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Post-Test Assessment

NAME:______________________ GENDER:____
AGE:____ YEAR&LEVEL:____

Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Read the passage of information
thoroughly and select the correct answer from the four options.

1. Metacognition is:
a. "thinking about thinking"
b. "thinking about doing"
c. "thinking about seeing"
d. none of the above

2. A student who identifies where their difficulty occurred may be using which
comprehension strategy?
a. summarization
b. metacognition
c. flexibility
d. structuring

3. Explicitly teaching text features helps students to:

a. find information quickly when answering questions after reading
b. mentally organize new information
c. understand the hierarchy of information from most important to least
d. all of the above

4. Which of the following is a comprehension strategy?

a. story map
b. read aloud
c. word identification
d. all of the above

5. Cooperative learning:
a. allows students to work together
b. allows students to help each other learn
c. allows for effective comprehension strategy instruction
d. all of the above
6. Text comprehension strategies should be taught to students:
a. once they have mastered "the basics"
b. once they are reading at a second grade level
c. once reading instruction begins
d. none of the above

7. The purpose of activating students' prior knowledge is to:

a. enable students to visualize what they are reading
b. enable students to draw from their own experiences
c. enable students to focus on concepts
d. all of the above

8. Effective comprehension instruction requires:

a. a direct explanation of strategy
b. modeling of a strategy
c. application of a strategy
d. all of the above

9. Which student is using mental imagery as a comprehension tool?

a. Tom, who draws pictures illustrating a story his dad told him to help him
b. Bobby, who forms a picture in his mind of a playground when his mom
reads to him from a story called Recess in First Grade
c. Suzy, who tells a story about a penguin to her little sister, Ruthie
d. all of the above

10. Activity could be used in activating a students' prior knowledge?

 a. telling your students the names of the author and illustrator of the story
 b. asking students to draw a picture of the main character in a story
c. previewing a text with your students and asking them what they already
know about the topic
 d. all of the above

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