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Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940


Analysis on the Procurement Cost of Construction Supply Chain based

on Evolutionary Game Theory
Zhuoran Tao1 · Bo Wang1 · Lingli Shu1

Received: 3 June 2020 / Accepted: 17 December 2020 / Published online: 6 January 2021
© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2021

The selection of building materials plays an important role in the control of engineering projects. The subject of this paper
is to study the problem of balancing the relationship between the general contractor and building material suppliers in the
construction supply chain. Firstly, to solve the problem, this paper from the perspective of material quality safety analyzes
the problems between material suppliers and construction general contractor. Then, under the constraints of information
asymmetry and bounded rationality, the evolutionary game model of material suppliers and construction contractors is
constructed to study the strategy selection in the process of product quality supervision. Finally, the system simulation is
carried out by using MATLAB software to demonstrate the evolutionary equilibrium strategy of the model when different
parameters change. The results show that the strategy selection of material suppliers and construction contractors is affected
by multiple factors such as supervision cost, material cost, risk probability of accident occurrence and penalty amount.

Keywords  Evolutionary game · Strategy · Construction supply chain · Procurement cost · selection · Quality supervision

1 Introduction enterprises will be damaged. At the same time, it will also

have a great negative impact on social stability. However,
In recent years, the issue of construction and housing has even if there are relevant laws and regulations restricting
been receiving great attentions. Whether it is the fluctuation the safety production management of building materials,
of housing prices, the geographical location of the place of there will still be some suppliers and general contractors to
residence, or the news of hidden dangers related to business maximize their own interests and take the wrong approach,
accidents, it will become a topic after dinner. So how to resulting in construction accidents. Therefore, how to bal-
choose and control the building materials by enterprises is ance the cooperation between suppliers and contractors has
very important [1]. become our current research topic [2–4].
In fact, there are many factors that affect the occurrence Game theory originated from John von Neumann, who
of construction accidents. Such as the construction materi- proved the basis of game theory in 1928. Until 1944, John
als are not qualified, and the construction technology is not Von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern published their
qualified. In addition, we should also consider the impact book Theory of Game and Economic Behavior [5, 6]. They
of uncertainties. For example, force majeure (natural dis- extended the two-player game to the structure of a multi-
asters and climate disasters) may also lead to the collapse player game and applied the game theory system to the field
of construction buildings. At the same time, whether the of economics. This theory laid the foundation for future
regulation is standardized is also a problem we should pay research [7]. Evolutionary game theory combines tradi-
attention to. Whether the staff involved in quality inspection tional game theory with biology, no longer regards human
have the risk of moral problems due to bribery. We all know as a completely rational game party, and considers human
that once these accidents occur, the rights and interests of all to be limited rational. People with limited rationality will
learn new knowledge through continuous learning during
* Bo Wang the game, and use the new knowledge to adjust and improve their learning strategies, so as to find better learning strate-
gies [8]. The early research of evolutionary game theory
Business School, University of Shanghai for Science originated from Fisher’s game analysis of the conflict and
and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China


