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Ingliz tili(8000818) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!



1. Choose the correct answer. 11. Choose the correct answer.

Olima always sits next to me . . . English I really enjoyed the time . . . we went to that
classes. Chinese restaurant.
A) on B) since C) of D) during A) who B) when C) whom D) which
2. Choose the correct answer. 12. Choose the correct answer.
When . . . you receive a telephone call from Jane . . . pay the bill now. She may do it
them? tomorrow.
A) did B) were C) are D) have A) doesn’t need B) doesn’t have
C) needn’t D) must
3. Choose the correct answer.
I heard him . . . a speech last month. It was 13. Choose the correct answer.
excellent. Nobody came to the meeting at 3 PM as
Mike . . . to tell the office workers about it.
A) made B) to making C) make
D) to make A) had forgot B) forget C) had forgotten
D) forgot
4. Choose the correct answer.
14. Choose the correct answer.
If Anora . . . a little taller, she could become a
− Is there any difference between . . . English
spoken in the United Kingdom and that of
A) were B) had been C) is D) will be India?
5. Choose the correct answer. − Of course, there is: in vocabulary,
Students can . . . valuable experience by pronunciation and . . . meaning of some words.
working on difficult subjects. A) the/the B) −/an C) an/the
A) send B) gain C) spend D) suggest D) the/−
6. Choose the correct answer. 15. Choose the correct answer.
She left the room without saying . . . . The employer said to the workman, “I cannot
pay you higher wages.”
A) somebody B) nowhere C) something
D) anything A) The employer told the workman that he
7. Choose the correct answer. cannot pay him higher wages.
When Sitora was in her . . ., she left her city. B) The employer told the workman to pay
A) twenties B) twentieth C) a twenty higher wages.
D) the twentieth
C) The employer told the workman that he
8. Choose the correct answer. could not pay him higher wages.
If we . . . a yacht, we would sail around the
D) The employer told the workman that he
could not been paid higher wages.
A) would have B) had C) have had 16. Choose the correct answer.
D) have Jane wanted to know if . . .
9. Choose the correct answer. A) had I met Lucy Dowson?
− Are you going . . . for the weekend? B) I had met Lucy Dowson?
− I don’t know. It depends . . . the weather. C) had I met Lucy Dowson.
A) about/for B) into/at C) away/on D) I had met Lucy Dowson.
D) −/to 17. Choose the correct answer.
10. Choose the correct answer. He played well yesterday, . . . ?
Jane became . . . as she was growing up. A) doesn’t he B) had he C) didn’t he
D) isn’t it
A) more and more beautiful 18. Choose the correct answer.
B) more and more beautifully − Is your brother . . . ?
C) most and most beautiful − No, he isn’t. He is fat.
A) thin B) thinner C) thinnest
D) much and much beautifully
D) the thin

T-102 Ingliz tili(8000818) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

A fantastic job is offered for people with sweet teeth. The university has just advertised for a researcher
of chocolate. Chocolate and science lovers can apply to be a researcher and study for a PhD. The researcher
will look at what makes chocolate melt and try to stop it from melting in warmer weather. The position
is for three and a half years. The researchers must have good maths and science skills.
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, sugar, water, butter oil and fat. But only different oils and fats
control how hard or soft chocolate is and when it melts. Chocolate companies spend a lot of money to
get the right balance so that chocolate melts in the mouth. The scientist says the melting is important.
It controls how the chocolate spreads and releases flavour onto our tongue.
19. According to the passage, what kind of job is 21. According to the passage, what skills do the
offered for those who like sweets? researchers need?
A) tasting skills B) creative skills
A) a researcher of chocolate C) science skills D) cooking skills
B) a picker of cocoa beans
C) a maker of sweet chocolate
D) a job in teeth researching
20. According to the passage, how long does the 22. According to the passage, what controls the
position last for? softness of chocolate?
A) for 3 years B) for 2 years
A) butter and oils B) oils and fats
C) for 2,5 years D) for 3,5 years
C) sugar and fats D) beans and fats

Ingliz tili(8000818) - Sotish taqiqlanadi! T-102

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

A woodpecker is a kind of bird. Woodpeckers are found all over the world except in the North and
South poles, Australia, and New Zealand. There are over 200 different kinds of woodpeckers. The two
largest woodpeckers, the Imperial Woodpecker and the Ivory-billed Woodpecker are most likely extinct.
Animals that become extinct are no longer found on Earth. Woodpeckers have sharp bills for drilling into
wood, and short tails which help to balance them on tree trunks and branches. Woodpeckers also have
very long tongues, which help them get insects deep within trees. Woodpeckers are often heard knocking
loudly on trees before they are seen. Woodpeckers can even become trouble if they learn to knock on sides
of a house. Woodpeckers can easily be attracted to backyard bird feeders with sunflower seeds or suet.
Suet is a kind of animal fat that is very tasty to woodpeckers and other birds.
23. According to the passage, why do woodpeckers 25. According to the passage, the two largest
have long tongues? woodpeckers in the world are . . . .

A) to get insects within trees A) found all over the world

B) to eat seeds in the bird feeders B) normally found at bird feeders
C) so they can knock on trees C) most likely no longer on Earth
D) to get insects on the ground D) heard in the woods knocking trees
24. According to the passage, when do woodpeckers 26. According to the passage, which is NOT true
sometimes become a problem? about woodpeckers?
A) When they become extinct.
A) They like sunflower seeds or suet.
B) When they visit feeders.
B) They don’t have long tails.
C) When they sit on trees. C) They will come to bird feeders.
D) When they knock on houses.
D) They can be found in Australia.

T-102 Ingliz tili(8000818) - Sotish taqiqlanadi!

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

We all need to eat to be fit and healthy. Young children cannot grow tall and strong unless they eat
a well-balanced diet. This means a selection of foods that provide proteins, fats, vitamins and mineral
elements. Some food can be eaten raw but other food is heated. Salad leaves, cucumbers, tomatoes,
vegetables such as carrots, and fruit do not need cooking. However, the apple is an example of fruit that
can be eaten raw. Before people had electricity and gas, they cooked food on wood and coal fires. A
fairly recent addition to cooking is a microwave. This speeds up the cooking time. On a summer warm
day barbecue cooking is very popular outside in the garden. Before supermarkets sold ready cooked meals
that just require re-heating, it was the tradition that men left the women at home to prepare and cook
food. Some people love planning meal, collecting the ingredients and then preparing the food. However,
other people prefer to open a tin of food and prepare the contents.
27. According to the passage, why do we need to eat 29. According to the passage, where do people often
a well-balanced diet? cook using a barbecue in summer?
A) Inside the house B) In the supermarket
A) To keep us healthy and help children grow. C) In the kitchen D) In the garden
B) To help us live over a hundred years old.
30. According to the passage, what is the main reason
C) To speed up the cooking time of some food. for using a microwave?
D) To help us balance on various surfaces.
28. According to the passage, which food mentioned A) Making short cooking time
in the passage can be eaten raw? B) Teaching young children how to cook
A) An apple B) Meat C) A potato C) Making food much more delicious
D) Fish
D) Melting ice cream in the fridge

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