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Curriculum Vita

Name: Prabal Roy Chowdhury.

Designation: Professor (HAG), Economics and Planning Unit, Social Science Division, Indian
Statistical Institute (Delhi Center).

Address for Communication:

Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 7 – S.J.S. Sansanwal Marg, New
Delhi–110016, India.
Tel (O): 11 41493930. Mobile: 09871085901.
Fax: +91 11 41493981.

Date of Birth: 18th April, 1962.


 Ph.D. (Economics), Indian Statistical Institute, 1993. Supervisor Dilip Mookherjee.

 M.A. (Economics), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1988 (Ranked first).
 B.Sc. (Economics), Presidency College, 1985 (Ranked first).

Positions Held:

 Professor (Higher Academic Grade), Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical
Institute (Delhi Center), 2014 onwards.
 Professor, Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi Center),
2003 – 2014.
 Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1998
– 2003.
 Visiting Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta, 1996 –
 Post-doctoral Researcher, Centre for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE),
Catholique University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium, 1992 - 1993.

Journal Publications:

1. Simultaneous Borrowing and Saving in Microfinance (with Dyotona Dasgupta),

Accepted, Oxford Economic Papers.
2. Credit Constraint and Domestic Conflict (with Prasad Bhattacharjee and Habib Rahman),
accepted, Economic Modelling.
3. Social Conflict: development as Signal (with Dushyant Kumar), accepted, Economic
4. Affirmative Action in the Presence of Income-heeterogenity (with Brishti Guha),
Games and Economic Behaviour 132, 510-533, 2022.
5. Race to collusion: Monitoring and incentives under multiple-bank lending (with
Kaniska Dam), Journal of Economic Theory 197, 1-40, 2021.
6. Institutional imperfections and buyer-induced holdout in land acquisition (with
Sreeparna Saha, Jaideep Roy, and Grazyna Wiejak-Roy), Journal of Institutional and
Theoretical Economics 177, 261-298, 2021.
7. Natural Shocks and Marriage Markets: Fluctuations in Mehr and Dowry in Muslim
Marriages (with Shyamal Chowdhury and Debdulal Mallick), European Economic
Review 128, 1-28, 2020.
8. Conflict and Development (with Dushyant Kumar), International Game Theory Review,
Special issue on ``Operations Research and Game Theory: Modeling and
Computation 22, 2019.
9. Aid and Terrorism: A Dynamic Contracts Approach with Moral Hazard (with Jaideep
Roy), Indian Growth and Development Review 13, 2019.
10. Coordination and Private Information Revelation: Failure of Information Unraveling
(with Debdatta Saha), Game 9, 2018.
11. Public-private Partnerships, Commitment and X-inefficiency (with Indrani Roy
Chowdhury), Arthaniti 17, 157-167, 2018.
12. Gradualism in Aid and Reforms (with Parimal Bag), Journal of International
Economics 103, 108-123, 2016.
13. Innovation Incentives in an Integrated Market with Vertical Product Differentiation
(with Rajat Acharyya), Indian Growth and Development Review 9, 79-99, 2016.
14. Holdout and Eminent Domain in Land Acquisition (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury),
Indian Economic Review 51, 1-19, 2016.
15. Borrower Targeting under Microfinance: Competition with Motivated Microfinance
Institutions and Strategic Complementarity (with Brishti Guha), Developing Economies
52, 211-240, 2014.
16. Deterrence, Preemption, And Panic: A Common-Enemy Problem of Terrorism (with
Satya P. Das), Economic Enquiry 52, 219-238, 2014.
17. Sequential Lending with Dynamic Joint Liability in Micro-finance (with Shyamal
Chowdhury and Kunal Sengupta), Journal of Development Economics 111, 167-180,
18. Land Acquisition: Political Intervention, Fragmentation and Voice, Journal of
Economic Behaviour and Organization 85, 63-78, 2013.
19. Micro-finance competition: Motivated micro-lenders, double-dipping and default (with
Brishti Guha), Journal of Development Economics 85, 86-102, 2013.
20. Innovation and social desirability of merger (with Arijit Mukherji), Economics Bulletin
33, 348-360, 2013.
21. Transparency, Complementarity and Holdout (with Kunal Sengupta), Games and
Economic Behaviour 75, 598-612, 2012.
22. The Porter Hypothesis and Hyperbolic Discounting, Economics Bulletin, 31, 167-176,
23. Firm Size and Pricing Policy, Bulletin of Economics Research, 62, 181-195, 2010.
24. Public-private Partnerships in Micro-finance: Should NGO Involvement be Restricted?
(with Jaideep Roy), Journal of Development Economics 90, 200-208, 2009.
25. Bertrand Competition with Non-rigid Capacity Constraints, Economics Letters 109, 55-
58, 2009.
