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I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to.
1. Describe waste according to the properties of its materials
2. Demonstrate proper disposal of waste according to the properties of its
3. Differentiate biodegradable and non-biodegradable
II. Learning Content
A. Topic: Proper Disposal of Waste
B. Time allotment: 60 minutes
C. Reference: Science and Health, pp. 55-65
D. Materials:
• Text visuals
• Power point presentation
• Trash can • Garbage / Trash
III. Learning Procedures
Teacher’s Activity
A. Preparation
>Checking of attendance of the students

B. Review (The teacher will ask the students about the past discussions and
let the pupils remember and recognize of what the teacher asked.)

C. Motivation The teacher will ask the pupils who would like to volunteer and
play the activity of proper segregation of waste on their own and let their
classmates cheer on them.

D. Presentation/Lesson Proper The teacher will discuss what garbage is and

the proper segregation of waste according to its materials.

E. Application (Group Activity)

F. Generalization The teacher will ask the pupils questions about the lesson.
The teacher will ask two to three of his/her pupils to summarize and tell what
they understand about the lesson.

IV. Assessment/Evaluation
5 items Multiple Choice

V. Assignment
Make something beautiful and usable that is made of recyclable materials.
Make it awesome!

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