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DATE 3 hours
General Instructions:
i. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.
All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is
expected to attempt only one of these questions.
. Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
iv Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks eoch. Answers to these questions should
be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
. Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions corrying 03 marks each. Answers to these questions
should be in the range of 50 to 80 words
vi. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions corying 05 marks eoch. Answer to these questions
should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
vii. Section Econsists of 3source-bosed/cose-bosedunitsofossessment of04markseach withsub-ports.
Select and write one most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the questions
1) Which of the following is a balanced equation for the following chemical reaction:

a) Zn+Ag(N0sl Zn[NO3)2+ 2Ag

Zinc nrrate
b) 2Zn+2AgNO3 Zn{NOg)2+2Ag
d) ZnAgNO3 Zn{NO3)2 *As Ote

2) Which of the following will turn phenolphthalein pink?

.a) NaOH(ag) b) HCl (aq) c)CH3COOH (ag) (d) H20
two combinations are correct?
3) Based on the flow chart given, which of the following

Metal Gas evolved
Copper Yes
Iron Yes Dil. HCI

(ii)Magnesium No
(iv) Zinc METAL

i and iv (c) ii and ii ld) ii and iv

(a) i and ii (b)
6. ldentify X, Y and Z based on the basis of given information. X is a non-metal, which is an important
constituent of our food. It forms two oxides Y and 2. Y is toxic and it causes suffocation and sometimes
death. Z is responsible for global warming.
a) X C,Y = CO, Z = C02 b) X = S, Y S02, Z= SO3
d) X= 0, Y = 02, Z = 03
c)X=P, Y=P203, 2=P203
B1. An object is placed at a distance of 15 cin from a convex lens of focal lengths 20 cm. List four

observations (nature, position, etc.) of the image formed by the lens.

b Ravi kept a book at a distance of 10 cm from the eyes of his friend Hari. Hari is not able to read

anything written in the book. Give reasons for

this ?
32. (a) ldentify the poles marked as Aand Bin the figure. Why did you choose that response?

(b) Imagine that you are sitting in a chamber with your back to onewall.An electron beam, moving
horizontally from back wall towards the front wall,is deflected by a strong magnetitc field to your
right side. What is the directilon of magnetic field?

State the rule to determine the direction of a (a) magnetic field produced around a straight conductor-
carrying current and (bl force experienced by a current-carrying straight conductor placed in a

magnetic field which is perpendicular to it.

33. a Draw a neat labelled diagram of essential whorls of a flower. 2M

bName the accessory glands in man and write the main function.

Q.no. 34 to 36 are Long answer questions.

34. Shreya heated Ethanol with a compound A in presence of a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid
sodium hydroxide it
and observed a sweet-smelling compound B is formed. When B is treated with
compound C. 5
gives back Ethanol and a

ldentify Aand C
b Give one use each of compounds A and B.

the reactions.
Write the chemical reactions involved and name

it is heated with Ethanol at 443 K. Give the

a) What is the role of concentrated Sulphuric acid when
reaction involved.

b) Reshma by mistake forgot to label the two test tubes containing Ethanol and Ethanoic acid. Suggest

an experiment to identify the substances correctly? Ilustrate the reactions with the help of

chemical equations.
Chlorine gas reacts with to form bleaching powder.
Give the chemical equation.
b)ldentifythe correct statement from the following:

i) MnO2 is getting reduced whereas HCl is getting oxidized

i) MnO2 is getting oxidized whereas HClis getting reduced.

ii) MnO2 and HCl both are getting reduced.

iv) Mn02 and HCI both are getting oxidized.

