FCPS Examinations Solved Questions

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FCPS Examinations Solved Questions

FCPS Examinations Solved Questions

' ·:,.

f.f Q.No.1. A..60 _years o,14..�an deveJ.op_ed pulmona,cy,. _embo,l�sm and was�.st_arteo, on
anticoagulants. Two weel<s after discharge from hospital h.e returned, ..:with. a h/o
haematemesis and malena.
a) Give S essential investigations.
b) Give three differential diagnoses.
c) How would you manage this patient?
a) The_s_e_ j.nclude..

li' l. C_ornp}_e.te _ blood c_oilllt including platelet count.,S e vere thrombocytopenia�c.an

cause.bleeding from.upper G._l .tract.
,.-, 2. PT, APTT and INR, patient is on anti-coagulants e.g. warfain, ._which .can

tgduc� prolongation of PT, INR_and hence can cause.bleeding.
I '·
3. .Rloo.� grouping �-4 ..c:rqs� .matching ..will ,. b e. ...q.rrj�d..oµt_.as .•he. [Jl.ight, need
�- uxgent.blood .transfusion.
4. f;:!e_c..fr:q_c_a,_r:_diqgi,-am; to rule out concqmitant_ myo cardial ischernia,. infarct or
,· arrh�ia.

f:.-· 5. {Jpper G.l Endoscopy wiUhelp}o look for de_finjte_r�tl-10!9.gy,.e,g "' esophag�al
varices, esopri_�geal OE _g<LStric erosi9.I.l$ lulcer.ation. or. duodenal_t,1,tc.�r.

b) These are:-
1. Anticoagul2r1t induced coagu_lopathy
2. Upp.ecgastr.ointestinaLbleed..due._to.Acid..P.eptic.4sease. .
3. Upper gastrqintestin<1,l, .ble�_ci __c!.':1��.!9. ;Portal hypertension ...(van�es 'J /
g_�tr.Q_pathy) . ____________ -· ------·- -- �--------· ·

c) These steps ctre:

� He'll be admitted in ICU.
• I.V lines will be taken.
s Nasogastric tube will be passed.
.. Anticoagulants .will be stopped.
" Ij:e'.ll be given LV vi�amin K, as an antidote to warfarin.
, LV proton pump inhibitors, omeprazolewillbe.started.(40mg,.B.D.)
" Fresh frozen plasma will_ be arranged and transfused, if. IT'1R. is
:;igt1ificamly prolonged .
J ., Haematocrit will be maintained (25-30%), by giving blood transfusion.
.,, Urgent Endoscopy 1.vill be carried out.
F urt:1er management depend on the cause. ln case of any bleeding ulcer,
,:2.utenz<!.tion or injection of epinephrine will be given. Oesoph_ageal varices will be treated
with ir,jection of scleros2.nt or by banding of the varix.

Dr. Fariha Sulton

-:--..:r --. -


FCPS Examinations Solved

.["1'J ,,",". *'T;5u'.,:*l'i*::X ]f ir r"T^o1i:*:i',p:,caysaJitr-ia a contused and
T:::g 11,S,I"r... JI: l"d iua"*i"J p,"i" for the rast 24
IHk#i"x.T.ffiyri?,f :lJ:#""; j[:,,y.1:i,-'i#il;5"tr1,i'THffi *Li:
r imm edia t*- i""".ti go ;; ;' ";;; .iJ t; J,i ff ",l'"iXiilil,"
diagnosis ing
* the
c)Give three important steps iu

a) Eollor"rlrS tJree signs.should be sought: c)

i 1!n:** d.ue to haemolysis *Jrial..Ur*,i
91{*il;1;ffiHH :";Tff#; ft"" lf ::?:'ffi on of lead sulphide.
These- feat*es if present *lr J,"""ejy i;ffi;"1;'11'ffi'I*'"" o

b) ftre.se ,are:
1. Ha.emoglobin with perip.leral smqar.
This wiII show red.uced haemoglobin
p1il?* (Basophilic slippliing ofRBC) with o
2. :b3ophilia.
Serum. lead.levels .}
IPC't porphobilinogen deaminase 11. porphy{nogen levels will
$one. ]hs .fgnne.r -ryiff be reduced, vr-hile":"".y
Iauer will increase in case of
rntermittent porphyri a. acure
4. .e-I-braiato rule out concomitant
organic iesion.
c) o
wiil.nor be auowec to go
j*1*_,*:1*ati.1.r.,"r.aaiiii"ii"";,r,I#'.#hl back to the
,:-:*::Y::. Q-r\o-{
chelation therapy tbr iead. poisoruo!. ror 5 days as a d:scglm
He.wi[.be rigirtcc
" hy_diated.
tUth moqitqring of intak"
l.v line wi_ltie taken
-- 4nd, normai. saline 0.9o% a)
uncl ort'p'.ri'.-

