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PREP TIME 1hr 30mins
COOK TIME 30mins

500g Cake Flour
10g Instant Yeast
25g Huletts White Sugar
5g Salt
430ml Water
700ml Sunflower Oil for Cooking
Huletts Icing Sugar for dusting (optional)

1. Mix all ingredients to form a stiff dough. (No kneading required)
2. Place in a bowl and cover with a clean dish towel.
3. Leave it to prove in a warm place for 1 hour (the dough should double in size).
4. Remove dough from the bowl and place it on a floured surface.
5. Knock the dough back and shape it into small individual balls of roughly 40g each.
6. In a deep pan or pot, heat oil to medium heat (the pot must be filled halfway to the top).
7. Carefully drop each ball into the hot oil and fry until golden brown, turning the balls around to cook evenly.
8. Remove and place on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
9. You can dust the Magwinya with icing sugar.

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