26. Mixed Oligopoly with Distortions: First Best with Budget-balance and the Irrelevance
Principle, Economics Bulletin 29, 1885-1900, 2009.
27. Financial Intermediation and Employment (with Manoj Pant and Gurbachan Singh),
Review of Market Integration 1, 61-82, 2009.
28. Joint Venture Instability and Monitoring, Indian Growth and Development Review 2,
pages 126-140, 2009.
29. Bertrand - Edgeworth Equilibrium with a Large Number of Firms, International
Journal of Industrial Organization 26, 746-761. 2008.
30. Adoption of New Technology and Joint Venture Instability (with Tarun Kabiraj),
Research in International Business and Finance 22, 108-123, 2008.
31. Controlling Collusion in Auctions: The Role of Ceilings and Reserve Prices, Economics
Letters 98, 420-426, 2008.
32. Group-lending with Sequential Financing, Contingent Renewal and Social
Capital, Journal of Development Economics 84, 487-507, 2007.
a. Winner of the JDE Best Paper Award, 2007.
33. Alliances among Asymmetric Countries, Defence and Peace Economics 18, 253-263,
34. Patents and R&D: The Tournament Effect, Economics Letters 89, 120-126, 2005.
35. Bertrand -Edgeworth Duopoly with Linear Costs: A Tale of Two Paradoxes, Economics
Letters 88, 61-65, 2005.
36. Group-lending: Sequential Financing, Lender Monitoring and Joint Liability, Journal of
Development Economics 77, 415-439, 2005.
37. Coalition-proof Bertrand Equilibria (with Kunal Sengupta), Economic Theory 24, 307-
324, 2004.
38. Asymmetric Capacity Costs and Joint Venture Buyouts (with Sugata Marjit), Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization 54, 425-438, 2004.
39. Strong Bertrand Equilibria, Keio Economic Studies 41. 59-64, 2004.
40. Import Protection as Export Promotion (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury), Keio Economic
Studies 40, 17-35, 2003.
41. Bertrand-Edgeworth Equilibrium in Large Markets with Non-manipulable Residual
Demand, Economics Letters 79, 371-375, 2003.
42. Bertrand Equilibrium with Entry: Some Limit Results, (with William Novshek),
International Journal of Industrial Organization 21, 795-808, 2003.
43. Inefficiencies in a Model of Team Formation, Group Decisions and Negotiations 12,
195-215, 2003.
44. Limit Pricing as Bertrand Equilibrium. Economic Theory 19, 811-822, 2002.
45. International Joint Ventures: A Welfare Analysis (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury),
Policy Reform 5, 51-60, 2002.
46. Consistent Stability in Generalized Assignment Models, Keio Economic Studies 39, 9-
22, 2002.
47. Government Intervention in Technology Transfer, Indian Economic Review 37, 2002.
48. A Theory of Joint Venture Life-cycles (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury), International
Journal of Industrial Organization 19, 319-343, 2001.
49. A Learning based Theory of Joint Venture Life-cycles (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury),
Group Decision and Negotiation 9, 457-470, 2000.
50. Joint Product Development: Some Dynamic Issues, Keio Economic Studies 37, 37-50,
51. Assignment Models and Reneging, Economic Theory 14, 393-415, 1999.
52. Bertrand-Edgeworth Equilibria With Unobservable Output, Uncoordinated Consumers
and Large Number of Firms, Economics Letters 63, 207-211, 1999.
53. Learning, Liberalization and Joint Ventures (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury), Keio
Economic Studies 36, 33-52, 1999.
54. Firm Size, Synergy and Joint Ventures (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury), Seoul Journal of
Economics 12, 257-269, 1999.
55. Externalities and Bargaining Disagreement, Economics Letters 61, 61-65, 1998.
56. Contestability and Bertrand Equilibrium: A Unified Approach, Keio Economic
Studies 35, 61-70, 1998.
57. Management Union Bargaining Under Minimum Wage Regulation in Less Developed
Countries (with Saikat Datta), Indian Economic Review 33, 169-184, 1998.
58. Generalized Assignment Models: With an Application to Technology Transfer,
Economic Theory 10, 335-360, 1997.
59. Dynamic Auditing, Keio Economic Studies 34, 1-15, 1997.
60. Foreign Collaborative Ventures and Quality of Technology, Journal of Quantitative
Economics 13, 11-28, 1997.
61. The Contestable Outcome as a Bertrand Equilibrium, Economics Letters 50, 237-242,
62. The Outside Option, Bargaining Skill and the Nash Bargaining Solution, Keio
Economic Studies 33, 19-37, 1996.
63. Learning-by-doing and Dynamic Incentives for Joint Product Development (with
Indrani Roy Chowdhury), Decisions 23, 120-136, 1996.
64. Technological Asymmetry and Joint Product Development, International Journal of
Industrial Organization 13, 23-39, 1995.
65. Pricing of Electricity: Is Two-part Tariff the Answer? (with Uma Viswanathan), Indian
Economic Review 29, 57-69, 1994.