Q.No.3. type-r diabetes merritus is brought

1,":::,:l::,1t.."a^"onr"ioTr,.,"r;..*j;r;;;*;"H ji:li:'H,l'*:'.
one day

lf ::,f" stiffness."No
no neck *1," ;
abnormaliry in the chest
:1"f.:' :is l02oC, Pulse 96/min, BP tiO/75,
sugar 6rimg[r, u.tnJ-rr,,g* and ketone bodies
j:,1*i:{i1:"1s12/hPi;;;;;r;;.ffi ifi fi]

"*,;#i :Tl.T:fi"T:X:::,:l*
lVhat three diagnoses rrouid you E H.;"j ;,:I; m g/d, aft er r v
g, r rc o s e
S u gg.es t fry o inv a:; t! gation-q,,
._i..:i::;e iil lfr",. r:.f :i"n,r..-
t:."tt:n:gt ci the -:o-ct lii.^r!j, Ci:gnr..r!s

Dr Fariha Suttan
a) I would like to consider foltowing tlree diagnoses:
1' Cerebral malaria as she has 1 day history off"r.., alter€d consciousness,
no signs
_ of meningeal irritation and hypoglycemia.
2- viral. encephalitiq, suggested by artered consciousness, fits, raised csF
proteins, elevated cell counts on CSF examiaatiou. i

3- lvlqningitis, will be a suspected. diagnosis d,ue to fever, &owsiness,

raised csF ;

proteins and cell count qrith mlxture of polys and lymphocyes.


b) These are:
1 Giemsa stained thick and thin films will be mad.e. This may show
.kophozoites of plasmodium falciparum, thus confirming
cerebral malaria.
2 Mzu brain may show cerebral oedema especially enhanced signals in
temporal lobes, characteristic of viral encephalitis

c) Outline treatment of the rnost.likely diagnosis.

o She rvill be admitted in high depenCency nnit
c I.V line will be takeu.
o Naso gastric tube as well as foley catheter will be passed.
o fntat/enous quinine dihydrochloride wiil be starteb. 20 mgi kg will be given
over 4
hours, followed by lOmg/k-g, B hourly.
o Monitoring of blood sugar rvill be done 2 hourly, as infection and quinine
both can
cause hypoglycemia.
o Carefrrl monitoriag of ftuid baiance will be done.
.evideace of superadded bacterial infection
o Any will be looked for, if needed,
antibiotics r.vill be given .
Severe anemia may need. blood transfusion.
Monitoring of renal f;nctions and hepatic functions .,vill be d.one daily, as
piasmodium i?rlciparum can cause hepatic and renal failure.
.) ECG lviil be cione daily as quinine prolonged eT intemal.
a she rvill be s.,itc.hed. over..o orar quinine
u, ,oo, as she is able to take oraliy.

?'N','4' . -A-i0--yeer-.oJd*b,usine-ss- e.xecutive-.presented with malaise.. and .yell.owish

dlsg..qloratjoSr_of_qyps from.early childhood*_Eehasjaund.ic+and.,3cm palpslle livsr-below
iight.costal margin-
tl) Gi're ;four diagnostic possibilities
b) Disc':ss the 2 imoortant in'resfig:rtions that vvill help di;iferentiate befi+.een
tlese tiiscrders.

3J il1essare:
i ' Gill:ert s-vnc'rome; due io miict cleficiency oi giucoronyi riansferase ieacins rc
,incollj useterl hyFerbiiin:binemia.
2' D':biil-joh:rscn s;,ad5e6ae due tc farrlty excrerioo of bilirubin by
causing ccrrj ugateC hi,perbilimbinemia.

Dr. Fariha -iultan


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FCPS Examinations Solved Ouestions

b) &ese_efg 4

1. Tatal..ssrum--bilirubin wilh conjugatedand uncoujugated bilirubin separateiy.

P-atienL.with Gil-b-err-or-traemolytic.anaemia-will"have-uncoajugajed-lryperbilirubinemia 'io
.With. _ -D-lfb_in . jqh6o+ and ,Rotors*-syndrome.__baye conjugated
v,v.$-=l_e_---paj.i.en!.- b)
\y.p_S-rbjlin$inemia..In patien!. rvith -Gilbert.sy,ndrome-hliperbiLimbinemia increases by
2. Pe-ryipheral blood smeaeand.reticulocyre-couat-
Fragmented.RBClsr.sPher.ocytes.-elfip3gcytes gr$ciez bodics can be seen with different
types of haemollttic.anaemi,as,..Retic coqnt is alsa elenacd xidr baemo lytic anemi a.

