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Elastomer impression for the construction of a porcelain bonded crown in the lower left

second molar.

Patient is a 44 year old female, drinks alcohol (5 units a week), non-smoker, controlled
blood pressure, otherwise fit and healthy.

Wearing my uniform (top, trousersand closed top shoes) and my PPE, which is
face mask, disposable nitrile gloves and visor.
The clinician hands me the elastomer
impression that just has been taken from the patient's mouth.

I run it under the tub with cold running water to remove food debris, blood and saliva.

I submerge it in the disinfectant bath that contains sodium hypochlorite at 10% for 10
minutes. After 10 minutes I remove it from the bath and run it under the tub to remove
the disinfectant.

I do not wrap the elastomer impression with a damp paper towel because the elastomer
material does not dehydrate so it does not change its dimension if it dries.

I place the disinfected impression in a plastic, sealable bag.

I disposed my nitrile gloves and I wash my hands following the 7 steps advised on the
HTM 01-05 using water and antimicrobial skin cleanser containing Chlorhexidine
gluconate 4% w/v (40 mg/l).

Then I fill in the laboratory docket with the following:

- Dentist's name

- Practice's name and address

- Patient's code

- Patient's age and sex

- The tooth involved

- The tooth shade and material

-The laboratory work required

-The date the lab work was sent

docket to the sealable plastic bag.

2. Aim of disinfection procedure

Guidance Notes:

• Students should state the overall aim of the disinfection process

The aim of the procedure is to avoid indirect cross contamination by disinfecting the
impression before sending it to the laboratory.

Disinfection is to kill/destroy bacteria and fungi but not spores or viruses. This is
by using chemicals like sodium hypochlorite.

3. Reflective Account

Guidance Notes:

Students should identify their strengths and weaknesses during the procedure and
describe any action they
would take to address weaknesses in the future, if required.

I am reflecting on the disinfection of the impression (elastomer)

- Patient gave consent to be assisted by a trainee dental nurse.

- Patient gave consent to be used in this PER.


- I know the elastomer impressions do not need to be wrapped in a dump paper towel.

- I am aware that I have to wear my PPE during disinfectant procedure


- I accidentally binned the impression after the disinfection

- I forgot to rinse the impression before placing it in the disinfectant bath


- I will be more careful to avoid binning a disinfected impression

- I will make sure I always rinse the impression before placing in the des. bath

4. Witness assessment

This Section should be completed by the GDC (or other) registrant who witnessed the
activity of the student

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