Work in progress (or under submission):

1. Honesty or Talent in Project Implementation (with Parimal Bag).

2. Activists and Politicians (with Mayank Mundhra and Jaideep Roy).
3. MFI Competition in the Presence of Moneylenders: Theory and Evidence (with Shyamal
4. Regulation of Consumer Data: Privacy and Welfare (with Gaurav Jakhu).
5. Holdup and Gradualism (with Kunal Sengupta).
6. Land Ceiling, Land Acquisition and De-industrialisation - Theory and Evidence from the
Indian States (with Sarmistha Pal and Zoya Saher).
7. Spatial Inequality and Economic Development (with Namrata Gulati).
8. Fairness is flexible: A study of competing focal points (with Priyanka Kothari and Subrata
9. Corrupt Principal and Corruptible Agent (with Nilesh Jain).

Book Chapters in Edited Volumes:


1. Public-private partnerships, corruption and efficiency (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury).

In ``Economics, Management and Sustainability: Essays in Honour of Anup Sinha.’’
Eds. Partha Ray, Runa Sarkar, Anindya Sen, Springer, 2018.
2. Public-private partnerships and governance (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury). In
``Understanding Development.’’ Eds. S. Banerjee, V. Mukherji and S.K. Halder,
Springer, 2015.
3. Sequential Lending: Dynamic Institutions and Micro-finance. In ``Emerging Issues in
Economic Development: A Contemporary Theoretical Perspective (Essays in Honour
of Amitava Bose and Dipankar Dasgupta)’’, Eds. S. Marjit and M. Rajeev, Oxford
University Press, 2014.
4. Micro-finance: The SHG-linkage Program. In ``The Oxford Handbook of the Indian
Economy.’’ Ed. Chetan Ghate, Oxford University Press (New York), 149-168, 2012.
5. Edgeworth Market Games: Price-taking and Efficiency. In ``Encyclopedia of
Operations Research and Management Science.’’ Ed. Marc Kilgour, John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd., 2011.
6. Entry Liberalization, Export Subsidy and R&D. In ``Some Contemporary Issues in
Development and Growth Economics.’’ Ed. Arpita Dhar, 444-463, Allied Publishers
Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
7. A Theory of Buyouts in Joint Ventures (with Sugata Marjit). In ``Globalization in
China, India and Russia.’’ Eds. J.F. Hutchet, X. Richet and J. Ruet, Academic
Foundation 260-283, 2007, New Delhi.
8. Marriage Markets with Externalities. In ``Operations Research with Economic and
Industrial Applications: Emerging Trends.’’ Eds. S.R. Mohan and S.K. Neogy.
Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, India, 148-155, 2005.
9. Reciprocal Dumping : A Generalized Approach (with Udaybhanu Sinha). In
``Economics of Globalization.’’ Eds. Manas Chatterji and Partha Gangopadhyay,
Ashgate Publishers, 2006.
10. Joint Venture Instability: A Life-cycle Approach (with Indrani Roy Chowdhury). In
``Effects of Globalization on Industry and Environment.’’ Eds. Rajat Acharyya and
Bhaswar Moitra, Lancer's Books, New Delhi.43-72, 2001.
Work in progress:

