Revision Sheet Term 1

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Geography Term 1:

Describe Maps and Graphs -

Maps Graphs

Dispersed/ concentrated Linear (line)

Dense/ sparse exponential

Coastal / inland anomalies

Peripheral / centred or core or central outliers

Spread / clustered fluctuating

Regions - areas or states Positive and negative relationship

Exact location - site of a feature Inverse correlation

Cardinal points - N,S,E,W Volatile (economic)

Altitudinal = highland v lowland Randomly distributed

Seasonal - logarithmic

Longitude and latitude (major lines Tropics V correlation

Equatorial V Circles)

Geographical features - riverine, basin, mountain, Neutral/ plateau

desert, climatic, biomes

Continents logistic

Urban V rural Peak and trough

  Upturn V downturn

  Increase v decrease

  Dispersed v concentrated



Hazard – threat of an impact that will leave a negative impact

Disaster – negative impact following an actual occurrence in the event
that it significantly harms a community
Risk – chance of it actually happening
Hazard Variables:
1. Predictability
2. Duration of impact
3. Frequency and risk
4. Speed of onset
5. Control and human vulnerability
6. Speed of impact
7. Destructive potential
8. Cause
Geophysical hazards – avalanche, tsunami
Ecological hazards – disease, pandemic
Climate hazards – global warming, drought

Biological – invasive species / disease spread through species

Anthropogenic – caused by humans


Risk – The likelihood that a particular event will occur in a specific location
Exposure – What elements are at risk? (people infrastructure agriculture)
Vulnerability – The susceptibility that a location has of coping and
adapting to hazards

Natural Hazard – Avalanche, Drought, Flood

Ecological Hazard – Radiation, Disease, Toxic waste
CYCLONE: Cyclones originate within 5 to 30 degrees of the equator on the
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ICZ). This is where the sun rays are direct
and not spread out, causing the water temperature to be rise. The water
needs to be at least 26.5 degrees Celsius, which causes evaporation,
causing the air to rise and leaving a low air pressure at the ground level.
Air then moves into the space created via wind, and the rising air expands
due to low air density. The air then cools, condensation occurs and latent
heat is released. This makes the vapour change back into liquid, providing
more energy for the cyclone to get larger. Thunderstorms form from the
cumulonimbus clouds within the ICZ. As cyclones generate energy from
the sun, this is the ideal zone for cyclones to take shape. This is also the
area where there is stronger Coriolis force, which is important for a
cyclone to form.
Japan Earthquake – Subduction 23km depth focus

Haiti Earthquake – Strike Slip 13km depth focus

Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites. Parasites are spread to
people through bites from infected female Anopheles mosquitoes
(malaria vectors).

1. Rank each indicator from the highest to the lowest

2. Subtract: Rank 1 - Rank 2 to calculate the difference (D)
3. Square the difference
4. Add up the squared difference
5. Substitute data into formula
When writing paragraph about malaria:
Patterns – At least 2-3 relevant info from sources
Trends – At least 2-3 relevant data from sources
Relationships – As many simple as possible (2 sources), at least 1
complex relationship (3+ sources linked)
Implications / Consequences – This then that then this (sickness =
no money/low GDP = no medicine = more strain Gov spending =
decreased funding) Use something about vulnerable children and

Interpret Infer
Over time This means that
In this location it is evident The reason for this is
Compared to A conclusion from this is
Over time it is evident that This causes another thing

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