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Ingliz tili(8001178) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!



1. Choose the correct answer. 9. Choose the correct answer.

She said to him, “Why don’t you go today?” If you eat all those cakes, you . . . yourself sick.
A) would make B) made C) had made
A) She said to him that why he don’t go today. D) will make
B) She asked him if she was going today. 10. Choose the correct answer.
C) She asked him why he went that day. She was always dressed . . . green.
D) She asked him why he did not go that day. A) for B) in C) at D) by
2. Choose the correct answer. 11. Choose the correct answer.
We want to . . . animals because at the same He disapproves . . . people who don’t have their
time we would be saving ourselves. own minds.
A) build B) wonder C) protect D) suffer A) with B) at C) off D) of
12. Choose the correct answer.
3. Choose the correct answer.
− Yesterday I had an appointment with the
Many international companies are collaborating
with . . . to produce cars moving on the solar
− ... .
energy. It’s good to see them working together.
A) So did John B) So had I C) Nor was I
A) one other B) every other
D) Neither had Rafael
C) one another D) no other
4. Choose the correct answer. 13. Choose the correct answer.
When we came to live in Europe my mother The students entered the classroom, smiling
couldn’t work as a nurse right away because and . . . .
she . . . the state examination yet. A) to talk B) talking C) talk
A) wasn’t passing B) has not passed D) to talking
C) hadn’t been passing D) hadn’t passed 14. Choose the correct answer.
5. Choose the right expression of the underlined I have looked everywhere for my mobile phone.
numeral. I just . . . find it.
Electrical energy costs $0.12 per kilowatt-hour. A) mustn’t B) didn’t have to C) needn’t
A) nought point twelve dollar D) can’t
B) twelve dollars 15. Choose the correct answer.
C) nought one and two cents D) twelve cents The test was quite easy − . . . Jane expected.
A) more easy that B) more easy as
6. Choose the correct answer.
C) easier than D) easier as
. . . seven days in a week.
A) It isn’t B) Those is C) There is 16. Choose the correct answer.
D) There are She left the room without saying . . . .
7. Choose the correct answer. A) something B) somebody C) nowhere
I wouldn’t tell her if I . . . you. She can’t keep D) anything
a secret. 17. Choose the correct answer.
A) were B) had been C) will be D) am That is . . . cat.
A) these B) a C) an D) −
8. Choose the correct answer. 18. Choose the correct answer.
Those animals are very . . . . Be careful! He played well yesterday, . . . ?
A) more dangerous B) dangerous
A) isn’t it B) didn’t he C) had he
C) dangerously D) the most dangerous
D) doesn’t he

T-102 Ingliz tili(8001178) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Ice cream has been available for thousands of years. It was nothing like modern ice cream in its very
early history. In fact, the early ice cream was only snow mixed with honey and fruit. As time went on, ice
cream became more like it is today. With the help of new technologies such as electricity, the freezer and
the fridge, ice cream became much easier to make. In 1904, an ice cream salesman at the World’s Fair
used a waffle to hold ice cream from running out. Thus, the ice cream waffle was invented. Then after a
year, new ice cream products like the sundae and ice cream soda were invented. Today people know a lot
of ice cream flavours.
19. According to the passage, which of the following 21. According to the passage, what exactly happened
didn’t include in the early ice cream? in 1905?
A) a fruit B) honey C) snow D) a waffle
A) New kinds of technologies were invented.
B) The new ice cream products were introduced.
C) The ice cream waffles were introduced.
20. According to the passage, how did ice cream D) The ice cream was mixed with only snow and
become easier to make? honey.
22. All of the statements are TRUE about ice cream,
A) People found a lot of ice in mountains. EXCEPT . . . .
B) The new technologies appeared.
A) The early and modern ice cream are the same
C) The ice cream waffle was invented.
B) People have a lot of ice cream tastes now
D) People made ice cream by hand.
C) New technologies helped to make ice cream
D) Waffles helped to hold ice cream from
running out

Ingliz tili(8001178) - Sotish taqiqlanadi! T-102

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Once there was a man who was lost. As he was reading a map while driving, he accidentally drove off
the road into a muddy ditch. His car was stuck. So the man walked to a nearby farm. There he saw an
old farmer and asked for help. The farmer replied, “Warwick can get you out of that ditch,” pointing to
an old mule standing in a field. The man looked at the old mule and then looked at the farmer who just
stood there repeating, “Yep, old Warwick can do the job.” They made their way back to the ditch. The
farmer hitched the mule to the car. Then he shouted, “Pull, Fred! Pull, Jack! Pull, Ted! Pull, Warwick!”
And the mule pulled the car from the ditch with little effort. The man was amazed. He thanked the
farmer and asked, “Why did you call out all those other names before you called Warwick?” The farmer
said, "Old Warwick is blind. As long as he believes he is part of a team, he doesn’t mind pulling.”
23. Which of the following statements is TRUE 25. According to the passage, all statements are
according to the passage? TRUE, EXCEPT . . .

A) The man drove to a nearby farm to ask for A) Warwick managed to help the man and
help. pulled the car.
B) The farmer encouraged the mule to pull the B) The story is about how to encourage animal
car. to work.
C) The mule pushed the car to the ditch with C) The man walked to the near farm and saw
much effort. the farmer.
D) The four mules helped the farmer pull the D) Warwick had additional names like Fred,
car. Jack, Ted.
26. What did Warwick probably believe in while
pulling the car?
24. What does the word “hitched” in the passage
mean? A) He was working alone.
A) said B) lost C) filled D) tied B) What to eat before the job.
C) Where to go after the job.
D) He was part of a team.

T-102 Ingliz tili(8001178) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Spiders are not insects. They are actually invertebrates which mean animals without backbones. All
spiders have eight legs and poisons. Spiders can live on every continent except Antarctica. There are
over 44,000 known kinds of spiders. Spiders are found in every hole of houses. Spiders are unique among
animals that many of them spin webs out of silk. The webs catch insects to be eaten later. Larger spiders,
such as wolf spiders, huntsman, and tarantulas, attack insects rather than spin webs. Most spiders eat
insects, but some of them such as tarantulas and larger spiders will eat small lizards as well. Many people
fear spiders. Most spiders, however, are totally harmless to humans and are actually useful because they
eat other insects or pests. Even the largest tarantula, the Goliath - bird eating spider, is harmless to
humans. It is said that a tarantula’s bite is about as painful as a bee’s sting. Some spiders, however, such
as the black widow spider, are dangerous to humans. Their bite can kill people within a few days without
immediate medical attention.
27. According to the passage, which of the 29. According to the passage, black widow’s bite
following statements is NOT true about is . . . .
spiders? A) very dangerous B) not serious
C) very harmless D) not dangerous
A) They all have poisons.
B) They are without backbones.
30. All of the following statements are FALSE,
C) They all eat lizards. EXCEPT . . . .
D) They all have eight legs.
28. According to the passage, where are spiders A) Some spiders can help people.
NOT found? B) Spiders can be found everywhere.
A) in deserts B) in hot climate C) All spiders’ bites can kill people.
C) in houses D) in Antarctica
D) All spiders are very dangerous.

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