CH 5 - ADR

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ORANGE LIST, GREEN LIST)  includes situations, which in the eyes of the
parties, give rise to doubts as lo the
RED LIST arbitrator's impartiality or independence and
 include circumstances where, from the should be disclosed to all involved
perspective of a reasonable third person,  IF NO OBJECTION WAS TIMELY FILED AFTER
having knowledge of the relevant facts and DISCOVERY OF FACTS >>> PARTIES ARE
circumstances, conflict of interest exists DEEMED TO HAVE ACCEPTED THE CONFLICT
 Two kinds: waivable and non-waivable OF INTEREST
 Examples:
Waivable Red List o Previous services for one of the parties
 Include less severe circumstances such that or other involvement in the case
they may be waived if and when the parties, o Current services for one of the parties
being aware of the conflict of interest o Relationship between an arbitrator and
situation, expressly state their willingness to another arbitrator or counsel
have such a person act as arbitrator o Relationship between arbitrator and
 Examples: party and others involved in the
o Relationship of the arbitrator to the arbitration
dispute o Other circumstances
o Arbitrator's direct or indirect interest in
the dispute GREEN LIST
o Arbitrator's relationship with the  this category includes circumstances where
parties or counsel there is no actual conflict of interest from an
objective point of view which need not be
Non-waivable Red List disclosed
 includes situations that cannot be cured as it is  Examples:
derived from the principle that no person can o Previously expressed legal opinions
be his or her own judge o Current services for one of the parties
 Examples: o Contacts with another arbitrator, or
o identity between a party and the with counsel for one of the parties
arbitrator, or the arbitrator is a legal o Contacts between the arbitrator and
representative or employee of an one of the parties
entity that is a party in the arbitration o The arbitrator has a relationship with
o arbitrator is a manager, director or one of the parties or its affiliates
member of the supervisory board, or through a social media network
has a controlling influence on one of
the parties or an entity that has a direct
economic interest in the award to be IBA GUIDELINES ON PARTY REPRESENTATION IN
rendered in the arbitration INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION
o arbitrator has a significant financial or  PARTY REPRESENTATION
personal interest in one of the parties, o Party representatives should identify
or the outcome of the case themselves to the other party/parties
o arbitrator or his or her firm regularly and the Tribunal at the earliest
advises the party, or an affiliate of the opportunity
party, and the arbitrator or his or her o Party representative should not:
firm derives significant financial income  Engage in ex parte
therefrom. communications with an
arbitrator concerning the  Ad hoc arbitration - default appointment of an
arbitration arbitrator shall be made by the National
 Knowingly make false President of the Integrated Bar of the
submission to the tribunal Philippines (IBP) or his duly authorized
 Make any Request to Produce representative
or any objection to a Request to
Produce for an improper
purpose, such as to harass or IBP GUIDELINES FOR APPOINTMENT OF
cause unnecessary delay AN ARBITRATOR
o A party representative should:
 explain to the Party whom he or The IBP Guidelines shall apply to ad h o arbitrations
she represents the necessity of in respect of the following:
producing, and potential conse-  In relation to Sec. 26 of the ADR Act where
Quences of failing to produce "the default appointment of an arbitrator shall
any Document that the Party or be made by the National President of the
Parties have undertaken, or Integrated Bar of the Philippines or his duly
been ordered to produce authorized representative";
o If the Arbitral Tirbunal (AT) finds that a  The resolution of a challenge to the
party representative has committed appointment of an Arbitrator, if a Challenge
misconduct, the AT may: under any procedure in an arbitration
 admonish the Party agreement agreed upon by the Parties or
Representative; under the procedure in Art. 13(3) of the 1985
 draw appropriate inferences in UN- CITRAL Model Law is not successful;
assessing the evidence relied  The resolution of any controversy concerning
upon, or the legal arguments the termination of the mandate of a n
advanced by the Party Arbitrator under Art. 1411 of the 1985
Representative; UNCITRAL Model Law, fi an Arbitrator
 consider the Party becomes de jure or de facto unable to perform
Representative's misconduct in his functions, or for other reasons fails to act
apportioning the costs of the without undue delay, and the arbitrator
arbitration, indicating if concerned refuses to withdraw or the parties
appropriate, how and in what fail to agree on the termination of his mandate
amount the Party  The replacement of an Arbitrator whose
Representative's misconduct mandate has been terminated.
