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Registration of an Individual Entrepreneur (IE) in Armenia

Due to sanctions, difficulties in working with foreign clients and partners, many business owners have
considered relocating their companies, considering various directions and countries for relocation.

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Why Armenia? Armenian banks are connected to SWIFT (international transfers take 1-2 days), and also
allow money to be transferred to Russia through the SPFS system (Russian financial messaging transfer
system) There is no need to sell a certain percentage of foreign exchange earnings Foreign counterparties do
not object to transfers to accounts in Armenian banks Similar legislation Visa-free regime and the ability to
pay with MIR card (a plastic card is required) As a tax regime, you can choose an analogue of the Russian
simplified tax system (STS) or the general tax system (GTS) To register an IE or a legal entity (regardless
of the organizational and legal form) in Armenia, it is not necessary to have a residence permit or any other
document confirming the presence of legal grounds for living in Armenia.

This service includes drafting, collecting and preparing documents, and providing full support throughout
the IE registration process.

Individual approach to each client

Leave a request and our manager will contact you within an hour for consultation Name Email Address By
submitting the form, you agree to the processing of personal data Thank you! Your request has been
submitted! There was an error submitting the form. Please try again later. To avoid mistakes, our team
offers you Turnkey registration of an Individual Entrepreneur (IE)

Learn More What is needed for IE registration

Passport and notarized copy of the passport Legal address in Armenia for correspondence Armenian phone
number There is no significant difference between operators What you get:

01 Ability to work with foreign companies 02 Ability to settle in rubles and foreign currency 03 IT
companies receive preferential tax treatment I need help.

Opening an individual entrepreneur (IE) business

Full package for 30,000 rubles

Package includes: registration, banking support, tax registration, selection of tax system, access to the Social
Security website, and legal address. Trust the professionals to help you:

 Orient yourself correctly

 Provide consultation
 Create a solid foundation
 Help gather all necessary documents
 Guide you through all the stages in accordance with the law

I need this service.

Find out the exact cost of accounting and tax accounting services.
Employees 1/6: How many employees do you have? (For an IE, it's usually 1 person.)

 Up to 10
 10 to 25
 Over 25

Taxation system 2/6: What is your tax system?

 General
 Simplified
 Other

Transactions 3/6: How many incoming transactions do you have per month?

 Up to 10
 10 to 30
 More than 30

Revenue 4/6: What is your monthly revenue in US dollars?

 Up to $4,000
 $4,000 to $20,000
 More than $20,000

Type of activity 5/6: What is your type of activity?

 IT
 Consulting
 E-commerce
 Automotive business
 Foreign trade
 Other

Contacts 6/6: (By submitting the form, you agree to the processing of personal data.) The calculation is
almost complete.

Leave your contact information and we will message you on Telegram.

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submitting the form.

Leadership Team


CEO Entrepreneur with 10 years of experience in the tech industry, an expert in strategic communications.
Helped over 120 companies and individual entrepreneurs relocate to Armenia.


Operations Manager Organizes the seamless operation of all processes, supervises client relationships, and
ensures that projects meet their objectives.

Chief Accountant Oversees tax planning and compliance, accounting set-up and management. A chief
accountant with 16 years of experience in the profession. Passionate about her work and attentive to clients.

Why our friends recommend us

10 years of experience More than 10 years of experience. We have helped over 120 companies and
individual entrepreneurs relocate to Armenia.

Seamless operations We organize the operation of all processes, supervise client relationships, and ensure
that projects meet their objectives.

Assistance with documents We monitor and assist you at every step, helping with the preparation of all
necessary documents.

No office rent requirements 100% ownership rights for foreigners.

Profit exemption Exemption of LLC profits from taxes in Russia.

Company registration without physical presence of founders/directors.

Double taxation avoidance agreements with 49 countries.

0% tax for the IT industry.

No requirements for annual audits.

No restrictions on cash withdrawals.

Advantages of working with us

Experienced specialists

Modern level of service


Calculations in a convenient currency for you

Excellent knowledge of legislation and practices

High quality services and process automation.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Do you have any questions? Get expert consultation! Get Consultation

How different is the legislative base of Russia and Armenia?

In general, Armenian legislation is similar to Russian legislation. Laws are translated into several languages,
including Russian.
What obligations arise in Russia in case of opening a business in Armenia?

You must notify the Russian tax authorities within one month from the date of opening, closing, or
changing the details if you have opened an account in an Armenian bank, whether it is personal or business
- it doesn't matter.

The fine for late notification or failure to notify ranges from 1,000 rubles to 1,000,000 rubles.

In addition to information about opening an account, you will also have to fill out an annual report on the
movement of funds on this account.

Can a foreign citizen without a residence permit become a director of a commercial company in Armenia?

Yes, to do this, you need to obtain a social security number (SSN) and pass a verification. Alternatively, you
can simply entrust all tax transactions to an accountant who has an ID card and do without resident status
and SSN.

Can a company founded by a non-resident purchase or rent real estate/land in the Republic of Armenia?

Yes, if it is registered in Armenia. Foreign individuals also have the right to conclude contracts for long-
term land lease.

Have questions? Get expert consultation! Write on Telegram. What people say about us

The company has shown an ability to solve problems. They opened a legal account and bank cards for
individuals urgently. Everything was done in 1 day, and I made my flight. Our partnership has become long-
term. We recommend this company to all firms considering company registration and accounting
outsourcing. Ilya Karpenkov CEO at DSML

The company helped start the process of transferring our business to Armenia. They registered the
company, found an apartment, organized transfers, and tours of Armenia for our employees. They react
quickly and are always in touch. We recommend them! Anton Vdovichenko CEO at Nerve.Ai

In one day, I realized that I needed to open an individual entrepreneur and account in Armenia to continue
working with an American company. For me, as a designer, design is easy, but bureaucracy is difficult.
Regarding the latter: the guys help with finances and preparing all documents. Milita Nikiforova IE, Game

We are satisfied with the services of Relocation2Armenia and recommend it to our business partners
interested in registering a company, opening accounts, and obtaining bank cards. Konstantin Ivanov Head of
Taptima Company

I had only 1 week left to apply for an IT certificate. I contacted the guys, they consulted me in detail, and
helped me prepare all the documents for the certificate. Alina Mansorova CEO at

Invaluable assistance was provided in tax and accounting consultations. They physically accompanied me to
all government agencies, and as a result, I opened an individual entrepreneur, received an account, and bank
cards. Vladimir Zorin IE, Software Developer Need help? Contact us!

Leave a request - a manager will contact you within an hour and discuss the details Name Email Address
Interested in Company registration Accounting support Residence permit / citizenship IT certificate (tax
exemption) By submitting the form, you agree to the processing of personal data. Thank you! Your
application has been sent! An error occurred while sending the form. Please try again later. Business
registration Opening an IE "turnkey" Opening an LLC "turnkey" Accounting IT Certificate Residence
permit / citizenship Blog 8 800 200 1518 Details:

IE (Armenian) Davit Ovakimyan TIN: 20198839


Armenia, Yerevan, Moskovyan St. 3a, Loft

Website design and development by Ideal.Studio

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