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Towards a Sustainable World (30 points)

Examine the existing environmental policies (Republic Act No. 9147 and Republic Act No. 9003) in the
Philippines. Which do you think needs to be revisited/amended to resolve the environmental crisis in
the Philippines? Why? (30 points)

Republic Act (RA) 9003, also known as the 2000 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, has been
assigned to the municipality (LGU) to achieve 25% waste reduction through the establishment of
integrated solid waste. It provides the necessary policy frameworks, institutional mechanisms, and
obligations. Management achieves a management plan based on the 3Rs (reduction, reuse, recycling).

II. Global Media Cultures (25points)

•Do International sporting events (example: SEA Games, FIFA World Cup, etc.) help unify
international relations? Why or why not? (5 points)

The role of international sports relations in strengthening peace and understanding between nations
Sports are fun for everyone, regardless of age, gender or ethnicity. To promote values that transcend
language and culture. We can use it as a tool to improve the well-being of the planet and its people.
Through those values, we can teach teamwork, leadership, humility, tenacity and determination. Sports-
based awareness campaigns can raise awareness of climate change mitigation and increase community
response to local environmental protection. Sports are enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age, gender
or ethnicity. .

• Does modern music affect how young adults view society? Explain. (10 points)

Our society is strongly influenced by the music we listen to every day. Think about how music reflects
their culture at a particular time. Now consider how people see the teenage generation and how
popular music portrays them.You can see how the music influenced them. If really good music, like the
music of today's young modern composers, is the music we hear every day, it will transform future
generations and they will bring greatness to society forever.

• How has the internet affected the way parents raise their children? (10 points)

The internet has certainly made it much easier to get knowledge about parenting concerns and issues.
The Internet has made the world smaller and brought people of different nationalities, races and
religions closer together. The internet has done a lot of good things, the internet has had a positive
impact in one or more ways.

However, the Internet has its downsides, downsides, and ugliness. The Internet is a good source and a
bad source. Therefore, if children are not properly instructed, they can be vulnerable victims of
III. Global Population and Mobility (20 points)

• What are the factors that may contribute to internal and international migration? Explain (10 points)

The contribution that immigrants can make to economic development is a good reason to rethink the
division between national and international immigration research and policy. Over the last decade, the
amount of money international migrants have sent back to their home countries has increased. While
most attention is paid to the use and impact of migrant workers' remittances, other studies also look at
issues such as the balance between brain drain and brain drain caused by the migration of skilled and
specialized migrants. Economic impact of refugee evacuation and resettlement. Production and trade

• Is it reasonable to think that teenage pregnancy is on the rise because of social media? Explain. (10

Social media is helping the country's teen pregnancy rate rise. Social networking sites provide different
types of information and are easily accessible to different types of people. Most of the time, my parents
aren't at home. Who will guide these kids watching cable shows and social media? Lack of parental
guidance that most youth who are to many things that are experiencing the negative effects of social
media: early pregnancy.

IV. Global Citizenship (25 points)

What are the five salient features of a Global Citizenship? Enumerate and explain each feature. (5
points each)

Think about their values and what's important to them.

•The value exists whether you know it or not. Respecting your values and making plans and decisions
that respect them will make your life much easier.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Problem solving

•As the problems facing the world continue to grow. It is imperative to think critically about global
issues. Analyzing how different elements interact with each other, using methods such as inductive and
deductive reasoning, helps students find innovative solutions to these problems.

Community and Collaboration

•Social media has already given us the opportunity to connect with the world and experience global
citizenship to varying degrees. But the true citizens of the world are using the senses of this community
to improve the world around them. Communication is not only an important skill for global citizens, but
also an important life skill.


•Adaptability is one of those qualities that travelers of all worlds will learn. Not everything is perfect
abroad. There are always challenges, such as language barriers, lost children in strange places, and flight
delays. The ability to adapt to changing situations and cope with disabilities is invaluable. True citizens of
the world learn adaptability from travel and maintain a positive attitude when roads become bumpy.

Technology Skills

•Young people are encouraged to develop their own perspectives to move from passive recipients to
active media users. A critical assessment of online information promotes personality and thus the
development of new ideas.

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