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fs [e4 3] ‘Total number of printed pages: 2 j Sento SARDAR PATEL UNIVERSITY MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SEMESTER ~ IV n Development for the Android Platform Monday 15" April 2019 PS04EMCA22 - Appli Max, Marks: 70 ‘Time: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Q-t Choose the most appropriate option for each question: (8) | 1, Which of the following java packages is not available in the Android SDK? | A) javax.swing B) java.util ©) javanet D)javax.xml 9 2, Which of the following is an example of a ViewGroup? A) TextView B) Button \ ©) Layout D) None of these | 3. Which of the following can be used tw send data from one app fo another? A) Database B) Broadcast receiver | ©) Adapier D) Intent 4, Which of the following cannot be used as part of intent filters? | | A) Category B) LAUNCHER MAIN | ©) URI D) MIME type | 5, Which of the following is a method of the SQLiteOpenHlelper class? ! A) onWrite() B) — onlnsert() C) onUpgrade() D) — onRead() t 6. Which of the following is used by content provitlers to identify resources? | A) Id B) Primary key | ©) WHERE clause Dd) URI 7. Which command is used to debug Android applications? A) adb B) abd ©) dba D) bia » 8, Which permission is required to access the network from an Android app? A) NETWORK B) INTERNET (©) ACCESS_NETWORK D) CONNECT INTERNET Q2 Answer the following questions (Any Seven): (14) 1. Name the two runtimes used for executing Android code, . List the drawable subfolders of the resource folder 3. What is the fuli form of APK? What does an APK file contain? 4, Explain the Linearlayout in brief. 5. Which class in ian Android app holds thé ids defitied'in the app? Write a code statement showing how we can obtain a reference to a view using its id. 6. List the abstract methods in the LoaderCallbacks interface, 1. Differentiate between implicit and explicit intents. 8. List the types of animations in Android. 9, List the classes used to play audio and video under Android, © cP) page | of 2 Scanned with CamScanner es {61 TA. Write @ short note on the use of resources in Androit ia 3, Explain how to use Toast, AlertDialog and Log. OR ‘a concepts in Android development in brief! AVD. Activity, Service, text, the Ul thread B. Explain the following Broadcast Receiver, C plain any three Android activity lifecycle events {ol B. Assuming there is a YextView, an EditText and a Button with ids tvMessage, efName and [6] btClick respectively, write the onCreate() handler so that when the user presses the button, the contents of the EditText are transferred to the TextView. oR i¢ SDK used for perfonnis : operations in the background 16) iB, Describe the class nthe An Qs ‘A. Describe the use of adapters and ListView in Android. (61 B. Explain notifications in Android with an overview of the code to generate them. 16) OR B. Write a short note on the SQLite database, Explain the characteristics in which it differs from [6] typical RDBMS systems. Q6 ‘A. Write a short note on location access and its applications in Android. 16] B, List the contents of the Android manifest file (6 OR B, Write a short note on content providers. Also explain the use of different standard storage [6] directories used by Android apps. © Scanned with CamScanner Seat No.; No. Of pages: 2 [75/a- 18) SARDAK PATEL UNIVERSITY M.Sc. (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) SEMESTER - III | | COURSE: PSO3EINT04 Subject : Mobile Application Development Using Android and Window Date: 28/10/2016 Time : 3 Hours ‘Q-0c tv S.oep-m.Total Marks: 70 Q1 Multiple Choice Questions. [08] 1 Android is Developed by A. Google B Apple C. Microsoft D.1BM 2 ______ is the extension of Android application file. A. apk 3. .akp C. exe D. java 3 ______ method is called only once in the lifecycle of an activity. A. onDestroy() B. onStari() C. onCreate() D. onStatus() 4 _____is avery lightweight database which comes with AndroidOS. A.SQL B. Sybase C.SQLite D. None of these 5 is an extension of Windev project file. A.wdv B.wpp C. frm D. None of these 6 What is the base class for SqLite