Q.No.S. 4_15-ySers- si( boy has- prequ-td,Eiqi! He .also complains

o{gEgpt p_airr-and-dyspoea*O_U-exe-rtion--Hi<.rcst}s diryl srfi"rahr l{'.1:ears=back Cue to-.heart
On examination.there is.a.-systolic Extilnur.aE& i{rc'<rrqral gdgs,. exagg-erated by
v. af 54ly-4.-i_r_raneuver. d
What is the diagnosis?
N ame diagnostic rnvestigations rvith abno:ianlititc lrc torld e;pect.
How would you manage this patient?

a) Diagnr:sis-is,hlpertrophic-obsrucri.re-cdfuycp@r-
This has been discussed in detail in Q59-

Q.t{o.6. A-64 years old fngf-r-gcmdaiuc{i' sfi- l*r<rc de -irt rreakness ot 6 months
,lgfptioq,.together, with--occasiolai hanba hdirctm s*ec &r saqrE ri*s pericd, Three
m-o.nrhi pri.qrlo his.adrrlission he had ilo€n. &"!rod @s 5e ftrirnrdc rql irad been ireateci as an
outpatiqnt=w-ilh..-ofal aird pareqte.al irou- I$-r;h. syry@mmrc :.oquorece=ot- du-ing this tirne
Lr.e has noticed 4rgclurnal -frgquer:c]. For ] daqq poeu' ;c B+m;tdon te Lad been oliguric-
There.,rvas ,a.past-his1o-riu-of peptic ulcqedorum"fl o fury eamoqr of n:graile rieaciaches.
On,e;<aminatio-afre l9q!9{-ua-1'reil aaa l*ss os&a SCctrC FEsgEE- !30/l?0nmHg. R/R 23
imin, a pericardial frictioa rib.rxas Frqs@
Fib 8.6grn /dl
:,iCHC 13ok
Chest X-ra;, shorved ed::g:d cru*m +hnrtrnu; sr'"'{ Emer iobe venous Cistension.
Urine Show'ed trace cf aIbreis. *'ffi [-I !{&sifud.
;; liscuss ii=/e ei::oid.- E i:€ sf=::l "=-;:+;:x
h) i'lan and .i:lstiry Ysui cir5ac-rs
-r f"l--.. -1^-- ;- -_i.' +:-'i-- i*'-r;<-*;.1---:-,4 *;ii
L) ,JF U tritr.) ,'r .-.! s-'-45+r-
-.'-'-^**-- -' *,*?

Dr. Fariha Snltan

1 l

a) -Eiv-eJike.Iy'diagnoses"can..[s..

I c-hrgqlc 5-egal. failur.e-due".tod.iabetic-nephrgpa.thy,",as.he
. -' -':--r--EJ,+4 Arr giyes.history-.of.nocruria
with w.eqk4esS,and.lassitude.
2. Chionic ren+l.fatiur9_d. _"p.l9..O.bsE_tsflvs*tuopathy._(stpng./-prostatiq.,enlargemed)
tfusrs sr+cce.ct-e.d.--bv*s.ciasionar-rurnuer-p"i"-f"x;;;ii;-oliguria.
3. Q&csic*retaJ._f-ail,up_a"",io.*"rtipi" ;G;:;;J]ts..an.-elderty..s+lp,
generalized y.gqhgqs;,,lassituae.and artaemia, wi.th
- ----1:-:
Nocturil_ana pepri-".""i;;ililJ;.;L
4' ffi"t_.=6fr;E;A"i[i&
chronic renal failure.due,.to-a'algesjp,-s*e.pbrpp.-atby. as.lbEre.is..a.,lo5r.glristor"tt,,or
s' a"e to-qe&"is"-pxeio""p[aiir"-r".ir","ro"gperiod.

b) rPlanniug.6s6j.ustifrcation.-of.diagnpsis:
. Jb.e"mest_iikely diagnosis is chr*onic_renal=fai1ure-..dgg,J-o-,ll-SAps
tub-glo-intersritiar nephritis-.He has dev"topia induced
u[controlled hypertension,_ uraemiq- pericarditis "orrrii:i#;;;f:;;;i;'il; G
and..prrlmo.rary.,"a"*u*ff" lr,
also a-naemi". T^t.r" ir ;;p;ilistoiy of aiabetes,-mlili*"*..f.rr"r,
-; haemaruria
pygri a and p as s i:e g.. s ro n"r il rd
. ;;'; ;-;;...., ;fi
he-adactes for long perjod_for..which..h9, quCht,i.roiit"rr.NSAIDS-,NSAIDS
;;; ."i;ft;"
induced tubqlo-iaterstitial nephritis. is the ihira f."ai"acause.of-intrjnsic
failiiie-'Proteinuria (T;;E;p1".""a"" of.1-2-rvhitJ, renal
ceustHpF.atso supporrs
Pg.-4i+sro.is. othJ fe;il;s-;;i'ir,"r.,a.."r,it i"rir."asrr,-re.4.q.ell cast / HpF.
Blood picture may show eosinophilia_.,

