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Identify Me

1. Secondary
2. Primary
3. Secondary
4. Secondary
5. Primary
6. Primary
7. Primary
8. Primary
9. Secondary
10. Primary

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1 and 3

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a. Recency
There are two sources used that are outdated. The study of Scott et al. and Cabrera and
Cotosi are both published in 2010, which is considered not up to date. The other sources (2013
and 2014) are recent literature. The sources are reliable except for the study in 2010.
b. Objectivity
The references used in the RRL are objective and fair. The researchers didn’t side or favor
any of the literature. All that was written has an objective to convey different information.

c. Relevance
The references are related and connected to the topic which is about language and its
sustainability in the teaching and learning process. It includes principles of language
development and data about bilinguals, which is relevant to the research topic.
d. Conciseness
The sources given in the excerpt were not enough to fully support the research topic. The
researchers focused on the learning of language and there’s no sufficient source about the
teaching process.

Sum it up!

We learned what the chapter 2 of a research paper is, which is the Review of Related Literature. For the
sources to be used, there are two major types, which are the primary sources and secondary sources.
Recency, objectivity, relevance, and conciseness are the characteristics of a good RRL. This characteristics
must be shown so the researchers can be sure that the data they presented are clear, fair, and relevant
to their study. Additionally, we learned about the manners of citing sources. There is the in-text citation
that can be found all through-out the paper, and the reference list which includes all the sources and
literature used on the study.

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