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The organ which is considered to be the control center of the nervous system.

A double helix structure molecule that has a long chain of nucleotides.

An organ which is found in both males and females. It is usually longer in males than that of females.
A white or grayish fluid secreted by the penis.
A hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland and that is involved in tissue growth.
A “fight or flight” hormone.
Is the term used to describe the sequence of events that occur in your body as it prepares for the possibility of pregnancy.
Refers to the female sex cells.
A component of the peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary physiologic processes of our body.
A sac of skin that holds the testes.
An erectile organ that contains the urethra.
A disorder that happens during childhood when there is an abnormal increase in height associated with too much secretion of
growth hormones.
A butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located at the base of the front of the neck.
A type of RNA that transfers amino acids to the ribosome.
A part of a nucleotide that forms phosphodiester bonds with the pentose sugars to create the sides of the nucleotide “ladder”.
A type of sugar is produced from the seminal vesicles and is added to the semen.
A pea-sized gland located below the brain and sometimes called as the “MASTER GLAND”.
A part of the neuron that contains the nucleus.
Refers to the monthly bleeding of females’ vagina.
Refers to two days before ovulation and two days after ovulation.
A process which refers to the release of egg from the ovary.
A single-stranded molecule which has a shorter chain of nucleotides.
A class of molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids.
Refers to the passing of traits from parents to offspring.
Refers to the female gonads where egg cells are being produced.
A process by which organisms make more organisms like themselves.
It is where the egg is fertilized by the sperm cell.
A type of gland which are ductless and release the substances that they make (hormones) directly into the bloodstream.
Refers to the process through which the level of one substance influences the level of one substance.
An organ which connects the brain and the body.
A hormone that is produced by the thyroid gland and that is involved in calcium homeostasis by decreasing the calcium level in
the blood.
A gland that produces a hormone which regulates the biological clock in some animals.
A nerve which sends electrical signals between your brain, face, neck and torso. 
A part of the neuron that carries the impulses away from the cell body.
A type of gland that do not produce hormones and they release their product through a duct.
A phase of the menstrual cycle wherein endometrium sheds.
A system that includes the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of nerves.
These are bundles of nerve fibers connected to the spinal cord that carry information to and away from the spinal cord.
These are building blocks of proteins.
The process by which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical DNA molecules.
An organ that receives the penis of the male during mating.
It is a system composed of glands that secrete different types of hormones that affect almost every cell, organ, and function of
our body.
A part of the brain which is responsible for maintaining our posture, balance and coordination.
A type of neuron which carry impulses from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord.
A hollow organ in a woman’s pelvis in which an embryo can grow and develop.
A long, coiled tube that stores sperm and transports them from the testes into the vas deferens.
Are chemical messengers that travel throughout an organism’s body, usually in the blood.
A hormone your pituitary gland releases that triggers your adrenal glands to release cortisol.
Is the hormone of the thymus, and it stimulates the development of disease-fighting T cells.
A hormone given to people who have low glucose level in their blood.
A type of neuron which carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles.

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