Vocabulary Comanche-English: N V SS PS V V N V NOM N N V PS SS N V

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aa N animal horn (CN *ama, Sh aa")

aaimi'a {ò} V lope, trot, move in slow motion (SS) (mi'a 'go'; Sh aaim\aò 'be drunk, crazy')
(wahkami'a PS)
aakw@si {aakwisió} V sneeze (CN *akkwisai, ESh aakwisi)
aakw@si2 {aakwisió} V braid man's hair (aa 'horn'; kwisi 'braid')
aakw@sip@ {aakwisi=p@h} N man's braid (aakwisi 'braid' (V); -=p@h NOM)
aamuyake' N horn (wind instrument) (aa 'horn' (animal); muyake' 'music')
aanatsihtuye' {aanatsiHtuye'} N horn comb, horn brush (aa 'horn'; natsihtu'ye' 'comb')
aanea {ó} V fall, fall over, die (PS) (CN *annia) (ani SS)
aaw@htama' {aaw@Htama'} N yarn (archaic) (aa 'horn'; w@htama 'tie')
ahi'b@ni {ahi'p@niò} V destroy, plunder, waste, torment (Sh aipunni) (also aibuni)

This vocabulary primarily consists of forms from the glossary in Canonge (1958) and other
selected forms from Casagrande (1954-1955) and Robinson & Armagost (1990) (which is based on
Canonge's slip files). In addition to the sources listed there are a number of forms not recorded in
20th century sources, but which are attested in personal names from the 19th century and corroborated
with equivalent Shoshoni forms. For example, the form pots@na 'buffalo bull' is attested in the
Comanche name of Buffalo Hump–Pots@nakwahip@ (spelled Potsanaquahip in Kavanagh
1996)–and corroborated with Eastern Shoshoni pots\na.
Each entry consists, at the minimum, of a head word, part of speech, and English gloss.
Where it differs from the head word, the morphophonemic form based on Charney (1993) and
Miller, Elzinga, & McLaughlin (2005) is given in braces. For verbs, the verb class alone is given
in braces where there is no other difference between the head word and the morphophonemic form.
Where known, an etymology is provided.
Etymologies of underived roots consist of: 1) a Proto-Central Numic (CN) reconstruction
where a Timbisha form is known (from either McLaughlin (1987) or Dayley (1989)); 2) a cognate
Shoshoni form from a non-Eastern Shoshoni dialect where known (from Miller (1972), Crapo
(1976), Crum, Crum & Dayley (2001), or Gould & Loether (2002)); or 3) an Eastern Shoshoni form
where known (from Tidzump (1970) or Shaul (2012)). Southern Ute (Uto-Aztecan, Southern
Numic) forms are from Charney 1996). Pawnee (Caddoan) forms are from Parks & Pratt (2008);
Wichita (Caddoan) forms are from Rood (1996) and Newcomb (2001); Osage (Siouan) forms are
from Quintero (2009); Kaw (Siouan) forms are from Cumberland & Rankin (2012); and Kiowa
(Tanoan) forms are from Harrington (1928) with spelling modernized per Watkins & McKenzie
(1984). New Mexican Spanish forms are from Cobos (1983). Botanical forms are from Chamberlin
(1911). Forms with historically complex or uncertain etymologies at this time have no etymology
or only partial etymologies listed. Etymologies for pronominal forms are also not shown.
Alphabetization follows English practice with these exceptions: glottal stops and
parenthetical segments are ignored; kw and ts are treated as unit phonemes and follow k and t,
respectively; @ follows u; voiceless and voiced vowels are treated together.

A man's braids were metaphorically equivalent to a buffalo's horns.
ahkÈa' {aHkÈa'} N devil's claw, devil's horn, banana (Sh akka ?)
ahna N front quarter, underarm, armpit, side of chest (CN *ahna)
ahotabeniht@ {aho=tapeniHt@} N thanksgiving, prayer of thanks (aho 'thank you'; tabeni 'day'
(ADV); -Ht@ NOM; Kiowa a:ho' 'thanks')
ahp@' {aHp@'} N father (CN *app\)
ahra {ahta} N jaw (CN *ahta)
ahtakÓi' {aHtakÓi'} N small grasshopper (CN *attaÚki)
ahtamäu' {aHtamäu'} N large grasshopper
ahwe {ó} V dig, dig up (Sh ahwai)
ahwenii {ó} V root around (ahwe 'dig'; -nii 'moving around' (SS))
ahwep@ {ahwe=p@h} N tuber, diggings, anything dug up (ahwe 'dig'; -=p@h NOM)
ai- ADJ bad, evil
ai'bihin@@sukaa {ai'pihin@@sukaaó} V discourage, dishearten (ai- 'bad'; pihi 'heart';
n@@sukaa 'feel')
ai'bihin@@sukaat@ {ai'pihin@@sukaa=t@} ADJ discouraged, disheartened (ai'bihin@@sukaa
'discourage'; -=t@ PCPL)
aibuni {aipunió} V destroy, waste, torment (Sh aipunni) (cp. ahi'b@ni)
aihinahani {ó} V sin (ai- 'bad'; hina PRO INAN; hani 'do')
ai'ku ADV bad, badly, wrong {ai- 'bad'; -ku ADV)
aikuhani {ó} V sin (aiku 'bad'; hani 'do')
aikurekwa {aikutekwaó} V curse, use profane language (aiku 'bad'; tekwa 'talk')
akwar@ {akwat@ó} V belch, burp (ESh akwat\ñ)
akwar@' {akwat@'} N belch, burp (akwar@ 'belch'; -' NOM)
ama- N chest (WSh ahma, NSh aawa)
amawÛo' N apple (ama- 'chest', woa 'worm' ?)
amawosa N pocket (ama- 'chest', wosa 'container')
ani {ò} V fall, fall over, die (SS) (CN *anni) (aanea PS)
-a'ni {ò} INSTR V cut down (ani 'fall')
anikwitami'a {ò} V roll, roll along (as a ball) (mi'a 'go')
animui N fly, housefly (CN *aÚi-; Sh animuih)
ara' {ata'} N uncle (CN *ata)
ar@ka' {at@ka'} N deer (Pawnee arika; Wichita 'arik'a 'horn')
ar@ka'r@hkap@ {at@ka't@Hka=p@h} N deer meat, venison (ar@ka' 'deer'; t@hkap@ 'food')
ata- {a=ta-} ADJ other, another, different, easy (CN *anta-)
atabaro'i {a=tapato'iò} V come up easily (as water in a creek) (ata- 'easy'; paro'i 'come up')
atabitsi {a=tapitsih} N enemy, non-Comanche (ata- 'different'; -pitsih ABS)
atahpu- {a=taHpu=} ADJ, ADV different, away (ata- 'different'; -Hpu= 'different')
atah@ {a=tah@=} N other (ata- 'other')
atakwa's@' {a=takwa's@'} N roasted dried corn (made into soup with meat or bones) (ata-
'easy'; kwas@ 'cook'; -' NOM)
atakwa's@'ai {a=takwa's@'aió} V partially roast and dry corn (atakwa's@' 'roasted dried corn';
-ai 'make')
atakwa's@'aip@ {a=takwa's@'ai=p@h} N partially roasted dried corn (atakwa's@'ai 'partially
roast and dry corn'; -=p@h NOM)
awo N cup, vessel, container (Sh aw\, awo)
(s)e-3 DEM scattered
(s)ebu {(s)epu} ADV different ways, various directions
(s)ehka {(s)eHka} DEM PL OBJ (scattered)
(s)ehka {(s)eHka=} DEM PL POSS (scattered)
eka- {eka-} ADJ red (CN *aÚka-)
e'kabÈpi' {e'kapa=pi'} N buzzard, vulture (eka- 'red'; papi 'head')
ekahpuhihwi {ekaHpuhihwih} N gold, gold money (eka- 'red'; puhihwi 'money')
ekakuhtabea {ekakuHtapeaó} V glow red, give forth a red light (as from fire) (eka- 'red';
kuhtabea 'glow')
ek@sahpana'4 {ekasaHpana'} N soldier (eka- 'red'; sahpana' 'chest')
ek@sahpana'hunu' {ekasaHpana'hunu'} N Soldier Creek (ek@sahpana' 'soldier'; hunu'
ek@sonip@ {ekasoni=p@h} N little bluestem (eka- 'red'; sonip@ 'grass')
esi- ADJ gray (CN *ais\n)
esitoyabi {esitoyapi} N gray mountain (esi- 'gray'; toya 'mountain')
esits@n@'i {ò} V appear gray (esi- 'gray')
(s)etii DEM PL OBJ (scattered)
et@ N bow (for shooting arrows) (CN *ait\)
(s)et@ {(s)et@=} DEM PL SBJ (scattered)
et@sikawo'a {et@sikawo'aò} V have a soiled face, have a dirt-streaked face (et@si 'ashes')
(s)et@@ {(s)et@@=} DEM PL SBJ, PL POSS (scattered)
et@sip@ {et@si=p@h} N ashes (Sh kuttusipp\)
haa yes (CN *haa)
habi {hapió} V lie down (SS) (CN *hapi) (kwabi PS)
habikono {hapikohno} N night cradle (habi 'lie down' (SS); kohno 'cradle')
hahpa'ne {haHpa'ne} N level place between hills (pana 'surface')
haitsi {haitsih} N friend (of man) (CN *haintsih)
hakahpu {hakaHpu} which way (haka- INDEF; -Hpu POST)
hakai what, how (haka- INDEF)
hakani what way, in some way (haka- INDEF; -ni ADV)
hakanihku {hakaniHku} in what way (haka- INDEF; -ni ADV; -Hku POST)
hakani'yu why is it (haka- INDEF; -ni ADV; -yu PRED)
hakar@ {hakat@} PRO WH SG SBJ (AN)
hak@ {haHkah} ADV WH LOC
hani {ò} V do, fix, repair (CN *hanni)
hani' N one who does some action (hani 'do'; -' NOM)
hanibi {hanipi)} N corn (Sh hannip\)

Unlike the other demonstrative roots which can be singular, dual, or plural, (s)e- is always
plural even with suffixes that are singular on the other demonstrative roots.

The first soldiers the Comanche had contact with would have been Spanish colonial troops
in northern New Mexico in the early 18th century. Spanish military uniforms of that era included
visible red on the chest, ranging from a red vest under a blue tunic for most soldiers, to the officer's
red vest with wide red lapels on a blue tunic, to the grenadier's red vest and red tunic.
ha'nii N beaver (CN *ha'nii)
ha'niihunu' N Beaver Creek (ha'nii 'beaver'; hunu' 'creek')
hanika {hanihka} V be lying somewhere (objects) (hani 'do'; -h/Hka RSLT)
hanikwas@k@ {=} V roast corn (hani 'corn'; kwas@k@ 'cook')
hanip@ {hani=p@h} N fixings, preparation, anything fixed or prepared (hani 'do'; -=p@h NOM)
ha'woka {ó} V be hollow (Sh hawo- 'hollow')
hayarokwe- {hayatokwe-} NO four
hibi {hipió} V drink (CN *hipi)
hibik@ {hipik@=} V water (an animal) (hibi 'drink'; -k@= CB)
hibip@ {hipi=p@h} N drunk (hibi 'drink'; -=p@h NOM)
hima {ó} V carry, take (PO) (CN *hima) (yaa SO)
himahpit@ {himaHpit@ò} V bring, come carrying (PO) (hima 'carry' (PO); pit@ 'arrive')
himi {ó} V give (PO) (Sh himiñ)
hina {hina=} PRO WH SG POSS (INAN)
hipe' {hi=pe'} when (hi=- INDEF; -pe' ADV)
hipe's@ {hi=pe's@=} ADV at some time (hi=- INDEF; -pe' TIME; -s@= EMPH)
hip@ {hi=p@h} N, ADJ thing, something bought, owned (CN *himp\h)
ho'ai {ó} V hunt (ESh ho'iò)
homobasap@naihku {homopasa=p@hnaihku} ADV dry as powder (homo 'powder';
pasap@naihku 'dryly')
homobi {homopi} N powder, flour (Sh homokait\n)
hora {hotaó} V dig hole, dig well (CN *hota)
huabokÛo' {huapokÛo'} N huckleberries (ESh hu'apokomp\h 'currant')
huba {hupa} N coffee (huuh 'wood'; paa 'water')
huba'ai {hupa'aió} V make coffee (huba 'coffee'; -ai 'make')
hubebi {hupepió} V drink coffee (huba 'coffee'; hibi 'drink')
hubinii {hupiniió} V groan (hubiya 'mournful song'; -nii 'moving around' (SS))
hubiya' {hupiya'} N mournful song, hymn (CN *hupia 'song')
hubiyaa {hupiyaaó} V cry noisily, yell (hupiya' 'mournful song')
huhkup@ {huHku=p@h} N dust (CN *hukkun)
huhkuw@n@ {huHkuw@n@ò} V stir up dust, blow dust (huhku 'dust'; w@n@ 'stand')
huhtsäu {huHtsäu} N bird (Sh huittsuu)
hunakw@ {hunakwah} ADV outside (-nakwah POST)
hunu'bi {hunu'pi} N creek, stream, river (CN *hunu"-)
huu'awo N mortar, wooden bowl (huuh 'wood'; awo 'cup')
huuhima {ó} V carry sticks, have sticks (PO) (huuh 'stick'; hima 'carry' (PO))
huuhpi {huuHpi} N stick, tree, club, log, wood (CN *huu"-)
huumas@ap@ {huumas@a=p@h} N domestic tree (huuh 'tree'; mas@ap@ 'something grown')
huunaro'i' {huunato'i'} N ladder (huuh 'wood'; na- PR; to'i 'climb'; -' NOM)
huuyaa {ó} V carry a stick, have a stick (SO) (huuh 'stick'; yaa 'carry' (SO))
h@ihtsi {h@iHtsi} N little bit (h@@- 'few'; -Htsi DIM)
h@ka {ó} V cool off (Sh h\kañ)
h@ki N shade, brush arbor (Sh h\ki)
h@kia {ó} V be in shade (h@ki 'shade')
h@@- ADJ few, little bit (CN *h\\-)
h@@htsip@ {h@@Htsi=p@h} N saliva, spit (CN *h\ttsipp\h)
h@@s@ {h@@s@=} ADV a few times (h@@- 'few'; -s@= ADV)
(s)i- DEM near at hand
(s)i'a- DEM LOC somewhere, this place (near at hand)
(s)ibu {(s)ipu} ADV this direction, this way (near at hand)
(s)ihka {(s)iHka} DEM SG OBJ (near at hand)
(s)ihka {(s)iHka=} DEM SG POSS (near at hand)
ika {ó} V go in, enter (SS) (CN *ika) (wekwi PS)
(s)iki {(s)iHkih} DEM LOC here (near at hand)
ina {ó} V jerk meat (Sh inañ)
inakw@ {inakwah} ADV this way, this direction (i- DEM; -nakwah POST)
inap@ {ina=p@h} N jerky, jerked meat (ina 'jerk meat'; -=p@h NOM)
inawata {inawa=ta} N poles for drying jerked meat (ina 'jerk meat'; wata 'pole')
ini'yu ADV this way (i- DEM; -ni ADV; -yu PRED)
isa'ai {ó} V lie, tell a lie (-ai 'make'; CN *isan lie (N))
is@ {is@=} DEM this, this one (near at hand, definite) (i- DEM; -s@= EMPH)
(s)it@ {(s)it@=} DEM SG SBJ (near at hand)
(s)it@h DEM DL SBJ (near at hand)
(s)it@hi {(s)it@hi} DEM DL OBJ (near at hand)
(s)it@h@ {(s)it@h@=} DEM DL POSS (near at hand)
(s)it@kw@ {sit@kw@h} DEM DL SBJ (near at hand)
(s)it@@ {(s)it@@=} DEM PL SBJ, PL POSS (near at hand)
iyaa'i {ò} V guard, watch over (Sh iya'iò)
kaa- ADV by cheating (? CN *kawan 'rat', Sh kaan)
-ka'a {ò} INSTR V break, cut (CN *(-)ka'a)
kaabehka {kaapeHkaò} V cheat, deceive (kaa- 'by cheating'; pehka 'kill' (SO))
kaakwaku {ó} V defeat by cheating (kaa- 'by cheating'; kwaku 'defeat')
kahku'e N tipi smoke hole (kahni 'house'; ku'e 'top')
kahni N house, home, tipi (CN *kahni)
kahniba'i {kahnipa'i} V have a house (kahni 'house'; -pa'i 'have')
kahniku'e N housetop, tipi smoke hole (kahni 'house'; ku'e 'top')
kahnimi'a {ò} V visit (kahni 'house'; mi'a 'go')
kahnitai N room, cave (kahni 'house'; tai 'hole')
kahtçi' {kaHtçi'} N neighbor (kahni 'house'; t@i' 'friend')
kaku' N maternal grandmother (CN *kaku)
kama {ò} V taste (INTR), be tasty (CN *kamma)
kamäuta' {kamäu=ta'} N sweet potato (Spanish camote)
kar@ {kat@ó} V sit down (SS) (CN *kat\) (y@kwi PS)
kar@k@ {kat@k@=} V set up (SS) (kar@ 'sit' (SS); -k@= CP)
kasa N wing (CN *kasa)
kasabipiku {kasapi=pihkuó} V make fluttering noises, make wing noises (kasa 'wing'; pipihku
'make drumming noise' (PS))
ka'wi {ò} V get together (Sh ka'wi)
ke NEG (CN *kai)
kehena N nothing (ke NEG; hina WH SG OBJ (INAN))
kehewa {ó} V be all gone, no longer have (Sh kai haiwai)
kesua {ó} V be mean, be hard to get along with (ke NEG; sua 'feel')
kes@ {kes@=} ADV before, not yet (Sh kes\n)
keta' PRT don't, NEG IMP (Sh kaita NEG)
ketuku ADV just not (ke NEG; tuku 'just')
kia wonder, maybe, guess, doubt (CN *kian)
kima {ò} V come (CN *kimma)
-koba {ò} INSTR V break (SO) (CN *-kopa) (-kobi'i PO)
kobe {kope} N face (CN *kopai)
-kobi'i {kopi'iò} INSTR V break (PO) (-koba 'break' (SO); -'i PL)
kohno N cradle, cradleboard (CN *kohno)
kohtoo {koHtooó} V make fire (CN *kottoo)
kohtoop@ {koHtoo=p@h} N fire (kohtoo 'make fire'; -=p@h NOM)
ko'i {ò} V return, turn back (SS) (CN *ko'i) (koyama PS)
konohonii {ó} V fetch firewood (SS) (konoo 'carry firewood'; -hu DEF; -nii 'moving around' (SS))
konohoy@ka {ò} V fetch firewood (PS) (konoo 'carry firewood'; -hu DEF; -y@ka 'moving
around' (PS))
konoo {ó} V 'carry firewood' (kuna 'firewood'; noo 'carry')
konoop@ {konoo=p@h} N load of firewood (konoo 'carry firewood'; -=p@h NOM)
kooi {ó} V die (PS) (CN *ko'i)
koo'i {ò} V cut up
kotse {ó} V wash (CN *kotsohai)
koyama {ò} V return, turn back (PS) (ko'i SS)
ku'e N top, summit, roof, tipi smoke hole (CN *ko'i)
kuhiya {ò} V spy on (Sh kuhuya)
kuhma N male, husband (CN *kuhma)
kuhmabai {kuhmapaió} V have a husband (kuhma 'husband'; -pa'i 'have')
kuhmaru {kuhmatuò} V marry (WS) (kuhma 'husband'; -tu 'acquire')
kuhpitsuni {kuHpitsuhniò} V render fat, try out fat (kuH- INSTR 'heat')
kuhtabea {kuHtapeaó} V glow' (kuH- INSTR 'heat'; tabe 'light')
kuhtsu'5 {kuHtsu'} N cow (G), cattle, buffalo (archaic) (CN *kwittsun)
kuhtsuparaiboo' {kuHtsu=pataipoo'} N cow boss (kuhtsu' 'cow' (G); paraiboo' 'boss')
kuhtsutaiboo' {kuHtsu=taipoo'} N cowboy (kuHtsu' 'cow' (G); taiboo' 'white man')
ku'ina {ò} V roast jerked meat (kuH- INSTR 'heat'; ina 'jerk meat')
ku'inak@ {ò} V roast meat for (ku'ina 'roast'; -k@= CB)
ku'inap@ {ku'ina=p@h} N roasted jerked meat (ku'ina 'roast jerked meat'; -=p@h NOM)
kuk@me {kuHk@hmeó} V 'parch corn' (kuH- INSTR 'heat')
kuk@me'awo {kuHk@hme'awo} N skillet for parching corn (kuk@me 'parch corn'; awo
kumahp@' {kumaHp@'} N husband (kuhma 'male'; -Hp@' ABS)
kuna N firewood (CN *kuna")

