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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues

Learner Name:
Assessor Name: Amanda Paton –
Qualification: 10971NAT Certificate IV in Justice Studies

Unit of competency: NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
Instructions to learner: This unit covers communicating with internal and external clients to provide them with
advice relevant to justice-related information. This includes applying justice-related
knowledge to a wide range of contexts.
TASK 1 requires you to read the supplied domestic violence scenario and create a
formal letter advising a victim of domestic violence re action taken by police and
support services available.
TASK 2: you are expected to locate an Application for a Protection Order DV1 Form
and complete this form.
TASK 3: requires you to read the Lawyer and DV client scenario and complete a
communication table. Explain the separation of powers-3 arms of government to the
client during a meeting with the client. This role-play will be observed by your trainer at
a scheduled workshop. COVID contingency option available for this task. If we are
unable to run this workshop, you are to instead video yourself conducting this
role play with a family member and upload it to Axcelerate .

Employability Skills Communication

Planning and organising
Problem solving
References: Legal Dictionary for Australians. 2nd ed. By Alderson (McGraw Hill)

Websites relating to Department of Families, Aboriginal Legal Aid

Websites relating to Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services

Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act (QLD) 2012 (DFVPA)

Family Law Act (Cth) 1975

Sanson, Anthony, 2014, Connecting with Law, 3ed, Oxford University Press

Technology required: Word processing software

Computer and printer
Internet access
Assessment requirements:  Use black 11 or 12 point font, Arial font to be used.
 Formal letter writing template to be utilized and presented based upon scenario 1
 Proofread for spelling, grammar and punctuation
 Use sample letter as guideline and address all information in brackets
 Site appropriate sections of the DFVPA 2012 within your letter
 Assessment 2 Complete a communication table based upon scenario 2
RPL/CT/Appeals A candidate may decide to apply for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) or Credit
Transfer. For details on how to achieve competency by either of these two paths
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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
please read the sections entitled RPL and/or Credit Transfer in the Vet Student
Handbook. For further information and to make an RPL application, use the RPL
handbook provided via the Unity College website.

Please refer to the Complaints and Appeals process in the VET Student Handbook.
Reasonable Adjustments Reasonable adjustment is the process of adjusting or changing the assessment
and Flexibility process to meet the needs and characteristics of the candidates being assessed and
any equity requirements to enable participation on the same basis as other
candidates. If you need assistance or support in any aspect of your learning, please
contact your trainer to discuss how Unity College can assist you to achieve
competency in the qualification you are undertaking. If you require additional time to
complete the task, please contact your trainer.
Nominal Hours: 40 hours

Learner Declaration: Learner declaration: I declare that the work contained in this assessment task is my own,
except where acknowledgement of sources in made.

Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have the same authority
as a signed statement.
Start Date: Estimated Completion Date:
Feedback to Learner:

Feedback from Learner: Please answer the below questions by highlighting a response:

Did I find the assessment task easy to understand? Yes No

I found the assessment interesting and engaging? Yes No
I learnt new knowledge and skills from this assessment? Yes No
I received support from my trainer during this assessment? Yes No

Any other comments:

Learner Signature: Date:

Assessor Signature: Date:

Record of Assessment:

The tasks within this unit involve knowledge, attitude, skills as well as employability skills, required to undertake
tasks in a justice administration environment. The tasks are set at AQF Level IV.

Assessment task Element of Date received Evidence towards

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
competency competency
1 Formal letter advising client of police 3.4, 3.5, 3.6,
action and justice related support 3.7,.3.8
agencies. Completion of DV1 Form
2 Completing the communication table 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and
based upon scenario 2 Demonstration of 1.4
effective communication styles, IRAC 2 .1,.2.2,.2.3,.2.4,
application and the separation of powers 2.5 and 3.1, 3.2,
and the role of government in law 3.3, 3.8

Overall Assessment Result:  Satisfactory Unsatisfactory


Performance Criteria

1.Communicate the law-making process to clients

1.1 Information about the separation of powers is clearly communicated to clients in the most appropriate
1.2 Processes of law making are explained to the client and expanded on if necessary;

1.3 Independence of the judiciary is emphasised and scenarios provided for clarification; and

1.4 Advice is provided on how the client can progress their issue and on the appropriate communication
channels to use.

2. Respond to client enquiries which relate to the various parties in the criminal justice system

2.1 Client's enquiry is analysed and further information obtained if necessary to determine the type of

response required;