c) Managemert
' Hq-yd! be admitted in the.lard
e .I.V line will be taken.
' $e4al replacement therapy in the form of diarysis ylr be arranged. Regardless
o{,89 .ievel of creatinine and serum potussiu*, *-".;;;*ty;;";;;";;
pericarditis and fluid overload.
' There.after intake output moriitoring wiil be clone..
" Echocardiogram witl be done to check. for cardiac
tamponade or ,pericardial
effirsion' Pericardiocentesis will be planned. i".^"
or.ii.,rical deterioration.
" Controi of brood.pressure is imporrant in adciirion t"
antihypertensive like calcium channel blockers
di.r;;r-;" *,iii.'r,r..
*a .rprr"-rrockers along
o i{e i'q anaemic too' Improvement in haer:roglobin levels will
rveakness' ivloreover it will red.uce the fluil orr..iood. -H"
help to imprcve his
rviil be started on s/c
erlthropoietin on weekly basis. intraveno*s iron wi[
be given if required.
I Protein-restricted diet will be given. Phosphate binders
("ca caruonate or acetate)
rvill be given in case of hyperphosphatemia.

Dr. Irariha Sultan




FCPS Examinations Solved

e.No.7. i\.previously healthy 30 years old.young gentleman .!vas found to have to

hiv_e-raise.a aif- (twi"" normal) during routine investigations. Repeated LFT's showed
pe5sistgnt raised AI-T (around twice normal)'
^ a)
!l!3!.are tle five possible causes fqr his'raised ALT?
b) Name five investigatious that you.would a{vise'
.j Wnrt precaution would you tell him before a final diagnosis is reached.
a) Thg Iive possible causes of his raised ALT are:-
1. Chronic viral hePatitis.
2. 1Vjlg9-4];,.disease,
3. Al-c.qioiic livsrdiseas"e.
4. Autoimmuse hePatitis.
" 5. Non-alcoholic steato hepatitis CNASH)-

b)' It-rs-sq.tgy"stigationsinclude:
t. Vi.^i i"iof.gy;.aati I{CV antibodies-and HB-sAg along with.Anti HBc and
{sS.9lIjF"edie-s' respiq
Z- ffid;f iFi's wiil be done to iook for AST, alkaline Phosphatase and Reverse of pad
of alcohql liv-er disease along with'raised gamma-
+ff : AST ratio,lvtric.h-is,typical Onrr
Fq,! ANA Sng Adi-LKM anti-bodies for autpimmune hepatitis' T
-4. g1i'*o""a abdomen to look at ihe hepatic echotexture, size and width of biliaLry
Ciiunn.ts, portal vdin or any evidencq.qf splenomegaly orascites.
5. Liver biopsy, to look at ihe degree of inflammation, fibrosis and characteristic ThLI
histopathlogical changes of the underlying disorder'
c) The patient rvill be advised to discontinue alcohol if he is taking it. Q.Nd
q If h6 is obese then he will be aclvised to reduce weight' cgg
. He.will bE asked to.avoid hepatotoxic drugs' lost!il
Use of disposable sterilized syring"s and screening of btood.betbre -transfusion
wiil Labfl
be advised for the future-
. Screening of the other family members'*ill be done'

Q.No-8- A thirty six year old man presents with a long history of low grade
fever, sinus
5 years'
discharge on many occasions, haemoptvsis and difhculty in
breathing since about
He had received broad' spectnrr.n antibioiics and a full course of ATT' w'ithout benefit'
on examination' temperature 99.6oF, resp rate 24 per minule, B.P 110/70 mmHg and and
pulse 100/min. Nasai septal perforation with bridged nose' Coarse crepitations gelloviin$
breathing over mid.thora-x posteriorly. on presentation, patient 1t"6
investigations. Urine D/R- alburnin r-r-, RBC- pienqv' pus ceiis - nii:
CBC mita anemia, ESR- 88mm t" hour'
-waiie.l caviiies..ip.each lung in inici zoilcs.
Chest x-ray reveaied trvo big thick
:r) Narne ihe 'i lab iave.stigafions and ius{iry ho';v these'+itl help you to reacti
aE a ppro pria-ie dagaosis air<i s u irscq ut;r t rr i :r tr ag+ ::i ei.i i-

Dr Fariha Sulten
a) Foliowing 4 lab investigations are required to reach
I a diagnosis.

