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Private Equity and Industry Performance

Shai Bernstein, Josh Lerner, Morten Sorensen, Per Strömberg

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Shai Bernstein, Josh Lerner, Morten Sorensen, Per Strömberg (2016) Private Equity and Industry Performance. Management

Published online in Articles in Advance 03 May 2016


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Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16
ISSN 0025-1909 (print) — ISSN 1526-5501 (online)
© 2016 INFORMS

Private Equity and Industry Performance

Shai Bernstein
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Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305; and National Bureau of Economic Research,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138,

Josh Lerner
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts 02163; and National Bureau of Economic Research,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138,

Morten Sorensen
Copenhagen Business School, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark; Columbia Business School, New York, New York 10027;
and Centre for Economic Policy Research, London EC1V 0DX, United Kingdom,

Per Strömberg
Stockholm School of Economics, SE-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden; Institute for Financial Research, SE-111 60 Stockholm, Sweden;
and Centre for Economic Policy Research, London EC1V 0DX, United Kingdom,

T he growth of the private equity industry has spurred concerns about its impact on the economy. This
analysis looks across nations and industries to assess the impact of private equity on industry performance.
We find that industries where private equity funds invest grow more quickly in terms of total production and
employment and appear less exposed to aggregate shocks. Our robustness tests provide some evidence that is
consistent with our effects being driven by our preferred channel.
Keywords: private equity; industry growth; cross-country analysis; production; employment
History: Received October 19, 2014; accepted April 1, 2015, by Amit Seru, finance. Published online in Articles
in Advance.

1. Introduction International Union (2007, 2008) presents studies that

In response to the global financial crisis that began show the deleterious effect that excessive leverage,
in 2007, governments are rethinking their approach to cost cutting, and poor managerial decisions by PE
regulating financial institutions, with private equity groups can have on firms and industries in cases such
(PE) funds in particular being targeted by regulators. as Hawaiian Telecom, Intelsat, KB Toys, and TDC.
Most dramatically, in 2011, the European Commis- The frequent discussions during the 2012 U.S. presi-
sion adopted the Alternative Investment Fund Man- dential election of layoffs and bankruptcies at compa-
agers Directive (European Commission 2009), which nies under the control of Bain Capital provide another
contains a sweeping set of rules regulating the PE example.
industry. A variety of other measures, including the A central hypothesis in the finance literature since
Dodd–Frank Act in the United States and European Jensen (1989), however, has been that PE has the ability
Union’s Solvency II directive, have also had substan- to improve the operations of firms. By closely mon-
tial implications for private equity funds and their itoring managers, restricting free cash flow through
investors. the use of leverage, and incentivizing managers with
Regulators, politicians, and labor organizers have equity, it is argued, PE-backed firms are able to
long expressed concern about the impact of PE improve operations in the firms they finance.
funds, pointing to their need to rapidly return Several case and clinical studies illustrate Jensen’s
capital to investors and the potentially deleterious (1989) hypothesis. For instance, in the Hertz buy-
effects of such practices as the extensive leveraging out, the PE investor Clayton, Dubilier &Rice (CD&R)
of firms. Critics have pointed to case studies that addressed inefficiencies in preexisting operations
illustrate the negative consequences of the transac- procedures to help increase the profitability of
tions. For instance, Rasmussen (2008) points to the Hertz. Specifically, CD&R created value by lowering
buyout of Britain’s Automobile Association, which overhead costs, reducing inefficient labor expenses,
led to large-scale layoffs and service disruptions cutting non-capital investments down to industry
while generating substantial profits for the trans- standard levels, and aligning managerial incentives
action’s sponsor, Permira. The Service Employees with return on capital (Luehrman 2007). Similarly,
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
2 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS

the buyout of O.M. Scott & Sons led to substantial the average performance of the steel industry across
operating improvements in the firm’s existing opera- all the countries in our sample, as well as whether the
tions, in part because of powerful management incen- variations in performance over the industry cycles are
tives, as well as the active involvement by the PE more or less pronounced.
investors (Baker and Wruck 1989). Another concern is that these results may be driven
This paper investigates these conflicting views of by reverse causality, i.e., that PE funds select to invest
the impact of PE investments on aggregate growth in industries that are growing faster and/or are less
and cyclicality.1 Specifically, we examine the relation- volatile. Note that it is not necessarily more prof-
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ship between the presence of PE investments and the itable to invest in growing industries, if this growth
growth rates of total production, employment, and is anticipated and incorporated into the acquisition
capital formation across 20 industries in 26 major price. For this market-timing strategy to be prof-
nations between 1991 and 2009. The magnitude of itable, PE investors would have to foresee future
PE investments is substantial: in a given year and industry growth better than the market. Moreover,
country, we estimate that approximately 4% of the our data show that PE investments are overrepre-
average industry is acquired by PE investors, mea- sented in mature and traditional industries. Although
sured in terms of sales, which is significant given a we cannot address this concern in a definitive man-
median holding period of more than five years of ner because there is little random variation associ-
these investments.2 ated with PE investments, we investigate the causality
For our production and employment measures, we of our results in several ways. First, our results are
find that PE investments are associated with faster essentially unchanged when we exclude PE invest-
growth. Industries where PE funds have been active ments in the previous year and only consider PE
in the past five years grow more rapidly than other investments made two to five years earlier. Hence,
industries, whether measured using total production, if our results reflect PE investors foreseeing future
growth, PE investors must be quite farsighted. Sec-
value added, total wages, or employment. One con-
ond, the results continue to hold when we use an
cern is that this growth may come at the expense of
instrumental variables technique, employing the size
greater cyclicality, which could translate into greater
of the private pension and insurance company asset
risks for investors and stakeholders. Thus, we also
pool in the nation and year as an instrumental vari-
examine whether economic fluctuations are exacer-
able. These tests provide some evidence that is con-
bated by the presence of PE investments, but we find
sistent with our effects being driven by our preferred
little evidence that this is the case. Activity in indus-
channel rather than with reverse causality.3
tries with PE backing appears to be on average no
This paper is related to the modest and mixed lit-
more volatile in the face of industry cycles than in
erature on the competitive effects of PE. Chevalier
other industries, and sometimes less so. In particular, (1995a, b) shows that buyouts of supermarket chains
we find that PE investments are particularly related to lead to positive outcomes for local rivals. These rivals
reduced downside risk of shocks to industry growth are more likely to enter or expand in an urban region,
rates. The reduced volatility is particularly apparent if there are a number of firms that have under-
in total wages. These patterns continue to hold when gone buyouts and charge higher prices in these mar-
we focus on the impact of PE in continental Europe, kets. She suggests that these results are consistent
where concerns about these investments have been with “softer” product market competition. Similarly,
expressed most often. Oxman and Yildrim (2008) suggest that PE corporate
In our baseline empirical specifications, we include governance practices spill over on competitors after a
country-industry and industry-year fixed effects buyout. By contrast, Hsu et al. (2010) find that rivals
(FEs), so the impact of PE activity is measured relative experience a decrease in both their stock prices and
to the average performance in a given country, indus- their operating performance around the time of PE
try, and year. For instance, if the Swedish steel indus- investments in their industry. These differences may
try has more PE investment than the Finnish one, we arise because they use a different sample, focusing on
examine whether the steel industry in these two coun- transactions that are isolated in time and including
tries performs better or worse over time relative to private investments in public equity (PIPEs).
Our paper also relates to the subsequent work of
Although we do not examine spillovers per se, this paper is also Aldatmaz (2013), who addresses a similar question,
related to a large literature examining spillover effects of foreign
direct investments and/or multinational companies’ presence on 3
We have also ran tests for Granger–Sims causality, suggesting that
the local firms and the economy. Much of this literature is summa- past PE investment precedes subsequent improvements in industry
rized in Blomström and Kokko (1998). performance, whereas past industry performance is unrelated to
See Strömberg (2008) for more information on PE firms’ holding future PE investments. We are happy to share these results upon
periods. request.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS 3

using data from Burgiss Group (see Harris et al. 2014, worldwide PE transactions.4 Strömberg (2008) com-
for a description of this data set). The Burgiss data pares CIQ LBO data during the 1980s with older
have the advantage of more complete information on LBO studies using 1980s data and estimates that dur-
the dollar value of equity investments made by pri- ing this early period, well before Capital IQ’s forma-
vate equity funds. The disadvantage compared with tion, the database’s coverage was somewhere between
the data we use, however, is that the coverage of Bur- 70% and 85%. The base sample contains all private
giss is only part of the total PE universe, since it relies placements and merger and acquisition transactions
in CIQ where (a) the list of acquirers includes (at least)
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on limited partnership investors reporting to Burgiss.