A. SQLiteOpenDatabase B. SQLiteOpenHelper C. SQLiteDatabase D. None of these 7 is the extension use for hyperfile databases. A, .accdb B. dbf C. .mdb D. fic 8 Windev Mobile enable you to manage data files in A.SQL B, HyperFileOracle C. Sybase D. HyperFileSQL 4 Q.2 Answer the following Short Questions. (Attempt any Seven) [4] o Nao @ What is Android? List Android versions with its code name. Explain in brief about the important file and folder when you create new Android Application. Write a short note on Lifecycle of a Dialog What is SQLite? What is Windev? List various applications which can be developed by using Windev Mobile Software. Explain Query() and RowQuery() function What is HyperFileSQL? Page 1/2 Scanned with CamScanner ectede i Q3 Doas Directed, sre with diag. 065] IA] Explain Android Architec- Fe [B] Write a note on Components of Ando jn various resources types: lo [B] What do you mean by Resources? Explain va j Q4 — Doas Directed. (05, 4 [A] Explain SQLite Architecture activi 0s [B] Write a note on Android Activity Life Cycle. [06] OR [B] Explain various types of Dialogs supported in Android. [06] Q5 Doas Directed. [A] Write the advantages of Windev and characteristics of WLanguage. 06) {09 [B] List various Windev mobile application features. OR [B] What is Operators? List and explain any three operators used in [06] WLanguage. Q.6 Doas Directed. {A] List any six datatype used it. Windev. Explain any three with exampie. [06] [B] Explain Windev IDE. {05} OR [B] Explain the following Database functions. [06 1. HAdd() 4 2. HDelete() 3. HModify() =0=0=X=X=X=0=0=9= Scanned with CamScanner BE MI AL 2OUs Tames O2:80PN to O500PN Qa rN ¢ ‘ No, of Prlnted Pagawt 9. . SARDAR DATEL UNIVERS TTY NSe. dn Taformation Technology Samestor LUT External Examination, October 2018 PSOSEINTIS y NodELE Applicaton Development using Androld & Windey Jota) Marks: [70] Sikay Answer the following multiple choice questions: Who is founder of Android? s Gosling Ue]. BULL Gates Salagurusany {b]. Andy Rubin ch folder conta [8]. res [c]. bin [D}. gen hs Rejava File? is the base class for SQLite? [A]. SQLiteOpentielper [C]. sQLitedatabase [8]. SQLiteOpenDatabase [D]. None Android is developed by ___. [A]. Google [B]. Microsoft [C]. Samsung [D]. Nokia Which method is used on activity diagram when user interacts with the activity? [A]. onStart() is an extension of Android application file. [a]. dll [B]. cpp [C]. exe [0]. apk which method field is useful when dialog method is carrying? [8]. onResume() [CJ]. onCreate() [0]. onstop() [A]. showDig() [Cc]. showstart() [B]. showDisplay() is very Light-weight dat: [a]. Sou [B]. sqlite [C]. Sybase [D]. None @ [0]. showDialog() abase which comes with Android 0s. Ce.T.02 Scanned with CamScanner nu Bw ONaueunnOo Q.3 [A [8] [8] Q.4 [A] [8] [8] Q.5 TAI [8] [8] Q.6 [A] (B] [8] [attempt Any 7] Wri nswers in short: Write the an: res. List various Windev Mobile Application Featu hinat is cursor in Android? Explain query() function in short. What is Intent? Define toast in Android. what is WLanguage? Explain in brief. explain the term SQLite? List standard SQLite commands. What is Android? List various versions of Android. ; List various applications which can be developed using Windev Mobile Software. Answer the following questions in detail Write a note on Android Architecture with diagram. ; Write a program to find maximum of two numbers in Android. [Only Mainactivity. java] OR Write a note on components of Android. Answer the following questions in detail List UI components and Explain any three with its method & properties. Write a note on Life Cycle of Android activity with diagram. OR List & explain various resource types. Answer the following questions in detail Write a note on layouts in Android. Explain Content Provider class in detail. OR Write a note on SQLite Architecture in Android. Answer the following questions in detail List & explain Android Dialogs. Write a note on Windev Mobile IDE. ; OR Explain structure of Android Application in detail —% — @ Scanned with CamScanner Total No, of Printed ages: 2 Aa Patel University °i cmester Examinations PSo: i SEMCA32 Mobile Application Development ednesday, 20" October, 2021 Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Max. Marks: 70 Qt [A] Choose the most ay i i o nek oe B) Linux shell Which ofthe following is used roo hese wih ofthe Used to support multiple languages in Android? B) Resources . c) Intents D) None of these Gil) Which of the following is not a valid dpi qualifier in Android? A) lpi B) mdpi C) xxhdy D) None of these (iv) Which is the first parameter to the various log.