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World of Darkness: Reloaded

 Last Update: April 06, 2023

 Rules by: Jp12x

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 Simple Tests:
Describe what your character is trying to achieve and how.
 Your Dice Pool begins with Trait + Skill. The Storyteller sets a Difficulty
(the number of required Successes)
 You roll the Dice Pool. Every die that shows 6 or higher is a success.
If the number of successes equals or exceeds the Difficulty, you win the
 test and accomplish that action
If your Dice Pool is double the Difficulty, you automatically succeed
 *Your Dice Pool can be modified by Specialty (+1 Die), equipment, special
effects, etc
 A result of 10 on two regular dice counts double (alt: any 10 is double, or
 10-again)

1 = Minimum Success
2 = Complete Success
3+ = Overwhelming Success

A Failed roll with at least a single successful die means: Win with a cost.
This allows a minimal success but may take longer, consume a tool, etc

Roll the largest Die Pool. Add 1 for each assisting skilled character (I’d
like to homebrew this)

Spend 1 Willpower to reroll 3 dice

Contested Rolls
Characters may compete against each other to reach a total first or in
direct competition, subtracting one’s Successes from another’s.
The Storyteller may instead “Take Half”, rounding down half an NPCs
Dice Pool as their successes

Conflict Pools [IGNORE DEFENSE]
The dice pool in a conflict turn is called their conflict pool. In a fight, the
conflict pool might be Strength + Brawl or Composure + Firearms; in a
debate, it might be Charisma + Persuasion or Manipulation + Etiquette.
Characters might change pools during a conflict, if they change tactics
Both the attacker and defender roll their pools simultaneously. The winner
subtracts the loser’s successes from their total and applies the remainder
as damage
If the conflict is one-sided, only the attacker can inflict damage

Melee Combat
Strength + Brawl (or Melee) as a contested roll is common
The defender can always opt to use their Dexterity + Athletics instead of a
combat skill to defend by Dodging

Ranged Combat
Ranged combat is usually Dexterity + Firearms vs the defender’s
Dexterity + Athletics
A character with no available cover subtracts 2 from their defense pool.
Superior Cover gains 1-2 Dice

Social Struggle
Charisma + Persuasion or Manipulation + Etiquette are common. This
varies based on circumstances

In the Storyteller System, damage comes in two types:

Superficial damage: causes bruising, sprains, and the like but not
immediate life-threatening injury. Fists, kicks, and non-lethal weapons,
such as tasers, do Superficial damage to humans.
Superficial damage in social conflict means embarrassment or a bruised
ego and has no lasting effect on the target’s image of others or
themselves. Unless otherwise stated, divide Superficial damage in half
(rounded up) before applying it.

Aggravated damage causes broken bones, wounds, and life-threatening

injuries. Sharp and piercing weapons do Aggravated damage to humans.
Attacks that reveal secret knowledge about the target or attacks from
close friends and trusted figures do Aggravated damage to Willpower.

Armor Rating: Each point of armor, called the Armor Rating, converts 1
point of Aggravated Damage from puncturing or bladed weapon to
Superficial damage, which is then halved as normal.

*IMPAIRMENT* Once the character sustains enough damage (of either

type, or a mix) to fill their tracker, they are Impaired. Impaired characters
lose two dice from all relevant dice pools: Physical pools from Impaired
Health, Social, and Mental pools from Impaired Willpower, and any other
pools the Storyteller believe to be similarly weakened. At the Storyteller’s
discretion, mortal SPCs are incapacitated at this stage.
For every level of damage of either kind, Superficial or Aggravated, that a
character takes while Impaired, convert one previously sustained
Superficial damage to Aggravated damage on a one-for one basis. Turn
the “/” to a “X” on the track. Remember to halve Superficial damage as
usual before converting it.

A character with their tracker completely filled with Aggravated damage is

out of the conflict, possibly permanently. In a physical combat, they are
comatose or dead (if mortal)

Filling the Willpower tracker with Aggravated damage outside of a social

conflict has no immediate effects other than Impairment. If it happens
within a social conflict, the defeated character completely breaks down
and loses face and suffers any other consequence the Storyteller
decides, including death.

At the beginning of a session, mortals can remove a number of
Superficial damage levels up to their Stamina rating from their Health
tracker and can remove a number of Superficial damage levels up to their
Composure or Resolve rating (use highest) from their Willpower track. A
character who has acted in accordance to their Ambition can heal 1 level
of Aggravated Willpower damage. However, the other consequences of
losing a social or mental conflict may continue as long as the Storyteller

A character with Medicine can convert Aggravated damage on the Health

tracker to Superficial damage. They must succeed at a simple test of
Intelligence + Medicine; the Difficulty equals the total Aggravated damage
sustained by the patient. Attempts to heal oneself add +1 to the Difficulty.

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