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Week 1 midterm

What Is Nursing?
o Provider  Encompasses “Autonomous
o Truly knows her/his patients (individuality) and collaborative
o Professional who works care (with physician) of individuals
independently of all ages, families, groups and
o Health educator communities, sick or well and in all
o Companion of the physician in the setting.
care of pt Nursing Function
o Selfless person
o Life saver Has two dimensions:
o Promoters of Health a. Those aspects are inherent in nursing
o Role model diagnosis (when we say inherent it
o Support development and wellbeing could be taking vital signs)
of other b. The other dimension is concerned
o Prevents illness with the manner in which she carries
out any of her duties as a registered
What is Nurse? nurse, whether this be a dependent
 Comes from Latin word “nutrix” or interdependent.
meaning to “nourish” Nursing function includes:
Nursing means nurturing of others. The - Independent nursing functions
true meaning of nurturing is to provide - Dependent nursing functions
nourishment and to support the development - Interdependent functions
and wellbeing of others as well as to provide
education. 1. Independent Nursing Functions

This does not only occur in the context of  Direct and indirect patient care
disease but extends to the broader human services that ensure safety, comfort,
experience and honors the culture, mind, personal hygiene and protection of
body, and spirit of all people. patients, and the performance of
disease prevention and restorative
Nursing According to International Council measures.
of Nursing (ICN)  Bedside care (hygiene and comfort
 Includes PROMOTION OF measure)
HEALTH, PREVENTION OF  Health education
ILLNESS, and CARE OF ILL,  Observation of signs and symptoms
DISABELD AND DYING of illness, reaction to treatment,
PEOPLE general physical condition and
determining whether observations She and she alone remain accountable of her
exhibit abnormal characteristics . actions. She is legally able or
knowledgeable and competent
2. Dependent Nursing Functions
 It is not based on what which the Only she can decide whether enough, to
doctor prescribes, requests or directs accept a specific prescription or direction
for the patient from a doctor, or is able to participate in the
 In accepting such direction or care provided by other members of the
prescription the registered nurse act health care team
as a professional person responsible
Once she indicated acceptance, she has
and accountable for her own acts and
made an independent decision and accept
full responsibility and accountability for her
 Administration of medication and decision and actions.
therapeutic agents
 Direct and indirect patient care Nursing (according to American Nurses
services necessary to implement a Association)
treatment, disease prevention or
 Is the diagnosis and treatment of
rehabilitative regimen ordered by
human responses to actual or
and within the scope of licensure of
potential health problems
a physician, dentists, podiatrist or
 Focuses on the person receiving
clinical psychologist
care, their response to illness rather
 Implementation based on observed
than on their illness
abnormalities of appropriate
 Emphasizes human responses to
reporting or referral or initiation of
health and health problems
emergency procedures
Disease is the domain
3. Interdependent Nursing Functions physician