2.2 Particular arm of the justice system involved in the client's enquiry is identified;

2.3 Information is provided by comparing the roles and responsibilities of the various parties in the criminal
justice system;

2.4 Client is referred to the relevant person or agency to follow up the details of their enquiry within
appropriate time frames;

2.5 Confidentiality and privacy procedures are followed

3. Provide advice about justice-related support agencies

3.1 Nature of the client's enquiry is determined;

3.2 Client's special needs and background are identified and considered to ensure the communication style

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
is appropriate;

3.3 Specific communication barriers are identified and action taken to overcome them;

3.4 Relevant information on justice-related support agencies is located and accessed;

3.5 Information is checked for accuracy and currency;

3.6 Established communication channels are used appropriately;

3.7 Information and advice about the justice-related support agency most appropriate to the client's needs
and background is provided; and

3.8 Confidentiality and privacy procedures are followed

Critical NAT10971001
Aspects  Role play of a range of situations
of  A range of written responses
Evidence  Provision of current and accurate information to suit client’s information and special needs.

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
TASK 1 – Written assignment (Formal Letter advising client of police action and justice
related support agencies)

Read the below Domestic Violence scenario, refer to the sample Domestic Violence Communication Letter
and create a formal letter addressed to the victim as identified in the below scenario.

 The purpose of this assessment is to identify police roles and responsibilities in relation to a hypothetical domestic
violence scenario, and the role of the judiciary. You are also to advise the victim of the domestic violence (as per
the scenario) on 3 localised justice related support agencies and to provide up-to-date information and contact
information for these agencies. One of the agencies must include:
 DV Connect-Domestic Violence Hotline.

 The following information is to be provided for each of the localised 3 agencies within the letter:
 Contact details – locations, address/es, phone, email or website address
 The support services and/or programs it is able to offer, and the benefit to the victim of the DV scenario



It is 2pm Tuesday 24 November, 2015; a call is received by Maroochydore Police from a woman who has
heard her female neighbour screaming and their child crying from 3/10 Hapless Place Maroochydore The
caller, Mrs SMITH notifies police that domestics frequently occur, as the male occupant is a violent
alcoholic. Further stated that the couple have a young son.

A short time later police attend the location where they are greeted by the female occupant, 23 year old
Maria MOORE, who is clutching onto her 3 year old son Jacob. Maria appears visibly upset and is suffering
from a bleeding nose and some redness and swelling to her left cheek. Due to a previous unsavory incident
with police, Maria displays some animosity towards the police, and states that she walked into a door
causing her nose to bleed.

Upon speaking further with Maria, it becomes apparent that she possesses only a basic comprehension of
English, having arrived in Australia some 4 years previously from Greece. Maria met Michael in Athens and
despite strong objection from her father, moved to Queensland to live and eventually marry Michael. Police
ascertain that Maria lived in far northern Queensland for a few years and left the area some six months ago

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
to get away from her husband of 2 years, Michael MOORE. However, he followed her and Jacob and
moved into the 2 bedroom townhouse about three months ago.

Police are invited into the house where it is ascertained that around 11am that day, Michael MOORE woke
up with a hangover and as usually occurs, commenced drinking a number of beers. Sometime shortly prior
to 2pm an argument developed over their son Jacob, where after a number of heated exchanges and
verbal , the offender violently slapped the victim twice striking her on her left cheek. The second blow was
of such force it caused the victim to fall over, narrowly missing Jacob who was standing nearby. Upon
regaining her feet the victim grabbed Jacob and ran into the bathroom locking the door behind her. The
offender started banging on the door, yelling abuse and threatening Maria. It is alleged that whilst banging
on the bathroom door the offender stated, “If you leave I’m going to hurt you”. On hearing police arrive the
offender decamped out the rear of the house and into adjacent bushland.

On speaking with Maria it is apparent that despite her initial bitterness towards police she is suffering both
physically and emotionally from not just this incident, but also from earlier unreported occurrences. It is
apparent that for the welfare of the victim and the child that emergency accommodation be arranged. Maria
states she could go to another ladies house for a night or two but really has few options, as her family are
back in Greece. Police assist Maria to pack a few items and drive to the ladies house in the neighbouring
suburb. Satisfied that Maria is comfortable and safe, Police then prior to leaving, state that they will contact
the DV Maroochydore to seek longer term emergency accommodation for her and Jacob .