1926 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940

cooperative behavior between animals and plants in the under incomplete information to analyze the procurement
field of biology [9]. He found that the evolution of animals stage of construction supply chain.
and plants can be explained by game theory in most cases, Nowadays, many scholars apply game knowledge to sup-
without relying on any rational assumptions. In the field of ply chain management. The traditional supply chain manage-
economics, evolutionary game theory can be traced back to ment [27, 28] refers to the coordination of internal and exter-
Cournot’s research on the process of output adjustment in nal resources to jointly meet the needs of consumers, and
duopoly market competition [10–12]. Based on this research, then to optimize the operation of the supply chain [29–31].
later Nash’s "group behavior interpretation" is considered The enterprise expects to make all processes of supply chain
to be the earliest achievement of evolutionary game theory be operated efficiently with the minimum cost, including
[13–15]. He believed that there is no need to assume that workflow, physical flow, capital flow and information flow,
participants have sufficient knowledge of the entire game etc., from the material procurement to the final customer.
structure; nor that participants need to have the desire and Finally, the good products will be delivered to consumers
ability to perform any complex reasoning; only that par- timely and accurately at a reasonable price [32–34]. Some
ticipants can accumulate information about the comparative scholars also apply the knowledge of game theory to the sup-
advantages of using various pure strategies. However, this ply chain management of manufacturing industry. It mainly
Nash equilibrium can be achieved [16, 17]. When Smith controls the costs in the procurement [35], logistics [36]
et al. [18] first proposed the concept of evolutionarily sta- and transportation [37] stages of the supply chain in order
ble strategies in their creative paper, it marked the official to maximize the profit of the enterprise. Jukka et al. [38]
birth of evolutionary game theory. In the same year, Taylor studied the impact of sustainable procurement on risk man-
et al. [19] first proposed the basic concept of replication agement performance and procurement performance. They
dynamics in evolutionary game theory, which is undoubt- found that the adoption of sustainable procurement methods
edly a major breakthrough in the study of evolutionary can improve the procurement performance of enterprises
game theory. Evolutionary stability strategy and replication [39]. In fact, the level of procurement performance plays an
dynamics are two core concepts of evolutionary game theory important role in supply chain cost control [40]. Shu et al.
[20]. The relation between them shows that the evolution- [41] studied the optimization of logistics service quality
ary stability strategy is the equilibrium point of the replica- based on pricing in supply chain management. They found
tion dynamic equation and represents the stable state of the that a single cost-sharing contract could not coordinate a
evolutionary game. Replication dynamics is the dynamic supply chain when it included both a manufacturer and an
convergence process under this stable state. All these studies online retailer. But when it adds a revenue-sharing contract,
show that evolutionary game theory has become an impor- the supply chain coordinates [42, 43]. Therefore, retailers
tant analytical tool of evolutionary economics [21, 22]. By should share both logistics costs and benefits with manufac-
reading relevant literature, we find that game theory can be turers. When both parties are willing to accept revenue-shar-
divided into two categories: complete information game [23, ing [44] and cost-sharing [45] contracts, both parties’ profits
24] and incomplete information game [25, 26]. They can be and overall profits can be increased. Maher et al. [46] took
divided into dynamic game and static game. Dynamic game game theory as the focus of coordinating supply chain man-
with complete information means that the information in the agement, and they believed that evolutionary game knowl-
game is complete, that is, both sides have a complete under- edge was an important methodological tool for analyzing
standing of the strategic space and payment function of the green supply chain management. Sun et al. [47] combined
participants under the strategic combination, but the behav- the evolutionary game knowledge with green supply chain
ior is continuous. In the complete static game, players can management. Under the government subsidy mechanism,
make complete decisions when they fully understand and they established the evolutionary game model between the
master various strategies. Incomplete information dynamic supplier group and the manufacturer group, and expounded
game means that the behavior of participants is continu- the influence of green investment and government subsidy
ous, and the latter can observe the behavior chosen by the on the model. In fact, considering the responsibilities of the
former; each participant has no accurate understanding of government departments, he will supervise the general con-
the characteristics, strategy space and payment function of struction contractor. Therefore, in this paper, we establish a
other participants. Static game with incomplete informa- reward and punishment mechanism for construction contrac-
tion means that each player cannot accurately understand tors through the regulatory role of the government.
the characteristics, strategy space and revenue function of Compared with previous studies, the main contributions
other players. At least one player does not fully understand of this paper are as follows.
the characteristics of another player, that is, he does not Firstly, this paper studies the cost analysis in the pro-
know the true type of a player, but he knows the probability curement phase of the construction supply chain. So far, the
of each type. This paper is based on the evolutionary game procurement stage has always been a particularly important