kuHtsu= in compounds (see kuhtsuparaiboo', kuhtsutaiboo')
kunak@@'i {ò} V bob up, stick head out (PS) (ku- INSTR 'head'; nak@a 'protrude' (PS))
ku'nikak@ {=} V rope (SO) (ku- INSTR 'head'; -nika 'place on' (SO); -k@= CB)
kupa {ku=paò} V cut down, kill (SO) (CN *kumpa)
kuro'i {kuto'iò} V bob up, stick head out (SS) (ku- INSTR 'head'; to'i 'emerge' (SS))
kusi- ADJ gray (CN *kusi 'ashes')
ku'simäura' {ku'simäuta'} N gray mule (kusi- 'gray'; muura' 'mule')
kusip@ {kusi=p@h} N ashes (CN *kusi 'ashes')
kusiw@hpima {kusiw@Hpimaò} V roast buried in ashes (kusip@ 'ashes'; w@hpima 'cover')
kut@hora {kuHt@hotaó} V dig a fireplace (kuH- INSTR 'heat'; t@- IO; hora 'dig')
ku'tsihima {kuHtsihimaó} V roast on stick (PO) (kuH- INSTR 'heat'; tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object';
hima 'take' (PO))
kutsitona {kuHtsiHtonaò} V set on fire (SO) (kuH- INSTR 'heat'; tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object';
tona 'poke' (SO))
kutsitowaka {kuHtsiHtowakaò} V set on fire (PO) (kuH- INSTR 'heat'; tsiH- INSTR 'sharp
object'; towaka 'poke' (PO))
ku'tsiyaa {kuHtsiyaaó} V roast on stick (SO) (kuH- INSTR 'heat'; tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; yaa
'take' (SO))
kuwekwak@ {=} V rope (PO) (ku- INSTR 'head'; -k@= CB)
kuwo'nep@ {kuwo'ne=p@h} N burned-out hollow tree (kuH- INSTR 'heat'; wo'ne 'perforate';
-=p@h NOM)
ku'w@hora' {kuw@hota'} N hoe, mattock (ku- INSTR 'head'; w@H- INSTR generic; hora 'dig'; -'
kuya'a {ò} V be frightened (Sh kwiya'aò)
kuyunÓi' N turkey (Sh kuy\ni-)
kuyäu'si' N quail (onomatopoeic)
k@a {ó} V appear, go up, climb, emerge, come out, escape (PS) (CN *k\a)
k@ahpit@ {k@aHpit@ò} V come out at certain place (PS) (k@a 'come out' (PS); pit@ 'arrive')
k@hka'a {k@Hka'aò} V bite off a piece (k@H- INSTR 'mouth'; -ka'a 'break')
k@hkupa {k@Hku=paò} V bite to death (SO) (k@H- INSTR 'mouth'; kupa 'kill' (SO))
k@hpÈra {k@HpÈtaò} V straighten holding in mouth (k@H- INSTR 'teeth'; -para 'straighten' (SO))
k@htaa- {k@Htaa} ADJ hard (CN *k\ttaan)
k@htaan@e {k@Htaan@eó} V storm, blow hard (k@htaa- 'hard'; n@e 'blow')
k@hto'i {k@Hto'iò} V come out of mouth (k@H- INSTR 'mouth'; to'i 'come out' (SS))
k@hto'ip@ {k@Hto'i=p@h} N excess food, leftover food (from the mouth) (k@hto'i 'come out of
mouth'; -=p@h NOM)
k@htokwe {k@Htokweò} V bite to death (PO) (k@H- INSTR 'mouth'; tokwe 'kill' (PO))
k@htsia {k@Htsiaó} V bite (SO) (k@H- INSTR 'mouth'; CN *-tsia 'pinch')
k@ka N onion (Sh k\nka)
k@ma'-6 N edge, side (CN *k\ma)
-k@na {ò} INSTR V cover (SO) (CN *-k\na) (-k@ni'i PO)
-k@ni'i {ò} INSTR V cover (PO) (-k@na SO; -'i PL; CN *-k\ni'i)
k@'rahäu' {k@'tahuu'} N hackberry tree (huuh 'tree')
k@r@'atsi {k@t@'atsih} N water lily

Always used with postposition.
k@saa {ó} V open the mouth (Sh k@saa)
k@yu'ne {ò} V chew (k@H- INSTR 'mouth'; -yu'ne 'soften')
kwabi {kwapió} V lie down (PS) (CN *kwapi) (habi SS)
kwahi N back (CN *kwahin)
kwahinoo {ó} V carry on back (kwahi 'back'; noo 'carry')
kwaku {ó} V defeat in game, win, win out, win race (CN *kwaa; Sh kwakkuñ)
-kwar@'r@ki {-kwat@'t@kiò} INSTR V gargle (akwar@' 'belch')
kwasi N tail (CN *kwasi)
kwasik@ {kwasikah} ADV next (kwasi 'tail'; -kah POST)
kwasinaboo' {kwasinapoo'} N snake (kwasi 'tail'; napoo- 'striped'; -' NOM)
kwasu'u {kwasu'uh} N dress, coat, shirt, suit (CN *kwasu'un)
kwasu'utua {kwasu'uhtuaó} V buy a coat, dress, shirt, suit (kwasu'u 'dress,coat'; tua 'acquire')
kwasu'ut@m@@ {kwasu'uht@m@@ó} V buy a coat, dress (kwasu'u 'dress, coat'; t@m@@ 'buy')
kwas@ {ó} V cook, ripen (INTR) (CN *kwas\)
kwas@k@ {=} V 'cook' (TR) (kwas@ 'cook'; -k@= CB)
kwas@k@p@ {kwas@k@=p@h} N something cooked (kwas@k@ 'cook'; -=p@h NOM)
kwe'ya {ò} V shed, come off, tire (Sh kwaiyañ)
-kwe'yu'i7 {ò} V shed clothes (PS) (kwe'ya 'shed'; -'i PL)
kwihne {ó} V turn cold (kwihne' 'north, cold')
kwihne' N north, cold (CN *kwinahwai)
kwihne'nakw@ {kwihne'ankwah} ADV north (kwihne' 'north'; -nakwah POST)
kwinuma {ò} V get dizzy (Sh kwinuwa)
kwipuna {kwi=punaò} V twist
kwisi {ó} V braid, tangle (CN *kwisi)
kwita {ó} V defecate (CN *kwita)
kwitap@ {kwita=p@h} N feces, excrement, shit {kwita 'defecate'; -=p@h NOM)
-kwitubi {-kwitupiò} INSTR V roll up, wrap up (CN *-kwitupi)
kwitso'ai {ó} V recover, get well
kw@hti {kw@Htiò} v shoot (SO, once) (CN *kw\tti)
kw@hti' {kw@Hti'} N one who is shot (kw@hti 'shoot' (SO); -' NOM)
kw@h@ N wife (Sh kw\(h)\")
kw@h@ {ó} V catch, capture (CN *kw\h\)
kw@h@p@ {kw@h@=p@h} N captive (kw@h@ 'catch'; -=p@h NOM)
kw@tiku {kw@Htihkuó} V shoot (PO, several times) (Sh kw\ttihku)
ma8 PRO 3S OBJ
ma {ma=} PRO 3S POSS
ma- DEM unknown, obviative
ma' PRO 3S SBJ
mabaisokek@ {mapaisokek@ò} V wet, soak (TR) (ma- INSTR 'hand'; pa'isoke 'be wet'; -k@

kwe'ya can be used with and without an instrumental prefix. When used in the specific
meaning of 'removing clothing', it is used with singular subjects and -kwe'yu'i is used with plural

maa- with postpositions. maa ~ maai as object of dependent clause.
mahani {ò} V do for (ma- INSTR 'hand'; hani 'do')
mahiko'i {ò} V return from warpath (ko'i 'return' (SS))
mahimi'a {ò} V go on warpath (mi'a 'go')
mahka {maHka} DEM SG OBJ (obviative)
mahka {maHka=} DEM SG POSS (obviative)
mahka {maHkaò} V hitch up horse (DUR9 of *maka 'feed')
mahk@ {maHk@ò} V drive (animals) (Sh -mahkaò)
mahk@noo {maHk@nooò} V drive (animals) along (mahk@ 'drive'; noo 'move camp')
mahpe {maHpeó} V drop from the hand (maH- INSTR 'hand'; pahi 'fall' (SS))
mahri {mahti} DEM DL OBJ (obviative)
mahr@ {maht@=} DEM DL POSS (obviative)
mahtow@na {maHtow@naò} V lean against (SO) (maH- INSTR 'hand'; toH- INSTR 'push';
-w@na 'place' (SO))
mahtow@ni'i {maHtow@ni'iò} V lean against (PO) (maH- INSTR 'hand'; toH- INSTR 'push';
-w@ni'i 'place' (PO))
maka {ó} V feed, give to eat, give (CN *maka)
maka'muki {ò} V get ready, prepare
mak@ki {maHk@hkiò} V drive this way (mahk@ 'drive'; -h/Hki 'come')
makwinuma {ò} V make dizzy, get someone drunk (ma- INSTR 'hand'; kwinuma 'get dizzy')
makwitso'ai {ó} V save someone (ma- INSTR 'hand'; kwitso'ai 'recover')
manaa'nakw@ {manaa'nakwah} ADV farther off (-nakwah POST)
mana'koroomi {mana'kotoomiò} V cover over
manak@a {ó} V make stick out (SO) (ma- INSTR 'hand'; na- PR; k@a 'emerge' (PS))
manak@@'i {ò} V make stick out (PO) (ma- INSTR 'hand'; na- PR; k@a 'emerge' (PS))
manakw@ {manakwah} ADV far (off) (ma- DEM; -nakwah POST)
mani {ò} V cross (over) (Sh maniò)
manukik@ {manuhkik@=} V make run off (ma- INSTR 'hand'; nuhki 'run' (SS); -k@= CB)
man@@sukaa {ó} V make one feel (good or bad) in body or spirit (ma- INSTR 'hand'; n@@sukaa
'feel good')
ma'ome {ò} V stir up fire
marii {matii} DEM PL OBJ (obviative)
maropo'na {mato=po'naò} V make round, coil (SO) (ma- INSTR 'hand'; topo'ni- 'spherical'; -a
maropo'ni'i {mato=po'ni'iò} V make round, coil (PO) (ma- INSTR 'hand'; topo'ni- 'spherical';
-'i PL)
maropo'ni'ip@ {mato=po'ni'i=p@h} N hand-made spherical object, ball (maropo'ni'i 'make
round' (PO); -=p@h NOM)
marurua {matutuaó} V stretch out arm, reach (ma- INSTR 'hand'; -turua 'stretch')
mar@ {mat@=} DEM SG SBJ (obviative)
mar@ka {mat@kaò} V finish (CN *mat\Úka)
mar@ki {mat@kiò} V touch, put hand on (ma- INSTR 'hand'; t@ki 'put, place' (SO))
mar@ki'ne {mat@ki'neò} V press down with hand (ma- INSTR 'hand'; -t@ki'ne 'press down')