Police decide to patrol past Maria’s house in the chance that the offender has returned. Police observe the
offender Michael MOORE, walking towards the townhouse from a nearby reserve. A short foot chase
ensues where the offender is arrested and conveyed back to the Maroochydore Police Station. At the time
of arrest the offender appears to be moderately affected by alcohol. MOORE is a 28 year old unemployed
male having recently moved to the Sunshine Coast from far northern Queensland with previous convictions
for matters of violence, against another woman some 6 years ago.

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
ASSESSMENT 1 Task1: Student to create a formal letter using the below sample guide



Maroochydore Station

Address: Cornmeal Parade

Suburb: Maroochydore, 4558

Phone Number: (07) 4631 6333


Cornmeal House, 35 Cornmeal Parade, Maroochydore, QLD 4558


Dear Ms Moore,

Domestic Violence incident

I am writing to you to with regard to my attendance at your address on 3/10 Hapless Place when I
discussed with you possible proceedings against your de facto Michael. As you are probably now aware
upon returning to your house Michael was located and arrested for the offence of Assault Occasioning
Bodily Harm as per Section 339 of the criminal code QLD

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Michael is currently on conditional bail, until he appears on the 21/6/22 at the Maroochydore magistrate
court for a mention regarding the criminal charge of Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm. You are not required
to attend court for the mention as it is not a hearing. If Michael pleads not guilty at the mention then the
matter will become a hearing and you will need to attend the Magistrates Court to give evidence in this
criminal matter. I will advise you if the matter proceeds to a hearing. Please note the following bail
conditions have been placed on Michael Moore.

 Not to contact relatives to find out location of victim

 Not allowed within 500 meters of the victim

If the bail conditions are breached the you are to immediately report it to the staff of Women’s shelter staff
and give the location of the offender so that the police can directly arrest the offender.

For the protection of yourself and Jacob from any further acts of domestic violence I intend to apply to
Maroochydore magistrate court or a Domestic Violence Protection Order on your behalf, please note as per
section 4 of the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012. After Michael has been released and
he breaches the protection order place against him then he will be criminally charged as stated under the
Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012.

If you feel that you need further support or information in relation to Domestic Violence matter, I can
suggest the following support agencies to you:

1. White Ribbons Australia

2. Scope DV
3. 1800RESPECT

If convenient within the next day or so, I would like you to attend the Maroochydore Police Station so I can
obtain a full statement from you in relation to the assault and discuss how a Domestic Violence Protection
Order can offer protection for you and Jacob. Please contact me to arrange a time.

Tom MacCulloch


c/o Maroochydore station

Reg. No: 400992

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues


Complete a Domestic Violence Protection Order Application for Maria

 Locate an Application for a Protection Order Form DV 1 form (use, click on the forms tab) and then search for the DV1 form
under the Domestic and Family Violence Act.
 Complete this form (there is a SAMPLE in Resources if you need help).
 You are the Police Officer and you are the applicant on behalf of Maria.


COVID contingency option available for this task. If we are unable to run this workshop, you are to
instead video yourself conducting this role play with a family member and upload it to Axcelerate .

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
Instructions: At the scheduled workshop, you will be required to participate in a role play where you are to
adopt the role of a junior solicitor for a localised community legal centre (refer to scenario 2). In this role
play you will need to demonstrate an understanding of appropriate communication skills (ie questioning,
body language and use of voice) that the lawyer would display in the below scenario. To assist you with this
assessment, you should consider asking questions about, giving information about, demonstrating (but not
limited to):

o Maria’s current state of mind

o Maria’s limitations re comprehension of the English language and what service could be used to
o Type of communication strategy the lawyer will employ
o Apply the IRAC Method to Maria’s circumstance. What Commonwealth Legislation would be
applicable to Maria’s desire to obtain a Divorce and custody of her son Jacob?
o What actions, if any, the lawyer may take in relation to this matter.
o Mention the 3 tiers of government and which legislation is applicable to the clients situation
o Explain the law making process in the Commonwealth and the difference in law making in the State
of Queensland
o Explain the separation of powers and why the police and courts cannot create statute law

