DALYs /100,000

SO2 emissions EDGAR 1.0 0.420 0.358 156 159 Health impact of air pollution IHME 2.0 1,777.4 1,354.1 125 110
0-1 population

NOx emissions EDGAR
1.0 0.43 0.41 152 156 Satisfaction with air quality Gallup percentage 0.5 55.4 64.5 159 131

Black carbon emissions EDGAR
1.0 0.737 0.714 52 58

Methane emissions EDGAR 1.0 0.610 0.611 127 125

Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Forest, Land and Soil (25th) 20% 45.6 53.8 63 25 Freshwater (103rd) 20% 47.5 51.8 123 103

Forest area FAO percentage 1.0 16.47 16.71 109 109 Renewable water resources FAO m^3 per person 1.0 3,779.0 3,964.0 94 85

Flood occurrence WRI
1.0 2.4 2.4 51 51 Wastewater treatment EPI percentage 1.0 21.7 21.7 76 76

Zhang&David index,
Sustainable nitrogen management son 0-sqrt(2)
1.0 0.57 0.28 25 1 Freshwater withdrawal FAO percentage 1.0 27.20 15.67 122 96

Satisfaction with water quality Gallup percentage 1.0 51.0 54.9 145 129

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

Oceans (55th) 15% 56.4 56.4 63 55 Preservation Efforts (126th) 15% 32.9 35.6 125 126

Overexploitation of fish stocks EPI percentage 1.0 27.0 21.5 73 48 Terrestrial protected areas WDPA percentage 1.0 3.960 3.987 143 145

Stability of marine biodiversity EPI
1.0 41.8 41.8 76 76 Marine protected areas WDPA percentage 1.0 3.4151 3.4152 41 47

Clean ocean water OHI
1.0 63.7 59.2 31 48 Long term management of forest areas FAO percentage 1.0 88.57 89.57 18 20

Protection for biodiverse areas UN-WCMC
1.0 22.544 22.876 130 137

Pesticide regulation EPI 1.0 17.0 17.0 113 115

Satisfaction with preservation efforts Gallup percentage 1.0 8.8 22.4 167 161

Source Unit Unit Value Global Rank Source Unit Weight Value Global Rank
2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021 2011 10-yr trend 2021 2011 2021

#N/A #N/A ## ## #N/A #N/A ## ##

The 2021 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM |


Source Code Source Name

AD Aswath Damodaran
Ang&al Angrist et al. (2021)
BL Barro and Lee dataset
BTI Bertelsmann Stiftung Transformation Index
CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
CSP Center for Systemic Peace
Cas&Dom Castello-Climent and Domenech (2012)
Chinn-Ito Chinn-Ito Index
ECI Economic Complexity Index
EDGAR Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research
EPI Yale and Columbia Universities (Environmental Performance Index)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN - AQUASTAT
FH Freedom House
FI Fraser Institute
GBD Global Burden of Disease study
GDL Global Data Lab
GSI Global Slavery Index
GSMA Groupe Spéciale Mobile Association
GTD Global Terrorism Database
GVS World Values Survey, European Values Survey, Global Barometer Surveys, Arab Barometer, Latinobarometro
Gallup Gallup Dailies
IBNET International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities
IBP International Budget Partnership
IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
IDMC Internal Displacement Monitoring Center
IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
ILGA International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association
ILO International Labour Organization
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMF-FAS International Monetary Fund Financial Access Survey
IMF-WEO International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook
ITU International Telecommunications Union
JMP WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation
OHI Ocean Health Index
OPHI Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
PTS Amnesty International & US State Department Political Terror Scale
Pew Pew Research Center
QS, TES QS World University Rankings and TES University Rankings
RAI Rural Access Index
RsF Reporters Without Borders
TE Trading Economics
UCDP Uppsala Conflict Data Program
UIC International Union of Railways
UN IGME United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation
UN-Com United Nations Comtrade Database
UN-WCMC UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS
UNCTAD United Nations Trade Data
UNESCO UNESCO Institute for Statistics
UNESD United Nations Energy Statistics Database
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
V-DEM Varieties of Democracy
WB-DB World Bank Doing Business Index
WB-DI World Bank World Development Indicators
WB-ES World Bank Enterprise Surveys
WB-GFI World Bank Global Financial Inclusion
WB-LPI World Bank Logistics Performance Index
WDPA World Database on Protected Areas
WEF World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index
WGI Worldwide Governance Indicators
WHO World Health Organisation
WHO-GDO World Health Organisation (Global Dementia Observatory)
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation
WJP World Justice Project (Rule of Law Index)
WRI World Resources Institute
WTO World Trade Organisation
WomStat The WomanStats Project
Zhang&Davidson Xin Zhang and Eric Davidson (2016)

subsequently took the decision to discontinue the Doing Business report. Therefore, for the 2022 Prosperity Index, we will be reviewing all data sources to ensure that the Index utilises the most relevant and
accurate sources.

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