Meaning derived by metaphor of "feeding" it a bridle.
mar@kw@ {mat@kw@h} DEM DL SBJ (obviative)
mar@ni {matahnió} V hurt (TR) (ESh matani)
mar@@ {mat@@=} DEM PL POSS (obviative)
masukaa {ó} V feel with hand (ma- INSTR 'hand'; -sukaa 'feel')
mas@a {ó} V raise garden crop (ma- INSTR 'hand'; s@a 'grow')
mas@ap@ {mas@a=p@h} N something grown, domesticated crop (mas@a 'raise garden crop';
-=p@h NOM)
mats@baki {matsahpakiò} V stick something to, glue (SO) (ma- INSTR 'hand', tsahpaki 'stick
mats@baki'i {matsahpaki'iò} V stick something to, glue (PO) (ma- INSTR 'hand', tsahpaki
'stick to', -'i PL)
may@kwi {ò} V get ready, fix up (ma- INSTR 'hand'; y@kwió 'do')
me(h) QUOT (CN *mai)
meeku ADV now (CN *maaikwa)
mi'a {ó} V go (CN *mi'a)
miak@ {=} V chase, run after (mia 'go'; -k@= CB)
mi'anoo {ò} V move on (mi'a 'go'; noo 'move camp')
miihtsi' ADV near, soon, shortly (Sh mii)
moka N branch (Sh muka)
mo'o N hand (CN *mo'o)
mo'obe'- {mo'ope'-} NO five (mo'o 'hand')
mo'otsaai {ó} V hold hands (mo'o 'hand'; tsaai 'hold')
motso {motso=} N beard (CN *motson)
motsotaiboo' {motso=taipoo'} N bearded white man (motso= 'beard'; taiboo' 'white man')
mubi {mupi=} N nose (CN *mupin)
mubipÛ'roo' {mupi=pÛ'too'} N pig (mubi 'nose'; po'roo' 'pig')
mub@si {mup@sió} V blow nose (mu- INSTR 'nose'; Sh mupisii)
muhne {ó} V precede, go ahead of (Sh munnai 'ahead of' ADV)
muhpa'arai- {muHpa'atai-} ADV face down, on one's face (muh- 'nose')
muhpe' {muHpe'} N hoe
muhpi {muHpi} N nose (CN *mupin, *mu"-)
muhpÛo' {muHpÛo'} N mosquito (ESh muuppoho)
muhpÛo'wanap@ {muHpÛo'wana=p@h} N mosquito netting (muhpÛo' 'mosquito'; wanapu
muhy@ N east, door, doorway (Sh muhyu, muy\)
muhy@nakw@ {muhy@nakwah} ADV east (muhy@ 'east'; -nakwah POST)
mupihabi {muHpihapió} V bent over (as a tree limb) (muhpi 'nose'; habi 'lie' (SS))
musasua {ó} V worry, be concerned (sua 'think'; WSh musa'nai 'bother')
mutsi- ADJ sharp, pointed (CN *mutsi-)
mutsia {ó} V sharpen (mutsi- 'sharp')
mutsip@ {mutsi=p@h} N anything sharp-pointed (mutsi- 'sharp', -=p@h NOM)
muura' {muuta'} N mule (Spanish mula)
muyake {ó} V blow horn (mu- INSTR 'nose'; yake 'cry' (SS))
muyake' N music, sounding of horn (muyake 'blow horn', -' NOM)
m@a N moon, month (CN *m\a)
m@ahtabe {m@aHtape} N moonlight (m@a 'moon'; tabe 'light')
m@ahtabeba'i {m@aHtapepa'iò} V have moonlight (m@ahtabe 'moonlight'; -pa'i 'have')
m@hi PRO 2D OBJ
m@h@ {m@h@=} PRO 2D POSS
m@h@ {m@h@h} PRO 2D SBJ
m@i PRO 2P OBJ
m@kw@ {m@kw@h} PRO 2D SBJ
m@mi PRO 2P OBJ
m@m@ PRO 2P SBJ
m@m@ {m@m@=} PRO 2P POSS
m@ni {ó} V fail, unable to do (CN *m\ni)
m@n@ PRO 2P SBJ
m@@ {m@@=} PRO 2P POSS
m@@ {ó} V do to, make, treat (Sh m\\)
m@@hka {m@@Hkaó} V being done to (m@@ 'do to'; -h/Hka RSLT)
naahabi {naahapió} V continue lying down, become one lying down (SS) (naha 'continue';
habi 'lie down' (SS))
naahka {naaHkaó} V continue doing, continue to be (naha 'continue'; -h/Hka RSLT)
naahkwabika {naaHkwapihkaó} V continue lying down, become some lying down (PS) (naha
'continue'; kwabi 'lie down' (PS); -h/Hka RSLT)
na'ani {ò} V roll over, roll around (SS) (na- PR; ani 'fall over' (SS)) (na'ani'i PS)
na'ani'i {ò} V roll over, roll around (PS) (na- PR; ani 'fall over' (SS); -'i PL) (na'ani SS)
na'aruu {na'ahtuuó} V fight each other (not of warfare) (na- PR; tuhu- 'angry')
nabaa {napaa} N gas (na- PR; paa 'water')
nabaatsu'ma {napaatsu'maò} V run out of gas (nabaa 'gas'; tsu'ma 'run out')
nabehkak@ {napeHkak@=} V cause to be killed (SO) (na- PR; pehka 'kill' (SO); -k@= CB)
nabiso'a {napiso'aó} V stick oneself (na- PR; piso'a 'prick')
nabit@puni {napitahpunió} V look behind oneself, look back (puni 'look'; Sh napittah pui)
naboo- {napoo-} ADJ striped, marked (na- PR; poo 'mark')
nabuihw@n@ {napuihw@n@ò} V notice one's appearance, examine oneself (na- PR; puihw@n@
na'bukuwÈa' {na'pukuwÈa'} N car, automobile (na- PR; puku 'horse'; -waa 'without'; -' NOM)
nabuni {napunió} V look at oneself, appear (na- PR; puni 'look at')
nah PRT just (Sh nanah)
naha {ó} V become, happen, continue (CN *naha)
nahabit@ {nahapit@ò} V happen to be somewhere, come on to (naha 'happen'; pit@ 'arrive')
nahahupit@ {nahahu=pit@ò} V arrive (naha 'happen'; -hu= DEF; pit@ 'arrive')
nahanii {ó} V continue along (SS) (naha 'continue'; -nii 'moving around' (SS))
nahanoo {ó} V continue moving camp (naha 'continue'; noo 'move camp')
nahbi'a-10 {nahpi'a} N boys which are relatives (PL) (na- PR; pihi'a- 'boys')
nahimi {ó} V give several things to each other (PO) (na- PR; himi 'give' (PO))
nahnap@ {nahna=p@h} N oldest child, grown child (-=p@h NOM; CN *nahna 'grow')
nahnia N name (na- PR; CN *niha)

This form always occurs with either dual or plural suffixes for number and case.
nahniamaka {ó} V give a name to (nahnia 'name'; maka 'give')
nahubinii {nahupiniió} V groan (na- PR; hubinii 'groan')
nahubiyaa {nahupiyaaó} V sing a song for someone (na- PR; hubiyaa 'cry noisily')
nah@ki N porch (na- PR; h@ki 'shade')
nahwooi {ó} V cry (PS) (CN *namo'i)
nai'bi {nai'pi} N young woman (CN *naipi)
naka {ò} V hear (CN *naÚka)
naki {nakih} N ear (CN *naÚki)
nak@a {ó} V protrude, stick out (PS) (na- PR; k@a 'emerge' (PS))
na'k@htaba'i'11 {na'k@Htapa'i'} N pecan (na- PR; k@Htaa 'hard'; -pa'i 'have'; -' NOM)
na'k@htaba'ihuuhpi {na'k@Htapa'ihuuHpi} N pecan tree (na'k@htaba'i' 'pecan'; huuhpi 'tree')
nakw@si {nakw@sió} V 'braid pumpkin' (na- PR; kwisi 'braid')
nakw@si' {nakw@si'} N pumpkin (nakw@si 'braid pumpkin'; -' NOM)
nakw@sip@ {nakw@si=p@h} N prepared pumpkin, dried pumpkin12 (nakw@si 'braid pumpkin';
-=p@h NOM)
nakw@s@ {nakwas@ó} V kill each other (PS) (na- PR; was@ 'kill' (PO))
nakw@s@k@ {nakwas@k@=} V cause to be killed (PO) (na- PR; w@s@ 'kill' (PO); -k@= CB)
namahtow@na {namaHtow@naò} V be leaning against (SS) (na- PR; mahtow@na 'lean
against' (SO))
namahtow@ni'i {namaHtow@ni'iò} V be leaning against (PS) (na- PR; mahtow@ni'i 'lean
against' (PO))
namaka'muki {ò} V get oneself ready (na- PR, maka'muki 'get ready')
namanuhki {namanuHkiò} V run off afraid (SS) (nuhki 'run away' (SS); Sh namanukkiò 'run
away' (SS))
namanuraa {namanutaaó} V run off afraid (PS) (nuraa 'run away' (PS); Sh namanutaaò 'run
away' (PS))
namaro'i {namato'iò} V get rid of, escape from (to'i 'come out' (SS); Sh namato'iò 'escape')
namarunehts@ {namatuneHts@ò} V run to through fear (tunehts@ 'run to')
namar@ni {namatahnió} V hurt oneself (na- PR; mar@ni 'hurt')
namay@kwi {ò} V get self ready, primp (na- PR; may@kwi 'get ready')
nam@si {namasi} ADV quickly, hurriedly (nam@sohi 'hurry up')
nam@sikohtoo {namasikoHtooó} V make fire quickly (nam@si 'quickly'; kohtoo 'make fire')
nam@sit@hka {namasit@Hkaò} V eat quickly (nam@si 'quickly'; t@hka 'eat')
nam@soa {namasoaó} V change clothes, get dressed (Sh namasoaò, namasuaò)
nam@soap@ {namasoa=p@h} N clothing, clothes (nam@soa 'get dressed'; -=p@h NOM)
nam@soap@r@m@@ {namasoa=p@ht@m@@ó} V buy clothing (nam@soap@ 'clothing'; t@m@@

Casagrande (1954-1955) analyzes this as "na'- REFLEX + 'crack with the teeth'", but this
etymology relies on an otherwise unattested verb *-taba'i 'crack' and the unlikely phrase "cracks
itself with the teeth". Since the pecan was the only hard-shelled food source on the South Plains, the
etymology "has its own hard (shell)" is more likely.

Based on Wichita usage, pumpkin was cut into strips, dried, and woven into mats for
nam@sohi {namasohió} V hurry up (Sh namasohi)
nanahbiso'ai {nanahpiso'aió} V be slow in movement (na- PR; napiso'ai 'be slow')
nanahtena-13 {nanaHtena-} N men relatives (nana- RCPL; tena 'man')
nanakw@h@ {nanakw@h@} N married couple (nana- RCPL; kw@h@ 'wife')
nanam@anoo {ó} V stall, delay (nana- RCPL; noo 'move')
nanan@@'mai {ó} V tire oneself out, get tired of (nana- RCPL; n@@'mai 'get tired of')
nanawa'ihp@'-14 {nanawa'iHp@'-} N women relatives (nana- RCPL; wa'ihp@' 'woman')
nanihkupa {naniHku=paò} V laugh very hard (SS) (na- PR; niH- INSTR 'voice'; kupa 'kill' (SO))
nanihtokwe {naniHtokweò} V laugh very hard (PS) (na- PR; niH- INSTR 'voice'; tokwe 'kill'
nanisuyake {nanisuyakeò} V be pretty, be beautiful
nanitsuwa {naniHtsuhwaó} V argue with (Sh nanittsuhink\)
na'n@be'- {na'n@pe'} ADJ divided evenly
na'n@m@ N relative, tribesman (na- PR; n@m@ 'Comanche')
nan@su'uyaa {nanasu'uyaaó} V be made a laughingstock (na- PR; su'uyaa 'laugh at')
na'oki {ò} V rejoice
na'omo N wagon wheel (na- PR; omo 'leg')
nape {na=pe} N foot, lower leg (CN *nampai)
napiso'ai {na=piso'aió} V be slow
napiso'ait@ {na=piso'ait@} ADJ slow (napiso'ai 'be slow'; -t@ PCPL)
nap@ {na=p@h} N shoe, footprint, trail (Sh namp\h)
nap@maka {na=p@hmakaó} V give moccasins away (na=p@h 'shoe'; maka 'give')
narahka'wi {nataHka'wiò} V congregate, get together (na- PR; taH- INSTR 'foot'; ka'wi 'get
narahkupa {nataHku=paò} V give up, stop trying (na- PR; taH- INSTR 'foot'; kupa 'kill' (SO))
narar@na {natat@naò} V gamble over some competition
narenahp@' {natenaHp@'} N male kinsman, husband (na- PR; tenahp@' 'man')
naroht@ma' {natoHt@ma'} N can, lid (na- PR; toht@ma 'stop up' (SO); -' NOM)
narohtsana {natoHtsanaó} V be hanging up (SS) (na- PR; tohtsana 'hang up' (SO))
narohtsani'i {natoHtsani'iò} V be hanging up (PS) (na- PR; tohtsani'i 'hang up' (PO))
narop@sa {nato=p@saó} V be beaded (SS) (na- PR; top@sa 'bead')
narop@si'i {nato=p@si'iò} V be beaded (PS) (na- PR; top@sa 'bead'; -'i (PL))
nar@hka' {nat@Hka'} N groceries (na- PR; t@hka 'eat'; -' NOM)
nar@hka'rua {nat@Hka'tuaó} V get groceries, receive groceries (nar@hka' 'groceries'; tua
nar@hka'r@m@@ {nat@Hka't@m@@ó} V buy groceries (nar@hka' 'groceries'; t@m@@ 'buy')
nar@hka'tsu'ma {nat@Hka'tsu'maò} V run out of groceries (nar@hka' 'groceries'; tsu'ma 'be
used up')
nar@ki {nat@kiò} V be put, be placed (SS) (na- PR; t@ki 'put away' (SO))
nar@mi' {nat@mi'} N owner, master, Lord (Sh t\mi)
nar@muhku {nat@muHku} N reins (na- PR; t@muHku 'rope')

This form always occurs with either dual or plural suffixes for number and case.
This form always occurs with either dual or plural suffixes for number and case.
nar@mu'i {nat@mu'iò} V relate, tell (CN *nat\mu'i)
nar@m@@' {nat@m@@'} N store, town (na- PR; t@m@@ 'buy'; -' NOM)
nar@ni'i {natahni'iò} V be put, be placed (PS) (na- PR; tahni'i 'put away' (PO))
nar@noo' {nat@noo'} N saddle (na- PR; t@noo 'carry load'; -' NOM)
nar@noo'rahni'i {nat@noo'tahni'iò} V saddle up (PO) (nar@noo' 'saddle'; tahni'i 'place' (PO))
nar@noo'roo'i {nat@noo'too'iò} V unsaddle horse (PO) (nar@noo' 'saddle'; too'i 'unhitch horse'
nar@noo'ro'ya {nat@noo'to'yaò} V unsaddle horse (SO) (nar@noo' 'saddle'; to'ya 'unhitch
horse' (SO))
nar@noo'r@ki {nat@noo't@kiò} V saddle up (SO) (nar@noo' 'saddle'; t@ki 'place' (SO))
nar@so {nat@so} N sack, bag (na- PR; t@so'a 'tan hide')
nar@'@ya {nat@'@yaò} V be dangerous, be mean (na- PR; t@'@ya 'fear')
na'seeka' N persimmon
nasia'ai {ò} V attach feather (na- PR; sia 'feather'; -ai 'make')
nasutama {nasu=tamaò} V remember (na- PR; su=- INSTR 'mind';-tama 'secure, tie')
nasutamak@ {nasu=tamak@=} V remind (nasutama 'remember'; -k@= CB)
nasutam@habi {nasu=tamahapió} V lie down thinking of (nasutama 'remember'; habi 'lie
down' (SS))
nasuwatsi {ò} V forget (na- PR; su=- INSTR 'mind'; watsi 'be lost')
nasuyake {nasu=yakeò} V desire, wish for (na- PR; su=- INSTR 'mind'; yake 'cry' (SS))
natsa'ani' N buggy (na- PR; tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; ani 'fall'15 (SS); -' NOM)
natsahkwe'ya {natsaHkwe'yaò} V undress (PR, SS) (na- PR; tsahkwe'ya 'remove clothes'
natsahkwe'yu'i {natsaHkwe'yu'iò} V undress (PR, PS) (na- PR; tsahkwe'yu'i 'remove clothes'
natsahpuni {natsaHpunió} V be tested (na- PR; tsahpuni 'show')
natsamukwe' N grapes
natsan@hk@' {natsan@Hk@'} N saddle girth, pack girth
natsihtu'ye {natsiHtu'ye} V comb oneself (na- PR; tsihtu'ye 'comb')
natsihtu'ye' {natsiHtu'ye'} N comb (natsihtu'ye 'comb oneself'; -' NOM)
na'tso'me' N plums, dried plums (na- PR; tso'me 'gather'; -' NOM)
na'uhtu {na'uHtuò} V give to each other (SO) (na- PR; uhtu 'give' (SO))
na'wa'ihp@' {na'wa'iHp@'} N female relative (na- PR; wa'ihp@' 'woman')
nawanakotse {ó} V wash their own clothes (na- PR; wana 'clothes'; kotse 'wash')
nayaa {ó} V track (Tm nane; Sh nayaa)
nay@kwi {ò} V continue (PS) (na- PR; y@kwi 'sit down' (PS))
nay@ne {nayahneó} V laugh (PS) (na- PR; yahne 'laugh' (SS))
ni'atsi {ò} V give advice to, order, command
niha {ó} V name, be called (CN *niha)
ni'ika {ó} V invite in (SO) (ni- INSTR 'voice'; ika 'go in' (SS))
niikwi16 {ò} V say to (CN *niy\kwi)

