Industrial Relations C

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1. The importance of industrial relations is the key to the progress and success of any
organisation. Discuss
2. Employee engagement can be used to improve perceptions of fairness in the workplace.
Industrial relations refers to the relationship between employees and employers within the
organisation setting. OR

Industrial relations are systems and procedures used by unions and employers to determine the
reward for efforts and other conditions of employment to protect the interests of the employee
and their employers..

Using Bishop Stuart University as an example

The importance of industrial relations is the key to the progress and success of Bishop Stuart
university as discussed below;

Economic growth and development. Industrial Relations improve economic growth and
development and this refers to economic conditions of workers in existing state of industrial
management and political government. Here with the well known fact that good industrial
relations read to increased efficiency hence higher productivity and income resulting to
economic development of organization.

Industrial relations ensures enactment of sound labor legislation. It necessitates the passing of
certain labor laws to protect and promote welfare of labor and safeguard interests of both parties
that is the employer and the employees. For example the provisions in the employment act 2006
which clearly protects workers from any exploitation at their places of work.

It boots employee morale. Good industrial relations which are built in mutual cooperation and a
commonly agreed approach motivate one to contribute ones based, result in higher productivity
and hence income give more job satisfaction and help improve the morale of workers which is an
importance of industrial relations in human resource management.

It establishes industrial democracy. This means settling employee problems through collective
bargaining, mutual co-operation and mutual agreement amongst the management and the
employee unions. The management considers employees ideas in resolving certain matters
concerning the organisation. For example, the University engaging it's employees such as
lecturers in passing rules and regulations to govern the students.
It promotes safety and security of employees at their places of work. This is where the
management provides employees with better and favourable working conditions at their
workplace such as favourable working hours, allowances, food and protective gears such as
gumboots, gloves among others. For example, cleaners at BSU are provided with gloves and
gumboots to prevent them from attracting infectious diseases.

It helps on reducing industrial disputes. Good industrial relations between the employer and
employee reduces the rise of industrial disputes. Furthermore, provision of employee
participation in decision making helps in reduction of industrial disputes. For example the better
relationship between the lecturers and their heads of departments facilitates easy running of

Industrial relations increases production. A healthy relationship between employees and

employers within the workplace improves workers productivity and efficiency. It motivates
workers to contribute their best towards attainment of organisational objectives thus leading to
an increase in production.

It improves moral and mental condition of the workers by providing facilities such as insurance,
recreational facilities, games among others. This makes employees feel that they are part of the
organisation and their contribution improves productivity of the organisation.

Industrial relations protects employees from exploitation at their places of work. For example,
the international labour organisation which is devoted to promote rights at work, encourage
decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work
related issues.

It initiates an environment for change. Good industrial relations help in improvement of

cooperations, team work, innovations and technological advances it helps the work force to
change quickly and easily.

It safeguards the interest of employers and employees. Through trade, the organisation provides
proper facilities such as housing facilities, transport, rent, allowances among others. This helps to
promote the socio-economic welfare of the laborers. For examples, at BSU some employees are
provided with university vehicles to facilitate their transport means and guild presidents are
provided with accommodation.

Industrial relations reduces wastage. Good industrial relations are maintained on the basis of
cooperation and recognition of each other. It will help increase production. Wastage of man,
materials, machines are reduced to the minimum and this national interest is protected. Good
industrial relations is the basis of higher production with minimum cost and higher profits.

It prompts the depiction of sound labour legislation. Industrial relations necessitate the passing of
certain labour laws to protect and promote the welfare of labour and safeguard the interest of all
parties against in fair means or practices.
2. Employee engagement refers to the emotional and professional connection employees feel
towards their organisation, colleagues and work.

An employee is a person who has agreed to be employed to work for some form of payment
under a contract of employment.

Employee engagement can be done through providing employees with the tools they need to
succeed, providing them with a safe and a comfortable work environment, providing employees
with job security, providing employees with a competitive salary and benefits package among

Employee engagement can be used to improve perceptions of fairness in the work as will be
discussed below;

Lowers employee turnover. Engaged employees are less likely to leave and this helps to build up
an organization which also helps to improve the rotation rates and saves the organization from
turnover costs.

Increases profits. Keeping employees engaged can read to higher sells, low costs and increased
net profit. This is because an engaged work force has a stronger motivation to understand and
identify with company goals Driving to become freer involved in their work.

Improves customer service and experience. Engaged employees are more aligned with the
company's mission and goals thus their customer interactions are more on a brand. This helps the
organisation to increase customer service over time.

However, employees who don't feel considered and engaged in the organization feel demotivated
which interferes with their relationships with the customers this resulting into a decline in
customer loyalty.

Improves collaboration. Employees who feel connected to their company and teammates are
more likely to feel a sense of comradeship. When a group of engaged employees is working
together, it's more likely to perform at its best which increases the productivity within an
organisation. Unlike uncooperative workmates who feel unengaged at their workplace may loose
morale in performing their work this resulting into poor output.
It provides better quality of work. Employees who feel engaged and considered by their
employers will put their best and be able to come up with new ideas to produce high quality
work. With this, employees will be committed to learn from their mentors and willing to increase
their skills by attending seminars, taking up courses which may result into improved quality of
work .

Employee engagement increases productivity. Engaged employees are certified with their jobs
and tend to be more productive than this engaged employees.

Employee engagement eases recruitment. When an organisation has a strong employee

engagement, people will be more interested in working with that organisation since there is a
sense of employee consideration. This in turn helps reduces on the costs such time and money
which would be spent on advertisement.

Increases sales. Engaged employees are likely to be more productive and more likely to build
strong relationships with their customers which increases the customers loyalty towards the
organisation and this results into an increase in sales. However, customers who are not engaged
in the organisation such as in decision making feel less considered and appreciated which
demotivates them this a decline in the sales.

Employee engagement reduces employee stress. Less engaged employees in decision making
and making contributions towards the development of an organisation feel more stressed which
affects their level of production. However, employee engagement imparts employees with a
sense of kindness at work since they feel more appreciated by the employees which reduces on
the stress levels. This encourages employees to be more committed thus achieving the objectives
of an organisation.

Employee engagement improves employee health. Employees who feel positive about their jobs
experience increased wellbeing and have energy for wellness promoting. On the other side
employees who are disengaged with their work are more likely to suffer from negative physical
and mental health.
Conclusion employees who are more engaged reduces the employees stress improve on the
collaboration, sales among others which improve on the perception of fairness in the workplace
compared to those who are disengaged.

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