* methods? A) Context B) Activity ©) Tag, D) Message (%) Which of the following method can be used to create instance of SharedPreferences class? A) getSharedPreferences() _B) getPreferences() ©) Both A and B D) None of these Gi offers a generic, well-defined interface for using and sharing data, and provides a consistent abstraction from the underlying data source. A) Content Provider B) View C) Intent D) None of these (vii) class can be used to play music in out app. A) MultiMedia B) AudioPlayer ‘C) MusicPlayer D) All of these (viii) Which of the following cannot be used for storing data using the Android SDK? A) Shared Preferences B) Files ©) SQLite D) MySQL Do as Directed. ; , [16] Which company develops the Android operating system? ‘Who manages an Android application’s lifecycle? Which class represents a single screen in the Android user interface? Which elass is used to navigate from one screen to another in the Android UI? Name the folder(s) tha! contain images and icons in an Android app. Which view determines the sizes and positions of its child views? What is the full form of dp (a a unit of dimensions)? Which class is used to show @ message for a short duration on the screen? List different ways of data persistence in Android. ® To, Scanned with CamScanner (ix) Qs Q4 Qs Q6 era in Android? ym the cane different data c an image fro" Which abject ean be used for capturing ; = Wie Values class enables 9 wing get keys with values sypes. [True/False). hich permission is needed (0 acoess vase can be used t0 play 2 Kndroid uses the Class as a return value Aitrentiate between URT and URT- ; Resources are stored in Android in folder 114] app? accurate location in an Android 4p?’ ideo in an Android apP- for SQL qweries. ‘Answer ANY SEVEN from the following arerentiate between implicit intents and explicit intents Explain Android version number, code nite and API level with an Where is a string resource ‘defined? How can we use & string re! abel on a button? List the advantages of using resourees. List the contents of the Android manifest fle Write any two characteristics of SQLite , Which is the preferred method for stor! formation like application setings separoid? Which method is preferable for ring large amount of tabular example. source as & VideoView? What is the use of MediaController class with VideoView? Which class is required for our app to be notified of incoming SMS messages? Name any one method of this class. as and intent filters in Android. 108] OR droid. Give an csample of using an Write a short note on inter Write a short note on adapters in Ar ad-pter in our Android app with cove Explain with a figure the Android activity lifecycle, Explain each event inthe [08] y lifecycle. acti OR Explain toasts, alert dialogs and notifications with short code snip Briefly explain the features of SQL iain Si a features Lite. Expiain SQLite} clpe 8 SQLiteDataBase classes along with any two methods of ae ac examples. 7 ts of each class with : oR Explain storing and retrieving the data to the file by giving suitabl y giving suitable exainple. Write a short note on LBS (Geolocation and location aware a ba re apps). 