Refers to the retractable top of a typical 19th century buggy.
Always occurs with quotative particle me.
-nika {ò} INSTR V place on, place in (SO) (Sh -nikaò)
nimai {ó} V call, call out for (Sh nimmaiò 'call together')
nimaihkana {nimaiHkana} N one who is called (nimai 'call'; -h/Hka RSLT; -na NOM)
nin@sutamak@ {ninasu=tamak@=} V be reminded by something said (ni- INSTR 'voice';
nasutamak@ 'remind')
niwai {ó} V ask for (Sh *niwaiò)
niwekwi {ó} V invite in (PO) (ni- INSTR 'voice'; wekwi (PS) 'go in')
niw@n@ {ò} V say, talk (PS) (Sh niw\n\ñ)
niyukar@ {niyukat@ó} V sit still and keep quiet (ni- INSTR 'voice'; yukar@ 'sit still' (SS))
nobit@ {nopit@ò} V arrive and camp (noo 'move camp'; pit@ 'arrive')
nob@ahrai {nop@ahtaió} V move away leaving one behind (noo 'move camp'; p@ahtai 'desert')
noha ADV nearly, almost, used to (Sh noha)
nohi ADV very
nohi {ó} V play (CN *nuhi)
nohi' N toy (nohi 'play'; -' NOM)
nohi' ADV very
nohinuraa {nohinutaaó} V run around and play (nohi 'play'; nuraa 'run' (PS))
nohit@et@ N doll (nohi 'play'; t@e't@ 'child')
nohitsaa ADJ very good (nohi 'very'; tsaa 'good')
nohi'waikina N toy wagon (nohi' 'toy'; waikina 'wagon')
nohi'wobipuku {nohi'wopi=puku} N toy wagon (nohi' 'toy'; wobipuku 'wagon')
nohko {noHkoò} V bake biscuits (CN *nokko 'bake')
nohko'awo {noHko'awo} N biscuit oven (nohko 'bake biscuits'; awo 'vessel')
no'i {ò} V pluck, pull out (Sh noiò)
noka'i {ò} V move off, camp separately (noo 'move camp')
nokima {ò} V come moving (noo 'move'; kima 'come')
nomi'a {ò} V move away, move along (noo 'move camp'; mi'a 'go')
nomi'anoo {ò} V go move along (nomi'a 'move along'; noo 'move camp')
nomohka {nomoHkaò} V put bridle on horse, hitch up horse (noo 'move camp'; mahka 'hitch
non@mi'a {ò} V roam around (SS) (noo 'move camp'; n@mi 'move around' (SS); mi'a 'moving')
noo PRT must (CN *noo 'maybe')
noo {ó} V carry, carry off, haul, move (camp) (CN *noo)
noo'bi {noo'pi} N hill, knoll (CN *no'o-)
noohpit@ {nooHpit@ò} V arrive carrying (noo 'carry'; pit@ 'arrive')
noomani {ò} V carry across (noo 'carry'; mani 'cross')
noop@ {noo=p@h} N load (noo 'carry'; -=p@h NOM)
nor@na {notahnaó} V make bed (noo 'move camp'; tahna 'put' (PO))
nor@nap@ {notahna=p@h} N made-up bed (nor@na 'made bed'; -=p@h NOM)
notsa'ka' N sweetheart, partner, friend, spouse
noy@ka {ò} V roam around (PS) (no- 'moving camp'; y@ka 'move about' (PS))
nua {ó} V slide, move over (Sh nua)
nuhki {nuHkiò} v run, run away, run off (SS) (CN *nukki)
nunuraw@ {nunutaw@ò} V run off one by one (RDP; nuraa 'run' (PS))
nuraa {nutaaó} V run, run away, run off (PS) (CN *nutaa)
n@' PRO 1S SBJ
n@e PRO 1S OBJ
n@e {ó} V blow (of wind) (CN *n\ai)
n@ena N wind (n@e 'blow'; -na NOM)
n@epi {n@e=pi} N wind (n@e 'blow'; =pi ABS)
n@et@ PRO 1S OBJ
n@hi PRO 1DE OBJ
n@hka {n@Hkaò} V dance (CN *n\kka)
n@hkana {n@Hkana} N dance (n@hka 'dance'; -na NOM)
n@h@ {n@h@=} PRO 1DE POSS
n@kw@ {n@kw@h} PRO 1DE SBJ
n@mi PRO 1PE OBJ
n@mi {ó} V move around, walk (SS) (CN *n\mi)
n@m@17 N Comanche, (Native American) person (CN *n\m\)
n@m@ {n@m@=} PRO 1PE POSS
n@m@hani {n@m@hani} N Indian corn (n@m@ 'Comanche'; hani 'corn')
n@m@kahni N tipi (n@m@ 'Comanche'; kahni 'house')
n@m@kuhtsu' {n@m@kuHtsu'} N buffalo (n@m@ 'Comanche'; kuhtsu' 'cow')
n@m@naahka {n@m@naaHkaó} V dwell, live (n@m@ 'Comanche'; naahka 'continue doing')
n@m@nahkana {n@m@naHkana} N family (n@m@ 'Comanche')
n@m@nahnia N Indian name (n@m@ 'Comanche'; nahnia 'name')
n@m@nar@m@@' {n@m@nat@m@@'} N trading post, Indian store (n@m@ 'Comanche';
nar@m@@' 'store')
n@m@renahp@' {n@m@tenaHp@'} N Comanche man (n@m@ 'Comanche'; tenahp@' 'man')
n@m@ruibihtsi' {n@m@tuipiHtsi'} N Comanche young man (n@m@ 'Comanche'; tuibihtsi'
'young man')
n@m@tsuhni N Indian bones, human bones (n@m@ 'Comanche'; tsuhni 'bone')
n@n@ PRO 1PE SBJ
n@n@m@nit@hts@ {n@n@m@niht@Hts@} ADV very badly, very poorly (t@hts@ 'bad'; Tm
ken\m\ni 'very')
n@n@y×wi' N alligator (RDP; n@m@ 'Comanche'; y@wi 'swallow'; -' NOM)
n@@' PRO 1S SBJ
n@@hkupa {n@@Hku=paò} V trip oneself, fall down (n@@H- PR; kupa 'cut down' (SO)}
n@@hk@na {n@@Hk@naò} V cover oneself (SS, PR) (n@@H- PR; -k@na cover (SO))
n@@hk@ni'i {n@@Hk@ni'iò} V cover onself (PS, PR) (n@@H- PR; -k@ni'i cover (PO))
n@@hkwitubi {n@@Hkwitupiò} V wrap up (n@@H- PR; -kwitubi 'wrap up')
n@@ht@ma' {n@@Ht@ma'} N fence (n@@H- PR; t@ma 'close'; -' NOM)
n@@'kwipuna {n@@'kwi=punaò} V twist oneself around (n@@H- PR; kwipuna 'twist')

Speakers of each of the Central Numic languages call themselves n\m\ or n\w\, so this
word means "Timbisha" for a Timbisha speaker, "Shoshoni" for a Shoshoni speaker, and
"Comanche" for a Comanche speaker. It is found throughout all the Numic languages and is the
source of the name "Numic" for the group as a whole. It is said to mean "person" or "human being",
but it does not refer to individuals outside the speech community or tribe.
n@@'mai {n@@'maió} V get tired of, get lazy (Sh n\\maiò)
n@@sukaa {ó} V feel (n@@H- PR; -sukaa 'feel')
n@@ts@k@na {n@@HtsaHk@naò} V be tied up (n@@H- PR; tsahk@na 'sew')
(s)o- DEM at a distance
(s)o'a- DEM LOC somewhere, that place (at a distance)
obo {opo} ADV over there (o- DEM; -pu POST)
oha- ADJ yellow (CN *oha-)
oha'ahnakat@ N coyote (oha- 'yellow'; ahna 'underarm'; -ka=t@ 'have')
(s)ohka {(s)oHka} DEM SG OBJ (at a distance)
(s)ohka {(s)oHka=} DEM SG POSS (at a distance)
ohnÈa' N baby (CN *ohnaa)
(s)ohri {(s)ohti} DEM DL OBJ (at a distance)
(s)ohr@ {(s)oht@=} DEM DL POSS (at a distance)
(s)oko {(s)oHkoh} DEM LOC there (at a distance)
okwe {ó} V flow (of any liquid) (CN *okwai)
okwe' N creek (okwe 'flow'; -' NOM)
omo N leg (usually the whole leg) (Sh oon)
onabi {onapi} N salt (CN *oÚa-)
oo'r@ {oo't@} N clothing, apparel (Sh oyottah, oyont@n)
o'o'y@s@ {o'o'y@s@=} ADV every time (RDP; o'y@s@ 'every time')
(s)orii {(s)otii} DEM PL OBJ (at a distance)
(s)or@ {(s)ot@=} DEM SG SBJ (at a distance)
(s)or@kw@ {(s)ot@kw@h} DEM DL SBJ (at a distance)
(s)or@@ {(s)ot@@=} DEM PL SBJ, PL POSS (at a distance)
os@ {os@=} DEM that one (o- DEM; -s@= EMPH)
ot@- {o=t@-} ADJ brown (CN *ont\n-)
ot@kwas@k@ {o=t@kwas@k@=} V cook brown (ot@- 'brown'; kwas@k@ 'cook')
oye- ADJ all, every (CN *oyo-)
oyet@ {oyet@h} ADJ all (oye- 'all'; -t@h SG SBJ)
o'y@s@ {o'yes@=} ADV every time (oye- 'all'; -s@= ADV)
paa18 N water (CN *paa)
pa'a- ADJ high, tall, long (CN *pa'a-)
paakat@ {paaka=t@=} N water place (paa 'water'; -ka=t@ 'have')
paakat@ {paaka=t@ò} V have water (paa 'water'; -ka=t@ 'have')
pa'aku {pa'aku} ADV high (pa'a- 'high'; -ku ADV)
pa'arai- ADJ upside down, on back
paarua {paatuaó} V (water) rise, come up (paa 'water'; -turua 'stretch')
pabi' {papi'} N older brother (CN *papi)
paha' N aunt, niece, nephew, father's sister, woman's brother's child (CN *paha)
pahabi {pahapiò} V swim (SS) (paa 'water'; habi 'lie down' (SS))

The shortened form pa- is often used in compounds not just in the literal sense of
something liquid or watery, or something associated with the water, but also in more figurative
senses of greater power or larger size as in paraiboo' 'boss' (taiboo' 'white man') or paw@@ra
'bear' (*w@@ra 'bear')
pahabiki {pahapihkiò} V come swimming (SS) (pahabi 'swim' (SS); -h/Hki 'come')
pahabikwa {pahapihkwaò} V swim off (SS) (pahabi 'swim' (SS); -h/Hkwa 'away')
pahi {ó} V fall, be born, attack (SS) (CN *pahi)
pahi- NO three (CN *pahi-)
pahibah- {pahipaH-} ADJ three separate (pahi- 'three')
pahopi {paho=pi} N hail (paa 'water'; Sh hoompin 'pebbles')
paho'@ma {ó} V hail (paho 'hail'; @ma 'rain')
pahtsi- {paHtsi-} ADJ smooth (CN *pattsi)
pahtsino'i {paHtsino'iò} V pluck clean (pahtsi- 'smooth'; no'i 'pluck')
-pa'i {-pa'iò} INSTR V hit (PO) (CN *-pa'i)
pa'isoke {pa'isokeò} V be wet, be soaked (CN *patso'i/patso'e; Eng soak)
paka N arrow (CN *pakan)
paka'ai {ó} V make arrows (paka 'arrow'; -ai 'make')
pakwabi {pakwapiò} V swim (PS) (paa 'water'; kwabi 'lie down' (PS))
pamukwar@'r@ki {pamukwat@'t@kiò} V make bubbles (paa 'water'; mu- INSTR 'nose';
-kwar@'r@ki 'gargle')
pamutsaa' N creek bend (paa 'water'; Sh mutsa 'point' (topographical))
pam@tso'no {pam@htso'no} N flood debris (paa 'water')
pane- N sky (POST BASE) (CN *pana 'surface')
papi {pa=pi} N head, hair (CN *pampi)
-para {pataò} INSTR V spread out, straighten (SO) (CN *-pata)
paraiboo' {pataipoo'} N boss, chief, agent (paa 'water'; taiboo' 'white man')
paratsihkwe'e {patatsiHkwe'eó} V shine, glitter, shimmer (Sh pata(a)tsi(ki))
paro'i {pato'iò} V water come up, rise (paa 'water'; to'i 'go up' (SS))
paro'iki {pato'ihkiò} V water come rising (paro'i 'water rise'; -h/Hki 'come')
paräuku' {patäuku'} N raccoon
-par@'i {-pat@'iò} INSTR V spread out (PO) (CN *-pat\'i)
par@kwihtsip@ {pat@kwiHtsi=p@h} N switches, new tree shoots (Sh pata(k)kwittsih)
par@tsohpe' {pat@tsoHpe'} N spring, spring water (Sh pat\tsoppih)
pasa- {pasa-} ADJ dry (CN *pasa-)
pasa {ó} V dry (INTR) (CN *pasa)
pa'sahpunÓi'19 {pa'saHpunÓi'} N oak, acorn (Quercus sp)
pasahtahni'i {pasaHtahni'iò} V set out to dry (PO) (pasa 'dry' (INTR); tahni'i 'put' (PO))
pasahtaht@ki {pasaHtaHt@ki} V set out to dry (SO) (pasa 'dry' (INTR); taht@ki 'put out' (SO))
pasak@ {ò} V dry (TR) (pasa 'dry' (INTR); -k@= CB)
pasanua {ó} V (creek) go down, recede, begin to dry up (pasa 'dry'; nua 'slide')
pasap@ {pasa=p@h} N dry thing (pasa- 'dry'; -=p@h NOM)
pasap@nai {pasa=p@hnaiò} V become dry (pasap@ 'dry'; -nai 'become')
pasap@naihku {pasa=p@hnaiHku} ADV dryly (pasap@nai 'become dry'; -ku ADV)
pasikw@hunu' {pasikwahunu'} N Red River (pasikwa 'sand' [archaic, modern pasiwapi];
hunu' 'creek')
pasiwanoo' N sand hill, dune (pasiwa 'sand'; noo' 'hill')
pasiwapi {pasiwa=pi} N sand, fine gravel (CN *pasiÚwan-)

Possible sources include Osage hpisähu 'oak'.
patutsani {paHtuhtsaniò} V get hung up along water (SS) (paa 'water'; -Htuh POST; tsani 'get
hung up' (SS))
patutsania {paHtuhtsaniaó} V get hung up along water (PS) (paa 'water'; -Htuh POST; tsania
'get hung up' (PS))
patsi' N older sister (CN *patsi)
payape {paya=pe} N potato-like root (paa 'water'; Sh yampa 'wild carrot' Perideridia sp)
paw@@ra {paw@@ta} N bear (paa 'water'; Sh w\\ta 'bear')
pehka {peHkaò} V kill (SO) (CN *pakka)
pekwi {ó} V swell up (Sh pekwiñ)
peti {ó} V throw, throw down, drop (Sh peti)
petihtai {petiHtaió} V dispose of (peti 'throw down'; -h/Htai 'completely')
pet@' N daughter (CN *pait\)
pets@ {ó} V invite, take along (CN *paits\}
pia- {pia-} ADJ big, large, loud (CN *pia-)
pia' N mother (CN *pia)
piakohtoo {piakoHtooó} V make big fire (pia- 'big'; kohtoo 'make fire')
pianoo' N big hill (pia- 'big'; noo' 'hill')
piar@ahatsa {piat@ahatsa} PRT because
pibiap@ {pipia=p@h} N big one (RDP; pia- 'big'; -=p@h NOM}
pihi N heart (WSh, GSh pihy\; NSh, ESh pihi)
pihi'a-20 N boys (PL) (Sh pihia-)
pihima {ó} V carry behind (PO) (pi- INSTR 'back'; hima 'carry' (PO))
pihisi'ap@ {pihisi'a=p@h} N coward (pihi 'heart'; si'a 'chip off'; -=p@h NOM)
pihka {piHkaò} V make drumming sound (SS) (CN *pikka 'rattle')
pihnÈa' N sugar (CN *pihnaa)
pihnÈkama {ò} V taste sweet (pihnÈa' 'sugar'; kama 'taste')
pikanam@soap@ {pikanamasoa=p@h} N buckskin clothes (pika buckskin; nam@soap@
pikap@ {pika=p@h} N buckskin (Sh pikapp\h)
pima {ò} V cover (Sh -pimaò)
pimorÛo'21 {pimotÛo'} N cow (G)
pimorÛo'taiboo' {pimotÛo'taipoo'} N cowboy (pimorÛo' 'cow'; taiboo' 'white man')
pina LOC "There!" (CN *pinna 'aforementioned')
pinakw@ {pinakwah} ADV behind, after (CN *pinnaÚkwa)
pipiku {piHpihkuó} V make drumming sound (PS) {RDP; pihka 'make drumming sound' (SS))
pisaa {ó} V apply makeup, put on warpaint (CN *pisa 'paint')
pisikwanäu'i {ò} v slide in sitting position (pi- INSTR 'back'; nua 'slide'; Sh sikuhiñ 'slide')
piso'a {ó} V prick

