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Sprint number: 2

Dates: 28/01/2022 – 11/02/2022

Scrum Master: Damla Yasemin Gungor
Product Owner: Louis Hamilton
Tasks set for the Sprint (Sprint Backlog):

Task 1:
Continue drawing the UI’s needed and implement any new features and code them in to work
• Upload the assets drawn from term 1 and to place them in the correct scenes, identical to
the designs
• Draw top-down player animation poses, both idle and walking
• Create the pause menu when the player presses ESC
• Finish the UI graphics for the main menu scene
• Create a settings menu and code it to run
• Main menu and pause menu script

Task 2:
Animate the player movement and to code the cleaning features into the game (Louis):
• Player movement for the top down map
• Make the player enter and exit between levels
• Create the two scenes needed to switch between levels
• Work on the cleaning of the products i.e., code the sponge to be able to wipe dirt off a

Task 3:
Code the items from the shelf into the shopping cart, implement quick animations of the
cabinet/cupboards movements (Chloe):
• Create an animation of the cabinet/cupboards opening and closing
• Asset script that detects when it hovers over a UI – maximising a product, making the
maximised version active in the scene when the user is hovering over it
• A script that detects levels
• A click and drag mechanic to move objects in the script
• If the player collects the wrong item, create a pop up UI that will disappear in 1-5 seconds.
This is to show and hide the ui elements for the timed assets
• The main inventory system code
• Code the player to be able to drag and drop items into their inventory (shopping cart), if
the item isn’t correct for the level needed, it will go back onto the shelf
Task 4:
Import the music into the game, as well as importing the drawn assets (Gintare):
• Upload the assets drawn from term 1 and to place them in the correct scenes, identical to
the designs
• Edit the background music to loop
• Continue to find and upload Foley sounds into Unity for the UI
• Continue to find and upload Foley sounds for the ui, character, cleaning assets

Task 5:
Find and edit the Foley sounds into the game as well as continuing designs for the game
• Design some GUI buttons for sound
• Continue working on the design a tutorial that can be used for the first level – make sure
to include the player trying to insert the wrong item in the shopping cart and an
explanation in the HUD that explains the item is not to be used in that room so it will
return to the shelf
• Find and edit Foley sounds required
• Collect Foley sounds

Sprint Review - Report on what has been done and how:

The sprint review was held on 11/02/2022 and attended by Damla Yasemin Gungor, Louis
Hamilton, Chloe Maybank, Gintare Sadauskaite, and Matthew McNicholl.

Before approving or rejecting the Sprint backlog items as noted above, key outputs and decisions
from the review were:

Task 1: Yasemin
The assets have been uploaded into the unity assets folder which have been organised and
labelled. This has been done correctly and it is easy to differentiate the assets from the two
artists. The player animation graphics are completed (idle and walking) and it will require an
animation sequence from a team member. The main menu UI graphics are complete, the options
menu needs completing and the entirety of the pause menu needs to be drawn.
User Interface:
The main menu is completed and has been set up entirely. The START> SETTINGS> QUIT functions
are running smoothly in the Unity system as well as in the Unity build settings. The options menu
system will not be completed until the audio and music is edited and uploaded. The options
system has been set up and has the available BACK (to main menu) function working. The pause
menu opens once the player presses the ESC key and contains RESUME>MENU>QUIT functions
working however the graphics are not completed.
C# Scripts:
The main menu script will need more work once the audio is implemented by the team, this is so
the SFX and Music can be included with a slider.
The pause menu script is completed and functional.

Task 2: Louis
C# Scripts:
The player movement script is working in Unity and the player movement script is functional for
the 2D Top Down map.
Player Movement:
The player can move using the WASD keys around the 2D top down map. Once the player
interacts with a ‘cube’ (which will be replaced with a room in the map), the character will go
directly to another scene, the switch between the scenes has also been created but will only need
to be used once the level is completed.
This will need more work but can only be done once the map and rooms are added into the main
Cleaning assets:
The ‘cleaning of the products’ will need more work (e.g. the sponge will be able to wipe dirt off of
a surface). This is still being worked on and will need some more time.
Task 3: Chloe
C# Scripts:
A fully functional click and drag mechanic that moves objects in unity has been created, this works
on the assets as intended. The asset script that detects when it hovers over a sprite will create a
UI that maximizes a sprites image works incredibly well but will need graphics. A script has been
designed to detect levels throughout the game.
The main inventory system code has also been created for the Spongetastic products which is fully
functional but will need continuing once the levels are advancing. The player will also be able to
drag and drop items into their inventory, shopping cart, if the item isn’t correct for the level then
the product will go back onto the shelf. However if it is the right product then it will click into
place in the cart, this works as intended in the design work. Only the sprites will need to be
switched out with drawn assets by the artists.
Unity and UI:
The cabinet is fully functional as it opens and closes, this will also need to be done for the fridge
and oven when needed. If the player collects the wrong item a pop up UI will appear to tell the
player that it is the wrong item, it will also disappear in 1 second; the basic sprites will need to be
replaced with graphic art.

