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What is the average person usage of water for domestic

purposes per day?
a) 4 liters
b) 8 Liters
c) 100 liters
d) 1000 liters
2. What is the disease caused by Fluorine deficiency?
a) Dental fluorosis
b) Dental caries
c) Anemia
d) Rickets
3. An epidemic of diarrhea occurred, it affected all age groups
and all socioeconomic strata, the distribution of cases followed
the distribution of water, what is the diagnosis?
a) Typhoid
b) Cholera
c) Water-borne epidemic
d) Plague
4. What are the steps of large-scale water purification?
a) Precipitation then filtration then disinfection
b) Disinfection then filtration then precipitation
c) Filtration then Precipitation then disinfection
d) Disinfection then adding chlorine.
5. What is the maximum permissible amount of Coliform bacilli
in water?
a) 5 PPM
b) 10 PPM
c) 15 PPM
d) 0 PPM

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