This form always occurs with either dual or plural suffixes for number and case.
Possible Spanish sources include morro 'snout' and New Mexican Spanish moro 'breed of
horse with bluish white color and dark brown spots'. pi- may be the Comanche instrumental prefix
'(with) buttocks'. Casagrande's (1954-1955) "graze backwards ?" (pi- plus tooó 'graze') seems forced
with -mo- unaccounted for.
pis@t@ki {pis@=t@kiò} V pace (as a horse) (Sh pis\nt\ki 'pacer horse')
pi'to'- ADJ bob-tailed
pi'to'na'i ADJ bob-tailed (pi'to'na'i 'bob a tail')
pi'to'na'i {ò} V bob a tail, cut off short (pi'to'- 'bob-tailed'; -nai 'become')
pitus@ {pitus@=} ADV back (Sh pittus\n)
pit@ {ó} V arrive (CN *pit\)
pitsi N breast (CN *pitsi)
pitsip@ {pitsi=p@h} N milk (pitsi 'breast'; -=p@h NOM)
pitsip@bimorÛo' {pitsi=p@hpimotÛo'} N milk cow (pitsip@ 'milk'; pimorÛo' 'cow')
pitsi'w@hpara {pitsi'w@Hpataò} N bra (pitsi 'breast'; w@hpara 'spread cloth over' (SO))
piwoka {ò} V drag (Sh -piyokkaò [-piyokaò with suffix])
piyaa {ó} V carry behind (SO) (pi- INSTR 'back'; yaa 'carry' (SO))
po'a N cover, bark, skin (CN *po'a)
po'ayaa {ó} V blow away, be carried off by wind (Tm pu'ennaaò; Sh po'ayaaò)
pohbia {pohpiaó} V jump (PS) (pohpi 'jump' (SS))
pohpi {poHpiò} V jump (SS) (Sh poppiò)
pokopi {poko=pih} N berries, fruit, nuts, goodies (Sh pokompih)
pokopitua {poko=pihtuaó} V bear fruit (pokopi 'fruit'; tua 'bear')
poma {ò} V pick fruit, berries, nuts, harvest (CN *poma)
pomami'a {ò} V go pick fruit, berries, nuts (poma 'pick'; mi'a 'go')
pomami'a'i {pomami'a'ih} N picker (pomami'a 'go pick'; -ih NOM)
pomana N berry, fruit, nut picking (poma 'pick'; -na NOM)
pomap@ {poma=p@h} N anything picked (poma 'pick'; -=p@h NOM)
-pomi'i {ò} INSTR V cut up (PO) (poma 'harvest')
poo {ó} V write, design (Sh pooò)
po'roo' {po'too'} N pig (Spanish puerco)
po'sa- ADJ crazy, mischievous
po'sabihi'a-22 {po'sapihi'a} N mischievous boys (PL) (po'sa- 'mischievous'; pihi'a- 'boys')
po'sahanip@ {po'sahani=p@h} N anything done mischievously (po'sa- 'mischievous'; hani
'do'; -=p@h NOM)
po'tse {ó} V bounce, jerk (CN *pontso'ai)
pots@ N buffalo bull (Sh pots\n)
pu'e N road, trail, path (CN *po'i)
puha N medicine, spiritual power (CN *puha)
puhanamaka'mukip@ {puhanamaka'muki=p@h} N paraphernalia for ceremony, peyote
meeting (prepared herbs, rattles, gourds, etc.) (puha 'medicine'; namaka'muki 'get ready';
-=p@h NOM)
puharabeni {puhatapeni} N Sunday (puha 'medicine'; tabeni 'day')
puhibihnÈa' {puhipinahnÈa'} N watermelon (puhi 'grass'; pihnÈa' 'sugar')
puhihwi {puhihwi} N money, dollar (puhi 'leaf'; wihi 'metal')
puhihwikahni N bank building (puhihwi 'money'; kahni 'house')
puhihwimaka {ó} V give money to (puhihwi 'money'; maka 'feed')
puhihwiparaiboo' {pahuhwi=pataipoo'} N banker (puhihwi 'money'; paraiboo' 'boss')

This form always occurs with either dual or plural suffixes for number and case.
puhihwitua {ó} V get money, have money (puhihwi 'money'; tua 'acquire')
puhihwiyaa {ó} V receive money (SO) (puhihwi 'money'; yaa 'take' (SO))
puhihw@hima {puhihwihimaó} V receive money (PO) (puhihwi 'money'; hima 'take' (PO))
puhip@ {puhi=p@h} N grass, leaves, weeds (CN *puhi- 'blue, green')
puhitÛo' N turkey (puhi 'grass'; too 'graze')
puhitÛo'hunu' N Turkey Creek (puhitÛo' 'turkey'; hunu' 'creek')
puhwaai {ó} V look for (CN *puhai)
puih {puih} N eye (CN *puih)
puihw@n@ {ò} V examine, look over (puih 'eye'; w@n@ 'stand' (SS))
puku23 N horse (CN *puÚku 'dog')
pukutsaka {ò} lead horse or another animal (puku 'horse'; tsaka 'lead' (SO))
puni {ó} V see, look at (CN *puni)
putsiwaip@ {putsiwai=p@h} N dead, white, dried tree trunk (-=p@h NOM)
p@ {p@=} PRO SG CRF POSS
p@a {ó} V leave, forsake, quit (CN *p\a)
p@ahtai {p@aHtaió} V forsake, desert (p@a 'forsake'; -h/Htai completely)
p@eht@p@ {p@aHt@=p@h} N old person, old-time Indian (CN *p\ett\mp\ 'old')
p@es@ {p@es@=} ADV already (CN *p\es\n 'past')
p@ehts@ {p@eHts@} N morning (Sh *p\etts\h)
p@ets@ku {p@eHts@hku} ADV morning (p@ehts@ 'morning'; -ku ADV)
p@ets@kus@ {p@eHts@hkus@=} ADV early morning (p@ets@ku 'morning'; -s@= ADV)
p@ewatsi' ADJ wild (p@e- 'past'; watsi 'hide'; -' NOM)
p@ewatsi'k@ka N wild onion (p@ewatsi' 'wild'; k@ka 'onion')
p@htsa {p@Htsaò} V burst, explode (INTR)
p@h@ N hair, fuzz, hide (CN *p\h\ 'covering')
p@h@ {p@h@=} PRO DL CRF POSS
p@h@ {p@h@h} PRO DL CRF SBJ
p@h@tsahkwe'ya {p@h@tsaHkwe'yaò} V skin (p@h@ 'skin'; tsahkwe'ya 'pull off' (SS))
p@h@waht@ {p@h@waHt@} N prairie (p@h@ 'covering'; -waa 'without'; -Ht@ NOM)
p@kw@ {p@kw@h} PRO DL CRF SBJ
p@ts@ha {p@Htsahaó} V explode, burst (p@htsa 'explode'; -h/Hka RSLT)
p@@ {p@@=} PRO PL CRF POSS
saa {ó} V boil (CN *saawa)

Used when referring to one's own or a specific horse.
sahpana'24 {saHpana'} N chest (sah- 'belly'; -pana 'surface')
samohp@' {samoHp@'} N sibling (male or female) (CN *samopp\)
sanahpi {sanaHpi} N pitch, sap (CN *sana"-)
sanahkena {sanaHkena} N sap (sanah 'sap')
sanahkÛo' {sanaHkÛo'} N chewing gum (sanah 'sap'; Sh sanakkoo")
sanahkÛo'k@yu'ne {sanaHkÛo'k@yu'neò} V chew chewing gum (sanahkÛÛ' 'chewing gum';
k@yu'ne 'chew')
sap@ {saHp@h} N belly, stomach (CN *sapp\h)
sarii' {satii'} N dog (Sh satii)
sekwip@ {sekwi=p@h} N mud (ESh, NSh sekwi-; CN *sakkwi-)
sekwik@ni {sekwikahni} N storm cellar, sod house, mud house (sekwi 'mud'; kahni 'house')
seni ADV different ways, various ways
seniht@htsi' {seniHt@Htsi'} N inferior one, pitiful one, undependable one (seni 'different ways';
-Ht@ NOM; -Htsi DIM)
sia N feather (Sh siapin)
si'a {ò} V chip off
sibe {sipeó} V shave off, scrape off (CN *sipai)
sibe' {sipe'} ADV now, here (si- DEM; -pe' TIME)
sibe'nikiyu {sipe'nikihyu} ADV from now on (sibe' 'now')
sibep@ {sipe=p@h} N shavings (sibe 'shave'; -=p@h NOM)
-sibo'a {-sipo'aó} INSTR V shave, scrape (blend of sibe and Sh sito'a)
sihwa {ò} V tear (Sh siwa)
sini DEM.MAN like this, this way
si'woo {ó} V scrape (Sh w\si, -si(pe), -tsima; CN *-sipe)
soho- N tree (CN *soho- 'cottonwood, tree')
sohobokÛo' {sohopokÛo'} N mulberry tree (soho 'tree'; pokopi 'berry')
sohok@a {ó} V climb (PS) (soho 'tree'; k@a 'climb' (PS))
sohoro'i {sohoto'iò} V climb (SS) (soho 'tree'; to'i 'climb' (SS))
sokobi {sokopi} N earth, ground (CN *soko-)
sokohna N land, country (soko 'earth, ground'; nahaó 'continue')
sokokima {ò} V come walking (soko 'ground'; kima 'come')
sokor@ts@p@ {sokot@ts@=p@h} N mile (soko 'land'; t@ts@ 'count'; -=p@h NOM)
sona N cloth cover (ESh sonna 'floor')
sonib@a {sonip@aó} V leave to graze (soni 'grass'; p@a 'leave')
sonip@ {soni=p@h} N grass (CN *soni-)
sonitoo {ó} V graze on grass (soni 'grass'; too 'graze')
soo- ADJ much, many (CN *soo-)
soobe's@ {soope's@=} ADV long ago (soo- 'much'; -pe' TIME; -s@= ADV)
sooko {sooko} ADV much (soo- 'much'; -ku ADV)
sook@ni {sookahni} N town, village (soo- 'many'; kahni 'house')

-pana is found in the other Central Numic languages both as a primary noun (Timbisha
pana(pin) 'chest', Shoshoni pana 'chest') and as part of compounds (Shoshoni tappana 'sole' {ta"-
'foot'}, t\pana 'inside wall of house or cave' {t\- 'rock'}, panapuih 'mirror' {puiñ 'see'}). In
Comanche it appears only as the second element of compounds.
soot@ {soo=t@=} N many people, many things (soo- 'many'; -=t@= NOM)
sua {ó} V think (CN *sua)
suabetai {suapetaió} V recognize, know, learn (sua 'think'; Sh suapaitai 'come to, remember')
su'atsi {ò} V think about, plan (sua 'think')
sube' {supe'} ADV then (su- DEM; -pe' TIME)
sube's@ {supe's@=} ADV at that time (sube' 'then'; -s@= EMPH)
sube't@ {supe't@=} N the end, all of it (sube' 'then'; -=t@= NOM)
-sukaa {ó} INSTR V feel (CN *suÚka'a)
suni DEM.MAN like that, that way
supana'i {su=pana'iò} V know of, know about, know (someone) (CN *sumpanai)
sutaai {su=taaió} V bless (Sh sunt\hai, ESh sunte)
su'ura {su'utaò} V think of something, have an idea (su- INSTR 'mind'; ura 'find' (SO))
su'uyaa {ó} V laugh at
suwa'i {ó} V want, desire (CN *suwa)
s@a {ó} V grow (plants) (CN *s\a)
s@kwebi {s@kwepi} ADJ half, end of row (NSh s\nkwe 'half')
s@me QUOT something particular said (me QUOT)
s@m@- {s@m@-} ADV completely (s@m@' 'one')
s@m@' NO one (CN *s\m\)
s@m@kutsitona {s@m@kuHtsiHtonaò} V set completely on fire (SO) (s@m@- 'completely';
kutsitona 'set on fire' (SO))
s@m@kutsitowaka {s@m@kuHtsiHtowakaò} V set completely on fire (PO) (s@m@-
'completely'; kutsitowaka 'set on fire' (PO))
s@m@kwas@ {ó} V cook everything, cook completely (s@m@- 'completely'; kwas@ 'cook')
s@m@na'ane {s@m@na'ahneó} V be alike, be similar in a succession (s@m@- 'completely';
na'a- RCPL; ESh nahwai 'alike')
s@m@na'ani {ò} V roll around thoroughly (s@m@- 'completely'; na'ani (SS))
s@m@natsahkwe'yu'i {s@m@natsaHkwe'yu'iò} V completely undress (PS) (s@m@-
'completely'; natsahkwe'yu'i 'undress' (PS))
s@m@nokima {ò} V come moving the whole camp (s@m@- 'completely'; nokima 'come
s@m@nomi'a {ò} V move whole camp away (s@m@- 'completely'; nomi'a 'move away')
s@m@noo {ó} V haul off completely (s@m@- 'completely'; noo 'carry')
s@m@'okwe {ó} V float completely away, float everything away (s@m@- 'completely'; okwe
s@m@'oyet@ {s@m@'oyet@h} N everyone (s@m@' 'one'; oyet@ 'all')
s@m@rayu'ne {s@m@tayu'neò} V pound completely, thoroughly (s@m@- 'completely'; tayu'ne
s@m@r@hka {s@m@t@Hkaò} V eat up completely, devour (s@m@- 'completely'; t@hka 'eat')
s@m@sihwa {ò} V be torn completely (s@m@- 'completely'; sihwa 'tear')
s@m@sokor@ts@p@ {s@m@sokot@ts@=p@h} N one mile (s@m@' 'one'; sokor@ts@p@ 'mile')
s@m@s@ {s@m@s@=} NO once (s@m@' 'one'; -s@= ADV)
s@m@'@htsumi {s@m@'@Htsumió} V close eyes tightly, without exception (s@m@- 'completely';
@htsumi 'close eyes' (PS))
s@s@'ana ADV sometimes
s@s@m@' QUANT some (RDP; s@m@' 'one')
s@@h- {s@@H-} ADV together (CN *s\m\ 'one')
s@@hpe's@ {s@@Hpe's@=} ADV all at once, all at the same time (s@@h 'together'; -pe' TIME;
-s@= ADV)
s@@hpo'tse {s@@Hpotseò} V kick over, away, off (s@@H- INSTR 'foot'; po'tse 'bounce')
s@@manur@ {s@@manuht@} NO ten (NSh s\\mono)
taa N morning (tape 'sun')
taa {taa=} PRO 1PI POSS
taamaka {ó} V make breakfast for (taa 'morning'; maka 'feed')
taar@hka {taat@Hkaò} V eat breakfast (taa- 'morning'; t@hka 'eat')
taayori {taayotió} V arise in morning (PS) (taa- 'morning'; yori 'arise' (PS))
taay@ts@ {ó} V arise in morning (SS) (taa' 'morning'; y@ts@ 'arise' (SS))
tabe {tape} N day, light, sun (CN *tapai)
tabe'ika {tape'ikaó} V go down (sun), be sunset (tabe 'sun'; ika 'go in' (SS))
tabeni {tapeni} ADV day (tabe 'day'; -ni ADV)
tabet@hka {tapet@Hkaò} V eat dinner (tabe 'day'; t@hka 'eat')
tabä'kina' {tapä'kina'} N rabbit (CN *tapun)
taha {taha=} PRO 1DI POSS
tahi PRO 1DI OBJ
tahiba- {tahipa-} ADJ flat (Sh tahipa)
tahkoba {taHkopaò} V break with foot, snap with foot (taH- INSTR 'foot'; -koba 'break' (SO))
tahk@a {taHk@aó} V drive out (PO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; k@a 'come out' (PS))
tahkwe'ya {taHkwe'yaò} V take off shoe (SS) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; kwe'ya 'shed')
tahkwe'yu'i {taHkwe'yu'iò} V take off shoes (PS) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; -kwe'yu'i 'shed' (PS))
tahna {ó} V plant, sow (archaic 'put, place' (PO)) (CN *tahna 'put, place' (PO))
tahni'i {ò} V put, place (PO) (CN *tahna 'put, place' (PO))
tahpahabi {taHpahapiò} V swim (animals) (SO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; pahabi 'swim' (SS))
tahpakwabi {taHpakwapiò} V swim (animals) (PO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; pakwabi 'swim' (PS))
tahtoo {taHtooó} V put on shoes (taH- INSTR 'foot')
taht@ki {taHt@kiò} V put away (SO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; t@ki (SO))
taht@ma {taHt@maò} V close, shut (SO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; t@ma 'close')
taht@mi'i {taHt@mi'iò} V close, shut (PO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; -t@mi'i 'close' (PO))
tah@ {tah@=} PRO 1DI POSS
tah@ {tah@h} PRO 1DI SBJ
tahwi {ò} V earn (Sh tahwi 'sow')
tai(na) N hole, room, cave, vagina (CN *tawint\n)
taiboo'25 {taipoo'} N white man, non-Native American
taiboo'bihnÈa' {taipoo'pihnÈa'} N cantaloupe (taiboo' 'white man'; pihnÈa' 'sugar')
taiboo'ek@sahpana' {taipoo'ekasaHpana'} N white soldier (taiboo' 'white man';
ek@sahpana' 'soldier')

