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UDDN 3303 Food Safety and Quality Assurance

Individual Assignment

(A) General Information

Students are required to conduct a survey to understand food hygiene knowledge among UTAR students.
The questionnaire should consist of three (3) sociodemographic questions (e.g. gender, programme, ethnics,
etc) and eleven (11) questions below:

The questionnaire could be circulated through any online platforms (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, email,
WhatsApp, etc) and the number of respondents needed is 30.

(B) Guidelines for Written Assignment

1. Components:
➢ Introduction
➢ Contents
✓ Present the data using table(s)
✓ Use scientific references to support your elaboration.
➢ Conclusion
➢ References
➢ Appendixes (e.g. questionnaire, etc)
2. Follow the format below:
o Page limit: 8 pages (Excluding cover page and references)
o Font type: Times New Roman
o Font size: 12
o Spacing: 2.0 (double spacing)
o Citation and reference: Harvard style (Refer to FSc FYP thesis guide)

3. On 18 April 2023 (Tuesday), you are required to:

✓ Submit the hardcopy of the written report (single-side printing) to D115M
✓ Upload the softcopy of the written report to WBLE

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