It also measures the equity value, whereas our esti- one investment firm; (b) the transaction is classified
as a “leveraged buyout,” “management buyout,” or
mates are of the total transaction value of deals, which
“going private”; (c) the deal was announced between
is important given the leverage of these investments.
January 1986 and December 2008; and (d) the tar-
Finally, Aldatmaz has a different focus: he considers
get company is headquartered in an OECD country
the effect of PE investment on publicly traded com- included in the STAN database. Thus, we only look
panies in the same industry, whereas we consider the at later-stage buyout transactions and do not include
effect on the whole industry. This enables him to con- venture capital investments. We exclude transactions
sider more countries, including developing ones, but that were announced but not completed as of Decem-
will be less informative for countries where publicly ber 2008, as well as transactions that did not involve
traded companies only represent a small portion of a financial investor (e.g., a buyout executed by the
the total industry. At any rate, the results of Aldat- management team itself was excluded). This results
maz are qualitatively very similar, and complemen- in a sample with about 14,300 transactions, involving
tary, to ours. 13,600 distinct firms.
In addition to our inability to completely put We use various measures of PE activity relative to
causality concerns to rest, as noted above, our anal- the size of the industry. For most of our analyses, we
ysis has some additional limitations. First, economic use an indicator variable that equals 1 if there are
growth and volatility are only two of the issues that any PE investments during any of the previous five
regulators consider when assessing the consequences years. This measure has the advantage of being well
of PE investments. Among the unaddressed topics defined, even absent information about deal sizes and
are the impact on productivity, the distribution of the total size of the industry. For some analyses, we
wealth across society, and the competitive dynam- use more refined measures of PE activity. One compli-
cation is that we only have information about the deal
ics across industries. Second, our results suggest that
size for 50% of our transactions, so for those analyses,
spillovers from PE-backed companies may be impor-
we impute missing deal sizes by constructing fitted
tant, but data limitations prevent us from exploring
values from a regression of deal size on fixed effects
these dynamics in more detail here. for country, investment year, and target industry. We
The rest of this paper proceeds as follows: Sec- then generate aggregate country-year-industry mea-
tion 2 describes the construction of the data set, and sures of total PE volume in the form of summed deal
the results are presented in the Section 3. Section 4 sizes.5 We scale the total deal size calculated in this
presents concluding remarks. way by the total industry production as reported by
STAN (see below) to construct a relative measure of
PE investments in the industry and nation. To capture
2. Data Sources and nonlinearities in the relation between PE activity and
Sample Construction output, and to reduce the noise in the aggregation, we
We combine two data sets to analyze how PE invest- construct quartile indicators for this normalized PE
ments affect industries. One data set contains infor- volume measure and use these variables as indicators
of PE activity.
mation about PE investments compiled by Capital IQ,
and the other contains industry activity and perfor- 2.2. Industry Data
mance across the Organisation for Economic Coop- The STAN database provides industry data across
eration and Development (OECD) member countries OECD countries compiled from national statistics
that are included in the OECD’s Structural Analysis
Database (STAN). 4
Most data services tracking PE investments were not established
until the late 1990s. The most geographically comprehensive excep-
tion, SDC VentureXpert, focused primarily on capturing venture
2.1. PE Investment Sample capital investments (rather than leveraged buyouts (LBOs)) until
We use the Capital IQ (CIQ) database to construct the mid-1990s.
a base sample of PE transactions. This database is 5
The results below are robust to the use of the data without the
recognized as the most comprehensive database of imputations.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
4 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS

Table 1 Descriptions of OECD STAN Industry Variables often defined by CIQ at a more aggregated industry-
level classification (hence including multiple refined
Industry variable Description
categories), for which no direct mapping to SIC, and
Production Value of goods and/or services produced in a ultimately to ISIC, exists.
(gross output) year, whether sold or stocked, measured at In these cases, we used all SIC codes that belong
current prices.
Value added Industry contribution to national GDP. Value
to the subcategories of the industry classification of
added comprises labor costs, consumption of CIQ and therefore had multiple four-digit SIC codes
for a single CIQ (upper-level) industry classification.
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fixed capital, and taxes less subsidies,

measured at current prices. In some cases, the mapping of a single aggregated-
Labor costs Wages and salaries of employees paid by level CIQ industry to multiple four-digit SIC codes
(compensation of producers, as well as supplements such as
employees) contributions to social security, private
generated no conflict because all of the four-digit SIC
pensions, health insurance, life insurance, and codes corresponded to the same ISIC industry clas-
similar schemes. sification, creating a one-to-one mapping. In cases
Number of employees Persons engaged in domestic production, where the four-digit SIC Codes corresponded to dif-
excluding self-employed and unpaid family
ferent industries in the ISIC scheme, we matched each
Gross fixed capital Acquisitions, less disposals, of new tangible PE deal separately to its corresponding ISIC indus-
formation assets (such as machinery and equipment, try. In 390 transactions, we were not able to deter-
transport equipment, livestock, and mine with certainty the appropriate match in the ISIC
construction) and new intangible assets (such scheme, and those transactions were dropped, leav-
as mineral exploration and computer software)
ing us with roughly 14,000 PE transactions with ISIC
to be used for more than one year, measured
at current prices. classifications.
Consumption of fixed Reduction in the value of fixed assets used in Finally, we group ISIC subindustries by using a
capital production resulting from physical more aggregated ISIC classification, to balance PE
deterioration, normal obsolescence, or normal activity across industries. For example, there are
accidental damage.
520 PE transactions within the “food products and
Source. OECD, STAN database, 2013. beverages” subindustry classification and only two
transactions in the “tobacco” industry. The ISIC par-
offices. It contains economic information at the coun- ent category of these two classifications is “food prod-
try, year, and industry levels. Thus, a typical obser- ucts, beverages, and tobacco.” Therefore, we use this
vation would be “the German transport equipment aggregate category rather than the two more refined
industry in 1999.” STAN includes measures of total ones. As a result, the industry classification we use is
production, employment, and capital formation, as the detailed ISIC classification, but in cases of indus-
described in Table 1. tries with very modest PE activity, we use the more
We are careful to collect the most recent data aggregate industry level. In unreported analyses, we
available from the STAN database. Unfortunately, the verify that the results hold using the detailed (non-
STAN database is being updated slowly. As of Jan- grouped) industry classifications.
uary 2013, its coverage ends in 2009. This results in a sample of 11,735 country-industry-
year observations during the years 1986–2009. For
2.3. Mapping Capital IQ to STAN Industries each country-industry-year, we measure PE activity
We have to rely on the OECD/STAN industry classifi- as the volume of PE deals occurring during the pre-
cation, since the dependent variables are only defined vious five years in this country and industry. In addi-
at this level. The STAN database and Capital IQ, tion, we designate an observation a PE industry if
however, rely on different industry classifications. it had at least one PE investment during those five
Industries in the STAN database are classified by the years. These definitions were motivated by the hold-
International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) ing periods reported by Strömberg (2008).6 With these
code, which does not map directly to the Capital IQ definitions, we can only compare activity from 1991
classification. To overcome this limitation, we first to 2009, leaving us with 9,216 country-industry-year
use the mapping from the CIQ industry classification observations.
into Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and Tables 2–4 present the distribution of deals across
then use another existing mapping from SIC to ISIC industries, years, and countries. Several patterns are
The mapping of CIQ industry classifications to SIC 6
The Capital IQ data contain the time of the PE fund’s initial acqui-
codes includes only matches for the most detailed
sition of a company but not the time of the subsequent sale. Funds
levels of the CIQ classifications to four-digit SIC tend to own these companies for 4.5 to 5 years, and our PE indica-
codes. Whenever possible, we use this matching to get tor is a proxy for whether any companies in a given country and
equivalent SIC codes. PE transactions, however, are industry are currently owned by PE funds.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS 5