leads the Tribunal to a different
apportionment of costs; and
 take any other appropriate In addition, the Guidelines shall specifically
measure in order to pre- serve govern the following cases as they may arise in
the fairness and integrity of the ad hoc arbitration:
proceedings 1. Where the parties have not agreed on a
procedure for appointing the Arbitrator or
APPOINTING AUTHORITY  Arbitration with three Arbitrators - each
 defined as the person or institution named in party shall appoint one Arbitrator, and
the arbitration agreement as the appointing the two Arbitrators thus appointed shall
authority; or the regular arbitration institution appoint the third Arbitrator; if a party
under whose rules the arbitration is agreed to fails to appoint an Arbitrator within
be conducted thirty (30) days of receipt of a request
administrators fail to agree on the third Arbitrator under Article 1.2 (a) or (b) m u s t
Arbitrator within thirty (30) days of their file a request, in substantially the same form
appointment, the appointment shall be as Schedule "A." with the National President,
made, upon request of a party, by the and pay the corresponding fee provided in
National President. Schedule"
 Arbitration with a sole Arbitrator - if the  The request shall contain the following:
parties are unable to agree on the o The names, addresses and other
Arbitrator, he shall be appointed, upon contact details of the Parties and their
request of a party, by the National representatives and counsels (if
President available);
o A copy of the Arbitration agreement
2. Where, under an appointment procedure in and other basis, if any, upon which the
an Arbitration Agreement agreed upon by appointment of the Arbitrator by the
the Parties: National President is sought;
 A Party fails to act as required under o A description of the actions taken by
such procedure; the Parties or a Party to commence the
 The Parties, or the two Arbitrators, are arbitration and a copy of the demand,
unable to reach an agreement expected re- quest or notice of arbitration sent
of them under to the other Parties or Party;
such procedure; or o The general nature and summary of the
 A third Party, including an Arbitral dispute;
Institution, fails to perform any function o Any agreement or lack of agreement as
entrusted to it under such procedure to the number of Arbitrators;
o The qualifications or disqualifications of
3. If a challenge under any procedure in an the Arbitrator/s agreed upon by the
Arbitration Agreement agreed upon by the Parties;
Parties or u n d e r the procedure in Art. o A description of the efforts taken by
13(2) of the 1985 UNCITRAL Model Law is the Parties or a Party towards the
not successful, the challenging Party may re- appointment of an Arbitrator, the
quest, within thirty (30) days after having names and contact details, including
received the curricula vitae (if available), of the
4. Any Party may request the National Arbitrator/s al- ready appointed, the
President to decide any controversy acceptance of the appointment by the
concerning the termination of the mandate appointed Arbitratorr/s;
of an Arbitrator, if an Arbitrator be- comes o If the Parties agreed on an
de jure or de facto unable to perform his appointment
functions, or for other reasons fails to act o procedure, a description of that
without undue delay, and the Arbitrator procedure with reference to the
concerned refuses to with. draw or the agreement where such may be found;
parties fail to agree on the termination of his o Proof of service on the other Party and
mandate. Arbitrator/s already appointed of the
5. Any Party may request the National request for appointment; and
President to replace an Arbitrator whose o Information about arbitrator's fees
mandate has terminated. where there is an agreement between
the Parties with respect thereto.
For the Appointment of Arbitrators, the Guideline  Upon receipt of a request:
provides the following: o The National President shall provide
 Any Party who submits a request to the the other Party or Parties a copy of the
National President for the appointment of an
request and shall invite said Party or o The National President shall inform the
Parties to comment on the request prospective Arbitrator-appointee of his
within seven (7) days from receipt. possible appointment and request the
Upon receipt of the comment, the prospective Arbitrator-appointee to
National President shall immediately confirm, within seven (7) days from
resolve the request in accordance with notice, his availability to act as the
Article 2.3.7 hereof Arbitrator.
