Management Theory and Practice 2b 252

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Management Theory and Practice

Ans 1.


Sachin Ethanol is a newly created company that is producing Ethanol from the residue of
sugarcane that is left after the sugarcane harvest. Management is a key aspect of the success of
any business. The goal is to focus on all aspects of planning, organizing as well as leading and
regulating in order to operate the company smoothly and achieve the business objective and
mission. The trainer is accountable for training the newly recruited management student on the
principles and management practices. The goal is to establish guidelines that will help them
make managerial decisions that can result in business growth. It assists managers in effectively
arranging and delegating work so that they can preserve the firm's values of work and its culture,
with the ultimate goal of increasing the happiness of employees of the company. Managers can
define the objectives and roles to ensure maximum income and maximize company resources
through management principles.

A principle is an absolute truth. It establishes the cause-and-effect relationship between two or

more variables within the circumstances. They can be used as a reference for decision making
and actions. Management principles guide managers when making decisions and making choices
founded on the fundamental truths of life that are based on logic.


Henry Fayol set out 14 management principles that are well-known and should be applied to all
companies according to the needs and the situation.

Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of Management

1. The principle of division of labour: It is also known as the concept of specialization.
Economic experts consider it to be an essential element in the efficient utilization of labour. It is
called division of labor when the primary duties and activities of an organisation are split and
carried out by various people within the organization.

2. Authority and responsibility coexist:. Fayol sees authority as an amalgamation of official

authority which comes from a supervisor and personal authority. These are enhanced by
experience, intelligence moral value, prior services, etc.

3. Unity of Command : This will give the organization a clear message staff members that they
must follow the instructions of their bosses to ensure safety and discipline.

4. Unity of direction: Fayol believes that unity of direction means that every group of activities
with similar goals should have a single head, a single plan. This is different from the principle of
unification of command Fayol sees unity of the direction in connection with the performance of

5. Equity: Fairness, justice, and empathy are the three main characteristics of equity. It does not
mean that no proactive actions are taken however they do exist in order to safeguard justice. This
doesn't mean that we should compensate everyone equally, but based on the work done.
Productivity-based reward systems are rooted in equity.
6. Order: The basic principle is to use resources like cash, human resources and materials
effectively at the right time and place to allow for organizational growth and also to prevent

7. Discipline: With clearly defined the roles of subordinates and superiors as well as norms
guidelines, procedures, rules and regulations, the adherence to these is a fundamental principle of
management. This boosts productivity by enhancing the cohesion in workplace.

8. Initiative: Incentives for employees to take on tasks which are not defined, but that increase
productivity and contribute to cost reduction. Because of managers' goals, employees love their
work and become more productive and efficient. For example the manager at the front desk
bargained for the entire room rate instead of granting an offer for a discount.

9. Fairness Remuneration fairness: Fairness in remuneration concerns about how employees

are treated. This involves looking at the current market rate, employees' living requirements, safe
work environments, and medical facilities. It is a conversation between employees and
employers. Modern workplace laws promote fairness.

10. Stability: Training the person to perform a task takes time and effort. Therefore, it is
essential to keep him on the job for an appropriate period of time in order to reap the rewards.
This creates team spirit, smoothness and improves productivity. Worker engagement can
increase by gaining more knowledge.

11. Scalar chain: This principle is to ensure a smooth process of communication between
employees and the managers in order to manage each division and to comprehend the needs and
desires of employees in order to keep the interaction of staff members and aid the staff members
in clearly comprehending the structure that will allow for the growth of the business.

12. Subordination of individual interests to general interest: The identity of individuals and
livelihood from an organization. Other people also do this. The interests of the organisation
should take precedence over individual interest since the latter could have an adverse effect on
the interests of several people.
13. Esprit de corps: It is about bringing out the unity and team spirit. It is about creating internal
harmony among workers to make them feel like they are part of the organization. This is a
principle that encourages employee involvement with participation and engagement. Fairness,
equality, and command unity create esprit of the group. Face-to-face communication is much
superior to written communication.

14. Centralisation and Decentralization: The term decentralization refers to the distribution of
authority to lower levels. Centralization and decentralization in absolute terms are not feasible.
According to the theory, you should consider that you balance the company's size, type and
experience, reliability ability, as well as other aspects to find the optimal balance. This theory
encourages rapid problem-solving.


Henery Fayol has 14 principles to assist workers in performing well in their work and
accomplish the business objectives. The chief executive has a thorough understanding of the
obligations and methods of managing employees. He is also aware of how to manage discipline
and work values. Managers who are skilled in technical matters are reliable. They can make
sound decisions that will lead to organization growth, oversee all aspects and tackle problems
efficiently. This can help them make amazing decisions, plan and oversee firm operations and
help achieve business goals. These principles help employees be more efficient and effective to
carry out the mission of the company. As you can see, Fayol's ideas can be useful for employees
in a variety of fields and help them to understand their work better. In order to achieve great
results businesses must follow certain management guidelines.