It is not uncommon for occupations associated with acculturation, such as kuhtsutaiboo'
'cowboy', pimorÛo'taiboo' 'cowboy', t@tsawootaiboo' 'farmer', and paraiboo' 'boss' to end in
taiboo' even when being performed by Comanches.
ta'ika {ó} V drive out (SO) {taH- INSTR 'foot'; ika 'come out' (SS))
takw@ {takw@h} PRO 1DI SBJ
ta'kw@bai {ta'kwahpaió} V shoot a gun (PS)
takw@sip@ {takw@si=p@h} N sweat, perspiration (WSh takusipp\h; ESh takwisipp\h}
takw@sito'i {takw@sito'iò} V sweat, perspire (takw@si 'sweat' (N); to'i 'come out' (SS))
tama N tooth (CN *tama)
-tama {ò} INSTR V secure, tie (CN *-tama (SO))
tamani {ò} V drive across (taH- INSTR 'foot'; mani 'cross')
tami PRO 1PI OBJ
tami {ò} V join (PS) (CN *tami'i)
tami' N younger brother (CN *tami)
tamihtsi'beniht@htsi' {tamiHtsi'peniHt@Htsi'} N dear little brothers (tami 'younger brother';
-Htsi DIM)
tamu N sinew (CN *tammu)
tamut@so'i' {tamu=t@so'i'} N briar
tamut@so'ihunu' {tamu=t@so'ihunu'} N Briar Creek (tamut@so'i' 'briar'; hunu' 'creek')
tam@ {tam@=} PRO 1PI POSS
tan@ PRO 1PI SBJ
tan@'y@ki {ó} V make sound of footsteps, make running noise (taH- INSTR 'foot')
ta'oo' N dried, pounded meat (ESh tawoh)
ta'oo'hima {ó} V receive, get pounded meat (PO) (ta'oo' 'pounded meat'; hima 'take' (PO))
ta'oo'yaa {ó} V receive, get pounded meat (SO) (ta'oo' 'pounded meat'; yaa 'take' (SO))
tap@he {taHpaheó} V remove, take off, drop (involving foot) (SO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; pahi 'fall'
ta'si'woo {ó} V paw earth (taH- INSTR 'foot'; si'woo 'scrape')
ta'siwÛo' N buffalo (ta'si'woo 'paw earth'; -' NOM)
ta'siwÛo'r@hkap@ {ta'siwÛo't@Hka=p@h} N buffalo meat (ta'siwÛo' 'buffalo'; t@hkap@ 'meat')
ta'siwÛo'wana'@h@ N buffalo skin blanket (ta'siwÛo' 'buffalo'; wana 'cloth'; @h@ 'blanket')
tasokotsatuwa {tasokotsaHtuhwaó} V open up country (ta- IS; soko 'land'; tsatuwa 'open
tas@k@puni {tas@k@=punió} V squint (puni 'look')
tatsaw@n@k@ {=} V stop (TR) (ta- IS; tsaw@n@k@ 'stop' (TR))
ta'ura {ta'utaò} V meet, find (ta- IS; ura 'find')
tawee {ò} V drive down (taH- INSTR 'foot'; wee 'descend')
tawia {ó} V wear out shoes (taH- INSTR 'foot'; -wia 'wear out')
ta'wo'i {ò} V shoot a gun (SS) (ta= IS; wo'i 'bark')
ta'wo'i' N gun (ta'wo'i 'shoot gun' (SS); -' NOM)
taw@na {ò} V stake down, nail down (SO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; -w@na 'place' (SO))
taw@ni'i {ò} V stake down, nail down (PO) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; -w@ni'i 'place' (PO))
tayaa {ó} V carry in claws (taH- INSTR 'foot'; yaa 'take' (SO))
tayaahkana {tayaaHkana} N something carried in claws (tayaa 'carry in claws'; -h/Hka RSLT;
-na NOM)
tayumi'i {ò} V remove, take off, drop (involving foot) (taH- INSTR 'foot'; -yumi'i 'take down'
tayu'ne {ò} V pound with pestle, crush (taH- INSTR 'foot'; -yu'ne 'soften')
tekwa {ò} V speak, talk (SS) (CN *taikwa)
tekw@ni {tekwahnió} V announce, make public proclamation (tekwa 'talk'}
tenahp@' {tenaHp@'} N man (CN *taÚwa-)
tobo'i {topo'iò} V stand, stop (PS) (Sh topo'i)
tohima {ó} V lift up, carry in arms (PO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; hima 'carry' (PO))
tohk@a {toHk@aó} V force up, help mount, go out forcefully (PO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; k@a go up
tohobe {tohope} N hindquarter, thigh, leg (CN *tohopai)
tohporoa {toHpotoaó} V scatter by force (toH- INSTR 'push'; Sh putua 'scatter')
tohtia' {toHtia'} N flour (Sp tortilla)
tohto'i {toHto'iò} V force up, throw in, help mount, go out forcefully (SO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; to'i
go up (SS))
toht@ma {toHt@maò} V stop up, can (SO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; t@ma 'close')
toht@mi'i {toHt@mi'iò} V stop up, can (PO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; -t@mi'i 'close' (PO))
tohtsana {toHtsanaó} V hang up (SO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; Sh -tsana 'place in tree' (SO))
tohtsani'i {toHtsani'iò} V hang up (PO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; Sh -tsaniina 'place in tree' (PO))
to'i {ò} V appear, go up, climb, emerge, come out, escape (SS) (CN *to'i)
to'ibit@ {to'ihpit@ò} V come out at certain place (SS) (to'i 'come out' (SS); pit@ 'arrive')
tokwe ADJ exact (CN *tokwai)
tokwe {ó} V kill, cut down (PO) (Sh -tok(w)aiò)
tokwite {toHkwihteó} V peep into (toH- INSTR 'push'; wiHte 'peep')
to'kw@ria {to'kw@htiaó} V spill out, pour on (TR) (toH- INSTR 'push'; w@hria 'spill out' (INTR))
tomo {ò} V be winter, be a year (CN *tommo 'winter')
tomoa {ó} V cloud up (Sh toomoa)
tona {ó} V stab, pierce, sting, poke (SO) (CN *tona)
to'nika {to'nikaò} V load, put into (SO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; -nika 'place in' (SO))
too {ó} V graze (Sh too)
too'i {ò} V unhitch horse (PO) (Sh -toyiita 'untie')
toonii {ó} V graze from place to place (SS) (too 'graze'; -nii 'moving around' (SS))
tooy@hka {tooy@Hkaò} V graze from place to place (PS) (too 'graze'; y@Hka 'move around'
(DUR, PS))
topo'ni- {to=po'ni-} ADJ spherical (CN *pono; ESh tomponi < CN *t@n- 'rock' + *pono)
toponiweki- {to=poniwekih-} ADJ round, spherical (topo'ni- 'spherical')
top@sa {to=p@saó} V bead
tosa- ADJ white, silver (CN *tosa-)
tosahpuhihwi {tosaHpuhihwi} N silver money (tosa- 'white'; puhihwi 'money')
tosanabuni {tosanapunió} V appear white, look white (tosa- 'white'; nabuni 'appear')
towaka {ò} V stab, pierce, sting, poke (PO)
to'w@'weni {to'w@'weniò} V empty into, pour into (toH- INSTR 'push'; w@'weni 'empty')
to'ya {ò} V unhitch horse (SO) (Sh -toya 'untie')
to'yaa {ó} V lift up, carry in arms, adopt (SO) (toH- INSTR 'push'; yaa 'carry')
toyabi {toyapi} N mountain (CN *toya)
toyop@ {toyo=p@h} N neck (Sh toyomp\h)
tua {ó} V acquire, give birth, have child (Sh tua)
tua' N son (CN *tua)
tuhani N something black, shadow (tuuh- black; hani 'do, fix')
tuhkanÈai' {tuHkanÈai'} N Wichita person (Wichita to:kanne'e, a Wichita band name)
tuhkanÈai'bihi'a-26 {tuHkanÈai'pihi'a} N Wichita boys (PL) (tuhkanÈai' 'Wichita'; pihi'a-
tuhkanÈai'niw@n@ {tuHkanÈai'niw@n@ò} V speak Wichita (PS) (tuhkanÈai' 'Wichita';
niw@n@ 'speak' (PS))
tuhkanÈai'rekwa {tuHkanÈai'tekwaó} V speak Wichita (SS) (tuhkanÈai' 'Wichita'; tekwa
'speak' (SS))
tuhkanÈai'tenahp@' {tuHkanÈai'tenaHp@'} N Wichita man (tuhkanÈai' 'Wichita'; tenahp@'
tuhku {tuHku} N human flesh (CN *tukku 'meat')
tuhpokÛo' {tuHpokÛo'} N berry sp (tree-grown, black with hard seed) (tuuh- 'black'; poko
tuhpokÛo'huuhpi {tuHpokÛo'huuHpi} N tree bearing tuhpokÛo' berries (tuhpokÛo' 'berry
sp'; huuhpi 'tree')
tuhtunaa- {tuHtunaa-} ADJ straight (PL) (RDP; tunaa- 'straight')
tuhtunaaku {tuHtunaaku} ADV straight (PL) (tuhtunaa- 'straight' (PL))
tuhtsai- {tuHtsai-} ADJ dirty (CN *tuttsaa-)
tuhtsaiwai {tuHtsaiwaió} V be clean, be pure (tuhtsai- 'dirty'; -wai NEG UNR)
tuhu N bone marrow (ESh tatuhuku; WSh tuuku)
tuhu- ADJ angry (CN *tuhu-)
tuhub@hka {tuhup@Hkaò} V get angry (tuhu- 'angry'; p@hka 'suffer')
tuhur@hka {tuhut@Hkaò} V eat bone marrow (tuhu 'bone marrow'; t@hka 'eat')
tuh@kia {ó} V have deep shade (tuuh- 'black'; h@kia 'be in shade')
tuibihtsi' {tuipiHtsi'} N young man (CN *tui 'young man, boy'; *-pittsih ABS)
tuin@hp@' {tuin@Hp@'} N boy (SG) (CN *tuinupp\}
tukani N night (CN *tukani)
tukani {ò} V become night, get dark (tukani 'night')
tuku ADV just (Sh tuku)
tunaa- ADJ straight (CN *tunaan)
tunehts@ {tuneHts@ò} V run, run to (Sh tunnai(t)tsi 'run')
-turua {-tutuaó} INSTR V stretch (Sh -tutua)
tusi {ó} V spit (CN *tusi)
tuu {ó} V get water, fetch water (Sh paatuuw\'a)
tuuh- {tuuH-} ADJ black (CN *tuu"-)
tuuhunii {ó} V fetch water (SS) (tuu 'fetch water'; -hu DEF; -nii 'moving around' (SS))
tuuhuy@ka {ò} V fetch water (PS) (tuu 'fetch water'; -hu DEF; -y@ka 'moving around' (PS))
tuuk@mi'a {ò} V go get water for someone (tuu 'fetch water'; -k@= CB; mi'a 'go')
tuup@ {tuu=p@h} N carried water (tuu 'fetch water'; -=p@h NOM)
t@a27 PART discourse evidential, "it is said" (Sh t\a)
t@as@ {t@as@=} PART also, again, and (Sh t\as\n)