You are Tom MacCulloch Solicitor at a localised community legal centre, Maroochydore.
You are working in your office when you receive a phone call from the local police officer who attended the
domestic violence incident in scenario 1.
The police officer explains that he is assisting Maria in relation to a domestic violence matter, and that Mari
intends to separate from her husband Michael immediately.
Maria and Michael have a three year old son Jacob. Maria says that the child has witnessed the violence
from Michael towards her previously. The most recent incident for which Michael has been criminally
charged and a DV1 application has been lodged with the local court, occurred a few days ago. Maria is
staying with a friend but has been advised of localised DV support agencies and is moving to a refugee
within the next few days. In the past Michael has threatened to take the child away from Maria. Maria is
frightened that Michael will try to carry out his threat. She is seeking preliminary advice in relation to
obtaining a divorce and legal custody of her son.
You are also advised that Maria has basic comprehension of English but a Greek translator and or access
to a service may be advisable. You advise the Constable to refer Maria to your office for an interview.

Sometime later Maria attends the community legal support office and it becomes apparent that an
interpreter service is required. You make arrangements for this prior to commencing the interview.

During the interview Maria enquires why the police who came to her home could not change the law to
throw her husband Michael in jail. She also does not understand, as Michael has been arrested by the
police, why she cannot have permanent custody of her son. As the lawyer you need to explain the
separation of powers to Maria and why police and even the courts (arguably) cannot create statute law and
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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
what the role of the parliament is with creating both Commonwealth and State legislation and the difference
between the Commonwealth Law making process and the Queensland law making process. You are to
identify to Maria the correct Commonwealth legislation that would be relevant in relation to proceeding with
a divorce and permanent custody of Jacob.

Before you do this role play you need to fill out the communication table below:

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues

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Communication Barriers Strategies that you are going to use to ensure
effective communication
Put 2- 3 dot points in each box with strategies
that you could use to help Maria depending on
the characteristics she is demonstrating during
your meeting
Displayed by client:
Anxiety  Be friendly
Fear  Take your time with the situation
Apprehension  Talking calmly to her
Literacy levels of client  Get a translator
 Use hand gestures
 Speak slowly
Building a rapport with client  Show interest in them
 Remind er that everything that she will
say will be confidential
Emotional state of the client  Having tissues
 Having support options open for her
 Being sympathetic towards her
 Let her gather her thoughts then
continue the meeting
Clients enquiry re changing the law to keep  That they can’t as it must go through a
husband in jail and custody of child process and that parliament has approve
 Reassure her that the protection order is
still there to protect her after he gets out
of prison
 Refer her to a family law solicitor as they
are more suitable in that area
 Child has the right to have a relationship
with both parents as long as it doesn’t
cause harm to them
 Refer her for legal advice

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues

MARKING CHECKLIST (for the assessor to complete) –

Program: Cert IV in Crime and Justice

TASK 1: Written communication demonstrated via DV Letter

MARKING GUIDE: Student demonstrated the following in written communication;

 Letter in correct business letter format

Correct layout demonstrated
Addresses and dates are accurate
Paragraphs are evident
 Appropriate communication, minimal spelling and grammar errors, flow and rhythm of contents in
plain legal language where relevant. Writes accurately and within word limit
 English is the victim’s second language.
 The charge the offender is facing is correct (student mentions section and act)
 Bail status in terms of bail conditions are accurately listed
 The process re the civil application for a Protection Order is fully explained including (name correct
section and act) re mandatory application by police re a DV Order

Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory Comments


MARKING GUIDE: Student demonstrated the following:

 Form is located on

 Accurate and complete filling out of form

Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory Comments


MARKING GUIDE: Student demonstrated the following:

 Appropriate communication has occurred to build a level of trust with the client
 Appropriate eye contact, gesturing, posture is displayed to show confidence and gain rapport
 Appropriate use of voice (ie tone, pitch, fluency) is used to show confidence and gain rapport
 Appropriate questions asked of the client to obtain the necessary information

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NAT10971001 Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
 All information provided to the client is current and accurate according to the legislation
 Interpreter assistance is sought
 Separation of powers is explained to client in a clear and logically manner

Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory Comments


As judgement for Task 1:  Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Feedback to learner:

 Gap Identified
 Significant gap identified
 Gap addressed

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Review: November 2021

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