Online Questionnaire Nursing Informatics

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Bangued, Abra
Department of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Go, Alexi Julia A.

BSN 2 - B
Data Collection and Statistical tools: Online Questionnaires
What are Online Questionnaires?
An online questionnaire is a series of questions specifically structured to gather
information about a target audience or group of people conducted online. The
interviewees will answer the form easily, accessing it through an internet connection.
What is the purpose of online questionnaires?
One of the most widely utilized survey methods, an online survey is the systematic
gathering of data from the target audience characterized by the invitation of the
respondents and the completion of the questionnaire over the World Wide Web.
Reasons for collecting relevant data from customers can include:
 Collating information from customers/participants
 Ascertaining levels of satisfaction with products and services
 Documenting opinions, demands and needs
 Finding out preferences, likes and dislikes
 Analyzing customer data to obtain greater insight
 Developing a general picture about products and services which need
What are the advantages of online questionnaires?
1. Ease of Data Gathering
The Internet is a vast virtual world that connects all kinds of people from around the
globe. For this reason, a survey that requires a hundred or more respondents can be
conducted faster via the Internet. The survey questionnaire can be rapidly deployed and
completed by the respondents, especially if there’s an incentive that is given after their
2. Minimal Costs
Traditional survey methods often require you to spend thousands of dollars to achieve
the optimal results. On the other hand, studies show that conducting an Internet survey
facilitates low-cost and fast data collection from the target population. Sending email
questionnaires and other online questionnaires are more affordable than the face-to-
face method.
Bangued, Abra
Department of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

3. Automation in Data Input and Handling

With online surveys, the respondents are able to answer the questionnaire by means of
inputting their answers while connected to the Internet. Then, the responses are
automatically stored in a survey database, providing hassle-free handling of data and a
smaller possibility of data errors.
4. Increase in Response Rates
Online survey provides the highest level of convenience for the respondents because
they can answer the questionnaire according to their own pace, chosen time, and
5. Flexibility of Design
Complex types of surveys can be easily conducted through the Internet. The
questionnaire may include more than one type of response format in such a way that
the respondents would not get discouraged from the changes in the manner they
answer the questions.
6. Uniformity
All respondents are asked the exact same question thus making analyzing data easier
to interpret and make a conclusion out of.
What are the disadvantages?
1. Absence of Interviewer
An online survey is not suitable for surveys which ask open-ended questions because
there is no trained interviewer to explore the answers of the respondents.
2. Inability to Reach Challenging Population
This method is not applicable for surveys that require respondents who do not have an
access to the Internet. Some examples of these respondents include the elderly and
people who reside in remote areas.
3. Survey Fraud
Survey fraud is probably the heaviest disadvantage of an online survey. There are
people who answer online surveys for the sake of getting the incentive (usually in the
form of money) after they have completed the survey, not with a desire to contribute to
the advancement of the study.
Types of survey questions used in online questionnaires
A. Multiple choice questions
Bangued, Abra
Department of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Multiple choice questions are the most popular survey question type. They
allow your respondents to select one or more options from a list of
answers that you define. They’re intuitive, easy to use in different ways,
help produce easy-to-analyze data, and provide mutually exclusive
choices. Because the answer options are fixed, your respondents have an
easier survey-taking experience.
- Single-answer questions - The most basic variation is the single-answer
multiple choice question. Single answer questions use a radio button
(circle buttons representing options in a list) format to allow respondents to
click only one answer. They work well for binary questions, questions with
ratings, or nominal scales.
- Multiple-answer multiple choice questions are commonly shown with
square checkboxes. They allow respondents to check off all the choices
that apply to them. For example, "In which of the following ways do you
use our product?"
B. Rating scales
- In rating scale questions (sometimes referred to as ordinal questions), the
question displays a scale of answer options from any range (0 to 100, 1 to
10, etc.). The respondent selects the number that most accurately
represents their response.
C. Open-ended questions
- Open-ended survey questions require respondents to type their answer
into a comment box and don’t provide specific pre-set answer options.
Responses are then viewed individually or by text analysis tools.
- When it comes to analyzing data, open-ended questions aren’t the best
option. It’s not easy to quantify written answers which is why text boxes
are better for providing qualitative data. Allowing your respondents to offer
feedback in their own words could help you uncover opportunities that you
may have otherwise overlooked. However, if you’re looking for data to
analyze, you may want to engage in some quantitative marketing research
and utilize closed questions.
D. Demographic question
- Use demographic survey questions if you’re interested in gathering
information about a respondent’s background or income level. When
properly used, these types of questions in a questionnaire allow you to
gain better insights on your target audience. Demographic questions are
powerful tools to segment your audience based on who they are and what
they do, allowing you to take an even deeper dive in on your data.
E. Ranking question
- A ranking question asks respondents to order answer choices by way of
preference. This allows you to not only understand how respondents feel
Bangued, Abra
Department of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
about each answer option, but it also helps you understand each one’s
relative popularity.
How do online questionnaires improve data collection?
Questionnaires are one of the easiest and most effective ways to gather data. And since
we live in the modern world where technology is king, online questionnaires open a
portal to a data gathering method wherein it is more accessible, efficient and cost-

Data Collection in Healthcare

Data collection refers to the systematic process of analyzing, gathering, and interpreting
various kinds of information from different sources. The basic purpose of collecting data
is to develop the proper marketing strategies for the company’s products as well as to
prepare the right organizational prevention strategies. Data collection should be a top
priority of every Healthcare establishment.

Why is data collection important in healthcare?

Among many reasons why data collection is so important in the healthcare industry, the
main goal is to have a foundation for research purposes. Healthcare, like every other
industry, needs to sell its products and services effectively. To achieve this, it is
necessary to know the target audience and customize marketing gimmicks to their
specific requirements. Data collection can help you understand better what your
customers need and improve sales. You have a chance to know everything about
people (their age, gender, location, medical records, personal preferences, etc.) that
might be interested in your services. Thus, you get to build audience profiles, tailor your
offers, turn potential clients into loyal customers, save money, and increase ROI.
Another important reason to collect data in healthcare is preventive actions. Accurate
information can be beneficial for something more than sales. Timely and precise data
can help you create prevention strategies. For instance, you could monitor patients’
health conditions and provide adequate treatment in no time. The early reaction can
save the patient’s health or life. Also, you could control the equipment and replace it
before it gets broken and hurts someone.
Bangued, Abra
Department of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Cleave, P. (February 2017). What is an online questionnaire? Retrieved Match 03, 2023
Sarah Mae Sincero (Oct 16, 2012). Online Surveys. Retrieved Mar 04, 2023 from
Sakovich, N. (February 2023). The Importance of Data Collection in Healthcare.
Retrieved March 03, 2023 from

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