Discussion Post 3

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Discussion Post 3.

First Article:
Danielson (2007) discusses the many faces of leadership and reviews the range of leadership
opportunities available for teacher leaders. The author, an expert in the area of teacher
effectiveness, suggests that the “teacher leader’s involvement may take place within the teacher
leader's own department or team, across the school, or beyond the school.” Danielson also
mentions how the school administrator plays a crucial role in the facilitation of the teacher
leader’s skills and leadership.

Second Article:
Johnson & Donaldson (2007) review some of the obstacles teacher leaders face with accepting
leadership roles. The authors discuss how “principals are appointing increasing numbers of
teacher leaders to work with colleagues in such roles as instructional coach, lead teacher, mentor
coordinator, and data analyst.” However, the authors discussed that some teachers they
interviewed mentioned that school autonomy and culture was an obstacle and some veteran
teachers criticized the teacher leaders’ expertise and/or qualifications.

Third Article:
Bitner & Bitner (2002) discuss how many factors determine what technology is used in the
classroom, especially how funding is a major factor. The authors also mention how the training
of the teacher also plays an important role in how effective this technology use will be.

Compare/Contrast Articles:
These three articles suggest that teacher leadership can have many benefits for the teachers and
students, however there are many obstacles and other factors that come into play as well.
However, whereas Danielson recommends suggests that the school administrator plays a crucial
role in the facilitation of the teacher leader’s skills and leadership. Johnson & Donaldson suggest
that principals are appointing many different roles within the school for teacher leaders to work
with colleagues. Bitner & Bitner suggest that the proper training of teachers plays an important
role in the effectiveness of resources and technology use.

How Articles Inform Your Teaching Practice:

These three articles inform my teaching practice because they inspire me to become a teacher
leader and encourage other colleagues to as well. It’s important to advocate for myself and my
colleagues to ensure we receive proper support from our school administrators when given these
leadership roles.
Bitner, N., & Bitner, J. O. E. (2002). Integrating technology into the classroom: Eight keys to
success. Journal of technology and teacher education, 10(1), 95-100.

Danielson, C. (2007). The Many Faces of Leadership. Educational Leadership, 65(1).

Johnson, S. & Donaldson, M. (2007). Overcoming the Obstacles to Leadership. Educational

Leadership, 65(1)

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