108} Explain the mechani mechanism of sending and rece’ S os ig and receiving SMS programmatically f grammatically from a @ Scanned with CamScanner P.G. r(ment of Computer Science and Technology Sardar Patel University Master of Computer Applications 7 . MCA-II Internal Examinations PS03CMCA32 Mobile Application Development Friday, 24" September, 2021 fime: 4 Hour 30 Minutes Max. Marks: 30 pote: L hour is tor Qe to Q-3 and 30 minutes are for Q-4 (Open Book Test) Q-1 Choose the most appropriate option for each question: (4 1. AOSP is an acronym of __ A) Android Open Source Project B) Android Operating System Project €C)_ Android Open System Project D) None of these @° Which of the following API level information is NOT required while buil new Android application? A) Target API level B) Minimum API level C) Maximum API level D) None of These 3. Which of the following is NOT an argument of makeText() method of class Toast? A) Context B) Text C) Duration D) Source 4. ie __ method of SQLiteDatabase class, lets you execute any non-query SQL statement on your database tables. A) execute() B) — execSQL() CC) executeSQLO D) — exec() Q-2. Answer the following questions (ANY THREE): 16) 1. What is an AVD? What is it used for? 2, What is an adapter? Describe with a figure. 3. Differentiate between options menu and context menu. @ — & Which are the methods in the SQLiteDatabase class? Write their use in one sentence each. %» Qs ‘A. Draw the Android activity life cycle. Explain in brief each event 15] iB, What is a layout. List the layouts available for Android. Explain any one layout |S] with example. oR Draw and explain the Android system architecture is What is iment? Define diferent types of intents, Explain any one of them by [5] giving appropriate example Q4 Open Book Test question in a separate sheet 10} Scanned with CamScanner Post Graduate Department of Computer Science And Technology = Sardar Patel University MCA Third Semester PS03CMCA32 Mobile Application Development QUIZ Max. Marks: 10 Max. Time: 10 Minutes Sr. | Question Your No. Answer 1 a kernel on which Android is based. A] MS DOS (B] Linux [C] Windows [D] macOs 2 | Android mobile operating system is currently owned by [A] Android Ine [B] Google [C] Microsoft [D] Netscape - 3 | Whatis the name of the manifest file of an Android app? [A] AndroidManifest. MF [B] Manifes. MF [C] AndroidManifest.xmt [D] Manifest.xmt 4 | Almost every application has al least one {A] activity 1B) intent [C] widget [D]_Allof these 3 | Anactivity in__ state is completely obscured (hidden behind) by another activity. + [A] Paused [B] Stopped {C] Running [D] Destroyed 6 | Which of the following is NOT a view? [A] Baiton {B] RadioGroup [C]_ RadioButton _{D] None of These 7 | Bach Android device runs on exactly one API level, True or False? [A] True [B] False Fg [ Whieh of the following mobile hand set DOES NOT use android operating | system? [A] Nokia {B] Samsung | {C]_ iPhone [Dj] Lenovo 9 | The DVM executes __ files. | [A] java [B] .apk [C]_ex [D]_.xm! 10 Tolder in project tool window, stores graphies resources that can be painted | on the screen. \ [A] strings {B] layout \ | [C] drawable [D] values Scanned with CamScanner Xo. ‘Total number of printed pages: 2 SARDAR PATEL UNIVERSITY Let] | MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SEMESTER -V PSOSEMCA03 - Application Development for the Android Platform ‘Tuesday 26" November 2019 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Max. Marks: 70 Choose the most appropriate option for each quest {8] |android is based on - |4) Linux compiler B) Linux interpreter Ic) Modified Linux kernel D) None of these IWhich virtual machine is not used by any version of Android? yp ART B) _ Dalvik virtual machine c) WM D) None of these An Android application is only visible to the user between = |A)_ onStart() and onStop() B) _ onResume() and onStop() (Cc) onResume() and onRestart() D) _ onStart() and onPause() IWhich of the following is not typically defined in XML files? JA) Layouts B; Menus Ic) Strings D) _ Drawables Which is the preferred unit for specifying sizes of views in Android? l4) dp B) px lc) pt D) —_None of these Which tag is used in the Android manifest file for declaring the requirement of persnissions? IA) B) —_ lc) D) —_ IWhich class is used to make a network request in the background? IA) AsyneTask B) HT TPGetRequest Ic) AsyneGetTask D) —-HTTPTask Which of the following is not declared in the Android manifest file? }\)_ Application icon id B) — SQLiteOpenHelper IC) Broadcast receiver D) Activity (14) |Answer the