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940 1927

stage in supply chain management. Procurement cost will cost, the probability of accidents under the condition of
play a key role in the improvement of enterprises’ economic force majeure and the amount of punishment will affect the
benefits and market competitiveness. Some scholars used player’s strategy choice. In order to maximize their own
the classification method of procurement materials, ASME interests, players often weigh different factors to control and
process analysis method [48–50], supplier selection, evalu- choose the most favorable strategy for themselves.
ation and other methods to find out the factors and problems We organize the remainder of this paper as follows. In
affecting the procurement cost management of enterprises section 2, we give a brief description of the problem. In
and to control them. Our main work is to introduce the idea section 3, the related mathematical models are constructed
of game theory into the construction supply chain and to by us. And in section 4, we give the corresponding risk prob-
analysis the procurement phase cost of construction projects. ability value, cost and penalty index for the mathematical
Secondly, as far as we know, some scholars have used model obtained in the previous section, and then obtain the
classical game theory to analyze construction projects. Clas- stable state of the two sides of the game and the evolution
sical games assume that players are completely rational. But game trend of the two sides through numerical analysis.
the reality is that, due to various reasons, the game subject Finally, in section 5, we give the research results and rel-
can’t reach the state of complete rationality. The idea of evo- evant suggestions on this topic.
lutionary game theory is that the game subject is bounded
rationality. It combines the classical game theory with the
dynamic evolution thought, and effectively makes up for the
deficiency of the classical game theory on the static model 2 Problem Description
and absolute rationality of the game subject. At the same
time, we can gradually find the best strategy in the game Based on evolutionary game theory, this paper takes the pro-
until it reaches a certain stable state. Therefore, we believe curement stage of construction supply chain as the research
that the evolutionary game theory can be used to describe object. In the context of a duopoly competition between
the procurement phase of construction supply chain more building material suppliers and general contractors. And
effectively. through the tripartite structure formed by government func-
Thirdly, we apply evolutionary game theory to the pro- tional departments, construction contractors and construc-
curement stage of construction supply chain under the gen- tion material suppliers as the background to support our
eral contracting mode. Whether it is necessary to supervise research topic, as shown in Fig. 1. We study all decisions
the quality and safety of materials is questioned. And how to made by game players for their own benefit. The general
balance the cooperation between the general contractor and contractor can choose whether to supervise the quality of
material suppliers is our research topic. Due to the complex- the materials provided by the construction material supplier,
ity of external factors, we consider the risk that accidents and the material supplier can choose whether to provide the
caused by force majeure (natural disasters and climate dis- quality of the construction material with guaranteed qual-
asters) will cause losses to the construction, and the risk ity. And different choices bring them different benefits. This
of the quality inspection personnel engaged in supervision article mainly discusses the realization conditions of the two
may have moral problems due to bribery. This paper stud- choices under steady state. In order to simplify and clearly
ies and analyzes the influence of different factors on the describe the problem, the relevant symbols and meanings
profitability of material suppliers and construction contrac- are given in Tables 1.
tors, and the strategies that they prefer to maximize their In addition, this article makes the following assumptions:
interests. Through understanding, we find that in the game
theory research, most scholars merely study the impact of Hypothesis 1  Players are rational, which is the basic
different costs on their strategic choice, while the research assumption of game theory. Rationality refers to that par-
on the addition of external factors in strategic choice is rela- ticipants try to use their reasoning ability to maximize their
tive less. In general, the cost and benefit of different materi- own interests. Therefore, we assume that the suppliers of
als provided by material suppliers are different. In order to building materials and the general contractor of construction
maximize their own interests, the general contractor makes are the subject of bounded rationality, without rent-seeking
different choices according to the corresponding supervi- and collusion with each other.
sion cost required by the supervision. However, considering
the possibility of accidents caused by uncertain factors, the Hypothesis 2  The construction material supplier’s strategy
strategy choice of both sides will be changed. Therefore, we set is for { quality assurance, quality speculation}; probabili-
use MATLAB simulation to demonstrate the evolutionary ties are x and 1 − x . The construction general contractor’s
equilibrium strategy of the model when different parameters regulatory strategy is set to be {regulated, unregulated};
change. The results show that the supervision cost, material probabilities are y and 1 − y . And x , y ∈ [0, 1].


1928 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940

Fig. 1  The main body of each stage of the construction supply chain

Table 1  Notations Notations Definitions

x Probability of quality assurance of construction material suppliers

y Probability of quality supervision of construction general contracting
CR1 Construction material cost with guaranteed quality
CR2 Cost of inferior construction materials
WR Procurement cost to be paid by general construction contractor to material suppliers
CK Supervision cost of general construction contractor
WK Standardized supervision is rewarded by government functional departments
FR1 Rework cost of material supplier
FR2 Penalty limit
M The material supplier bribes the quality inspection personnel
𝛼 Risk probability of moral problems in quality inspection personnel
𝛽 Probability of accidents caused by force majeure
ER1 The excepted benefits from quality assurance of construction material suppliers
ER2 The expected benefits from quality speculation by construction material suppliers
ER The total expected benefits for construction material suppliers
EN1 The gains from the supervision of the construction general contracting choice
EN2 The gains from the non-regulation of the construction general contracting option
EN The total proceeds from the construction of the general contractor

