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John Williams 22 April 2023

DATE 12 Dec 16


GROUP 9a2/Sc1

Ibrahim – EAL (Italian)
SEND/HA Isabelle – SENS, SEMH.
Jacob – Hearing impairment.
Joe – Possible dysgraphia.
Madison – Possible dysgraphia.
Shannon – Possible dysgraphia.
TRAINEE NAME John Williams

SUBJECT Chemistry

AIMS  Explain trends seen in Groups 1 & 7.

Key targets to be covered
OBJECTIVES  Explain how attraction between the nucleus and outer
shell electrons varies as you go down the group.
Key learning points  Explain that the reactivity of Group 1 & 7 depend on
the outer shell of electrons of the atoms.
 Predict trends in group 2 & 6.
By the end of the lesson the pupils should know how to:
EXPECTED  Use the nuclear model to explain how the outer
LEARNING electrons experience different levels of attraction to the
OUTCOMES nucleus.
What the class will have  Use electronic structure to explain the trends in
learned by the end of the physical and chemical properties of Group 1 and Group
lesson 7 elements.
 Apply knowledge of reactivity of Groups 1 and 7 to
suggest and explain the trend in reactivity of Groups 2
and 6.
Pupils will:
PROGRESS AND  Work as groups to come up with answers, which will
ATTAINMENT then be written on the large whiteboard.
How will you know what  Use a continuum line to indicate their confidence with
has been learned? the LOs.

John Williams 22 April 2023


LEARNING E Including behaviour for CRITERIA T TERMS
ACTIVITIES learning/HA How do you know Vocabulary
what has been introduced
learned at the end
of each phase?
 Discussing trends. (0:04)
o Jacob’s side of the room: Come up with a single
sentence describing the trends seen in Group 7.
 Reactivity decreases and Melting & Boiling
increase down group.
o Harrison’s side of the room: Come up with a single
sentence describing the trends seen in Group 1.
ENGAGER  Reactivity increases and Melting & Boiling
decrease down group.
o For last 30 seconds, have the sides of the room switch
from 7 to 1 and from 1 to 7. They should realise that the
properties are opposite.
 Sentences. (0:04)
o Randomly select pupils to come up to the front and
write their group’s sentence on the main board.
o Tweak as a class until perfect.
 Title, date and sentences into exercise books. (0:02)

 Attraction. (0:05)
o Start with an outer shell close to the nucleus, with strong
o If the outer shell is further away, the attraction will be
weaker. Think about how attracted two magnets are to each
other as you bring them together and pull them apart. The
attraction drops off quite fast with distance.
ACTIVITIES & o Electrons always go to the lowest shell possible, so if the
PHASES outer shell is further away, there must be other shells in
o With a shell between we will see repulsion between the
outer shell and those beneath it.
o This is known as shielding.
 Video & practice questions. (0:13)
o Show video (0:18 – 2:48) from C2.5 Animation: Reactivity
trends in the periodic table in Kerboodle.
 Tell the children to think about the question, but to

John Williams 22 April 2023

pay close attention to what the video says about

o Answer this question: Describe and explain the trend in
reactivity of the alkali metals.
o Show video (2:45– end).
o Answer this question: Explain in terms of electronic
structure, why fluorine is the most reactive element in
Group 7.
 Again, pay close attention to both reasons.
 Peer assessment (0:04)
 Correction. (0:03)
 Report marks (0:01)
o If you got at least 1 mark, stand up, 2 marks etc.
o This information can then be used to inform me and the
pupils who should do which of the next tasks.
 Differentiated tasks. (0:04)
o Consolidate:
 In terms of electronic structure, explain why:
 Elements in the same group of the periodic
table have similar chemical properties. (1
 Lithium is less reactive than potassium (2
o Extend:
 Group 2 trends.
 Self-assess (0:03)

Think, pair,
0:10 share.
Continuum line.
 Think, pair, share Questions. (0:04)
o Which of these reactions will be the most vigorous?
 Sodium + Chlorine
PLENARY  Potassium + Bromine
o Why are you not able to tell?
 Continuum line. (0:04)
o Ask the children to stand in a line from confident to not
confident about the LOs.
 Pack away. (0:02)

John Williams 22 April 2023



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