o A Party, upon whom a copy of the o The appointed Arbitrator must make a
request is communicated, may, within full declaration of independence,
seven (7) days of its receipt, file with impartiality and availability, and
the National President his obiection/s disclose to the Parties and the National
to the request or ask for an extension President, any fact, cir- cumstance, or
of time, not exceeding thirty (30) days relationship which could give rise to
from receipt of the request, to appoint justifiable doubts about his or her in-
an Arbitrator or act in accordance with dependence and impartiality, by
the procedure agreed upon by the signing a Declaration of Acceptance
Parties or provided by law. Within the and Statement of Independence in
aforementioned periods, the Party substantially the same form as
seeking the extension shall provide the Schedule "B"
National President and the other Party o If the prospective Arbitrator-appointee
or Parties with a copy of the accepts the nomination, the National
appointment of his/her Arbitrator, the President shall immediately inform the
latter's curriculum vitae, and the Parties a n d the other Arbitrator/s, if
latter's acceptance of the appointment. any of his appointment. If the
In the event that the said Party fails to prospective Arbitrator-appointee is
appoint an Arbitrator within said unable to accept, the National
period, the National President shall President shall proceed to consider the
proceed to make the default appointment of another Arbitrator in
appointment. an expeditious manner.
o If the default appointment of an o The National President shall endeavor
Arbitrator is obiected to by a Party on to complete the requested
whose behalf the default appointment appointment within thirty (30) days
is to be made, and the defaulting Party from receipt of the request.
requests the National President for o The National President shall give the
additional time to appoint his/her parties written notice of the
arbitrator, the National President, appointment made or its inability to
having regard to the circumstances, comply with the request and the
may give the requesting party not more reasons why it is unable to do so. If
than 30 days to make the appointment. war- ranted under the circumstances,
If the objection of a Party is based on the National President may direct the
the ground that the Party did not fail to requesting Party to provide additional
choose and appoint an Arbitrator for information or documents, deny the
the Arbitral Tribunal, there shall be request for failure to satisfy the
attached to the objection the requirements, or direct the Party or
appointment of an Arbitrator together Parties to take such other steps as may
with the latter's acceptance thereof be appropriate.
and curriculum vitae. Otherwise, the  In Domestic Arbitrations, the National President
National President shall appoint the shall observe the following:
Arbitrator for that Party.
o In making an appointment for a sole o An Arbitrator, in accepting an
arbitrator, the Appointing Authority appointment, shall include, in his / h e r
shall summon the parties and their acceptance letter, a statement that:
respective counsels, if indicated, to  He/she agrees to comply with
appear before said authority on the the applicable law, the
date, time and place set by it; for the Arbitration rules agreed upon by
purpose of selecting and appointing a the parties, or in de- fault
sole arbitrator. If a sole Arbitrator is not thereof, these Rules, a n d the
ap- pointed in such meeting, or the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in
meeting does not take place because of Domestic Arbitration, fi any;
the absence of either or both parties  He/she accepts as compensation
despite due notice, the Appointing the Arbitrator's fees agreed
Authority shall appoint the sole upon by the parties or as
arbitrator in accordance with these determined in accordance with
Guidelines. the rules agreed upon by the
o In making a default appointment, the parties; and
Ap- pointing Authority shall have regard  He agrees to devote as much
to such considerations as are likely to time and attention to the
secure the appointment of an arbitration a s the circumstances
independent and impartial Arbitrator. In may require in order to achieve
order to achieve speedy and impartial the objective of a speedy,
justice and to moderate the cost of effective and fair resolution of
Arbitration, in choosing an Arbitrator, the dispute.
the Appointing Authority shall give  In International Arbitrations, the National
preference to a qualified person who President shall likewise be guided by the
has a place of residence or business in provisions of Article 2.4 hereof.
the same general locality as the agreed  The order issued pursuant to this Article shall
venue of the Arbitration and who is not be the subject of a motion for
likely to accept the Arbitrator's fees reconsideration "
agreed upon by the parties, or as fixed
in accordance either with the internal APPOINTMENT OF ARBITRATORS
guidelines or the Schedule of Fees
approved by the administering  The parties are free to agree on a procedure of
institution or by the Appointing appointing the arbitrator or arbitrators.
