Political Theory - An Introduction - Rajiv Bhargava (BA Pol Science Sem 1 Unit 1)

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BA Pol Science

Semester 1
Political Theory
Unit 1: What is Political: Theorizing the Political
Political Theory: An Introduction_Rajiv Bhargava
No. Chapter Subheadings Details
Part 1 What is Political
theory and Why
Do We Need It
1 What is Introduction Issues that refer to some institutions of the state
Political [What is (the judiciary, the government, the legislature,
Theory Political] the office of the prime minister) and the
decision-making power of these institutions.
Decisions that possess the potential to have an
impact on almost every member of society. the
political is inherently conflictual (with tools like
protests, demands, debates, etc.) New (just)
worlds are imagined.
What is Theory [Humans as concept-bearing animals having
thoughtful experiences of living.] Theory is a
language-dependent systematic expression
different from, but related to, other forms of
systematic reflections on the world. Articulating
in a particular medium a conceptual world lived
practically by a specific set of human agents.
6 features of A theory is a form of systematic reflection with
Theory six features. (a) Conceptual sensitivity, (b)
rational structure, (c) aspiration for a humanly
achievable truth and objectivity, (d ) generality,
(e) an explicit mandate to unearth assumptions
and presuppositions, and ( f ) strong non-
speculative intent
What is Political 1. Polis. City/ Community. The population is a
physical space. 2. Whatever is done within or by
the community. 3. Decision-making within and
about the community. 4. Everything is to be
decided through words and persuasion and not
through force and violence [Hannah Arendt - The
Human Conditon]. 5. There is no distinction
between social and political theory. Political
theory is about how and with what justification
decisions are made concerning the good life in a
What is Political Political theory is a particular form of word-
Theory dependent systematic reflection on any or all of
the following: (a) the collective power to take
decisions about the good life of a community, (b)
the mechanisms by which power is exercised by
one group over another, (c) the use of state
power to achieve the good of the community, (d)
the use of the state by one group to exercise
power over another, and (e) on the values by
which a particular community governs its life.
Finally, (f) there can be a grand political theory
that reflects on the general condition of the
entire humankind or the values by which the
entire humanity may govern its life.

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