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& Snowwhite UIndusbuss lth, DU entoud ‘wto a tontvach with % lowuhite enews , Debi fer supply 4 farttr of a Machine ory 10 th september , 2o2!- The spare pont wre tt be dolivecd or 20% September, 1021. Snoowhive Indiutia Ud semowd te Spare porto oyw ih factor LAtW Sep, w2I. DekOwune oe dad by wud e Cavetee vuut bo Bsued by Grow wnith Srdustuur ded 2 Solulton | AL pear paovisidnt 4 See 31, enusdea sha be Teed b&b te heed plent , where the s“pply Gvuoluet movement of ds. thy thy Grew Cate, the welt must be sud on nv before 29% September, 2021. Seoklow 3113) Sthratvons whe Tax Unvetce “a not necescany te supply Hf, thempt: goods | senvi cons aA negistord, person Suppl enarpted es and [OL _Serices oY faging bax woe See posts dome Sha sue, rctead Qa tar Ervorce ao bin of sup, Conkasruth presobed particulars , dnvecce issued iw tape ot any ne taxable stpply shat also be Dveafid 4 bi of supply. 2 Supply of goods |seuvices for value <%2loo & urvregistoned. LOS Onb 3 ered “Le puns nob tasre a tax crete o& ‘ta oy Ley Olt the Conditions ove Satlatied : @) value ef the goods o& semutces suppicd ts loss tran 220d. BK) Recipient iu not a segisterrd pousn, and 2) te feci pfont does not Aeque such Cuvotee . 3. Tavecce -tum- Sus Supply Chule UAT 2 where a neafe sternal prsow ‘ae supplyuig taroble ax well ae ted. Or services W both to an wwregictered pruon ,a Siigle “ iweie usm. but 4 Sapply" may be issued fer ab such supplies - 4 Lecbvoni $f nalins Lt Soniluse of digas Ugnaline of, Une supplier o hi duthonised. hepheat ye Shou nok be neguired by the document , ov care of issuance of an dlectvenie document tv dceotdanc with Information, Technology free, 000 - St 3103) C4) % Cg) ¢ Reverse eh toa Aegistered. Person uho i& Ufable td tax unde nevese charge uls 9(3)/(4) shaw tsue an twelce cr nespter of good & servicer Mesind by hum om the - ° * o Supply who & not iseneh on the date of Aeceipt >t prods 1 services Ww 2 Such Registered fercon Shall alto sue @ p voucher “ak the Time of making pag ment to the Supplieg . Sectton S1(4) ¢ Oninusus Supply of Geode Mearkng 5 Continuous dupply % goods meant a dupply 6 goods whith ib provichd O agned t be provided 5 Continuo OW On pecushenk bas, Unde © tonDvack , whether Or not by means of a wihe , cable, pipelire and fp which, the supplion trwvelees the Aeeipienk on a Kegutan O4 periodic baru, And Gucluder Supply of Such goo Ob tee governments a Sj % tk one, ax it mary 5 by bificaLion , Jssuance ok Invoice dw case o{ tonTenuous Supply of goods , where Successive statements %& accouyts a Auccessive. Parmer, are tweed , the twoire sha be itsued before Om at the time tah, bush statement & issued OF , each such payment i Ateefved . Section 31(5) 3 ConTinuour Supply o, Bwurters Meaning * Confinusus Supply of Reruicer means a supply of seruices WA on provided or agried to be provided , LorRnnpusly O% on Ateusunt baris > tundes,_ae_Vontnaek, fp a peuod Chending taree reontine wit prloue mint vbllgalions and Vinludes & Of Such Service OL the goveuument. may » Subjeet to such conditions » He may , by nolixication » Specify « Example» Wonsturciion witw tompleltion time more than 3 months OA per the contract . Dsus of tmveice + dw care of, Continuour Supply of Senvices * Situation where the due dae of On % before the duc Payment & ascertainable dake 0 Payment. sor the conlvack ushere the dus dake of Before o& at the tme whew payment ts ne arcerbninable| pupplion of Lervien Receives from he Lorlvact the Pagrent Bn om betone the dake of complebion of Ynat eutnt Stekion 31(7) Sale on Approval basis Where the goools ( b ing Sent or token Or approval on Sale OY Setunn OF similay tems) ase hemoved before e, i th known whether 0 supply wit take plasty she uvoerce Shae be Usued at He Cartiert of ¢ be Before 0% at the “bine whew Uc becomes brown that she supply has Taken place , & Qe 6 months prom the dot. 4 Aemoval.

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