1. Microfinance and Employment (with Shyamal Chowdhury and Debdutta Saha). To

appear in the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, eds.
Klaus Zimmerman and M Niaz Asadullah, Springer Nature.

 Regular Research Workshops for Doctoral Students.
 MSQE program (ISI): Micro-economics I, Micro-economics II, Industrial Organization,
Theory of Finance.
 M.A. (Economics, CSDILE, JNU): Micro-economics, Mathematical Economics, Game
 Other teaching: Have taught in (a) various ISS probationers program, (b) various
Refresher programs in Economics at JNU and other universities.

Ph.D. Supervision:
Degree awarded:

1. Dhritiman Gupta, Essays on Collective Contests and Bargaining, 2021.

2. Priyanka Kothari, Essays on Behavioural Industrial Organization and Bargaining, 2020.
3. Gaurav Jakhu, Essays on Regulation of Platform Markets, 2020.
4. Dyotona Dasgupta, Essays on the Dynamics of Credit Constraints, 2017.
5. Dushwant Kumar, Essays on Conflict and Organization Theory, 2015.
6. Debdatta Saha, Essays on Network Industries: Markets, Committees, Information
Revelation and Standardization, 2012.


1. Nilesh Jain (4th Year).

2. Mayank Mundhra (3rd Year).

Academic Administration and Professional Services:

 Professor-in-charge, Social Science Division, for two years.
 Head, Planning Unit, for two years.
 Students’ Academic Affairs In-charge, Delhi Center, for two years.
 Member, Ph.D.-D.Sc. Committee (Quantitative Economics), Social Science Division.
 Was Chairperson, Purchasing Committee, Delhi Center.
 Chairperson, Flat Allotment Committee, Delhi Center.
 Member, Library Committee, Delhi Center.
 Was Convener, Travel Grants Committee, Delhi Center.
 Acted as Convener/member for the MSQE/JRF admissions committee several times.
 Was Convener, MSQE Review Committee.
 Editor, Indian Growth and Development Review, Emerald Press.
 Acted as a referee for several journals including Journal of Political Economy, Review
of Economic Studies, Journal of Development Economics, Economics Journal,
International Journal of Industrial Organization and Economic Theory.
Honours, Awards and Achievements:

 Best Paper Award, 2007, by the Journal of Development Economics, for my paper
``Group-lending with sequential financing, contingent renewal and social capital.’’
o This paper was also shortlisted among the top five papers in the Seventh GDN
Conference, January 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia.
 Editor, Indian Growth and Development Review, Emerald Press.
 In my B.Sc. (Economics) examination, Presidency College:
(i) I was awarded the U.N.Ghosal Prize for standing first among the college
students in Economics.
(ii) I was awarded the National Scholarship from Calcutta University for
ranking among the top 50 science students in B.Sc. examination.
(iii) I also broke the existing record for the aggregate marks in my Honours
 I was ranked 26th among all students in my class 12 Board examinations held by the
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education.

Visiting Positions:
 Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).
 Hongkong University of Science and Technology.
 University of Sydney.
 University of New South Wales.
 Monash University.
 University of Deakin.
 University of Warwick.

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