[-fl:j"11l "^fTlit ,T:: y.i:""\]9nnlic. "r,;il;-.; antibodies herp in

vessei- vasc"ri,ii i,,"r"ii'iJ,ln';;_;ffi;,*:iffi:;:
*:.*:::::t'-:l_:TI1 g;;;-;'";;:";:;fi lL "rr'i*Ifrl
microscopic po tyangitis and wegen".,,
2. Transthoracic lung bi has the lgld.Jt'll show characteristic
3::::lt".j::*:j^ of i-@Girh"*
granulomatous inflammilion, ;,: vascuritis,
and acute/chronic
Renal biopsy will demonstrate segmental necrotizing glomerurbnephritis
4' S/creatinine and blood *"., -to demonstrate renar insufficiency.. once
proteinr:ria and haematuria develops, firrther
renal deterioration is quite rapid.
b) Planagement:
o He'll be admitted in the ward
o He'Il be
:E:g oral,
steroids, prednisolone, lmg/kg along with
C,v-ctgphosphamide_ will be con-ti-niicd_fo,r_*1_sp_e-{1s
and &en it.r,vill b." r
least 12 - 15 rnonths t
o Ntrd-wEiIE, Tenal-6nction will be continuously monitored and acute
renal failure will be treated rvith dialysis

Q'No'9' A 42 years old lady, diabetie for the last 8 months recentiy developed
respiratory tract infection and since last 2 days *os
re"ting-g."Jr.r weakness as the day
passed' she also comprained of doubre vision, nasar
speech ;"; r;;;;ffi;;;""a
are ";;J
on examination, all her craniar nerves are intact an. reflexes
a) What is ihe diagnosis?
t b) lVhat test will you carry out to confirrn?
r c) 'V-tlat nrill be your rranagemeut?
l n She is suflering frorn myasthenia grasis.
This has been discussed in detail iae51.
a.I',io.}.0- $__2d_ 1.ears old
. aches house .vife r.vith-p4{q4ry-.infertility with.3-.ysars
ge-n-e-ralized F,ro
and pains,.backashe and poryur*,.uJsi;r'si. Li poor
r appetite anci had.
B-p was normar and there w.as no sweliing itloirrtr. srr.
ffi.Tlt. rrua a.waddring gait.
B-l_o_-o.d_E-S_R 4-4:no
Platelers 13-;000/cmm
Hb. 9.7 gdl
!.84 nmolii. AI: 2.12-2.65)
Al--b-wutn + )!/L
Inorg- Phosphate f .i5 mmol/L fC.8-i.45 mmoVL)

Dr. Fariha Su[tan




Alkatinc-Fhpsphetessl3S-8-U&-GN;*6-5.-*06) !9im6
Urine analysis : Norrral. gXgSPLpr-+SgP!9!e9. l-
' ,Ger-i[Ld$-.Ieti"{4iefe-pplvis,. pdghrts.lp..rptit" a44.rarefactiqr-}vith a lvtic lesion
iq-Ug-irf-e.nsr-.Bu-bisr-aJnus a:
al 'W[i? melaUolic bone disease is she likety to have? 3-I

Ui Wtrat further investigatioDs you would like to carry out?

c) Mention briefly the manirgemeut.
a) with.secondary- hyperparathyroiciism. 5.,
Thg_pSgsl.-likei:r.-diagnosis is Osteomalacia i
1gg.,1q-ry.-"-4g.iirm,.r.gl.s-sd.. ilorsanic.phosphate,raised-alkall$s..Phospbatase.and combination 5-r
lytic lesions, in the bone suggeststhe''liagnosis'
"+.ilg;oiiil I

b) f.sl-1-q...ying in1rgliealil5lp.wi!!*bq*equircd:- I
olle,vsisrv.ill.he-dEteqmiqed-iihese will be low'
" -S-e$SIE;i- O,(2i.-OUsigqlficaqt.'uc-mineralized'osteoid' MATUi
" E qS-F&P-!-Y-,.-Ylil show
fSWiS.f."_"eE pririar-y-"r+felulrty, thre to uaderlying disorder
" iq in".F.qtigate
qrs*i" utl"s-t)"- ih-... ari --asgte€!{ negullicles'of GnRH
CeAfi-;g*oo",, .

ilGei; so her FSH, LH are likely^to' b+lsw-normal'

wiih sudan siaining for fat globules to mle, out underlying
" $tgol,-cie
SSzulf-t-.-UfS+, .ctgqti.ti+",. as 5qngt..failure ca+ cause -both.osteomalacia and
' qecondary [yp grp ary!hg-o.1.9r,o,",

' BrieflY:maqageulent:
rthe *itf U* fiven calcium and vitarnin D replacement. Vit..D Ceficiency will be
rre*,.ecl y,.iif, orit ergoCalcifeiql,(D.z),,50,000 I.U os.ce''*:eekly for--6-- 12 ino-ntip,,{gllor'''ed b7
q;lg|g11j.gpigcem"tt.*.with.-eilher.'-'ealpiqrp carb-onate"or-'citr-ate will be carried out'
C-oititGn- oi trypocatcemia & hypovitaminosis D will tend to correct secondary
- iaism and hypelphosphatemia. ;entral r

A4gqY.te e1p-o;ure io suniight wili !e advised'