 Relates to the inter-relationship of Nursing according to Florence Nightingale

the nurse with the patient and with
 Is providing the most favorable
other members of the health team
environment to an individual for
 Registered nurse functions to
nature to act in order to promote
coordinate and evaluate the care of
“reparativeness” and maintenance of
the client and independently revises
health and wellbeing
the plan and delivery of nursing care
Nursing according to Virginia Henderson
Nursing functions
 Is “to assist clients in the
Whatever she does, she does on her own
performance of activities
responsibility and accountability for in law
contributing to health, its recovery or
she is personally liable for her acts of
peaceful death that clients will
omission or commission,
perform unaided, if they had the
necessary will, strength or
knowledge (training the individual
to reach his/her body’s normal  Is committed to personalized
function) services for all persons regardless of
color, creed or social or economic
 Is client centered
 Is adaptive
Nursing According to ADPCN
Aims of Nursing
 Is a dynamic discipline
 An art and science of caring for 1. Promotion of health
individuals, families, group and 2. Prevention of illness
communities geared toward 3. Alleviation of suffering
promotion and restoration of health, 4. Restoration of health
prevention of illness, alleviation of 5. Care of the dying- maintaining
suffering and assisting clients to face dignity and peaceful death
death with dignity and peace
Activity Aims of nursing
 Utilizes nursing process and guided
Assist surgeon 2,3,4
by ethico-moral principle removal of
Nursing damaged organ
Exercise 1,2
 Is assisting individuals in learning to Physiotherapy 3,4
care for themselves whenever Immunization 1,2
possible and caring for them when End of life 5, 3 for relatives
they are unable (Orem classifying
the patient)
Recipient of Nursing
Characteristics Nursing….
 Is continuous caring
 Involves close, personal contact with
recipient of care  The one who is stay or admit
 Is concerned with services that takes  Comes from Latin word meaning to
human into account as physiological, suffer or to bear
psychological and sociological  A person who is waiting for or
organism (holistic) undergoing medical treatment
 Is autonomous  Ill or well, who receives services from
 Is empowered (ability to do a health practitioner
according to nurse’s potential)  Implies passive acceptance (nag agree
 Is committed to promoting sa treatment/procedure na gagawin) of
individual, family, community and decisions and care of health
national health goals in the best professionals
manner possible throughout life
experiences from birth until the end
of life.  They can come and go
 A person, ill or well receiving services compassion in their moment of
in an ambulatory setting when health despair.
maintenance rather than illness care is 5. Spiritual nursing- Nightingale
the primary service being offered ministered to patients who were dying,
 Receivers of healthcare as bringing them comfort in their last
collaborators, people who are hour.
responsible for their own health
Florence’s Contribution to Nursing
6. Public health advocacy- Nightingale
wrote an 830-page report analyzing
(Proper education of nurses) and proposing reforms for military
hospitals operating under poor
 She was the founder of modern nursing conditions.
and pioneered the concept of education
for nurses Nursing as Science
 She first gained fame by leading a Nursing
team of 38 nurses to staff an overseas
hospital of the British army during the  Systematic knowledge
Crimean War  Scientific practice in a discipline of
1. Infection control- she made it her study
mission to improve the hygiene  Based on nursing theories and
practices of the facility, which ended principles
up significantly reducing mortality at  Guided by legal and ethical standards
the hospital.
2. Self-care (requiring patients to do 5 types of cognitive process in Nursing
things for themselves in order to gain knowledge
independence and promote healing) 1. Perception- using your senses you
Nightingale required the least infirm can identify the problem
patients at the hospital to assist in cleaning 2. Association- Combining
3. Leaning- Through practice and
3. Assessment- She made rounds with training
her lamp, talking to and assessing the 4. Reasoning- Justifying/ rationale
condition of her patient. Nursing (research)
assessment are the core of nursing, 5. Communication
and all nursing action are based on
them. With that in mind, it’s only Carper’s
fitting that her habit of making 4 Levels of Knowledge
assessment rounds was the reason why
the soldiers nicknamed her “the lady  Empirical
with the lamp”  Aesthetics
4. Therapeutic communication- during  Personal
her rounds Nightingale talked to her  Ethics
patients, offering them empathy and
 Obtained from textbooks, lectures,  Ability to do the right thing in terms of
journals and online resources legal, social and moral issues
 Focuses on evidence-based research  Includes all deliberate nursing actions
for effective and accurate nursing involving and the jurisdiction of ethics
practice and professionalism