Hypothesis 3  The cost of construction materials provided cost is CK  . The supervision was rewarded by the government
by the construction material supplier with guaranteed qual- functional departments as WK  . If the general construction
ity is CR1 . The cost of construction materials that cannot be contractor does not supervise the material suppliers, he does
guaranteed is CR2 . Because the difference of raw materials not have to pay the supervision fee. When the general con-
will lead to different costs, so CR1 > CR2 . The cost paid by struction contractor performs supervision duties and finds
the General Contractor to the material supplier shall be WR. that the materials supplied by the supplier have quality prob-
lems, the construction materials will be returned, and the
Hypothesis 4  When the general construction contractor material supplier’s loss is FR1 and the loss suffered by the
chooses to supervise the material suppliers, the supervision

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940 1929

( ) ( )
supplier of construction materials is greater than the cost ER2 = y WR − CR2 − FR1 − 𝛼M + (1 − y) WR − CR2 − 𝛽FR2
of supplying materials with guaranteed quality, FR > CR1. = WR − CR2 − 𝛼yM − yFR1 − 𝛽FR2 + 𝛽yFR2
Hypothesis 5  Considering that the quality inspection person-
The total expected benefit of the construction material
nel may have the risk of moral problems 𝛼(0 ≤ 𝛼 ≤ 1)[51,
supplier is ER .
52], that is, the quality inspection personnel may take bribes
( )
M in order to maximize their own interests, thus ignoring the ER = xER1 + (1 − x)ER2 = x WR − CR1
economic benefits of the general contractor and the interests ( )
+ (1 − x) WR − CR2 − 𝛼yM − yFR1 − 𝛽FR2 + 𝛽yFR2
of customers. At the same time, due to force majeure (natural
disasters, climate disasters, etc.) 𝛽(0 ≤ 𝛽 ≤ 1) [53], the rel- = −xCR1 + WR − CR2 − 𝛼yM − yFR1 − 𝛽FR2 + 𝛽yFR2

evant departments will be investigated by government depart- + xCR2 + x𝛼yM + xyFR1 + x𝛽FR2 − x𝛽yFR2 (3)
ments. If it is finally found out that the accident is caused by
According to the stability principle of differential equa-
material suppliers’ opportunistic supply of inferior materials
tion, the replicated dynamic equations are available when
due to improper supervision of the general contractor of con-
the construction material supplier selects the raw materials
struction, it will be subject to the administrative accountabil-
that provide quality assurance:
ity of law enforcement personnel by the government due to
( )
poor supervision. The penalty received by the general con- dx
F(x, y) = = x ER1 − ER
struction contractor and material suppliers FR2. dt
( )
= x(1 − x) CR2 − CR1 + yFR1 + 𝛽FR2 − 𝛽yFR2 + 𝛼yM (4)
3 Model Building and Analysis Similarly, the income expectation from the selection of
supervision of construction general contracting is EN1.
Based on the above assumptions and analysis, we build a ( )
game income matrix between the construction general con- Ek1 = x WK − WR − CK
( )
tractor and the construction material supplier (Tables 2, 3) + (1 − x) WK − WR − CK = WK − WR − CK (5)
Based on the game relationships listed, we set up as the
expected benefit of quality assurance for construction mate- The income expectation from construction general con-
rial suppliers is ER1. tracting options when they are not regulated is EN2.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
ER1 = y WR − CR1 + (1 − y) WR − CR1 = WR − CR1 (1) EK2 = x −WR + (1 − x) −WR − 𝛽FR2 = −WR − 𝛽FR2 + x𝛽FR2
The expected benefit from quality speculation by con-
The general revenue expectation for construction general
struction material suppliers is ER2.
contractors is EN .
( ) ( )
EK = yEK1 + (1 − y)EK2 = y WK − WR − CK + (1 − y) −WR − 𝛽FR2 + x𝛽FR2
= yWK − WR − yCK − 𝛽FR2 + x𝛽FR2 + 𝛽yFR2 − xy𝛽FR2

Table 2  Game Revenue of Construction general Contractor

Construction Material Supplier
Supervise ( y) Non regulation
( 1 − y)

Construction material Supplier Quality assurance(x) WR − CR1 WR − CR1.