Differentiate between an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent.

to their mode of
ecosystem, all
systematic chain with respect
living organisms are linked in a
38. given
In anyY transfer of food
habits. This sequential interlinking of organisms involving
manufacturing food/feeding eaten is called the
with repeated eating and being
energyfrom producers through a series of organisms
food chain. A food chain may have 3-4 trophic
food chain is incorrect?
i)Which of the following statements regarding in the ecosystem.
which food energy travels
(a) It is a single straight pathway through
to the organisms.
(b) It adds adaptability and competitiveness
chains adds to instability of the ecosystem.
(c)Presence of isolated food
nutrients of the ecosystem.
(d) Food chain binds up inorganic
i) Consider the following food
Grass A Frog
can be placed at A?
Which of the following d) Rat
c) Phytoplankton
b) Rabbit
a) Grasshopper

the correct food chain.

iii) Select
Tadpole-Water beetle Pike Perch
a) Aquatic plants Eagle
GrasshopperSnake Frog
b) Grass Wild c a t - T i g e r
c) Grass Rabbit Small fish Fish
> Phytoplankton
d) Zooplankton
Food chains are sustained by producers and d) decomposers
iv) b) carnivores
c) omnivores
a) herbivores


Select the incorrect
at level of herbivore
(a) Food chin may terminate

(b) Food chain is always straight

(c) Food chain may have 3-5 trophic
at each transfer
energy is lost as heat,
(d) In a food chain, 80 to 90% of potential
each case, he measured the distance of the image from the lens. The results were recorded in the

following table.
S.no Object distance( in cm) Image distance( in cm)

1 25 100

30 24

3 40 60

4 60 30

120 40

Unfortunately, his results are written in the wrong order.

Rewrite the image distances in the correct

its real image formed by a convex lens? $D
(n) What is the minimum distance between an object and
(ii) What is the focal length of this lens ? 90

lens is convex?
How do you determine if a concave or

is anabolic process and respiration is a catabolic process. Justify.
a) Photosynthesis an

b) Give reason

i) Ventricles of a heart is thicker than atrias

i) Vasopressin is also called ADH.

Name some excretory products in plants.
a) Differentiate aerobic and anaerobic respiration. 2M
b) Transportation in plant and transpiration are inter connected. Justify.
c)Give examples for urecotilic organism.
36. aList two advantages of using a parallel circuit in homes.
bCalculate the effective resistance between Band Ain the circuit given below:
w- A

4 15N 3

Q.no. 37 to 39 are case -
based/data-based questions with 2 to 3 short sub parts.
Internal choice is provided in one of
these sub-parts.
37 The reaction between
MnO with HCl is
with bleaching abilities was depicted in the following diagram. It was
released. observed thata gàs


a) Thechemical reaction between

MnO2 and HCl is an
happen if we take dry HCI gas instead example of which type of reaction? What will
of aqueous solution of HCI?


Q.no. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions.

unknown solutions in them.
Take four test tubes and label them A, B, C and D. Add 5 ml of five
21. of them. Following colours appear in these:
Put a small strip of universal indicator in each

Solution A-Orange;
Solution B -Green;
Solution C- Red;
Solution D-Blue;
Predict the nature of the solutions in these from the pH character.

4. a) A Carbonate of metal *is abundant In earth crust and its hydroxide is used in white washing'.
Identify metal *'.
b ) How will you convert this carbonate into its oxide? Name the process and write its equation.
22. a) Rahul observed a flower blooming only in sunlight. What kind of response is this ? 1M
b) How is it different from bending of a stem towards light ? 1M
23. In birds and mammals, the left and right side of the heart are separated. Give reasons.
24. Neha did not want to have a child as she completed her family. So, she went to a doctor who suggested
her to adopt contraceptive methods. What contraceptive method Is suitable for Neha ? Why ?
25. Define the term power of accommodation. Write the modification in the curvature of the eye lens
which enables us to see the nearby objects clearly? Give relation between power and focal length.
26. DDT was sprayed in a lake to regulate breeding of mosquitoes. How would It affect the trophiclevels
in the following food chain associated with a lake? Justify your answer.