following qvtestions (Any Seven): \Give at least two examples of Android versions with version number, version name and API level, What controls an Android app’s lifecycle? Why is it so? Which data structure holds the recently used activities? Which activity among these can interact with the user? |What is saving and restori ist and explain the use of any two subfolders of the v What is a content provider? How does it identify resources? List commonly used views in Android List permissions related to location access. ng of state? Object of which class is used to store the state? alues folder. ist motion sensors in Aadroid. Scanned with CamScanner Q3 ‘A. Esplain with a figure the Andro B. List and explain in brief differ ity lifecycle events. vid acti int types of resources in Android. OR sof intents. Specify different inten intent? Describe different types t filter criteria. B. What isa Q-4 A. Write a short note on the SQLite database h it differs from typical RDBMS systems. B Explain Cursor, Cursor] oader, LoaderManager and LoaderCallbacks. oR Event Dispatch Thread (UI Thread). Why should we n ¢ the options available for running sud sxplain the characteristics in which ificance of the B, Explain the use and si run long running operations on that thread? What ar operations in a separate thread? Q5 ‘A. Explain with examples logging, Toast and AlertDialog, JL as how to access them in the code. B. Explain how to define views in the layout file as wel OR B. Write a short note on list views and adapters. Q6 "A. Explain how to play audio and video in Android B. Explain how tw generate notifications in Andruid. OR ss in Android. B. Write a short note on location ac Scanned with CamScanner CIES 4 ________—_ - vi, The pieces of blocking selected portior age for a particular editing i. blocking selected portions of the image 1g pe of ig 2 zs over 3D wire frame models is called vii, The techniqu: of applying 2D images over 3D wi frame ‘The data transfer rate of 52X CD ROM drive is KBisee. (b) State whether each of the following statement is True or False: (8) i. A polygon is defined as the set of points that are all at a given fixed distance trom a center position ii, The mapping of a par of a world-coordinate scene 10 device coordina referred to 2 geometric transformation. - ‘The Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm is used for line clipping iv. Any procedure that identifies those portions of a picture that are either inside or outside of a specisied region of space is referred as clipping algorithm. ¥. While designing multimedia text, only design and content characteristics are to be considered. Vic Audio sampling size and auaio sampling rate are the wo only parameters to be set while recording audio, ; | Vii, In human eyes, the photoreceptor cells rods are responsible for identification of colors. viii, Image Ri ved as an attempt to estimate the original image by applying effective inversion of the degradi jomenon. QQ. Answer in sort (Attempt any 7 out of | (4) i, Write the differences Scan display anid Random-sean display. ii, List out the attributes of line output primitive th, equations of circle using polar coordinates rand 0, the ight color codes for a three-bit per pivel frame bute vy, Write the steps to convert a color value in RGB color model to YIQ color model, vi. List out atleast fous features of PNG file format which are not available in GIE. Vii, Calculote the size of audio file in Bits having 32 it sound system, recording siynals at 44 KHz in mono recording for 39 seco Define: Multimedia and Multimedia authoring List out the three broad classification of Image processing: and analysis with input and output of each. si Q3. Do as directed. [A] Write anote on DDA line dravsing line algorithm i UB] Assume thet @ polygon with vertices (3,2), (15, 2), (8, 40) and ais i en. Perform the translation transformations to the woe respect to the translation vee 3). Give the meee Polygon wi polygen ve the new coor th , OR Q3. Do as directed, TAP Disciss Breseata [B] Explain ft Scanned with CamScanner

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