Authority.  If, in the contract for arbitration or in the
o Any clause giving one of the parties the submission, a provision is made for a method
power to choose more Arbitrators than of appointing an arbitrator or arbitrators, such
the other is void. However, the rest of method shall be followed
the agreement, fi otherwise valid, shall  In the absence of any agreement (see page 2-
be construed as permitting the 3; nos 1 and 2)
appointment of one (1) Arbitrator by all
claimants a n d one (1) Arbitrator by all REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT
respondents. The third Arbitrator shall refers to the letter-request to the appointing
be appointed as provided above. If all authority of either or both parties for the
the claimants or all the respondents appointment of arbitrators or of the two
cannot decide among themselves on an arbitrators first appointed by the parties for the
Arbitrator, the appointment shall be appointment of the third member of an arbitral
made for them by the National tribunal.
needed by the parties prior to the
CHALLENGING THE APPOINTMENT constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal
Grounds Under ICA:  ICC Arbitration Rules:
 If circumstances exist that give rise to o a party that needs urgent interim
justifiable doubts as to his/her impartiality or measures ("Emergency Measures
independence; or "that cannot await the constitution of
 If he/she does not possess qualifications an arbitral tribunal may make an
agreed to by the parties; or application to the Secretariat of the
 A party may challenge an arbitrator appointed ICC International Court of Arbitration
by him/her, or in whose appointment he/she ("Secretariat").
has participated, only for reasons of which o APPLY ONLY TO PARTY SIGNATORIES
he/she becomes aware after the appointment o Does not apply:
has been made.  the arbitration agreement
under the ICC Rules was
Domestic Arbitration concluded before 1 January
in addition to the grounds mentioned above, the 2012;
arbitrator may be challenged if he refuses to  the parties have opted out of
respond to questions by a party regarding the the Emergency Arbitrator
nature and extent of his professional dealings with Provisions (see the Standard
a party or its counsel. ICC Arbitration Clauses); or
 the parties have agreed to
 If an arbitrator becomes de jure or de facto procedure that provides for
unable to perform his/her functions or for the granting of conservatory,
other reasons fails to act without undue interim or similar measures
delay, his / her mandate terminates if he/she
withdraws from his/her office or if the par-
ties agree on the termination. Otherwise, if a APPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ARBITRATOR
controversy remains concerning any of these
grounds, any party may request the A substitute arbitrator shall be appointed under
appointing authority to decide on the applicable rules when the mandate of an arbitrator
termination of the mandate, which decision terminates under the following circumstances:
shall be immediately executory and not  Challenge Procedure
subject to appeal or motion for  Failure or Impossibility to Act
reconsideration.  Withdrawal from office for a n other reason
 If, under the Challenge Procedure, an or be- cause of the revocation of his
arbitrator withdraws from his/her office or a mandate by agreement of the parties or in
party agrees to the termination of the any other case of termination of his /her
mandate of an arbitrator, this does not imply mandate
acceptance of the validity of any ground as
outlined in the Grounds for Challenge.
 Not mentioned in RA 9285 and its IRR On the governing provisions on Competence to
 In arbitral institutions in the Philippines, this rule:
is included in their Rules of Procedure , in
order to address temporary urgent relief  The arbitral tribunal may rule on its own
jurisdiction, including any objections with
respect to the existence or validity of the
arbitration agreement or any condition  The Arbitral Tribunal may, unless otherwise
precedent to the filing of a request for agreed by the parties, meet at any place it
arbitration. For that purpose, an arbitration considers appropriate for consultation
clause, which forms part of a contract shall among its members, for hearing witnesses,
be treated as an agreement independent of experts or the parties, or for inspection of
the other terms of the contract. A decision goods, other property or documents.
by the arbitral tribunal that the contract is
null and void shall not entail ipso jure the
invalidity of the arbitration clause.