This form always occurs with either dual or plural suffixes for number and case.
Usually the second word of a new story which is not an eyewitness account.
t@'awe {t@'ahweó} V tell (Tm teewi; Sh t\ahwai)
t@baki {t@paki} V load, put into (PO) (CN *t@paki 'fill')
t@behka {t@peHkaò} V butcher, kill for meat (SO) (t@- IO; pehka 'kill' (SO))
t@behkap@ {t@peHka=p@h} N butchered meat (SG) (t@behka 'butcher' (SO); -=p@h NOM)
t@binaa'weki- {t@pihnaa'wekih-} ADV one-half, divided in half, in middle of (ESh
t\pinawekitt\, t\pihawekitt\ 'half')
t@bitsi- {t@pitsi-} ADV very, really (CN *t\pitsi)
t@bitsibasa {t@pitsipasaó} V become very dry (t@bitsi 'very'; pasa 'dry')
t@bora {t@potaò} V produce, yield
t@eh- {t@eH-} ADJ little, small (CN *t\he-)
t@ehpuharabeni {t@eHpuhatapeni} N Saturday (t@eh- 'little'; puharabeni 'Sunday')
t@'eka {ò} V paint (t@- IO; eka 'red')
t@e't@ N little one, child (t@eh- 'little'; -t@ NOM)
t@hani {ò} V butcher (t@- IO; hani do)
t@haninoo {ò} V move along butchering (t@hani 'butcher'; noo 'move camp')
t@ha'woka {ò} V be hollow (t@- 'rock'; ha'woka 'be hollow')
t@hima {ò} V get rations, receive rations (t@- IO; hima 'get' (PO))
t@himana N rations (t@hima 'get rations'; -na NOM)
t@him@rabeni {t@himahtapeni} N ration day (t@hima 'get rations'; tabeni 'day')
t@hka {t@Hkaò} V eat (CN *t\kka)
t@hkan@mi {t@Hkan@mió} V move about eating (SS) (t@hka 'eat'; n@mi 'move around' (SS))
t@hkap@ {t@Hka=p@h} N food, meat (t@Hka 'eat'; -=p@h NOM)
t@hkap@rua {t@Hka=p@htuaó} V get meat, receive meat (t@hkap@ 'meat'; tua 'acquire')
t@hkap@tsu'ma {t@Hka=p@htsu'maò} V run out of food (t@hkap@ 'food'; tsu'ma 'run out')
t@hkay@ka {t@Hkay@kaò} V move about eating (PS) (t@hka 'eat'; y@ka 'move around' (PS))
t@hoi {ó} V hunt (t@- IO; ho'ai 'hunt')
t@hoihkwa {t@hoiHkwaó} V go hunting (t@hoi 'hunt'; -h/Hkwa 'go')
t@hoimi'a {ò} V go hunting (t@hoi 'hunt'; mi'a 'go')
t@hpe'- {t@Hpe'} ADJ full (CN *t\ppai-)
t@hpe'k@a {t@Hpe'k@aó} V fill up (t@hpe' 'full'; k@a 'come up' (PS))
t@hpe'okwe {t@Hpe'okweó} V flow full (t@hpe'- 'full'; okwe 'flow')
t@ht@ki {t@Ht@kiò} V plant (SO) (t@H- IO; t@ki 'place' (SO))
t@hts@ {t@Hts@} ADJ bad, cruel, mean (CN *t\tts\)
t@h@ya N horse (CN *t\h\ya 'deer')
t@h@yakar@ {t@h@yakat@ó} V ride horseback (SS) (t@h@ya 'horse'; kar@ 'sit' (SS))
t@h@yak@a {ó} V mount horse (PS) (t@h@ya 'horse'; k@a 'climb' (PS))
t@h@yaro'i (t@h@yato'iò} V mount horse (SS) (t@h@ya 'horse'; to'i 'climb' (SS))
t@h@yay@kwi {ó} V ride horseback (PS) (t@h@ya 'horse'; y@kwi 'sit' (PS))
t@hwa {ó} V open (SO)
t@i' N friend (of woman) (Sh t\'i)
t@ke {ó} V hunt several days from camp (Sh t\kai)
t@ki {ó} V put (away) (SO) (CN *t\ki)
-t@ki'ne {ò} INSTR V press down (CN *-taki; Sh -takinaò)
t@k@'ahwe {ó} V dig up to eat (t@k@- 'food'; ahwe 'dig')
t@k@hani {t@k@haniò} V cook (t@k@- 'food'; hani 'do')
t@k@hanik@ {t@k@hanik@=} V cook for (t@k@hani 'cook'; -k@= CB)
t@k@hima {t@kahimaó} V take to eat (PO) (t@k@- 'food'; hima 'take' (PO))
t@k@hmani {t@k@hmaniò} N cook for, prepare a meal (t@k@- 'food'; mahani 'do for')
t@k@hmanip@ {t@k@hmani=p@h} N prepared food (t@k@hmani 'prepare meal'; -=p@h NOM)
t@k@hmaniwapi {t@k@hmaniwa=pih} N cook (t@k@hmani 'cook for'; -wa=pih AGNT)
t@k@hpehka {t@k@HpeHkaò} V kill to eat (SO) (t@k@- 'food'; pehka 'kill' (SO))
t@k@ht@m@@ {t@k@Ht@m@@ó} V buy to eat, purchase to eat (t@k@- 'food'; t@m@@ 'buy')
t@k@ht@m@@p@ {t@k@Ht@m@@=p@h} N purchased food (t@k@ht@m@@ 'buy to eat'; -=p@h NOM}
t@k@noo {ó} V carry food (t@k@- 'food'; noo 'carry')
t@k@sona {t@k@sonaò} V spread a cloth to eat on (t@k@- 'food'; sona 'cloth cover')
t@k@was@ {ó} V kill to eat (PO) (t@k@- 'food'; was@ 'kill' (PO))
t@k@yaa {ó} V take to eat (SO) (t@k@- 'food'; yaa 'take' (SO))
-t@kwa {ò} INSTR V hit (SO) (CN *-t\kwa)
t@kw@s@ {t@kwas@ó} V butcher, kill for meat (PO) (t@- IO; was@ 'kill' (PO))
t@kw@s@k@ {t@kwas@k@=} V roast over coals (t@- IO; kwas@k@ 'cook' (TR))
t@kw@s@k@p@ {t@kwas@k@=p@h} N roasted meat (t@kw@s@k@ 'roast'; -=p@h NOM)
t@kw@s@p@ {t@kwas@=p@h} N butchered meat (PL) (t@kwas@ 'butcher' (PO); -=p@h NOM)
t@ma {t@maó} V close, cover (CN *t\ma}
t@mabunik@ {t@mapunik@=} V demonstrate, show how (t@- IO; ma- INSTR 'hand'; puni 'see';
-k@= CB)
t@mahkupa' {t@maHkupa'} N cougar, panther, mountain lion (t@- IO; maH- INSTR 'hand'; kupa
'kill' (SO); -' NOM)
t@maka {ò} V pay (t@- IO; maka 'give')
t@makotse {ó} V wash dishes {t@- IO; ma- INSTR 'hand'; kotse 'wash')
t@mar@@moa- {t@mat@@moa-} ADJ much, many, a lot
t@mar@@moaku {t@mat@@moaku} ADV much (t@mar@@moa- 'much'; -ku ADV)
t@me {ó} V gamble (CN *t\mai 'bargain')
-t@mi'i {ò} INSTR V close, cover (PO) (t@ma 'close')
t@muhku {t@muHku} N rope, cord, reins (CN *t\mukku}
t@m@s@ap@ {t@mas@a=p@h} N crops (t@- IO; mas@ap@ 'crop')
t@m@@28 {ó} V buy, sell, trade (CN *t\m\\)
t@m@@p@ {t@m@@=p@h} N groceries (t@m@@ 'buy'; -=p@h NOM)
t@nahyaa {ó} V trail, track (of dogs) (t@- IO; nayaa 'track')
t@naki ADJ quiet, calm, soundless (t@eh- 'little'; naki 'ear')
t@nikw@ {ò} V sing (WSh nikkw\h\; ESh t\nikkw\h\)
t@noo {ó} V carry load (t@- IO; noo 'carry')
t@nook@ {=} V load animal (t@noo 'carry load'; -k@= CB)
t@noop@ {t@noo=p@h} N pack (for animal) (t@noo 'carry load'; -=p@h NOM)
t@noowapi {t@noowa=pih} N pack animal (t@noo 'carry load'; -wa=pih AGNT)
t@pana {t@=pana} N creek bank, incline (t@=- 'rock'; pana 'surface')

The verb t@m@@ó is used for both 'buy' and 'sell'. Its older sense was 'trade', where the
same verb was used for both ends of the deal, but in a cash economy it is still used in that sense. It
is not uncommon to find the verb used for both parties to a transaction in consecutive sentences even
when cash is involved.
t@pe {t@=pe} N mouth, lips (CN *t\mpe)
t@pi {t@=pi} N stone, rock (CN *t\mpi)
t@rahya {t@tahyaó} V mix sugar and pounded meat (Sh mayaa 'mix up')
t@rahyap@ {t@tahya=p@h} N pounded meat mixed with sugar and suet (t@rahya 'mix sugar and
pounded meat'; -=p@h NOM)
t@rayu'ne' {t@tayu'ne'} N pestle (t@- IO; tayu'ne 'pound'; -' NOM)
t@'rikäu' {t@'tikäu'} V prairie dog
t@r@hka {t@t@Hkaò} V steal (Tm inn\nt\kka; Sh t\t\kka)
t@r@k@raiboo' {t@t@Hkahtaipoo'} N robber, thief (t@r@hka 'steal'; taiboo' 'white man')
t@r@ni'i {t@t@hni'iò} V plant (PO) (t@- IO; tahni'i 'put' (PO))
t@so'a {t@so'aò} V tan hide (ESh so'aò, Sh so'aiò)
t@sona N large pan, dish pan
t@su'naa {ó} V become quiet, calm down
t@taa- {t@=taa-} ADJ small, poor, pitied (WSh t@t@han-; ESh t@tta-)
t@tsawoo {ó} V farm, plow (t@- IO; tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -woo 'hunt')
t@tsawootaiboo' {t@tsawoo=taipoo'} N farmer (t@tsawoo 'farm'; taiboo' 'white man')
t@tsihka'a {t@tsiHka'aò} V cut off, cut up (SO) (t@- IO; tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; -ka'a 'cut')
t@tsihpomi'i {t@tsiHpomi'iò} V cut off, cut up (PO) (t@- IO; tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; -pomi'i
'cut' (PO))
t@ts@ {ó} V count (CN *t@ts@@)
t@@hka'a {t@@Hka'aò} V chop with ax (SO) (t@@H- IO; -ka'a 'cut')
t@@hka'a' {t@@hka'a'} N ax (t@@hka'a 'chop with ax'; -' NOM)
t@@hpomi'i {t@@Hpomi'iò} V chop with ax (PO) (t@@H- IO; -pomi'i 'cut up' (PO))
t@@htsohpe' {t@@HtsoHpe'} N rendered bone marrow (t@@H- IO)
t@'@ya {ò} V be afraid (Tm ti'iwa; Sh t\'\ya)
t@wa'i {ò} V open (PO) (CN *tawai)
t@woo {ó} V hunt, involving movement of the whole camp (t\- IO; -woo 'hunt')
t@yaai {ó} V die (SS) (CN *t\yai)
tsaa- {tsaa-} ADJ good (CN *tsaa-)
tsaaht@hka {tsaaHt@Hkaò} V eat well (tsaah- 'good'; t@hka 'eat')
tsaai {ó} V take hold of (CN *tsai)
tsaat@ {tsaa=t@=} N good place, good thing (tsaa- 'good'; -=t@= NOM)
tsahani {ò} V do by hand, drive (car or wagon) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; hani 'do')
tsahima {ó} V carry in hand (PO) {tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; hima 'carry' (PO))
tsahka'a {tsaHka'aò} V snap, break off with the hand (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -ka'a 'break')
tsahkar@k@ {tsaHkat@k@=} V set up (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; kar@k@ 'set up' (SO))
tsahkoba {tsaHkopaò} V break with hands (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -koba 'break' (SO))
tsahkobi'i {tsaHkopi'iò} V break with hands (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -kobi'i 'break' (PO))
tsahk@a {tsaHk@aó} V make go up, pull up (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; k@a 'come up' (PS))
tsahk@na {tsaHk@naò} V sew, tie up (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; Sh -k@na 'sew' (SO))
tsahkwe'ya {tsaHkwe'yaò} V remove clothes, pull off, pull up (SS) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand';
kwe'ya 'shed')
tsahkwe'yu'i {tsaHkwe'yu'iò} V remove clothes, pull off, pull up (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand';
-kwe'yu'i 'shed' (PS))
tsahpaki {tsaHpakiò} V stick to, adhere (WSh tsappahki, ESh tsappakki)
tsahpoma {tsaHpomaò} V break up, shell, pick grapes (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; poma
tsahpomi'i {tsaHpomi'iò} V break up, shell, pick grapes (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -pomi'i
'harvest' (PO))
tsahpo'tse {tsaHpo'tseó} V jerk someone (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; po'tse 'jerk')
tsahpuni {tsaHpunió} V show (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; puni 'see')
tsahtani'i {tsaHtani'iò} V set down (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; tahni'i 'put' (PO))
tsahto'i {tsaHto'iò} V make go up, pull up (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; to'i 'come up' (SS))
tsahtunehts@ {tsaHtuneHts@ò} V stretch, stretch a bow (TR) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; tunehts@
tsaht@ki {tsaHt@kiò} V set down (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; t@ki 'put' (SO))
tsaht@ma {tsaHt@maò} V close, shut (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; t@ma 'close)
tsaht@mi'i {tsaHt@mi'iò} V close, shut (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -t@mi'i 'close' (PO))
tsaht@wa'i {tsaHt@wa'iò} V open up, take down tipi (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; t@wa'i 'open'
tsahtsu'ma {tsaHtsu'maò} V finish with hands (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; tsu'ma 'run out')
tsahwi {tsahwió} V open, turn over (CN *-tawiha)
tsa'ika {ó} V enter carrying (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; ika 'enter' (SS))
tsaka {ò} V lead by hand or reins (SO) (CN *tsaÚka)
tsak@hunii {tsakahuniió} V lead up horse (SO) (tsaka 'lead'; -hu DEF; -nii 'moving around' (SS))
tsak@huy@ka {tsakahuy@kaò} V lead up horses (PO) (tsaka 'lead'; -hu DEF; -y@ka 'moving
around' (PS))
tsamani {ò} V pull across (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; mani 'cross')
tsani {ó} V get hung, get snagged (SS) (Sh tsana 'hang up' (SO))
tsania {ó} V get hung, get snagged (PS) (tsani 'get hung up' (SS))
tsap@he {tsaHpaheó} V take down from, take off of (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; pahi 'fall' (SS))
tsap@hesuwaai {tsaHpahesuwaaió} V want to throw off, try to throw off (tsap@he 'take off
of' (SO); suwaai 'want')
tsap@tsa {tsaHp@htsaó} V rip open, burst (TR) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; p@htsa 'burst' (INTR))
tsap@ye {tsaHp@hyeó} V pull out, take out (PO) (tsaH- instr 'hand')
tsatuwa {tsaHt@hwaó} V open up, take down tipi (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; t@hwa 'open' (SO))
tsatsaat@ {tsatsaa=t@=} N good ones (PL) (RDP; tsaa- 'good'; -t@= NOM)
tsawee {tsaweeó} V haul person (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; wee 'get off')
tsawekwi {ó} V enter carrying (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; wekwi 'enter' (PS))
tsawo'ne {ò} V scratch (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; wo'ne 'perforate'; Tm tsokkone 'scratch')
tsaw@na {ò} V set out (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -w@na 'place' (SO))
tsaw@ni'i {ò} V set out (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -w@ni'i 'place' (PO))
tsaw@n@k@ {=} V stop (TR) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; w@n@ 'stand' (SS); -k@= CB)
tsayaa {ó} V carry in hand (SO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; yaa 'carry' (SO))
tsayuma {ò} V make fall (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; yuma 'fall' (PS))
tsayumi'i {ò} V take down from, take off of (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; -yumi'i 'take down' (PO))
tsay@kwik@ {=} V set upright (PO) (tsaH- INSTR 'hand'; y@kwik@ 'set up' (PO))
tsiha N hunger (CN *tsiha)
tsihakooi {ó} V be hungry, starve (PS) (tsiha 'hunger'; kooi 'die' (PS))
tsihakwitso'ai {ó} V save from starvation (tsiha 'hunger'; kwitso'ai 'recover')
tsihanabeni29 {tsihanapeniò} V become hungry, be without food (tsiha 'hunger')
tsihÈsua {tsihasuaó} V get hungry for, want to eat (TR) (tsiha 'hunger'; sua 'think')
tsihar@yaai {tsihat@yaaió} V be hungry, starve (SS) (tsiha 'hunger'; t@yaai 'die' (SS))
tsihima {ó} V carry on stick (PO) (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; hima 'carry' (PO))
tsihka'a {tsiHka'aò} V cut with knife (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; -ka'a 'cut')
tsihpoma {tsiHpomaò} v cut up into pieces (SO) (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; poma 'harvest')
tsihpomi'i {tsiHpomi'iò} v cut up into pieces (PO) (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; -pomi'i 'cut up'
tsihtu'ye {tsiHtu'ye} V comb (ESh tsittiye)
tsimiak@ {=} V miss out (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; miak@ 'chase')
tsi'nika {ò} V stick into (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; -nika 'place in' (SO))
tsipe {tsi=peó} v unhorse with spear (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; pahi 'fall')
-tsito'a {ó} INSTR V peel (Sh -tsitto'a)
tsiwaai {ó} V feel around with sharp object (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; Tm -kwa'a/-kwai 'feel')
tsiyaa {ó} V carry on stick (SO) (tsiH- INSTR 'sharp object'; yaa 'carry' (SO))
tsoap@ {tsoa=p@h} N shoulder (CN *tsoapp\h)
tso'me {ò} V gather up (WSh tsohnai; ESh tsome)
tso'mep@ {tso'me=p@h} N gatherings (tso'me 'gather up'; -=p@h NOM)
tso'nika {ò} V put on hat, wear hat (SO) (tsoH- INSTR 'head'; -nika 'place on' (SO))
tso'nika' N hat (SG) (tso'nika 'put on hat' (SO); -' NOM)
tsowekwa {ó} V put on hat, wear hat (PO) (tsoH- INSTR 'head'; -wekwa 'place on' (PO))
tsowekwa' N hats (PL) (tsowekwa 'put on hat' (PO); -' NOM)
tsuhniniw@n@ {ò} V talk mean, talk rough, curse (PS) (tsuhni 'bone'; niw@n@ 'talk' (PS))
tsuhnip@ {tsuhni=p@h} N bone (CN *tsuhnipp\)
tsuhnitekwa {ó} V talk mean, talk rough, curse (SS) (tsuhni 'bone'; tekwa 'talk' (SS))
tsu'ma {ò} V disappear, be consumed, run out, be used up (CN *tsu'ma)
ts@hki {ts@Hkiò} V be crowded (ESh natatts\kkihka 'crowded')
ts@'ni {ò} V stay a while (ESh ts\nihka 'certain amount of time')
u {u=} PRO 3S POSS
(s)u- DEM removed
(s)u'a- DEM LOC somewhere, that place (removed)
u'ahr@- {u'aht@=} DEM anyone
(s)uhka {(s)uHka} DEM SG OBJ (removed)
(s)uhka {(s)uHka=} DEM SG POSS (removed)
(s)uhri {(s)uhti} DEM DL OBJ (removed)
(s)uhr@ {(s)uht@=} DEM DL POSS (removed)
uhtu {uHtuò} V give (SO) (CN *uttu)
uih- DEM one of a different kind
(s)uku {(s)uHkuh} DEM LOC there (removed)
uma {ó} V lead (PO)
una'- DEM LOC other side