 Factual and descriptive knowing Four ways of knowing

 Can be done through learning from
 Empirical- the scientific discipline of
scientific research and objective
 Ethics- the moral directions of nursing
Practice- ex: scrubbing the fingers before  Personal- method by which nurses
assisting in OR approach their patients
 Aesthetic- deals with the emphatic
aspect of nursing
 Used to mean “relating to the here
Nursing as an Art
and now”
 Not to the consideration of beauty art Nursing
and taste
 Is concerned with skills that required
 Ability to decipher a patient’s qualities
proficiency and dexterity
 Embodies the nurse’s creative ability
 The skilled application of the
to individualize care and expressive
knowledge to help others reach
styles of the nurses
maximum health that quality of life
 To understand what is of significance
to particular patients such as feelings, Nursing as a Vocation
attitudes, points of view
 Is more than a profession a vocation of
 Process of giving appropriate nursing
care through understanding the
uniqueness of every patient, thus  To be of service to God through
emphasizing use of creative and service of the needy and suffering
practical styles of care fellow- beings
 The inner disposition to do good and to
(Personal or Self Knowledge) be of service
 Embodies interpersonal interaction Vocation Identified
between nurses and client
 Vocation is go’s call to a particular
 Recognizes individual’s unique
state of life
 God’s own choice of a way of life in
 Most difficult to master and teach
which man will best serve God and
 Involves therapeutic use of self
(Nursing ethics)
 The responsibility of an individual educational institution of higher
or group to serve the divine purpose learning
in every condition, work or 3. Service orientation (altruism)-
relationship of life; one’s delegation Practitioners are motivated by
and responsibility under God commitment to service they provide
involves the total orientation of a and consider their work vital to
man’s life and work in terms of his human beings and welfare of the
ultimate sense of mission society
4. Autonomy and Legal authority-
granted legal authority to define the
Nursing as a Profession scope of its practice function and
roles and responsibility in the
Nursing profession delivery of its service
 From the Latin word “profession” 5. Accountability- regulates itself and
which means public declaration with set standards for its members.
force of promise Control their own policies and
 The authority for the practice of activities. Protects its members and
nursing is based upon a social contract make it possible to practice
that delineates professional rights and effectively.
responsibilities as well as mechanism 6. Organized- Recognized authority
for public accountability by a professional group
 Is a calling that requires special - Professional organization sets high
knowledge, skills and preparation standard of practice
 Guided by nursing research, and is - Monitors performance behavior of
governed by a code of ethics its member
- Unites for strength in achieving
Professionalism larger purposes.
7. Code of ethics- Practitioners
 Refers to professional character,
decision and conduct are guided by
responsibility and commitment
the code of ethics
 Nursing requires discipline, patience,
- Places high value on integrity, worth
compassion, responsibility,
and dignity of others
punctuality and commitment
- A member is expected to do what is
Criteria of Profession considered right regardless of the
personal cost
1. Body of Knowledge- well defined - Accepts its responsibility for
body of specific and unique safeguarding the public it serves
knowledge and expertise in its field 8. Skill-based- requires competencies
that undergo continual growth with scientific basis for its
through research application
2. Clear standard of educational
preparation for entry into Professional Practice is…
practice- practitioners receive
 Scientific
 Systematic
 Dynamic  It is the most important tool for legal
 Interdisciplinary control and enforcement of nursing
 Team-based practice
 It is also used to gather statistical
Components of Professional Role
data about nurses and nursing in the
 Accountability country
 Authority
 Autonomy
 Advocacy
Personal and Professional Qualities of
Qualification of Professional Nurse
1. Respect
 A bachelor of science in nursing degree
 License to practice nursing in the  Great nurses respect people and rules,
country mindful of confidentiality
 Physically and mentally fit requirements and different cultures
and traditions
Primary types of Educational Programs that
 Respect the wishes of the patient
leads to licensure
2. Communication skills
 Associate degree
- 2-year educational program  Excellent communication skills that
 Diploma include speaking and listening
- 3-year in length  Able to follow directions without
- Hospital-based programs problem and can easily communicate
 Baccalaureate Degree  With patients and families to
- 4-year degree understand their needs and explain
- Receives BSN treatments
- Broader preparation for practice  Able to keep information private
Requirements to Practice Nursing 3. Emotional Stability
 Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 known  Nursing is a stressful job and nurses
as R.A. 9173 Article lV Sec. 12-24 encounter many traumatic situations,
 Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 known suffering, and death
as R.A. 9173 Article Vlll Sec. 35  A great nurse is very stable
 Need for licensure emotionally
 The primary purpose of registration  Able to work without allowing the
is to protect the health of the people stress to cause great personal harm
by establishing minimum standards
 Able to work well under pressure and
which qualified practitioners must
calm emergencies
 Licensure discourages certain 4. Empathy
persons who may be tempted to
misrepresent themselves as nurses
 Great nurse has empathy for the pain  A great nurse can think quickly and
and suffering of patients address problems as- or before- they
 They are able to feel compassion and arise
provide comfort  Nurses’ decisions and actions may
 Sensitive to the needs of people from involve human life and wellbeing
a variety of cultures and backgrounds  They must be constantly vigilant to
avoid errors that could endanger
patient’s life or reduce the
effectiveness or treatments

