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Florence Nightingale developed a foundational philosophy of nursing that is still in

place today. She theorized that the environment of the patient should be changed to
allow for nature to work on the patient.

Philosophies of nursing are typically a few paragraphs long. But here are some excerpts
from philosophies of nursing crafted by nursing students:

 Carolann McLawrence: “I strive to be an educator, an advocate and a promoter

of disease awareness, good health practices, and a supporter of strong family
values within the community and the world.”
 Megan McGahan: “Nursing is more than treating an illness; rather it is focused on
delivering quality patient care that is individualized to the needs of each patient.”
 Brandi Dahlin: “My philosophy is that nurses have a responsibility to the public
to provide safe, holistic, patient-centered care. I must remember that my patients
are not room numbers or medical conditions, but individuals that require and
deserve individualized attention and care.”
 Joanne de Guia-Rayos: “Knowing that I can apply my personal experience and
contribute to a client’s recovery and wellness gives me a sense of personal pride,
which in turn, strengthens my commitment to this profession.”
1. “As a registered nurse, I believe the care I provide should involve more than giving medicines or
changing bandages. I want to treat my patients with the best care, making them feel respected,
comfortable, and confident about the care they receive from my service.”

2. “My philosophy as a registered nurse is quite simple. I want to serve everyone I can by giving my
best as a nurse and decent human being. I believe all patients, families, and colleagues are unique
individuals with unique needs, and I aim to offer my best to them in service as a registered nurse.”

3. “I believe it is important for all nurses to provide safe, high-quality, patient-centered care. My
personal philosophy of nursing is driven by a desire to recognize my patients as more than a medical
diagnosis or room number. Instead, I desire to be the nurse who promotes the well-being of patients
and helps improve outcomes, which will help support and further our profession.”

4. “I chose to become a nurse because I have a deep-rooted desire to help people in need. My
personal philosophy of nursing is that I will use my education and clinical experiences to care for my
clients and act as an advocate for them, encouraging them to be actively involved in their own care,
which increases their feelings of self-worth and results in improved outcomes."

5. “I believe nursing is the truest version of living art a person can demonstrate. As I consider what I
feel about my nursing philosophy, I realize the important role I have in improving the lives of others. I
want my practice to reflect a genuine concern for every person entrusted to my care and to be a
source of hope and encouragement."

6. “For me, there was never any doubt I would become a nurse. I love people and feel most fulfilled
when I can do something to help others. I believe nurses are in a unique position to make significant
differences in the lives of others. I have made it my personal philosophy to embrace every
opportunity to enrich my patients' lives and contribute to this wonderful profession."

7. “My philosophy of nursing is based on the belief that, as a registered nurse, I am an educator,
patient advocate, and promoter of good health practices. I feel being a nurse is an honor and
privilege, and I desire to fulfill my role with the highest level of integrity and best practices, with the
hope that I can contribute positive things to the lives of my patients and their families.”

8. “It is my strong belief that my job involves much more than performing a nursing assessment or
administering medications. I exercise my role within the personal nursing philosophy that all clients
are unique in their own right and deserve to have care as unique as they are. By viewing each client
as an individual and providing care with a holistic approach, I hope to positively impact their
healthcare experiences and outcomes."

1. “I believe that school nurses can play a significant role in the lives of those we serve. My nursing
philosophy is that I can positively influence those I meet and serve daily and that I will do everything
I can to encourage their understanding of what it takes to be physically and mentally well. I feel
strongly that when children learn the importance of health and wellness at an early age, they are
more likely to make smart decisions about their health later. My personal goal in nursing is to have a
positive impact on every client who crosses my path."

2. "I believe it is important for nurses to emphasize the value of every patient for whom we provide
care. I understand a student's health can directly impact his ability to learn. My philosophy of
nursing, especially as I practice as a school nurse, is to be a source of education and guidance to
help students realize their physical and academic potential and to help them strive to achieve their
attainable goals.”

3. “My personal nursing philosophy is built upon the belief that addressing the mental, physical, and
social health needs of students is a responsibility that rests largely upon my shoulders. The job of a
school nurse can be challenging but rewarding, and I am dedicated to always performing with the
best interest of each student in mind.

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