Task 4: Gintare
The assets have been uploaded into the unity assets folder which have been organised and
labelled. This has been done correctly and it is easy to differentiate the assets from the two
Audio Music:
The background music has been created in Term 1. As the group decided on relaxing background
music, it has definitely reached those standards. It will be edited to sound like an ongoing loop
without the player realising where the music starts and stops, this is so that it can sound like it’s
looping when ticked in the unity ‘loop’ checkbox. It sounds amazing and definitely reaches the
standards the group decided upon.
Audio Foley:
Foley sounds were collected as intended but she has exceeded what was expected as she has
found and edited multiple sounds serving the same purposes. This was incredibly helpful and
these will soon be uploaded. She has found the sounds that were asked for and has edited
multiple sounds so she has done exactly what was intended of her. These will need to be
uploaded, organised and labelled in different folders.
The UI sounds and unity interaction sounds should be in separate folders and audio should be
repeated if used in both UI sounds and unity interactions to make it easier for the developers to

Task 5: Matthew
The designs created for the GUI sound buttons have been created to standard and he just needs
to upload a template of where the GUI and HUD will be located on the screen.
The design for the tutorial has been created and just needs to be uploaded once further work is
produced on this. It just needs labelling on the products and a pop up UI. It however works as
intended and to standard but just needs the minor tweaks. Through communication and
teamwork this has already been created by a developer.
Matthew has been working on finding the Foley sounds required for the UI, GUI and gameplay,
these sounds still need editing and once completed it will need to be uploaded, labelled and
organised. His job was only to collect audio but he has also been editing the sounds.
Team’s Performance:

Yasemin’s performance has been excellent throughout the scrum report as she has created what
was intended of her and has created the majority of the UI needed, excluding the sounds. Once
she is given the audio required for the UI and GUI, she will be able to work further on the UI and
GUI. She has done everything that was intended of her and created what was in the design brief
as intended, she has great understanding and she communicated well with the team. She has also
created scripts and made sure these functions are all running smoothly in the Unity Engine.

Louis performance was great! He created the character movement script as intended, it doesn’t
need much functions to run but runs smoothly and as intended. Louie has created the map scenes
of the player entering and exiting the scenes, exactly how discussed in the team. This shows great
communication skills as he asked what was required of him exactly and worked independently on
his tasks. He’s uploaded the scripts and they are all fully functional in the Unity engine.

Chloe has created beyond of what was expected of her and has definitely created the scripts
required for the game. She has created fully functional scripts and all the scripts work as intended,
beyond expected and they all run incredibly well in the Unity engine. These will only need newer
graphics and layouts of the rooms in the unity engine.

Gintare’s performance was great as she has been finding as much relevant Foley sounds asked for
by the team and has given the developers various options to choose from. She is editing the
sounds and the current sounds she is editing sounds great and they definitely fit in with the
game’s theme. The background music sounds relaxing it will need adjustments in the Unity engine
and she will need to upload and organise sounds once brought into the Unity engine.

Matthew has designed what was intended of him as he has already given incredibly well designs
previously. He communicated incredibly well and has designed the GUI that was needed, the
continuation of the tutorial and will just need to show full placement of the GUI on the screen.
Matthew has also been finding relevant audio files and has been editing sounds really well which
all sound relevant to the game, it will just need uploading.

Overall Analysis:
Overall the team has done incredibly well and has exceeded beyond what was expected.
Everybody worked together as a team, incredibly well independently and everything has been
designed, drawn and developed with opinions of individuals of the team, everybody has relevant
opinions to share and critical feedback was given from everybody. The team showed great
understanding of teamwork, communication, excelling in all of the tasks that were required and
everybody was incredibly pleasant to work with and everyone produced amazing work ahead of
schedule! There is no negative feedback to give.


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