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Leyte Normal University

College of Education +63 523 832-3205

Tacloban City

Name: Karina Alexa M. Elizan

Grade & Section: 11HUMSS-Service

1. In terms of history, how do you define the contemporary? How is it different from the “traditional" or

The main difference of contemporary, traditional and modern or these art movements are the time
periods. In a historical context of contemporary produced in the second half of the 20th century or in the
21st century and traditional and modern are set back in the past. Art movements are to represent the art of
that time period, all the said art movements will be different from contemporary because our world changes
and that includes the art.

2. Explain the meaning of contemporary art: collaborative, integrative, and process-oriented. How do these
mediums and techniques differentiate contemporary arts from the "traditional" and "modern"?

In my own opinion, contemporary art is only like that because it is meant to bookmark this
generations art achievements of this century. I mean it in the sense that art movements are made to define
or reflect today's generation, where we use technology to collaborate with more artists (for example, studios,
entertainment companies, etc.) and to express the creativity of these artists by experimenting more with
these technologies to develop and produce artworks. The difference between contemporary and traditional
and modern is that contemporary is evolving to a technology-based era, and the themes used in modern and
traditional are different from contemporary. I believe that contemporary artists are more expressive, creative,
and bold than traditional and modern artists. The contemporary artist is exposed to an open-minded society,
globally influenced, culturally diverse, and has more ways to express this creativity being in a technologically
advancing world.

4. Contemporary artists do not always use new media, such as installations and mixed media. What makes them
"contemporary" anyway? Explain your answers through historical, stylistic, and cultural overviews.

From a historical standpoint, the term "contemporary" refers to events that are taking place right
now or close to it. But for the stylistic and cultural overview I have my own opinion on this matter, to start I
don’t think the style or the cultural aspects matter whether or not they categorize as being contemporary.
For example, if an artist in the present era uses art forms or styles from the 19th century in an artwork, such
as Impressionism, it is still contemporary art because contemporary is what is happening now, and the artist
created the artwork in this era, so it is still contemporary art. This also applies to a cultural standpoint, as
culture differs in different parts of the world, and even if an artwork or form represents a history of that
culture or the specific culture itself, it is still considered contemporary art if it was created during this time
period. So, to put it simply contemporary art is always contemporary by point of view of its time of production.

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