' acrmal-
' Treatment of underlying cause,rvill be done' o-.ier ia
::.SDirii I
Q.No.11. A.40 years olil laciy presenteC in OPD ','vith history of generalized vreai<ness'
gr^a" and easy fatigabiliV of 4 years. She also reports of decrease in appetite,
tl* fever
insists a) S{
iig*Fr"urr, loss of weight -*'ith constant nausea over the past 16 rnontix' She aiso b) sr
to black o'/er the body sparring
ihat her sk-in colour'r* tui, which have receotly changeci
hgncls and feet. Her past family l-ristor;r is insigniiicanr:'
r/inl signs remirerarure 99o8. p,rise
gi;n".in. g,p gSl:O rniniiS, iespiratori' :ateZ?/min'-t)a:\<
o;'er the boC'r. es?eciaii'r c"'ei irie eibc''vs and sKlo
br,lr,*r,.u fig**nirtinn is -oreser,i;,ll
p'<?1'1in?:.ir'r' iq
aaau=a=. F.-,,-l 9f thr' e !inir-.el ;r:rnrai'

Dr. Fariha Sultan

uoqns DLlr.tDl 'rcl
ui>is irlE s,(.oqF
>\lefi '1t111i/ZZeG,
sEo}+E:ps64trl lr{iesn +E? }se88!ig (q Eur.:rzds,(Poq ry
'lEarrrdoiarrap ei{} JoJ sEGsEal aiqresGd eqt liaEEnS (i, glsrsul osre aqq -
'Ieuuou ara,/d suoneEEsaAul j:o 1s3l auJ .lclElxt paq 'aq:ladCe uI aseail
ileu F.irE uoBdrui
oundrnd u padclaaep ar,{ 'la?Ei s,{ep mog 'palltas urei srg 'rrcTslurii i:r:i:ia:1 pr- uurisr: 'ssau4eer* pa4F
'srs.{yoe:-',orql /LiI'scrleuauue'scisa8pire ua,riF s",^.. aH -aperu ss^r' uortrleJur pipiero.,(ri,
3o srsouEerp V 'leTryrou ere,r\ aso?nlE poolq ?ue 3,/ft .3g3 e{ji zuonefr1saaur lsrlts
IIV 'tA-lA sppel ut uortenale luarutas-1g urluz qli/r{ unlriq: snurs pa^"ioq: .lpuuou
s3,{1 uollBululPxg 'alqPTlEluaJun suan ,ftotsjr{ lsed sr11 'Baucis.dr, pire ureii }saLI3
arslos srnor{ , go .fto1sq qi}^ nJD o1 lq8no:q s?A.r rl?ur pio sread 79 y .ZI.oN.C
'1no paulet aq
'auop aq
IIr^t asessrp s.uosrppu slsoln?Jaqnl
Jo luarul?aJl srsolncJaqn]-que 'E.a asnE3 EuL{Fapun jo lEair$€e:J s ,{q pa.r,clic-l=$i
.'{cuercgJnsq le:oerpr-.roj sptorruococnTsEul.-tel aq IiFt {cuareg
sr aqs tuql Surlecrpur 'lelerBrg uaIE Imrpeui E rea,r. ol pesr^pE aq IIyr{ aqs G
'luauraceidet plocruooclElerrE
Jo ;red e sz uearS sr 5lelace auosruocorpnig c
arit JaUp auop'aq IIrr^ esop rn sluaulsnhri :aip:ng .Euruaaa aryr ur prFp euo PrrE erceleirloqsd
puu Srmuou aql ur uanr8 aq IIlu p4r{r ov[ -{1rep (Bur g-7) auolosrurpaid rB
(Eru 97-91) auosrgocorp.{q Jer[ra sp.rocq:ococnl8 IEro uo pauels aq III/yr 3r{S o
8ur.(i:apun'tno -
aurIBS .'luituou SurarB Xq papa:1 prru petua^erd aq gin uopap{qag r iruuo Jo'ser,-Ild
{pnoroEra pe}eeJl pr.rE aq
roproslp Eu-yt14
lq€nos III r uonceJxrJo acuapr,ra frrrT= .
INmtscvN\rl^l -/r1'oi'aq
'purouelsrrr'ro''uorlca;ur -ie8ury'sa8cqlouag
Wiln se
ll5id'se-'asEaslp-s;ubslpp]/ snoFcrequJo'asEo ur ueas sr Eorlpcgr3pc puarpir.e4rrl
'bi'enp'pb8rep5"'a'ie-sfCue+ts 'e1lgr&r
t;"o:]PP:-._tTlury.1o1ne. uy fBuarpE pagrclBc-uou IIETDS moqs Xvtu uauropqO";3 -g
