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Estrategias en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (Anual)

2º Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas

Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

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No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Bibliography: brand meaning, culture &consumption, Don’t mess with the logo, Building,
meaduring and managing brand equity

1. Definition, funtions amb types of brands

Definition and concept what branda re
Brand is a set of meanings, there are not only a logo. Where we are talking abouut
brand there are some emotional and some rational
THat’s why they adapst to the brain reality
- They structure themselves througt connection ...
Brands are in a constansevolution

The value of a brand (brand equity)

It depens to the people...and also brands a nits company ฀ the most of the value of the

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brands are a significative part of the company

Bussiness people

a. Accounting annotation ina a balana sheet

b. The strength of the emotional bond comsuners have with a certain bran
c. More acadèmic: the set of associations and beliefs thet consumers have about
it ฀ Its a brand description
d. Aca ontract of trust

TH tthree are interteliate ฀ if you what a brand (exit), the products are diong well
yu can built a brand loyalty and if you built a brand loyalty you can built a brand
equity (demanar)

A brand definition is a interrelations af diferents definitions or meaning of the

brand and at the end we can establert a general definition of an a brand. Brand
map in the center the most strong meaning, and we divided between concius and
unconcius definitions


Corporate brand

Product brand

Service brand

Retail brand

Organizationevent brand (ex: barça)

Event brand (musical, theatral)

Enterteinment brand (star wars)

Destinations brand (country brand, city brand)

Cause brand

Ingredient brand (intel, core)

Personal brand (identify people with brands)


It depens on who is revceiving the brand. For consumers, society or manufacture.

What consumers obtens of brand is facilitate the shearing election and buying
process of a product.

What manufactures (the owner af the brands) obtens af a brand is a identify and
protect the product competitive advantages. Tray to avoid someone could copy by

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
creating a resistint brands.

Brand funcions for consumers

Cronological order

- Identify: bar codes, in the moment that in a one categorie thera are two brand we
have to identify.
Beer bass is consider the first brand in the modern era.
o Identify continuity: one product need to have a contuinity, the people have
to recognice for exemple the taste of one Beer. But we can innovate but
not each day

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- Manufacturee: is important because if we have a problem with a product we need
to ask somebody. Ex: síndrome del aceite de colza: en españa alguna persona
diluyó el aceite con otro mas malo, en este caso aceite industrial.
- Find what you search in a funcional way
- Having risks: using known brand reduce the risk??
- Meanings: Brands become símbols
- Trust Builder: obligations of brand: you need of garantee a cert Standard of quality.
o The brand is a contract of trust between anufactures and consumers
o On the manufacture’s side, it’s a guarantee of resoect for certain quality
standards that definí the product and certain vàlues that definí both its
positions and its long-term mission
o On hthe consumer’s side it’s the considerations that is willing to pay in
form of the product price fidelity to that brand.

Si els productors no compleixen això es van amb altres marques o busquen

una qualitat més alta.

La gent utilitza la marca blanca perquè elsproductors no han mantingut

aquesta qualitat

La vacas locas: the government od british didin’t say anithing, mcdonalds

said that there are a problema with the cows. When it occurs the people
trust more in a supermarket brands than in a carnicerias locales.

Ots important be trust to make your brand grow, and you need to associate
meaning to your brand.

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Brand bnding: you start the procés start what a brand is because
consumers ordenate the products and brands in categories. Later explain
what a brand does, his qualities and in the last what a brand means

2. Brand meanings
We are not just talking to a tangible things.
The nature of neaning
- Denotation

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- Connotation


W can difenece the meaning comming from the products amb the meaning introduces
by the consumers

Meanings products ฀ What a brand is about

- Features attributes
- Maming logos packaging...
- Products/categories

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Meaning consumers ฀ What a brand means

Meanings more intangible, sometime more emtionals

What defines de soul and personality of the brand





Life style

In the midlee of both of them –> Benefits

All this diferent set of meaning we can classify in 4 diferent dimensions

- Functional: Is the first one that appears in a brand. Every meaning that explain
what the products of a brand an what they atributtes or benefits what are about.
Functional realities.
- Emotional: When a categorie af a brand become real it appears other product too
similar if we only explain the funcional dimension we need to buil the emotional
dimension. Create feeling about this brand
- Social :When a brand become a symbol, this brand can become a symbol that
people use to express yourself.
- Aesthetic: the mission of a brand is to attract. Aesthetic matters.