Ans 2.


A management-oriented approach to organizational issues is an effective way to organize,

manage and utilize resources effectively to accomplish organizational goals. The newly created
management team is split in their discussions on the subject they are discussing. To establish
whether management is science or art and vice versa, the chairperson of the online forum has to
be consulted. Management is viewed as art, science or both. This approach helps you finish the
job quickly and efficiently with minimal cost. Science is the source of factual basis, a sworn-to
principle that can be used to assist business organizations across the world and help managers
deal with the interplay of various factors. Art assists helps in developing the necessary
knowledge and skills to achieve the desired outcome. Alongside increasing the ability of the
manager to get the most effective outcomes, it also helps in the growth of his or her own skills
and creativity.


Management can be considered an art form or a science. This is a dated debate that's still being
fought. It is regarded as art by some people, while others consider it a science. This is why I've
provided some examples. The first concern management. Nextis the primary discussion.

The management system is widely accepted. The ability to manage people will enable any
company to achieve its goals. The management process is goal-oriented. Organizations have
multiple goals. The management of energy and resources usually results in a specific objective.
It's vital for organisation and running businesses. Management is the key to any business to
thrive. Collaboration with and through other people to accomplish the goals of an organization
will allow it to achieve its goals. Management can be either an art or science. It's an ongoing
debate. The majority of management experts acknowledge that having an excellent academic
background is essential for effective management.

Management - A Science or an Art

Management is usually viewed as a science or an art. Management is the oldest and youngest
science. This is the reason for the evolving nature of management. However, to address this
question with precision, you need to understand what the terms science' and ‘art’ mean.

Management as Science
Before we can determine if management is science, let's define science. Science is a systematised
body of information that describes the recent events and phenomena. Since variables have
limitations as well as fundamental principles that underlie them, they are systematic. Three key
characteristics are important to the science of

 Data that has been systematically organized using scientific observation techniques.
 The process of observation and experimentation develops its principles.
 The principles are applicable to all situations and are dependable.

Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom are the components of a molecules. According to
gravitational law, everything thrown into the air will hit the ground. Management is a centralized
body that is a repository of information. Its concepts are based on observation and not
necessarily on scientific methods. One can experiment in natural science by keeping all the
variables constant and changing the variables one at a time. Natural science permits scientists to
test their experiments again and gain confirmation. This type of experimentation is not possible
in management because we deal with the human element. This limits management as a science.
It is sometimes referred to as an "inexact" or "soft scientific".

Management as an Art

Art is the ability to reach a goal. It is about doing things the right way. Like the saying goes
'practice makes a man perfect', continual repetition of the theories (knowledge base) contributes
to the formation of abilities. Practice is the only way to develop the ability. Art and science share
similar characteristics. Training is essential to enhance skills in fields such as medicine,
engineering and accounting.

Final decision

Management is typically viewed as a field of study or art. Different experts provide different
viewpoints on the nature management. Management is based on the accumulation of knowledge
from research and experiments similar to science is based on collecting knowledge through study
and experiments. Since art requires the right knowledge and abilities to attain the desired
outcomes as does management, otherwise, the efficiency of the business will be affected.
Management can thus be described as art and science.
Management can also be defined as a method or process that brings together individual efforts to
achieve the organizational goals. Making the most of resources by boosting talents, innovating
innovative methods, etc. Management is a vital job that is able to exercise the power and
authority to take and execute important decisions.

To practice any art successfully it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the scientific basis
behind it. Science and art don't necessarily have to be incompatible. They are able to
complement one another. Executives who attempt to run their businesses without having a
conceptual understanding of the management principles and techniques have to depend on their
intuition and luck. The odds of success are better if they have the proper knowledge and ability
to apply it. So, it could be said that management can be a science as well as an art.


According to the researcher, the arts and science are vital for the advancement and growth of an
organisation. The art of management is the most important part of an organization's work to
increase knowledge and exercise using the art of managing the code , and apply it to build the
culture of an organization and its job principles. Art and Science assist supervisors in gaining the
competence knowledge as well as experience to tackle problems and provide solid options to
develop. Science aids supervisors in increasing their understanding and knowledge for
professional development. Training aids them in managing staff and divisions effectively and
deliver quality results for the company and the community. Managers can also be assisted with
science to increase their understanding and knowledge of work.

Ans 3a.


Lemon Tree, a recognized resort chain in India has not been able to grow its market share to its
equivalents due to internal conflict that arise within the company which hamper growth and
performance. Scientists have attempted to pinpoint the reasons for the conflict in order to
develop effective solutions for the growth of the company.