 A plea that the arbitral tribunal does not RULES OF PROCEDURE IN ARBITRAL PROCEEDINGS
have jurisdiction shall be raised not later
than the submission of the statement of  Parties are free to agree on the procedure
defense (i.e., in an Answer or Motion to to be followed by the arbitral tribunal
Dismiss). A party is not precluded from  Under International Court of Arbitration
raising such a plea by the fact that he/she (ICA),
has appointed, or participated in the o the arbitral tribunal may, lacking
appointment of, an arbitrator. A plea that agreement between parties, conduct
the arbitral tribunal is exceeding the scope the arbitration in such manner as it
of its authority shall be raised as soon as the considers appropriate
matter alleged to be beyond the scope of its o The UNCITRAL Arbitration rules shall
authority is raised during the arbitral apply, unless the arbitral tribunal
proceedings. The arbitral tribunal may, in considers it inappropriate
either case, admit a later plea if it considers  The application shall have
the delay justified. the following clarification: All
 The arbitral tribunal may rule on a plea references to the Secretary
referred to in paragraph (b) of this Article General of the Permanent
either as a preliminary question or in an Court of Arbitration at The
award on the merits. If the arbitral tribunal Hague shall be deemed to
rules as a preliminary question that it has refer to the appointing
jurisdiction, any party may request, within authority
thirty (30) days after having received notice  Under Domestic Arbitration:
of that ruling, the Regional Trial Court to o The arbitral tribunal may conduct the
decide the matter, which decision shall be arbitration in such manner as it
immediately executory and not subject to considers appropriate -- this is when
motion for reconsideration or appeal. While the parties failed to come to an
such a request is pending, the arbitral agreement; also subject to the
tribunal may continue the arbitral provisions of the ADR act.
proceedings and make an award.
NOTE: Powers conferred upon the arbitral tribunal
PLACE OF ARBITRATION includes the power to determine admissibility,
relevance, materiality, and weight of evidence.
 Parties are free to agree on the place of
 Failing such agreement - Metro Manila,
o Unless the arbitral tribunal, having  The proceeding, including the records,
regard to the circumstances of the evidence, and award, and other confidential
case, including the convenience of information shall considered privileged and
the parties, shall decide on a different confidential and shall not be published
place of arbitration except:
o With consent of the parties; or ● Reckoning point of commencement depends on
o For the limited purpose of disclosing the nature and intended arbitration agreement of
to the court relevant documents in the parties.
cases where resort to the court is ● For International Commercial Arbitration (ICA)
allowed herein arbitration commences on the date when a request
o The court in which the action or the for that dispute to be referred to arbitration is
appeal is pending may issue a received by the respondent, unless otherwise
protective order to prevent or agreed by the parties.
prohibit disclosure of documents or  For Domestic Arbitration:
information containing secret o Institutional Arbitration - based on the
processes, developments, research arbitration rules of the institution
and other information where it is agreed upon
shown that the applicant shall be o Ad hoc Arbitration - upon the delivery
materially prejudiced by an of the demand for arbitration to the
authorized disclosure thereof. respondent
 When no prior arbitration agreement exists,
arbitration is initiated when one party submits
the case for arbitration.
LEGAL REPRESENTATION o It is considered commenced when the
other party agrees to the submission of
 For both Domestic Arbitration in PH and the dispute to arbitration
International Commercial Arbitration - party o In this case, the demand shall require
may be represented by any person of the respondent to name his/her
his/her choice arbitrator within a period
o Provided, that such representative -  Period - not less than 15 days
unless from receipt of demand,
 admitted to the practice of extendible upon agreement by
law in the Philippines shall parties
not be authorized to appear o Within the period, the respondent shall
as counsel in any PH court or give a written notice to the claimant of
any other quasi-judicial body the appointment of respondent’s
whether or such appearance arbitrator and attach to the notice the
is in relation to the arbitrator’s CV and acceptance of
arbitration in which he/she appointment.
NOTE: If there is an agreement to appoint a sole
NOTE: arbitrator:
 The demand shall include an invitation of the
 No arbitrator shall act as mediator in any claimant to the respondent to meet and
proceeding in which he/she is acting as agree upon such arbitrator not less than 30
arbitrator. days from receipt of demand
 All negotiations towards settlement of If the agreement provides for establishment of
dispute must take place without the arbitral tribunal
presence of the arbitrators  The demand shall name the arbitrator
appointed by the claimant
Oath of the Arbitrators
 Before assuming the duties of his/her office,
arbitrator must be:
o sworn by any officer authorized by law
to administer an oath or
o be required to make an affirmation to
faithfully and fairly hear and examine
the matters in controversy and to
make a just award to the best of
his/her ability and understanding
 A copy of the oath or affirmation shall be
furnished to each party of the arbitration

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