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The firt who talk about the importance of emotional dimension Ogilvy, social kapferner

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Emotional and social coming from the consumers, functional comes to the product
amb aesthetic is a mix

Emotional and social explains emotional benefits


Keller?? Create a theory about a point of meaning, it consider attribute, benefits,

intangible value and antithing than difference of the others

Also he said that is also important the opposite, a category to classify the brand
because the people classify the products in different category

3. The brand essence

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Basically we are talk about the benefits and values .
- The essence of a brand is like a flag.
- The mission o purpose
- If we have a clear of where we would go we should be able to identify the
elements of our brand
Mirar ted talk de simon sinek

Soul of the brand: belief, purpose, values and personality ฀ are interrelated

In the center we have the values, in most of the time the value of a brand is the same that the
values of the people. Equal that we prefer people with belief and conviction we prefer brands
with a strong belief.

Also, the values influence the personality

This is what Simon define as Why

Purpose is the intersections between a business values and beliefs and those of the people it

When you find a purpose try the t-shirt test ฀ reduce your purpose in only one sentence. Not
try to make a slogan.

Two confusions…

1. Brand beliefs and purpose is not the same than brand mission and vision (mission and
vision is about corporate and bussiness). Because missions is similar to propose but
visions (objectius a llarg termini??)
Brand belief and purpose ฀ brands
Brands mission and visions ฀ business/companies
2. Brand essence = positioning? ฀ it is not the same. The brand essence is the strategy
and position is that if we do what we should do we can arrive at the same place that
we propose with the brand essence

2 approaches to build it?

- Start from the belief, from the why.

The manufactures are the owner of the brands? Because the brand is built by all the
definitions all are the owner of the brand
Defining the brand essence
o Volvo safety –> not only to the communication, they built safety cars and
the people belief that volvo cars are safety.

Its more idealistic

- Start from category: because the people classify the product in categories we start

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to the category. First, we study the category and find our hole in the category.
Its more realistic.
Concluding the recommendation
o Start defining to belief and purpose
o Choose category
o Check competitors
o Purpose confirmation

Dissonancia= diferencia

4. Brand personality

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We are talking more about character and lifestyle
Personality traits:
- Skin (what we saw)–> we should go under a behavior
- Personality is not just what we saw is also a behavior
An archetype is a universal way of behaving. We classify people in 20 types of
We could classify all human being in two axes ฀ (belonging/independence and
Sometimes we feel ruin but in others we look for a safety … (preguntar no lo
12 archetypes
Building your archetype
When you don’t own your category, it recommends:
Have a main role closer to propose + a secondary role (brand differentiation)
5. Brand identity
Is the last part that we should define
- Naming
Types of naming
o Descriptive
o Evocative: ex google (evoga a navegar “gloglo”)
o Abstract: it don’t have a meaning
o Toponimics: es basa en un topínim, normalment un nom propi. Amazon ve
o Patroniics: the name of a person
o Mythologics: ajax (dios de la griega clàssica)

Brand essence ฀ brand map ฀ creative axis ฀ Morphology ฀ long list ฀ selection
฀ register

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Descriptor’s as Namig support: in the case of new brand we have to definitions
to clarify the category

In the mature categories we have a definition for add differentiation.

identity elements is not only for logos, it is also for packaging (color de
tifanny’s, vermell de ferrary), and products (legos), the shops, different
characters (ex: don limpio), shapes (ex personatge de nesquik)

- Visual identity

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- Others
- Experience
6. Brand story
Still now we are talking about abstract elements but the brand story is the form to
realise the other elements??
The story is a creative narrative story about the brand it it not a brand history, 100%
true (no cal que sigui tot real sinó que el que importa es mostrar el brand essence,
purpose…), and that’s not mean exactly a story telling
Brand story links with the brand foundation, its origins. It might not express the
purpose, but the relation should clearly appear.
7. Brand awareness
8. The brand-bulding process

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