Quality speculation(1 − x) WR − CR2 − FR1 − 𝛼M WR − CR2 − 𝛽FR2

Table 3  Game Income from Construction general contractor

General Construction Contract
Supervise ( y) Non regulation
( 1 − y)

Construction material Quality assurance(x) WK − WR − CK −WR

supplier Quality speculation(1 − x) WK − WR − CK −WR − 𝛽FR2


1930 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940

� � � �
According to the stability principle of differential equa- ⎡ dx dx
⎤ �
𝜕 𝜕 �
tion, the copy dynamic equation when the construction gen-
dt dt
⎢ ⎥ A11 A12
eral contractor chooses to supervise the supplier is available:
�𝜕x �
�𝜕y �
dy ⎥= A A (15)
⎢ dt dt ⎥ 21 22
( ) ( )
⎣ 𝜕x 𝜕y ⎦
Hx, y = = y EN1 − EN = y(1 − y) WK − CK + 𝛽FR2 − x𝛽FR2
dt According to the theorem, if the following two conditions
are satisfied at the same time, the equilibrium point of rep-
Order F(x, y) = 0 and H(x, y) =( 0 , respectively.
) Balance lication dynamic equation is evolutionary stability strategy
(0, 0),(0, 1), (1, 0) (1, 1) points and x0 , y0 . (ESS) [55].
Among them:
(a) trJ = A11 + A22 < 0 (16)
W − CK + 𝛽FR2
x0 = K (9)
𝛽FR2 [ ]
A11 A12
(b) det J =
A21 A22
= A11 A22 − A12 A21 > 0 (17)
C − CR1 + 𝛽FR2
y0 = R2 (10)
𝛽FR2 − 𝛼M − FR1 Therefore, at five local equilibrium points, the specific
value of A11 , A12, A21, A22 is shown in Table 4.( )
According to the evolutionary game theory, we know Obviously, at the local equilibrium point x0 , y0  , there
that to analyze the evolutionary path of both sides of the is a formula like A11 (+ A22 )= 0 does not meet Eq. (16), so
game, we need to obtain the partial derivative of each copy the equilibrium point x0 , y0 is certainly not ESS. Only Eq.
dynamic equation, and then judge the stability strategy (16) and Eq. (17) are satisfied simultaneously is the ESS of
according to the direction of the first derivative. Therefore, the system. Therefore, we just have to think about the other
by obtaining partial derivatives of Eq. (4) and Eq. (8) above, four equilibrium points.
the following formulas can be obtained: According to the stability theorem of differential equa-
( ) tions, the evolutionary stabilization strategy is stable to small
𝜕 dx
dt ( ) disturbances. In mathematics, Eq. (4) and Eq. (8) must be
= (1 − 2x) CR2 − CR1 + yFR1 + 𝛽FR2 − 𝛽yFR2 + 𝛼yM
𝜕x less than 0, which means that the determinant of Eq. (15) is
(11) greater than 0. So, if a strategy is in a stable state, the selec-
( ) tion of the strategy should meet(the) following conditions:
( )
𝜕 dx ( ) dx dy
= x(1 − x) FR1 − 𝛽FR2 + 𝛼M (12) dx
= 0,
𝜕 dt
< 0 or dy = 0,
𝜕 dt
𝜕y dt 𝜕x dt 𝜕y
Therefore, according to the stability of the differential
( ) equation, we can analyze the construction material suppliers
𝜕 ( )
= (1 − 2y) WK − CK + 𝛽FR2 − x𝛽FR2 (13)
Table 5  Stability Analysis of Equilibrium Point
( )
𝜕 ( ) Equilibrium point trJ detJ Stability
= y(y − 1) 𝛽FR2 (14)
𝜕x (0,0)  −  + ESS
(0,1) Uncertain  −  Saddle point
According to the method proposed by Friedman [54], the
(1,0) + + Unstable point
stability of the evolutionary equilibrium can be derived from
(1,1) Uncertain  −  Saddle Point
the local stability analysis of the Jacobi matrix (J).

Table 4  Equilibrium Point Value

ESS A11 A12 A21 A22

(0, 0) CR2 − CR1 + 𝛽FR2 0 0 WK − CK + 𝛽FR2

(0, 1) CR2 − CR1 + FR1 + 𝛼M 0 0 −WK + CK − 𝛽FR2
(1, 0) −CR2 + CR1 − 𝛽FR2 0 0 WK − CK
(1, 1) −CR2 + CR1 − FR1 − 𝛼M 0 −WK + CK
( ) ( ) ) C −C +𝛽F ( )( )
0 WK −CK +𝛽FR2 (
x0 , y0 . −𝛽FR2 0
WK −CK +𝛽FR2 C −C +𝛽F
1− 𝛽FR2
FR1 − 𝛽FR2 + 𝛼M R2 R1 R2
1 − 𝛽FR2 −𝛼M−F
R1 R2
𝛽F −𝛼M−F
R2 R1 R2 R1