Always occurs with ke NEG.
ura {utaó} V find (SO) (CN *uta)
(s)urii {(s)utii} DEM PL OBJ (removed)
(s)ur@ {(s)ut@=} DEM SG SBJ (removed)
(s)ur@kw@ {(s)ut@kw@h} DEM DL SBJ (removed)
(s)ur@@ {(s)ut@@=} DEM PL SBJ, PL POSS (removed)
usäni ADV always, forever
us@ {us@=} DEM that one (u- DEM; -s@= EMPH)
u'uruhku {u'uhtuHkuò} V find (PO)
@hkooi {@Hkooió} V sleep (PS) (CN *\kkoi)
@hp@i {@Hp@ió} V sleep (SS) (CN *\pp\i)
@htsuma {@Htsumaò} V close the eyes (SS)
@htsumi {@Htsumió} V close the eyes (PS) (CN *\ttsumi)
@h@ N blanket (Sh \h\)
@kihtsi' {@kiHtsi'} ADV now (CN *\kittsi)
@k@- ADV still, yet (Sh \kis\n)
@k@naa ADJ first (Sh \kinaa)
@k@niikwi {ò} V still staying (PS) (@k@- 'still'; niikwi 'say to')
@k@niw@n@ {ò} V still talking (PS) (@k@- 'still'; niw@n@ 'talk' (PS))
@k@rekwa {@k@tekwaó} V still talking (SS) (@k@- 'still'; tekwa 'talk' (SS))
@k@s@ {@k@s@=} ADV still, yet (Sh \kis\n)
@k@y@kwi {ó} V still saying (SS) (@k@- 'still'; y@kwi 'say' (SS))
@kwi {ó} V smell (TR) (CN *\kwi)
@ma {ó} V rain (CN *\ma)
@mahpaa {@maHpaa} N pond, lake (@ma 'rain'; paa 'water')
@mak@ni30 {@maHkahni} N rain cover (@ma 'rain'; kahni 'house')
@makw@su'u {@makwasu'u} N raincoat (@ma 'rain'; kwasu'u 'coat')
@mi PRO 2S OBJ
@m@ {@m@=} PRO 2S POSS
@n@ PRO 2S SBJ
@suaki {ò} V snore
waa'aki {ò} V yell (onomatopoeic)
waahima {ó} V take cedar tree, celebrate Christmas (waa 'cedar'; hima 'take' (PO))
waahkusi'okwe' {waaHkusi'okwe'} N Gray Cedar Creek {waah 'cedar'; kusi 'gray'; okwe'
waahpi {waaHpi} N cedar tree (CN *waappi 'pinyon, juniper, cedar')
waawata {waawa=ta} N cedar tipi pole, cedar pole (waa 'cedar'; wata 'pole')
wabisÓkooi {wapisÓkooiò} V cut notch (wahabi 'two' (N); koo'i 'cut')
waha- {waha-} NO two (CN *waha-)
wahabah- {wahapaH-} NO two separate items (waha- 'two')
wahabi {wahapi} N two things (waha- 'two'; -pi ABS)
wahabisua {wahapisuaó} V become suspicious of, suspect, be undecided, be doubtful (wahabi
'two' (N); sua 'think')
wahkami'a {waHkami'aò} V lope (PS) (mi'a 'go') (aaimi'a SS)

A shelter hung in the tipi to deflect rain coming through the smoke hole.
wa'ihp@' {wa'iHp@'} N woman (CN *wa'ipp\)
waikin@31 {waikinah} N wagon (English wagon)
wakarÏ'ee' {wakatÏ'ee'} N turtle (Kaw wakhÈn 'pumpkin'; Osage watxÈn (var. wakxÈn))
'pumpkin, squash')
wanabuhihwi {wanapuhihwi} N paper money (wana 'cloth'; puhihwi 'money')
wanakotse' N soap (wana 'cloth'; kotse 'wash'; -' NOM)
wanap@ {wana=p@h} N cloth (CN *wana 'net')
wanarohpeti {wanatoHpetió} V gamble (wana 'cloth'; toH- INSTR 'push'; peti 'throw')
wana'@h@ {wana'@h@} N cloth blanket (wana 'cloth'; @h@ 'blanket')
wana'@h@maka {wana'@h@makaó} V give blanket away (wana'@h@ 'cloth blanket'; maka
war@'i {wat@'iò} V fail, lack, miss, fail to make connection (CN *wat\ki)
-war@ki {wat@kiò} INSTR V miss (CN *wat\ki)
wasÈasi' N Osage person (Osage waîÈîe)
wasÈasi'tenahp@' {wasÈasi'tenaHp@'} N Osage man (wasÈasi' 'Osage'; tenahp@' 'man')
wasÈpe' {wasÈ=pe'} N black bear (Osage wasÈpe)
was@ {ó} V kill (PO) (CN *was\)
was@p@ {was@=p@h} N killings (PL) {was@ 'kill' (PO); -=p@h NOM)
wata {wa=ta} N pole, club, tipi pole (Sh wanton)
watsi {ó} V be lost, hidden (CN *watsi)
watsihpuni {watsiHpunió} V watch from hiding, spy on (watsi 'be hidden'; puni 'see')
watsihtahni'i {watsiHtahni'iò} V put away secretly (PO) (watsi 'be hidden'; tahni'i 'put' (PO))
watsihtaht@ki {watsiHtaHt@kiò} V put away secretly (SO) (watsi 'be hidden'; taht@ki 'put
away' (SO))
watsik@ {=} V lose something (watsi 'be hidden'; -k@= CB)
wa'wah- ADV two apiece (RDP; waha- 'two')
wee {ó} V descend, go down, get off (CN *waai-)
wehki {weHkiò} V look for, search for (CN *wekki)
-wekwa {ó} V place on (PO)
wekwi {ó} V go in (PS) (Tm weeki; Sh waiku) (ika SS)
we'kwiyanu {we'kwihyanuò} V flash, shine (CN *waihya 'burn')
wenuunuhki {wenuunuHkiò} V swing back and forth (nuhki 'run' (SS))
-wia {ó} INSTR V wear out (Sh wituha)
wihi N metal, knife, sword (archaically a stone knife) (CN *wihi)
wihi {ó} V throw (Sh wiiñ)
wihi {wihih} V melted grease
wihikama {wihihkamaò} V taste oily (wihi 'melted grease'; kama 'taste')
wihnu PRT then (CN *wihnu)
wihte {wiHteò} V peep, peek out
wihtua {wiHtua} N bucket (CN *wittua 'pot')
-witsa PART ought, should (CN *witsa)

The object form of waikin@ is waikina from *waikin@ha with loss of voiceless syllable
before the object suffix. Most forms with final h do not lose the voiceless syllable before the object
suffix -a, as in t@hkap@ 'food' > t@hkap@ha.
wo'abi {wo'api} N worm (CN *wo'api)
wo'ar@hkap@ {wo'at@Hka=p@h} N rice (wo'a 'worm'; t@hkap@ 'food')
wobi {wopi} N board, wood (CN *wopin)
wobi'awo {wopi'awo} N trunk (wobi 'board'; awo 'cup')
wobikahni {wopikahni} N wooden house, frame house (wobi 'board'; kahni 'house')
wobipuku {wopi=puku} N wagon (wobi 'board'; puku 'horse')
wobiwihtua {wopiwiHtua} N drum (wobi 'board'; wihtua 'bucket')
wohya N, ADV row, in a row
wo'i {ó} V bark, howl (archaic) (CN *wo'i)
woinu {woinuh} N bugle, horn (wo'i 'bark')
wokwebi {wokwepi} N peyote, peyote cactus (Sh wokaipin 'prickly pear cactus')
wokwekahni N peyote tipi (wokwe 'peyote'; kahni 'house')
wokwet@hka {wokwet@Hkaò} V eat peyote, have peyote ceremony (wokwe 'peyote'; t@hka
wo'ne {ò} V perforate (ESh wonikkwa 'scratch')
-woo {ó} V hunt, acquire food
wosa N box, suitcase (CN *wosa 'burden basket')
wosa'Èa'ra' {wosa'Èa'ta'} N largest grasshopper species (wosa 'suitcase'; ara' 'uncle')
w@a'ni {ò} V cut down (w@H- INSTR generic; -a'ni 'cut down')
w@habi {w@hapiò} V march in formation, parade (w@H- INSTR generic; hapi 'lie' (SS))
w@hka'aò {w@Hka'aò} V cut, chop down (SO) (w@H- INSTR generic; -ka'a 'cut')
w@hki {w@Hkiò} V shoot (Tm w\hi; ESh w\kki)
w@hkitsu'tsu'i {w@Hkitsu'tsu'iò} V rattle (of snake); make rattling noise (w@hki 'shoot';
w@hkitsu'tsu'i' {w@Hkitsu'tsu'i'} N snake rattles, rattle (w@hkitsu'tsu'i 'rattle'; -' NOM)
w@hkoba {w@Hkopaò} V break, snap, break leg (w@H- INSTR generic; -koba 'break' (SO))
w@hkupa {w@Hku=paò} V kill with club (SO) (w@H- INSTR generic; kupa 'kill' (SO))
w@hkwitubi {w@Hkwitupiò} V bind (w@H- INSTR generic; -kwitubi 'wrap up')
w@hpa'i {w@Hpa'iò} V beat, hit, hit repeatedly (PO) (w@H- INSTR generic; -pa'i 'hit' (PO))
w@hpara {w@Hpataò} V spread cloth over something (SO) (w@H- INSTR generic; -para 'spread
out' (SO))
w@hpar@'i {w@Hpat@'iò} V spread cloth over something (PO) (w@H- INSTR generic; -par@'i
'spread out' (PO))
w@hpima {w@Hpimaò} V cover (w@H- INSTR generic; pima 'cover')
w@hpit@ {w@Hpit@ò} V reach destination (w@H- INSTR generic; pit@ 'arrive')
w@hpiwoka {w@Hpiwoka} V drag by force (w@H- INSTR generic; piwoka 'drag')
w@hpomi'i {w@Hpomi'iò} V cut, chop down (PO) (w@H- INSTR generic; -pomi'i 'cut' (PO))
w@hria {w@htiaó} V spill out, pour out (INTR) (CN *w\ttia)
w@htak@mi {w@Htak@miò} V dry partially
w@htama {ó} V tie, bundle (w@H- INSTR generic; -tama 'tie')
w@htama' {w@Htama'} N string (w@htama 'tie'; -' NOM)
w@htarÈa'32 {w@HtatÈa'} N camp bed made of branches, travois (Sh w\ttataa 'have legs spread

Probably refers to the roughly triangular shape of a travois looking like spread legs.
w@htokwe {w@Htokweò} V kill with club (PO) (w@H- INSTR generic; tokwe 'kill' (PO))
w@htokwe' {w@Htokwe'} N things clubbed to death (w@htokwe 'kill with club' (PO); -' NOM)
w@htui {w@Htuió} V wait for (CN *w\ttuhi)
w@ht@kwa {w@Ht@kwaò} V hit once (SO) (w@H- INSTR generic; -t@kwa 'hit' (SO))
w@htsito'a {w@Htsito'aó} V peel with knife (w@H- INSTR generic; -tsito'a 'peel')
w@'kwipuna {w@'kwi=punaò} V twist violently (w@H- INSTR generic; kwipuna 'twist')
w@mutsia {ó} V sharpen point (w@H- INSTR generic; mutsia 'sharpen')
-w@na {ò} INSTR V place (SO) (w@n@ 'stand' (SS)) (-w@ni'i PO)
-w@ni'i {ò} INSTR V place (PO) (-w@na 'place' (SO), -' PL)
w@nua {ó} V sweep (w@H- INSTR generic; nua 'slide')
w@n@ {ó} V stand, stop (SS) (CN *w\n\)
w@n@@hkupa {w@n@@Hku=paò} V be knocked down by force, be thrown down (w@H- INSTR
generic; n@@hkupa 'fall down')
w@n@'y@'i {ò} V make heavy noise, thud, bump
w@p@he {w@Hpaheó} V knock off with stick (SO) (w@H- INSTR generic; pahi 'fall' (SS))
w@sibo'a {w@sipo'aó} V shave off, scrape with an instrument (w@H- INSTR generic; -sibo'a
w@sukaa {ó} V feel about (w@H- INSTR generic; -sukaa 'feel')
w@suwar@ki {w@suwat@kiò} V miss, be lonesome for, be concerned over absence (w@H- INSTR
generic; su- INSTR 'mind'; -wat@ki 'miss')
w@ts@k@na {w@Htsahk@naò} V tie (w@H- INSTR generic; ts@k@na 'tie up')
w@'weni {w@'weniò} V empty out, pour out (w@H- INSTR generic; Tm -we'i)
w@yumi'i {ò} V knock off with stick (PO) (w@H- INSTR generic; -yumi'i 'take down' (PO))
w@'y@r@hki {w@'y@t@Hkiò} V scare with something, frighten with something (w@H- INSTR
generic; y@r@hki 'frighten')
yaa {ó} V carry, take (SO) (CN *yaa) (hima PO)
yaahunii {ó} V fetch, scrounge for (SO) (yaa 'take' (SO); -hu DEF; -nii 'moving around' (SS))
yaahuy@ka {ò} V fetch, scrounge for (PO) (yaa 'take' (SO); -hu DEF; -y@ka 'moving around' (PS))
yaak@ {yaak@=} V get for (SO) (yaa 'take' (SO); -k@= CB)
yaamanik@ {=} V cross to get for (SO) (yaa 'take' (SO); mani 'cross'; -k@= CB)
yaap@ {yaa=p@h} N something taken (yaa 'take' (SO); -=p@h NOM)
yahne {ó} V laugh (SS) (CN *yahnai)
yake {ó} V cry (SS) (CN *yakai)
yoko {ó} V copulate, have intercourse, fuck (CN *yoko)
yori {yotió} V fly (PS) (CN *yoti)
yu'a {ó} V be warm (of weather) (CN *yu'ai)
yu'anam@soa {yu'anamasoaó} V wear warm clothing (yu'a 'warm'; nam@soa 'get dressed')
yuhu N fat, grease, lard (CN *yuhu)
yuhunohko {yuhunoHkoò} V make fry bread (yuhu 'fat'; nohko 'bake')
yuhuwehkip@ {yuhuweHki=p@h} N fattest one found (yuhu 'fat'; wehki 'look for'; -=p@h NOM}
yuma {ò} V fall (PS) (Sh yuma)
yuma {ò} V be born, attack (SS)
-yumi'i {ò} INSTR V take down (PO) (yuma 'fall' (PS))
-yu'ne {ò} INSTR V soften (Sh yu'nai 'soft')
yuu- ADV still, unconcerned (CN *yuun-)
yuukar@ {yuukat@ó} V sit still (SS) (yuu- 'still'; kar@ 'sit' (SS))
yuup@ {yuu=p@h} N anything fat (yuhu 'fat'; -=p@h NOM)
yuuy@kwi {ó} V sit still (PS) (yuu- 'still'; y@kwi 'sit' (PS))
y@i {ó} V be evening, be night (CN *y\wi)
y@iht@hka {y@iHt@Hkaò} V eat supper (y@i 'be evening'; t@hka 'eat')
y@ka {ó} V move about, walk (PS) (CN *y\Úka)
y@kwi {ó} V do (CN *y\kwi)
y@kwi {ó} V say, talk (SS) (CN *y\kwi)
y@kwi {ó} V sit down (PS) (CN *y\kwi) (kar@ SS)
y@kwik@ {=} V set up tipis (PO) (y@kwi 'sit' (PS); -k@= CB)
y@r@hki {y@t@Hkiò} V frighten, scare (Sh y\t\kki)
y@ts@ {ó} V fly (SS) (CN *y\ts\)
y@wi {ó} V swallow, go out of sight (Tm yuÚw\; WSh y\w\; ESh yuwi)
y@'y@ka- ADJ soft
y@y@muhku {y@y@muHkuò} V move, have movement (Sh y\y\m\kki)

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