5. Flexibility 10. Quick Response

 A great nurse is flexible with regards  A great nurse can respond quickly to
to working hours and responsibilities emergencies and other situation that
 Nurses are often required to work long arise
periods of overtime, late or overnight  Quite often, healthcare work is
shifts and weekends simply the response to sudden
incidences and nurses must always
6. Good Attention to Detail
be prepared
 A great nurse understands that every
11. Excellent time-management
step in the medical field is one that can
have far-reaching consequences  Spend time wisely
 A great nurse pays excellent attention  Do not waste time
to detail and is careful not to skip steps  Plan effectively
or make errors
7. Interpersonal skills
Genuine concern for people and their health
 A great nurse has excellent
- A strong desire to become a nurse
interpersonal skills and works well in a
- Nursing is a calling
variety of situations with different
- If it is your heart’s desire to serve
your fellow-man in need, chances
 They work well with other nurses,
are that you will make a success of
doctors, and other members of a staff
nursing career
8. Physical endurance
Mature- Physical and emotional
 A great nurse is able to tolerate
standing for a long period of time,
lifting heavy objects (or people), and Attributes of a nurse
performing a number of taxing
maneuvers on a daily basis  Characters
- Honesty
9. Problem solving skills - Loyalty
- Tolerance
- Judgement Competent nurses can…
- Reliability
 Formulates nursing diagnosis
- Motivation
 Formulates a nursing care plan
- Resourcefulness
 Performs essential skills
- Moderation
 Explain treatment and teaches care
 Charity
 Delegates and supervises care by
- Justice
- Prudence
 Evaluates effectiveness of care plan
- Fortitude
 Modifies plan as needed
- Temperance
 Act as client advocate
Benner’s Five Levels of Proficiency in
Proficient nurse
Socialization Process
 Perceives situation as a whole rather
 Novice
than just its individual aspects
 Advance beginner
 Holistic understanding improves
 Competent
decision making
 Proficient
 Expert  Focuses in long term goals

Novice (nagiging head/chief nurse)

 Maybe a nursing student Expert nurse

 No experience  No longer relies on rules, guidelines
 Extremely limited ability to connect an understanding of
 Inflexible situation to an appropriate action
 Governed by structured rules and  Inclined to say that certain action
protocols was taken because “it felt right”
 Have highly developed perceptual
Advanced beginner
acuity or recognitional ability
 Demonstrate marginally accepted  Highly flexible, analytical, and
performance skilled
 Had experience with enough real
Nursing Roles
situations to be aware of the
meaningful aspects of a situation  Caregiver
 Advocate
Competent Nurse
 Teacher
 Manifested by a nurse who has been on  Manager
the job in a similar situation for 2-3  Researcher
years  Rehabilitator
 Can apply nursing process  Change agent
 Knows how to prioritize care  Counselor
requirement Nursing Competencies
 Demonstrates organizational ability
1. Patient centered care
Recognize a patient as the source of control
and dull partner in providing compassionate
and coordinated care based on respect for
patient references, values and needs
2. Teamwork and collaboration
Function effectively within nursing and
interprofessional teams, fostering open
communication, mutual respect and shared
decision making to achieve patient care
3. Evidence-based Practice
Integrate best current evidence with clinical
expertise and patient/family preferences and
values for delivery of optimal health care
4. Quality Improvement
Use data to monito outcomes of care
process and use improvement methods to
design and test changes to continuously
improve the quality and safety of health care
5. Safety
Minimizes risk or harm to patient and
providers through both system effectiveness
and individual performance
6. Informatics
Use information and technology to
communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate
error and support decision making

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