English Grammar Worksheet

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1. Read the following passage.

The giraffe is the tallest of all living land animals. A male can go up to 18 feet and a
female up to 15 feet. Such height enables them to escape the competition for ground
level grass that exists among other leaf-eaters. It also gives him a long range of
vision. He takes the warning of the approaching enemy early.
Giraffes eat a variety of leaves, but acacia leaves are their favourite diet. In spring
when many trees are not in leaf, they spend 80 percent of the day eating. In summer,
when trees are in full leaf, they need only 15 per cent. The rest of the time is spent in
resting and quarreling.
A giraffe’s long neck is made up like that of man and most other mammals, of only
seven vertebrae. The bones are attached to one another with ball and socket joints.
These make the neck flexible. It can run at 50 km per hour.
Rising from a lying position is a problem for such a large animal. So it usually keeps
standing even while it sleeps.

To reach water with such a long neck and legs, a giraffe spreads its front legs wide
apart. Then it lowers its neck to drink. This awkward position makes it easy for the
lion to attack it.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage fill in the blanks with
suitable words.
A giraffe is the (a)_______________ of all land animals. The height of a
(b)___________ giraffe can go up to 18 feet. The (c)________________ of a
female giraffe can be up to 15 feet. With this height it doesn’t have to
(d)____________________________________ with other animals for
leaves. This enables it to see its (e) ____________ from a long distance. It,
however, creates problem in reaching (f) _____________ in tanks.
Answer the following questions.
a. What does a Giraffe eat?
b. How does a Giraffe sleep?
2. Read the poem and answer the questions.
Fame is a food that dead men eat,
I have no stomach for such treat,
In little light and narrow room,
They eat in the silent tomb.
With no kind voice of comrade near To bid the feaster be of cheer.
But friendship is a noble thing,
Of friendship it is good to sing.
For truly when a man shall end,
He lives in memory of his friend,
Who doth his better part recall,
And of his fault make a funeral.

Answer the following questions by choosing correct options:

1. By the expression ‘Fame is a food that dead men eat’ we mean
a. fame is enjoyed only after death
b. fame is enjoyed during life-time
c. fame is something like a food
d. fame dies with one’s death.

2. Friendship is a noble thing because

a. a man cannot live without friends
b. real friends are very helpful
c. a man always remembers the good qualities of his friend after his death

d. it enhances dignity of mankind.

3. Friendship is better than fame because in friendship

a. when a man dies he lives in the memory of his friend
b. a man always regards his friend
c. enmity never comes
d. a man is always happy in the company of his friend.

4. In the last line of the above poem the poet wants to convey that
a. one should believe in friendship
b. the faults of a man are highlighted by his friend after his death
c. the faults of a man are forgotten by his friend after his death
d. one should not run after fame and friendship.

5. The word ‘recall’ means

a. Forget
b. come close
c. Help
d. remember

3. Recently your exams were conducted. Write a letter to your father telling him how
you have fared in your examination. You are Ramneek/Rama of Hostel No. 1, St.
Kabir Public School, Panipat.
4. Read the following extract and answer the questions.
“When i came back to my village, i saw my grandmother in tears. I was surprised,
for i had never seen her cry even in the most difficult situations. What had
happened? I was worried”
a. Where had the narrator gone?
b. Why did the granddaughter find her grandmother in tears on her return?
c. What kind of emotions were expressed in this extract?
5. Read the following extract and answer the questions.
“Now i am independent. It is my duty to respect my teacher.”
a. Who is the speaker?
b. How had she become independent?
c. How did she show her respect to her teacher?
6. Answer the following questions briefly.
a. What was the story in Karmaveera? What did the grandmother identify with
the story?
b. Why did the grandmother feel helpless and dependent?
c. What does grandmother’s crying reveal about her situation?
d. What important message did the story of Kashi yatra convey?


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