(Large Fish
Small Fish

Q.no. 27 to 33 are short answer questions.
27. Write any two differences between lonic bond and covalent bond.
b) Two carbon
compaunds X and Y have the molecular formula CaHg and CsH12
one of these is most
respectively. Which
likely to show addition reaction ? Justify your answer. 2M
28. You are given two colourless solutions present in two test tubes. One out of these is
the other is acetic acid. Give three tests to ethyl alcohol and
identify these. Tabulate your observations giving suitable
equations wherever necessary.
29. aIfa heterozygous tall plant is crossed with
homozygous dwart plant what is the percent of tall and
dwart plants in off
springs ? Show the cross. 2M
b)Name the cross.
a) Can two people with brown eyes have a blue-eyed baby?
Explain. 2M
b) State the law assoclated with this cross.
30. a) Derive an expression for electric energy consu ed In a device in terms of I and
V, t, where V is the
potentlal difference applied to lt, I is the current drawn by It and t is the time for which the current
b An electric heater rated as
1500 W, 220 v. If t is used for 10 min how much energy it
f the central portion of a convex lens is wrapped in black paper as shown in the figure
a) No image will be formed by the remaining portion of the lens
b) The full image will be formed but it will be less bright
c) The central portion of the image will be missing
d) There will be two images each produced by one of the exposed portions of the lens

Which of the following are effects of atmospheric refraction?

1. Twinkling of stars.
2. Tyndall effect.
3. Advance sunrise and delayed sunset.

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c)1 and 3 -Id) 1, 2 and 3

Question no. 17 to 20 are Assertion-Reasoning based questions.

17) Assertion: Fresh milk in which baking soda is added, takes a longer time to set as curd.
Reason Baking soda decreases the pH value of fresh milk to below 6.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion

Both Assertion and Reason true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) are

(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.

(d) Assertion is false but Reason is true
Assertion: Ozone is both beneficial and damaging.
CFC to ozone.
Reason: Stop the release of protect
true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are

true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.

(b) Both Assertion and Reason are

Assertion is true but Reason is false.

Assertion is false but Reason is
(d) environment.
tibre collects information from the
19. Assertion: Cyton region ofa nerve

either have or lack myelin sheath.

Reason: Nerve fibre can
the correct explanation of Assertion.
Assertion and Reason are
true and Reason is
(a) Both
but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Reason are true
(b) Both Assertion and
Assertion is true but
Reason is false.
but Reason is
(d) Assertion is false to rest in Geographical N-S
carrying solenoid, it
a current
20. Assertion: On freely suspending
behaves as a North pole and the other end
One end of current carrying
straight solenoid
as a South pole, just
like a bar magnet.

Assertion and Reason are

true and Reason is
correct explanation ofthe assertion.
(a) Both explanation of the assertion.
Reason is not the correct
Reason are true but
(b) Both Assertion and
true but Reason is
(c) Assertion is
but Reason is true.
(d) Assertion is false

which have the
same molecular formula, C3H60 are
Structural formulae of Xand Y, b) X= CH3OCHCH3, Y= CHaCOCH3

c)X= CH3CoCH3, Y =CH3COOH d) X= CH3CH;OCH3,

seen in flowering plants is
hecorrect sequence of reproductive stages b) Zygote, 8ametes, embryo, seedling
a) Gametes, zygote, embryo, seedling d) Gametes, embryo, 2ygote, seedling
c) Seedling, embryo, zygote, gametes the correct figure for geotropism. So, hehas drau
Mohan was confused and did not know how to draw
three figures, as shown below.

Which appears more accurate and why?
a) (), (1) b) (0) only c)(), (01) d)(1) only
10. Choose the one word statement about heart.
a) The upper two chambers of human heart are called
b) The lower two chambers of human heart are called
c) The chambers of the heart are separated by a partition called pericardium.
from the right ventricle to the lungs.
d) The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood
11. Choose the correct heading for the given below points

(i)It involves two individuals ) It involves only one individual parent
(i) It is a complex process ( ) It is a simple process
(ii)Jt produces genetic variation. (ili) It lacks genetic variations.

a) Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

(b) Asexual reproduction Vegetative reproduction
|c) Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction
during a cross between tall with white flowers and
12, What is the percentage of variants in F2 generation
dwarfwith purple flowers ?
b) 9:3 )9:1 d)3:1
a) 3:3 to become hot. As
the connecting copper wire
13. A complete circuit is left on for several minutes, causing
the temperature of the wire increases, the electrical resistance of the wire.

a) decreases b) remains the same

c) increases. d) increases for some time and then decreases .

14. A student determines the focal length of a device X, by focusing the image of a far-off object on the
screen positioned as shown in figure The device X is_
a) Convex lens

b) Concave lens

c) Convex mirror

d) Concave mirror

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