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1. Indigenous Influences: The Philippines' history and culture are rich in indigenous moral
influences. Throughout pre-colonial Filipino civilisation, there were several distinct ethnic
groupings, each with its own traditions and beliefs. These traditions and beliefs have persisted
over time and continue to have an influence on contemporary Filipino values and behavior. For
instance, the concept of "hiya" (shame), which emphasizes the significance of preserving one's
composure and avoiding humiliation at all costs, is deeply ingrained in Filipino society. Other
examples of indigenous influences on Filipino values include respect for elders, intimate family
ties, and the significance of communal harmony.
2. The second component of Filipino morality worth noting is its exposure to foreign influences,
notably those brought about by colonization and modernization. Filipino culture and morals
were significantly impacted by the more than 300-year Spanish colonialism of the Philippines.
For instance, Christianity rose to prominence and had a profound moral influence on Filipino
society. Similar to how it colonized Cuba for nearly 50 years, America's dominance over the
Philippines resulted in significant cultural and socioeconomic change. For instance, American
culture emphasized the rule of law and democratic ideals more strongly and promoted an
individualistic worldview.


-Filipinos are known for their common trait of group-centeredness, which tends to make people feel like
they belong and aren't alone.

-Because of their "don't get caught mindset," Filipinos always make an effort to avoid making errors in
order to avoid appearing silly. This motivates people to put in more effort and make faster


Group centeredness


-Greater Social Cohesion: People tend to exhibit more social cohesion within groups when they prioritize
the interests of the group over their own. Members of the group may get closer as a result, and a sense
of unity and purpose may become stronger.

-Altruism: A collectively-oriented worldview can inspire people to act in others' best interests, even if it
necessitates making personal sacrifices. This might foster an attitude of cooperation and helplessness, as
well as promote charity.
-Conflict resolution: When putting the interests of the group first, people are more ready to make
concessions and engage in dialogue. As a result, conflicts may be settled more amicably and the group as
a whole may feel more unified.


-Occasionally, group-centeredness can lead to conformity, when individuals may suppress their own
beliefs in favor of the group consensus. This could restrict the group's ability to think differently and
deter originality and creativity.

-Ingroup Bias: Those who prioritize the needs of the group may show "ingroup bias," giving preference
to members of their own group over members of other groups. This might lead to conflict and
discrimination between different groups.

-Group-centeredness can sometimes result in "groupthink," when individuals may avoid divergent
opinions and slavishly adhere to the group's conclusions. This might lead to making poor judgments and
leaving out crucial information.

“Don’t get caught mindset”


- More Caution: People may behave more cautiously and intelligently if they have a "don't get caught"
mentality. People may become more concerned with risk management and preventing negative
consequences as a result of this.

-Self-Preservation: Having a "don't get caught" mindset may also inspire self-preservation and self-
protection in situations where one's personal safety is under jeopardy.

-Compliance: A "don't get caught" mentality might inspire people to follow rules and laws in order to
avoid consequences. People may be motivated to comply and act morally as a result of this.


-Lack of initiative: People may occasionally be discouraged from taking chances and seizing
opportunities by a "don't get caught" mindset. This could impede personal growth and prevent
individuals from reaching their greatest potential.

-Short-Term Thinking: Those with a "don't get caught" attitude are more likely to prioritize short-term
gains above long-term benefits. This could lead to missed opportunities and poor decisions.
-Lack of Accountability: Those that operate under the motto "don't get caught" occasionally fail to take
accountability for their actions and place more attention on avoiding negative results. This might
undermine trust and encourage a blame-shifting culture.

What is your opinion regarding Filipino Culture?

- The Philippines' rich and diverse culture has been greatly influenced by its location and history. It
stands out because to a combination of native, Spanish, and American cultural elements, along with
various Asian and Pacific Islander influences.

The Philippines' strong emphasis on community and family is one of its defining traits. Intergenerational
households are common, and families place a high value on one another. Respect for elders and the idea
of "pakikisama," or community harmony and cooperation, are two more crucial cultural ideals.

Filipino cuisine, which offers a wide variety of dishes that highlight the numerous regional cuisines and
ingredients utilized all throughout the country, is another important aspect of the culture. Traditional
arts and crafts like weaving and pottery are also a crucial part of the culture, in addition to dance and
music like the well-known tinikling dance and conventional gong music.

Notwithstanding the numerous positive aspects and virtues of the Filipino culture, there are also
negative aspects, such as political upheaval, poverty, and the effects of globalization and rapid
industrialisation. Nonetheless, the adaptability and persistence of the Filipino culture have allowed it to
survive and advance over time.

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