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940 1931

Table 6  Stability Analysis of Equilibrium Point

Equilibrium point trJ detJ Stability

(0,0) Uncertain  −  Saddle point

(0,1)  −  + ESS
(1,0) Uncertain  −  Saddle point
(1,1) + + Unstable point

Table 7  Stability Analysis of Equilibrium Point

Equilibrium point trJ detJ Stability

(0,0) + + Unstable point

(0,1) Uncertain  −  Saddle point Fig. 2  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable point
(1,0)  −  + ESS
(1,1) Uncertain  −  Saddle point
4 Numerical Analysis

In order to better explore how the construction general con-

Table 8  Stability Analysis of Equilibrium Point tractor supervises the third party, this paper uses MATLAB
Equilibrium point trJ detJ Stability software to simulate the evolution process in the above evo-
lutionary game model to verify the influence of different
(0,0) Uncertain  −  Saddle point
factors on the evolution results, so as to verify the correct-
(0,1) + + Unstable point
ness of the analysis results of the above evolutionary game
(1,0) Uncertain  −  Saddle point
model. In order to better illustrate the above situation and
(1,1)  −  + ESS
verify its accuracy, we refer to the papers of relevant scholars
and apply some numerical examples in this section [56, 57].
(1) The parameters are set as CR1 = 10, CR2 = 4,
and the construction general contracting, respectively, as WK = 2, CK = 10, FR1 = 6, FR2 = 6, M = 8, 𝛼 = 0.5, 𝛽 = 0.5  ,
follows: the above condition (1) is satisfied. According to the results
of the simulation program, as shown in Fig.  2, with the
(1) When CR2 < CR1 − 𝛽FR2 and WK < CK − 𝛽FR2 . The sta- increase in the number of evolutionary iterations, the pro-
ble state (ESS) of the system is (0,0) and the stability portion of the construction general contractor’s supervision
analysis of each equilibrium point is shown in Table 5. and material supplier selection to supply quality guaran-
(2) When CR2 < CR1 − FR1 − 𝛼M and WK > CK − 𝛽FR2 . teed materials is decreasing, and the stable point of the two
The stable state (ESS) of the system is (0,1) and the dynamic evolution is (0, 0). This situation shows that when
stability analysis of each equilibrium point is shown in the benefits obtained by the general contractor for supervi-
Table 6. sion are less than the difference between the supervision cost
(3) When CR1 − 𝛽FR2 < CR2 < CR1 and WK < CK  . The sta- and the punishment for dereliction of duty, and the punish-
ble state (ESS) of the system is (1,0) and the stability ment received by the material suppliers is greater than the
analysis of each equilibrium point is shown in Table 7. difference between the costs of the materials provided and
(4) When CR1 − FR1 − 𝛼M < CR2 < CR1 and WK > CK . The less than the ratio of the difference between the costs and the
stable state (ESS) of the system is (1,1) and the stability probability of being punished, that is to say, the punishment
analysis of each equilibrium point is shown in Table 8. is light. At this time, the selection of the general contractor
of construction tends not to carry out quality supervision,
while the material suppliers choose to be opportunistic and
From the above analysis, we can get the dynamic evolu- supply inferior materials. This choice will lead to the con-
tion game process between the general contractor and the struction of security risks, the overall social benefits of the
construction material supplier, as shown in Fig. 2. It can minimum.
be seen from Fig. 2 that the square area is divided into four (2) The parameters are set as CR1 = 10, CR2 = 2,
regions. The size of the four areas represents the evolution WK = 7, CK = 8, FR1 = 3, FR2 = 6, M = 8, 𝛼 = 0.5, 𝛽 = 0.5 ,
probability of the system in this direction. The size of the the above condition (2) is satisfied. According to the results
area depends on the location of the saddle point: of the simulation program, as shown in Fig.  3, with the