;(1a4-q eql trruuaess'o1 dlaq flI 1 slr11 :{cuorcg:rsu1 uorleurquoc PrE-'i
IEuarpE aunrinrnornc'jo*sasef-}o'%og-ul pelpdale arE'saTpoqquE .s 'ursrpror,{qleledn
ru6'dlqtqir"tc?qp.bl TEua4tt:qdv
]ti Ssol o1.in;ipaf,ra1d aq ipar, s1bia1.!ii3ro' ;
;uosrppe saf"cmut"Ipi6'nTA:rfi{f,
ssai losrpoa'-urn:ag'"sa1nurur"09:"0E"udalhra-q euop il "Iosu-roc unJastJro:ooq-.1""
u51['-z$prapsrecf'ri5xi3-eq1Br\ HIJ9'Dpsq]ii{sgo'Eur'.g7:g ..-fJuarirce$g..I.l"S .e
crlsgslcereqc'sr{6g9}tniiSpi'ai5d,(q qu,o'iy,0ol'4iuafiEfrd*r-,.tiilE;*
,eruado4nau,.iibcsip,,.ir"*r";u-,x"=i,11$li!,*;.*,;rj:*k:#_;,", uorsal cqi(1 urffI
'icuarcgynsri''puarperurorlBuFa;;insXla4lisoursr-5qg (e
'luaura8uurrr luanbasqns puu' sJsou8urp alurraoiaau ffipsaftE
lsoEr aqt'qrui.r o1 nori dlaq IIr^{'asaqr, oq r$-isnf :puu ruorlaSrtrsn^o, qroi g aurqN (u
uallns 0141rol .tQ
i.lu?ir,:i. srq! a3EEiis+aarr Eia-d iiI^'. l*o-Fi
',r4r,ror.rd J{} r:Fro u? slsou8urD lsuu*JagJJIr rno{ lstT (e
iqlzclouapu n]IH I/q Q1r.rr,'r
nrroplils lErplPs paBreiue pe^'otls ux3
o/nZ 'spqdoutsog
'92"61 sa1.{coqdu{1
%88 slntdoqnaN
1lu0l x Z'S 3:LL
'moq lsrg'ul ulru 09 us3
'Ie!r'ou eras. suals{s Jaq}O 'qn: prprecuad
ser\A aslnd'J"Z'6L
anBuol paieoo al-Iqr.\ P€I{ eg 'Eguru: 08/0Zi s€'vt d'g ':ep8a: 'u.rtll/0zl
'palorus 'le^au s€q aH 'ssaqll
,rr,tnr"d*"] qrr^ Euolool Xl 'a1ea se.^ aq uollsulurpxe uC
o1 psq ag ''{delaq: Eueierrrlue
srq ot enp E3lgV qr.,og-oi'drrl ssaulsnq Ienurm srg sslur 'slTluour z lsBI u-I rrmlnds flrrecs
puE ssrlorqlluu snorfP^- atrdseP alDas 1ou PrP ra^ec
.asy Eurua,ra pue, qilqo qll^1 IaAeJ aper8 r1Eg padola.'r'ap aH 'uolsslurpe
lp.rrrr q6noc p"r{ aH 'EI'oN'O
o1 rorrd slep 91 Puarr sttl dq ruaqedlno o1 lt4Etto'q se'^^
ueur p1o srea;( gg y
-usqoqua Iolslseloqs
to seprlnpcsg1 {ue tuaurncop o1 dlaq IIIM slql 'pa:tnba.r JI euop,aq deur '{sdorq
'spllncse^Jo assJ uI ElJn]eluaEq puu moqs deru 3'13 auu6
' "-p"qrsi "dnuralord g3g wada1
lerprecortur lno a1ru'o1 auop aq ipa
ffi ;&Hiffi",ix#:fiI*
'auop aq II}m t Iolf,eJ lala]?Id ]$rre8E'Eaipoq-lw
Jo asec ur"pesrer-r(ilErisn aJ" asaqJ
'sqllncse^ ,41rrn ra.s aq'deur usi PeslEu 'zrubdop(coqurorqt
pacnpul ugedaq u-r parnpar-rq'pi^-t1.*oc p1api6 :USA qlui'-iunoo poolq a1e1druo3
- -:erE-aseql (q
pioJ IIEu eleq uEc prrB uorldn-ra crmdmd qlvt\ slEesard osp urqloqure Iololseloq3
'stot"3:rrl plo-T ilEu PrrE uorldrua crmd:nd aq1-se
IIa.^ uolllreJrn IerprEsoi(u ol'peal uec qslq/Yl Esopou sEuiut'tri-oil sqlpcsen '
'safls elqeue^ le'sisoquoEi
aouog pue UalaluldJo uoDEEaIEBe palelpaur luerlaldruoc-ol SPEaI { '? lo}ceJ fe1'ary1d
qenradoltcoquorfl Patnpul urredag G
rrri"an. serpoqprre
1uaudo1"o"p o1 enp
-:,{q paurqdxa aq uPt rrorsryur u-Tledeq
pue srs,{1oquonfl A / I Pa^lecer s-eq Pue uonore:frt plpreco'(ru tuo{ ParaJJns
