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1 You have to insert the page number in each file to pick any comments easily so I did it for you in Done √
the results section
2 So in page 1 of your results: in the 2nd paragraph you mentioned that Gestational age was ranged Done √
from (16) to (38) weeks ??? how you can diagnose PAS in 16 wks
I suspected in early pregnancy and followed till 32-36 wks to be highly suspected then managed

3 Change the title of the table into demographic features of…..(so remove baseline characteristics ). Done √
4 In this table we need to add the residence, BMI as well Not
5 In page 2 of your results section :how a case of PAS to deliver vaginally ? :I think all cases Removed
diagnosed with PAS had CS or CS hysterectomy .
6 In page 3 :the total number of cases in your table is NOT equal to the total number of patient Illustrated
which is 102 :they should be equal. ↓
It is not a total number, we mentioned the history of each item from the total number 102 women (i.e. history of
Previous surgical evacuations from the total 102 women, history of previous D&C from the total 102 women and
history of uterine surgery from the total 102 women)
7 Table in Page 4 is very nice but needs a short comment under it. Done √
8 Table in Page 6: You need to divide the risk factors into: medical risk factors (e.g. HTN,…) surgical
(e.g. previous exploration,…) and others (e.g. age,…)
9 Table in Page 6 is very nice BUT it would be better to divide the table in page 6 & table in page 7
into signs by 2 D ultrasound and signs by Doppler US.
10 In page 8: the 1st table needs some modifications as you need to subdivide the management Done √
options into cases had hysterectomy and other group had conservative surgical options (under this
category mention all measures e.g. bilateral uterine artery ligation,…)
11 We need to table about complications happened Not
12 We need to table about the place of postoperative care e.g. ICU,HDU, Not
13 We need to add table about neonatal outcome (if you have it) Not
14 Change of Hb (pre & post ) if you have Not
15 Difference between cases managed by TAH & those managed by conservative surgical options. Done √

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