1932 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940

(a) increase in the number of evolutionary iterations, the propor-

tion of supervision by the general construction contractor is
increasing, and the proportion of suppliers supplying quality
and safety materials is decreasing. The stable point of the
dynamic evolution of the system is (0, 1).
This means that when the penalty imposed by the mate-
rial supplier is less than the difference between the supplier’s
cost of supplying quality and safety materials and the cost of
supplying inferior materials. Even if the general contractor
of construction continuously strengthens the supervision, but
the punishment of material suppliers is too small, it will not
have a strong deterrent effect. Therefore, material suppliers
will choose to supply construction materials without quality
assurance. The stable point of the dynamic evolution of the
system is (0, 1). In this case, construction material suppliers
tend to supply construction materials with quality assurance,
(b) and the general contractor of construction chooses not to
carry out quality supervision.
(3) The parameters are set as CR1 = 5, CR2 = 4,
WK = 5, CK = 10, FR1 = 6, FR2 = 6, M = 8, 𝛼 = 0.5, 𝛽 = 0.5 ,
the above condition (3) is satisfied. According to the simula-
tion results, as shown in Fig. 4, with the increase in evolu-
tionary iteration steps, the proportion of suppliers supplying
quality and safety materials is increasing. The proportion
of construction general contractor’s supervision is decreas-
ing. The stable point of the dynamic evolution of the system
is (1,0). This situation indicates that when the punishment
received by the material supplier is greater than the ratio of
the difference between the cost and the probability that the
quality hidden danger exists due to the accident investiga-
tion. Even if the selection of materials is not strong enough,
it will deter the general contractor. Then the rational choice
(c) of construction material suppliers is to supply quality and
safety construction materials.
(4) The parameters are set as CR1 = 5, CR2 = 4,
WK = 10, CK = 5, FR1 = 6, FR2 = 6, M = 8, 𝛼 = 0.5, 𝛽 = 0.5 ,
the above condition (3) is satisfied. According to the results
of the simulation program, as shown in Fig.  5, with the
increase in evolution iteration steps, the proportion of qual-
ity and safety materials supplied by suppliers and the propor-
tion of quality supervision selected by construction general
contractor increase. Finally, the stable point of dynamic
evolution of the two is (1,1). This situation shows that the
benefit of supervision is greater than the loss of supervision,
the punishment of construction material supplier is greater
than the difference between the supplier’s supply quality
safety and unsafe cost, and less than the ratio of material
cost difference and penalty probability, the selection strat-
Fig. 3  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable point egy of construction general contractor is to conduct quality
(0,0) supervision, and the rational choice of material supplier is
to provide Construction materials should be of quality and
safety. When the benefit of supervision is greater than the
loss of supervision, the punishment of material suppliers

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940 1933

(a) (a)




Fig. 4  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable point

(0,1) Fig. 5  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable point

is greater than the ratio of the difference between the cost

of materials and the probability of punishment. Under the The above situations are the results of system evolution
strict law enforcement of the construction general contrac- game by adjusting the material cost of suppliers, the super-
tor, the material suppliers will not choose opportunism. In vision cost of general contractor and the penalty amount of
this case, the resource advantages of construction general government when the moral hazard 𝛼 = 0.5 and the prob-
contractor and material supplier are brought into full play, ability of force majeure 𝛽 = 0.5.
both of which control product quality and safety.


1934 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940

In order to better verify the evolutionary results of the game (a)

