14-740: Networks: Lecture 24 Spring 2018 Kesden

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14-740: Networks

Lecture 24 * Spring 2018 * Kesden

DC Topology: Venerable 3-Tier
• Since, beyond a certain point, we can’t make switches wider and/or faster, we
need to “fan out”, most commonly with a tree topology
• Venerable 3-tier network is a straight-forward example:


DC Topology: Venerable 3-Tier
• Can add a redundant core for increased throughput and resilience



DC Topology: Venerable 3-Tier
• Scales nicely, but …
• Higher up gets over-subscribed since everything passes through
• Over-subscription increases with scale
• Request-to-stream and host-to-host cases generate bottlenecks
1x Switch Throughput

Wx Switch Throughput

W 2x Switch Throughput
Clos Networks
• Allocating an input port, and associated
• Allocates path whole way through.
• NxN connectivity with switches with less
than NxN connectivity
• Basically a way to make a large NxN
• Still an expensive expansion and not likely
to need all throughput capacity
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Leaf and Spine
Leaf and Spine
• Type of Clos network
• Essentially folded, but still N-to-N connections
• Derived from old phone company architecture, invented in 1950s.
• All paths are same length from edge to edge
• Great for switch vendors
• Need to pick path, as can choose any middle router
• Very redundant
• Can implement at layer-2 or layer-3
• More soon
Fat-Tree Networks
• More throughput at higher levels, more even across levels
• Not easy to do since buying more powerful switches is harder
• To extent possible, more cost per unit capacity
• Not possible beyond a modest point
• This is somewhat necessarily the case as, if bigger switches were more readily available
and economical, they’d be used at the bottom, and we’d be back where we started.
Fat-Trees With Skinny Switches: Goals
• Use all commodity switches
• Full throughput from host-to-host
• Compatible with usual TCP/IP stack
• Better energy efficiency per unit throughput from more smaller switches
than fewer bigger switches
Note the replacement of
aggregation layer
(K/2)2 core routers Fat Tree (K=4) switches with 2 layers of
K/2 K-port switches

(K/2)2 servers
per pod

K-port switches support K3/4 servers

Fat Tree Details
• K-ary fat free: three layers (core, aggregation, edge)
• Each pod consists of (K/2)2 servers and 2 layers of K/2 K-port switches.
• Each edge switch connects (K/2) servers to (K/2) aggregator switches
• Each aggregator switch connects (K/2) edge and (K/2) core switches
• (K/2)2 core switches, each ultimately connecting to K pods
• Providing K different roots, not 1. Trick is to pick different ones
• K-port switches support K3/4 servers/host:
• (K/2 hosts/switch * K/2 switches per pod * K pods)
Using Multiple Paths
• Must pick different paths (“path diversity”) or will have a hotspot
• Unless sessions use the same path, reordering will be a problem and need to be
resolved with buffering higher up
• Static paths may not respond to actual, dynamic workloads
• Can be done at different levels.
• Higher levels, e.g. transport, are more flexible, but likely more effort and slower
• Lower levels are likely less adaptive, but simpler and faster.
• Ability to weight or remove paths can aid fault tolerance
Portland Solution
• Use commodity switches and off-load services into software on commodity
• Start With Fat Tree for a topology without hot spots
• Use layer-2 to avoid routing, forwarding, and related complexity
• Separate host identifier from host location
• IP addresses identify host, but not location, just and ID
• Use “Pseudo MAC Address” to identify location at Level-2
PortLand Addresses
• Normally MAC addresses are arbitrary – no clue about location
• IP normally is hierarchical, but here we are using it only as a host identifier
• If MAC addresses are not tied to location, switch tables grow linearly with growth of
network, i.e. O(n)
• PortLand uses hierarchical MAC addresses, called “Pseudo MAC” or PMAC
addresses to provide for switch location
• <pod:port:position:vmid>
• <16,8,8,16> bits
0 1
PortLand PMAC Addresses
2 3

Position 0 1 0 1 0 1

PMAC: <pod.position.port.vmid> 48 bits: <16-bits.8-bits.8-bits.16-bits>

Portland PMAC Addresses

PMAC: <pod.position.port.vmid> 48 bits: <16-bits.8-bits.8-bits.16-bits>

VM Migration
• Flat address space.
• IP address unchanged after migration, higher level doesn’t see state change
• After migration IP<->PMAC changes, as PMAC is location dependent
• VM sends gratuitous ARP with new mapping.
• Fabric Manager receives ARP and sends invalidation to old switch
• Old switch sets flow table to software, causing ARP to be sent to any stray packets
• Forwarding the packet is optional, as retransmit (if reliable) will fix delivery
Location Discovery: Configuring Switch IDs
• Humans = Not right Answer
• Discovery = Right Answer
• Send messages to neighbors – Get Tree Level
• Hosts don’t reply, so edge only hears back from above
• Aggregate hears back from both levels
• Core hears back only from aggregate
• Contact Fabric Manager with tree level to get ID
• Fabric Manager is service running on commodity host
• Assigns ID
Name Resolution: MACPMACIP
• End hosts continue to use Actual MAC (AMAC) addresses
• Switches convert PMAC<->AMAC for the host
• Edge switch responsible for creating PMAC:AMAC mapping and telling Fabric
• Software on commodity server, can be replicated, etc. Simplicity is a virtue.
• Mappings timed out of Fabric Manager’s cache, if not used.
• ARPs are for PMACs
• First ask fabric manager which keeps cache. Then, if needed, broadcast.
No loops, No Spanning Trees
• Forwarding can only go up the tree.
• Cycles not possible.
• Keep-alives like the link discovery messages
• Miss a keep alive? Tattle to the Fabric Manager
• Fabric manager tells effected switches, which adjust own tables.
• O(N) vs O(N2) for traditional routing algorithms (Fabric Manager tells every
switch vs every switch tells every switch)
Looking Back
• Connectivity – Hosts can talk! No possibility of loops
• Efficiency – Much less memory needed in switches, O(N) fault handlingh
• Self configuring – Discovery protocol + ARP
• Robust – Failure handling coordinated by FM
• VMs and Migration – Each has own IP address, each has own MAC address
• Commodity hardware – Nothing magic.
Flow Classification
• Type of “diffusion optimization”
• Mitigate local congestion
• Assign traffic to ports based upon flow, not host.
• One host can have many flows, thus many assigned routings
• Fairly distribute flows
• (K/2)2 shortest paths available – but doesn’t help if all pick same one, e.g. same root
of multi-rooted tree
• Periodically reassign output port to free up corresponding input port
Flow Scheduling
• Also a “Diffusion Optimization”
• Detect and deconflict large, long-lived flows
• Threshholds for throughput and longevity
Fat-Tree Solution: “Special” IP Addressing
• “” private addresses
• Pod-level uses “10.pod.switch.1“
• pod,switch < K
• Core-level uses "10.K.j.i“
• K is the same K as elsewhere, the number of ports/switch
• View cores as logical square. i, j denote position in square.
• Hosts use “10.pod.switch.ID" addresses
• 2 <= ID <= (K/2)
• K=1 is pod-level switch; ID > 2 is too many hosts
• 8-bits implies K < 256
• Will pre-bake the paths to ensure diversity, while maintaining

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