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1. Is economic globalization fair?

2. Who benefits from it?
3. Who is left behind?


1. Globalization allows many goods to be more affordable and available to more parts of the world.
It helps improve productivity, give more opportunities to people and improve working conditions
and quality of management, especially in developing countries. However, when it comes to
economic globalization, it becomes unjust or not fair. Why do I say so? this is because the
benefits of all these are biased and it is only favoring the rich and the powerful and we call them
the oligarchs. Also, the less cooperation of different sectors, be it the people, the government and
the state should have social dialogue to address concerns and somehow make a solution that will
be consider a win-win situation or that will be beneficial to each other. In this way, we can create
more and new opportunities for all and we can ensure that the benefits of globalization will be
shared to all.

2. Globalization allows global competition also. The benefit we can get from this is the lower cost
of goods and services because of the companies and other countries rivalry. So basically,
everyone can benefit from this.

3. It is always the lower class who will be left behind, as well as those poor countries. There are
cases of fraud especially in tariffs that only the oligarchs can benefit from this while it will cause
the lower class and country to become poorer. Like the farmers here in our country are way
different than the farmers from other countries. This is because the government has not been into
full support of helping our farmers and inattentive to their concerns.

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