seq oq.ar!'tuarted , ,ri
q"*grl ploJ I-tPu ?uu'uortdrua-cr:nd:nd 3o ruaurdopaapeql '
pa^Ios suollBu'lulPxa sd)l
;tr-::,_r .r---:G:r.:l
uDlJns D411D,r
;rrorlEnlrs srql 8ultrall ul e{Bl rio{ [F/ra sdals 1eq61 is
..{r.ou srq} 3o srsou8rgp ar{i r{rear ol op noti plnoar. suoileEqsaaui ]6ri4t. (q
lluapcd sJril qlf^r. ur+1qo-rrl ^r',eu sE luq.4ar (E
'filcurx'l'c Eiqllrtnq ]f,8rrp
pu€ 'lll6lljtr] I S qqrulIq lEiot 'lp/000'00[ lunor laia]eld ',LS,Zl:rL.,oleureEH 'g,/oi slla3 poolq
par palEolcnu pue-yul safcola{u: 'oAZ se'r{')o:e,{u.z1au '71 siredoseg.' y;i sfqdouso}
' % U s?L{oouour 'yo Al sliec pueq 'y6911 sai,f:oqdru.dl '9669 sirqdo+nau $7-969'6,
lui-ioc TIaf, ?trq.^A :salpnts qe'I ',iqrudouapcqdui{i p;aqCuaci _1o acuiprla cu si ar:q!-:a1Eci
teq.{,r etuos-s1 iuaued'aqt pue esou pue'srpa 'sdrt'ra8url aqiJo uoJlerolorsrp eldmri e pa^{oqs
PeiBa^ar uollE[l
an8uol paiec,
uollElrrulBxo pcrs{qd srq '5rur} sfill ly 'anE1fe.1 are^as 3o ,{:orsrq e qtr/r.r uroor -{cus8raure
arnle.radural qr
ur lq8norq sp.1vr usur arT.'uoq?uruBxa",{:ole.roqel Ieuuou p€g puc ile.4( {aJ.euloqciur.,il ,
tuarncer Jo af,uapt^a ou peq ag aurl qcgl{ te oBz sqtuour f SErrl }rsrrr tsel srH -uorssrruel
srq o1 anp 94
a1a1duroc"1oE'iualed-'eql-''solTcse'i.'lpurruopqu puE-.]sar{c,ur'euroqdur,{i s.url8poq-uou
pue ssuorqqrE
roJ"auolosrupa:d puu 'auFstJcul^ 'urlrqnloxop 'aprureqdsoqdoicf,c 3o palsrSuor'ejct(c gcea ;u.r,tt qBnoc qr
'lderaqtouraqc go salb{cg o8e sre'a{ o/r{l panrecel oe/rr ueui p1o s.rea,{ [y-i '?I.o!,i.O ol rorrd s,(gp Otr
-[usse luaqroSounr:rurt pa>tul aru[zue lo seprlnlnrse]f,
1111 c
'sr1qd,{s tno ajn.I ot euop aq IIpVr15CIA c
'eurseldoxol ro AIH'srsoelonuouorx
snoltcaJq uI uaas say(coqdur.,(1 prrd,,Qe roJ lool ot uorlpurruexa rpaErs p:aqdua6 . rrrul
'sapouqdu.(i Iorelsslorls
IBuiuropq" Er1ur ro ,(p8euroualdsopdaq JoJ lool ot uauopqe punose4ln c Jo esec ur-p{
'sasn€f, reqlo lno aln-r ol sn
alqeua oslp IF1\r 1nq etuoqdu{1;o a84s aqt auuue}ap ol sn dlaq {po lou ili/yt srgJ pacnpuruIfl
'sapouqdru,(1 relrq Jo uorleldsc elpaau-aug paprn8 dq pa/dolloJ
IJ $eqc uecs 13 a
'srsoprocrBs'srsolnoreqru'euoqdu{1 go saBueqc pcr8ololsg
cllsuo]3E.reqc eqt i$oqs ilyst { 'sepou qdull lpsr^rar Jo /kdorq uorsrcxS G
'OUersq3 ol sr araql 'slsoprocrBs ql . ploJ IIPu e eq rr-
'CIJJo lPsraAar
pepa rqns aq ily^il sBurqse^t .r".p .a,,,u*I'ilXHff; i:"=rlfl . IIa.^A se uopeq{
'srsolnsJeqru eualczqoc,(tu roJ IooI 01 'gg.v ro3 um1nds .
]uas aq 1prrr, suoqeSpsaau Euurollog (q aouar{ pup ffFq
Nup8u. sapoq
slso|faclug G
slsoPlocrBs i puP srslloquxtq
q11q&(g sEIl oq^\ pad,
srsoruseldoxol .
uolsa^uocores AIH .
srsoalgnuouour snorlcag:u1*.
slsolncreqnJ o
eruoqdut{1 e
-:aru asaql (e

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