model, we assume the parameters of the model simulation
CR1 = 10, CR2 = 5, WK = 4, CK = 8, FR1 = 3, FR2 = 8, M = 4  .
Then, under the condition of keeping these parameters
unchanged, we adjust the parameters of moral hazard a and
probability B of force majeure. We take 𝛼 = 0.2 and 𝛼 = 0.8 ,
corresponding to 𝛽 = 0.1,𝛽 = 0.6 and 𝛽 = 0.9 , respectively,
to analyze the evolution trend of the dynamic game at this
time, and finally get the following results.
(5) We assume that the probability of moral hazard occur-
rence is α = 0.2, and the probability of force majeure is
β = 0.1. The evolutionary game results of the system are
shown in Fig. 6. When other parameters remain unchanged, (b)
the dynamic evolution results of the system will converge
to (0, 0). At this time, the probability of moral hazard and
force majeure is small. In other words, the punishment is
relatively small. Therefore, in this case, the supplier tends
to choose the construction materials whose supply quality is
not guaranteed, and the general contractor also chooses not
to supervise the material quality.
(6) We assume that the probability of moral hazard
occurrence is 𝛼 = 0.2 , and the probability of force majeure
is 𝛽 = 0.6 . The evolutionary game results of the system are
shown in Fig. 7. At this time, when other parameters are
unchanged, the probability of moral hazard is small, but
the probability of force majeure is large, and the dynamic
evolution results of the system will converge to (0, 1). In (c)
other words, in this case, the supplier chooses to speculate
on quality, and the general contractor chooses to supervise
the quality. (Fig. 8)
(7) We assume that the probability of moral hazard occur-
rence is α = 0.2, and the probability of force majeure is
β = 0.9. The evolutionary game results of the system are
shown in Fig. 9. In this case, when other parameters remain
unchanged, the dynamic evolution results of the system will
converge to (1, 1). We can conclude that although the prob-
ability of moral hazard of quality inspection personnel is
small, the probability of force majeure is great. Therefore,
in this case, the supplier chooses to supply materials with
guaranteed quality, and the general contractor also chooses
quality supervision.
(8) We assume that the probability of moral hazard
occurrence is 𝛼 = 0.8 , and the probability of force majeure Fig. 6  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable point
is 𝛽 = 0.1 . The evolutionary game results of the system are (1,1)
shown in Fig. 10. In this case, when other parameters remain
unchanged, the dynamic evolution results of the system will
converge to (0, 0). It can be concluded that although the (9) We assume that the probability of moral hazard
probability of moral hazard of quality inspection personnel occurrence is 𝛼 = 0.8 , and the probability of force majeure
is very high, the probability of force majeure is very small. is 𝛽 = 0.6 . The evolutionary game results of the system are
Therefore, in this case, the supplier chooses to supply mate- shown in Fig. 11. In this case, when other parameters remain
rials with no guaranteed quality, and the general contractor unchanged, the dynamic evolution results of the system will
will not choose quality supervision. converge to (0, 1). Therefore, we find that when the pen-
alty amount caused by force majeure is less than the income

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940 1935

(a) (a)




Fig. 8  The replication dynamic relationship (0.1)

Fig. 7  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable point

(10) We assume that the probability of moral hazard
occurrence is 𝛼 = 0.8 , and the probability of force majeure
from providing unprotected materials, the supplier will is 𝛽 = 0.9 . The evolutionary game results of the system are
still choose to supply materials without quality assurance, shown in Figure 12. In this case, when other parameters
while the general contractor will choose quality supervi- remain unchanged, the dynamic evolution results of the
sion because the penalty amount is greater than the cost of system will converge to (1,1). Because the probability of
supervision. force majeure and the probability of moral hazard of quality


1936 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940

(a) (a)

(b) (b)


Fig. 10  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable

point (0,0)

Fig. 9  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable point

(1,1) contractor will choose quality supervision because the pen-
alty amount is greater than the cost of supervision. Through
the analysis of the above game evolution results, we find
inspection personnel are too large, the bribery cost to be paid that the dynamic evolution results under different influence
is too high. In this case, the material supplier will choose to factors are indeed different. When the punishment is very
supply materials with guaranteed quality, while the general small, the material supplier and the general contractor of

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940 1937

(a) (a)



Fig. 12  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable

point (1,1)

Fig. 11  Simulation results of system dynamic evolution at stable

point (0,1)
Using the idea of evolutionary game theory, combining
the construction supply chain with it, the paper analyzes
all the possibilities of decision-making of construction
material suppliers and construction general contractors,
construction will compare which conditions are the most so as to greatly improve the supervision and avoid unnec-
beneficial to make a decision based on the consideration of essary cost loss and potential risks.
their respective costs.


1938 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:1925–1940

5 Conclusions and Recommendations Thirdly, the specific laws and regulations for quality
supervision should be issued by government as soon as
The quality of building materials is very important for a possible. Under the control of government, the construc-
project. Under the condition of information asymmetry tion unit is more likely to form an honest social atmos-
and bounded rationality, the evolutionary game method is phere and avoid accidents as much as possible.
applied to the product quality supervision in the procure-
ment stage, and the evolutionary game model between the Acknowledgements  The work was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. 71871144). The authors are grateful
general contractor and the material supplier in the procure- to the editors and anonymous reviewers for their suggestions to improve
ment stage is established. It is found that the supervision the quality of the manuscript. Declaration of competitive interests
cost, penalty amount, material supply cost and probability
of accident risk are the key factors affecting the evolution- Compliance with ethical standard 
ary game behavior between the general contractor and the
material supplier. Conflict interest  The authors state that they have no known competing
The results show that when the possibility of accident is financial interests or personal relationships that could affect the work
covered in this paper
high, the penalty amount is greater than the difference of
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