Conflict has different meanings to individuals. Certain people consider conflict to be physical,
which includes violence or war, whereas others believe it to be a difference of opinions, views,
or personality. Therefore, understanding conflict is the most important factor. Individuality can
lead to disagreements in opinion. The preferences of one person may be different from the
other's, which can lead to disputes. The most effective way to settle conflict, local or global and
international, is through mediation or a proper method of communication.

Conflicts within organisations

Intrapersonal: This type of conflict is a part of an individual and is the most difficult to
determine. Each person has his own desires and each activity is directed at satisfying them. The
people who are driven by need satisfaction, but they also feel overwhelmed and unsatisfied
which can result in poor performance at work. The formal organizations are designed to address
the humanistic and economic requirements of individuals however, they also create challenges
for their employees. Personal and organizational goals often clash, frustrate or alienate workers.
The majority of employees are simply machinery in the process of manufacturing that have no
room for creativity. When companies expand, they often ignore personal requirements. This can
cause internal conflicts, which causes the need-drive goal motivational cycle to break down.
Conflict may arise due to conflicts in goals, and the burden of daily responsibilities.

Intra-organizational: There are several factors causing conflict situation in an organization but
mainly three types of strain are identified:

 Vertical Hierarchical Clash: A situation of conflict that arises between various levels of an
organization's occupational hierarchy. It is usually a an inferior-subordinate relationship.

 Conflict between staff and line: This idea is a source of conflict and debate. It's difficult to
divide power, expertise, and roles in an equitable way between staff and line experts.
 The horizontal strain or conflict: It refers to a situation where conflict occurs within
departments or between employees at the same levels of hierarchy within an company.

Inter-personal: Conflicts between people are those that involve more than one person. Inter-
personal conflict is caused by five main reasons:

 Personality differences
 Perceptions
 A conflict of values and desires
 Power and status
 Limited resources

Inter group conflict: Conflicts among groups regarding authority, jurisdiction and resources are
the most common forms of conflict. Every department struggles for limited resources and
influence. Different objectives, work styles power, prestige and power are all crucial. Sources of
intergroup conflict:

 Incompatible goals
 Task interdependence
 Allocation of resources
 Reward system
 Staff and line conflict
 Different values or perspectives


Conflict is a result from human interaction. It directly affects the efficiency and productivity of
employees within the company. To solve the problem your company must offer efficient services
to improve productivity. On top of that, it is necessary to increase communication with the staff
members and comprehend their wants and needs. This will help in developing an effective
business plan that is unique to growth.
Ans 3b.


Performance and good management is crucial for business to achieve the most effective results,
like efficiency and market share, outstanding sale, promotion, and excellent partnership with the
omer. The management principle supports the company in stabilizing all the variables to ensure a
flourishing scientific research company.


Conflict can be defined as an argument or conflict between people with different needs, opinions
beliefs, values, and goals that are in opposition to each other. Conflict can happen in the event
that a group of people are involved. It could result in unexpected results. This is beneficial for
everyone in the team. Therefore, managing conflicts is a crucial part of a high performing team.
It is true that conflict management does not necessarily resolve all conflicts but their effective
management could reduce the chances of unproductive escalation. The necessary skills to
manage conflict include self-awareness as well as communication skills, as well as the ability to
manage conflicts. It's the ability be able to recognize and handle conflicts effectively. This
requires the ability to communicate, problem-solving techniques, and negotiation skills that are
focused on personal goals.

Lemon Tree has Strategies that can be used to settle these conflicts

 Avoiding the style: The style refers to indifference, withdrawal avoidance, apathy, dependence
on fate, and the isolation type of behavior that a person exhibits. Parties typically fail to take into
account the important aspects related to a problem believing avoidance to be an appropriate and
mature alternative to arguments. They do not realize that it is only the method of avoiding
conflict but it is not successfully resolved or eradicated.

 Accommodating style: The accommodative style encourages cooperation between

antagonists; they become accepting and selfless. This approach focuses on the common interest
of the parties and doesn't take into account differences. Although it's less effective as a
withdrawal strategy the latter is more suitable to come up with a temporary solution.
 Styles of competition: It is a type of style that is power-oriented. It is associated with extreme
physical violence and massive reliance on punishment in order to control other people. The
people or the parties involved in conflict i.e. fights, argue and intimidate to achieve their goals.

 Compromising style: The method is a method that has been used for years of resolving
conflict. There aren't winners or losers. Each side must compromise to obtain the concession. It
is often used when the conflict involves difference between goals, attitudes, or values.

 Collaborative Style: This is a problem-solving method that requires a complete overhaul of

the conflict situation. The parties are asked to freely share information, listen to and develop
compassion for one another and try to remove themselves from. They work together to come to
an agreement that is mutually acceptable.


After reviewing all the possible solutions and problems, the research has concluded that
improving retention, motivation, and motivation is a successful solution and helps the company
achieve success. It is a matter of partnership, understanding the issue and a good methods of
organization for resolving the issue.

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