Table 2 Distribution of Deals by Industry

Industry Obs. PE industries Deals Deal volume Imputed deal volume

Agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing 462 61 52 60178 90958

Basic metals and fabricated metal products 462 227 764 710132 1230076
Chemical, rubber, plastics, and fuel products 462 224 727 1130702 1620807
Community, social, and personal services 460 207 11 171 3690596 4410305
Electrical and optical equipment 462 224 878 1410261 1870044
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Electricity, gas, and water supply 462 64 112 1010083 1240183

Hotels and restaurants 457 151 449 1360561 1610428
Other nonmetallic mineral products 462 131 165 190055 300233
Financial intermediation 458 205 575 1580595 2130371
Food products, beverages, and tobacco 462 222 564 660714 1090502
Machinery and equipment, N.E.C. 462 252 11294 1270186 2100651
Manufacturing N.E.C. and recycling 462 169 386 300696 570460
Mining and quarrying 462 67 166 370912 510488
Pulp, paper, paper products, printing, and publishing 462 213 537 1170435 1490567
Real estate, renting, and business activities 458 269 21 757 379096 5290925
Construction 460 159 338 290854 490738
Textiles, textile products, leather, and footwear 462 208 441 310735 660121
Transport equipment 462 106 113 140410 210928
Transport, storage, and communications 460 225 597 2540879 2950698
Wholesale and retail trade—Repairs 457 253 11 641 3290542 4470715
Total 91216 31637 131 727 215370485 314430199

Notes. The sample consists of 9,216 country-industry-year observations of OECD countries between 1991 and 2009. “Obs.” shows the number of observations
of the industry in the STAN data. “PE industries” contains the number of observations classified as PE industries. An industry is a PE industry if it had at least
one PE investment during the previous five years. “Deals” is the number of deals, and “Deal volume” is the combined size of the deals (normalized to billions
of 2008 U.S. dollars). “Imputed deal volume” imputes the size for deals with missing size information. N.E.C., not elsewhere classified.

visible: (1) the heavy representation of buyouts as a of total industry value represented by PE transactions
share of economic activity in traditional industries, annually.
such as “textiles, textile products, leather,” “machin- Because enterprise value is not available for pri-
ery and equipment,” “pulp, paper, paper products, vately held firms, we must approximate this measure.
printing,” “electrical and optical equipment”; and In particular, we compute a “revenue multiple” from
“chemical, rubber, plastics and fuel products”; (2) the the publicly traded firms in Global Compustat for
acceleration in buyout activity, first modestly during each industry and year: the ratio between the aggre-
the late 1980s and then especially in the mid-2000s; gate enterprise value (the sum of the market value
and (3) the greater level of activity in a handful of of equity, plus the book value of debt and preferred
traditional hubs for PE funds, including the United stock) of all publicly traded firms across all sample
States, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United nations and the revenues for the same set of firms.8
Kingdom.7 We then assume that this ratio also characterizes the
Although the concentration of PE activity across privately held firms in each industry in the same year.
certain industries, years, and countries may have been Thus, we estimate the ratio of the aggregate annual
a potential concern, our analysis includes industry- volume of PE investments in each industry and year
year and country-industry fixed effects. This, together (not using imputed deals, to be conservative) to the
with the fact that country-industry-year is the unit of product of the estimated revenue multiple and the
observation, ensures that our results are not driven by aggregate production by public and private firms, as
a few industry, year, or country outliers. estimated by the OECD.9
One natural question is whether the volume of buy- These ratios vary by year, reflecting the ebb and
outs during our sample period is sufficiently large to flow of PE activity. If we compute the average annual
have a material impact on the industries in which the share of PE activity across the entire sample period
funds invest. The most direct approach is to look at
the implied share of PE investments in the industries Because of the small number of publicly traded firms, we are
unable to compute a revenue multiple for the agriculture, hunting,
in our sample. We wish to compute the mean share
forestry, and fishing industry category. Although Global Compus-
tat may not be comprehensive, we do not believe these omissions
The level of transactions is high in Luxembourg because of the will introduce biases in the calculations of the multiples.
tendency of many firms to domicile there for tax reasons, even It should be noted that the OECD constructs this measure to be as
though the bulk of their operations are elsewhere. As a result, we comparable as possible to the aggregate of the accounting measure
omit Luxembourg from the analyses below. of firm revenue.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
6 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS

Table 3 Distribution of Deals by Year Table 4 Distribution of Deals by Country

PE Deal Imputed Imputed

Year Obs. industries Deals volume deal volume PE Deal deal
Country Obs. industries Deals volume volume
1986 n/a n/a 95 190562 270204
1987 n/a n/a 111 180509 280127 Austria 380 104 54 10785 40025
1988 n/a n/a 160 420947 610781 Belgium 380 156 120 130826 230486
1989 n/a n/a 142 600453 680956 Canada 360 199 303 1010473 1200966
1990 n/a n/a 124 210696 330550
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Switzerland 360 134 118 170664 330277

1991 436 65 158 130292 210881 Czech Republic 340 82 37 50059 50890
1992 449 75 178 150730 260803 Germany 380 205 632 1130542 1960429
1993 493 82 196 160440 290411 Denmark 380 126 152 100096 180257
1994 500 89 260 150442 250525
Spain 380 179 267 420786 480166
1995 500 104 346 340985 490796
Finland 380 194 203 70698 160633
1996 500 131 430 430525 570243
1997 500 147 653 550407 860002 France 360 280 11340 1240629 1830207
1998 500 183 867 940417 1440103 United Kingdom 360 318 21289 4070835 4580116
1999 500 203 819 860124 1300694 Greece 372 18 7 40452 60141
2000 500 219 775 1030704 1360950 Hungary 380 59 22 60678 90374
2001 500 239 670 790220 1000670 Ireland 380 83 47 190085 200777
2002 500 255 713 920750 1210481 Iceland 380 9 5 00270 00280
2003 500 261 932 1440741 1770671 Italy 380 246 350 440293 600524
2004 500 276 11201 2010257 2750450 Japan 378 92 80 240820 310461
2005 500 276 11405 2570562 3660256 Korea 380 58 21 60393 60393
2006 500 299 11765 3980772 5450134 Netherlands 380 238 330 870937 1300141
2007 480 295 11840 7570902 9750565 Norway 380 105 81 50612 100806
2008 480 251 519 1260214 1720564 Poland 326 88 61 20696 30378
2009 378 187 — — — Portugal 320 61 27 00251 00326
Total 91216 31637 141359 217000652 316620817 Slovak Republic 340 29 15 00179 10043
Sweden 380 201 277 440298 590677
Notes. The sample consists of 9,216 country-industry-year observations of
United States 380 373 61889 114440128 119940426
OECD countries between 1991 and 2009. “Obs.” is the number of country-
industry-year observations per year in the STAN data. “PE industries” con- Total 91216 31637 131727 215370485 314430199
tains the number of observations classified as PE industries. An industry is Notes. The sample consists of 9,216 country-industry-year observations of
a PE industry if it had at least one PE investment during the previous five OECD countries between 1991 and 2009. “Obs.” is the number of observa-
years. “Deals” is the number of deals, and “Deal volume” is the combined tions in each country in the STAN data. “PE industries” contains the number
size of the deals (normalized to 2008 US$ billions). “Imputed deal volume” of observations classified as PE industries. An industry is a PE industry if
imputes the deal size for deals with missing size information. it had at least one PE investment during the previous five years. “Deals” is
the number of deals, and “Deal volume” is the combined size of the deals
in each industry, it varies from 0.9% (for transport (normalized to 2008 US$ billions). “Imputed deal volume” imputes the size
equipment) to 13.5% (for machinery and equipment). for deals with missing size information.
The weighted average across all industries is 4.35%,
with an interquartile range from 2.5% to 7.1%. This industry. In each case, an observation is an industry-
suggests that for the typical industry, the impact of country-year triple, and the dependent variable is
PE over this period is quite substantial, especially in the growth rate of a given economic variable (e.g.,
light of the five- to seven-year holding period, which employment).
characterizes the typical PE investment (Strömberg Table 5 provides a univariate comparison of the
2008). This measure may understate the volume of PE growth of PE and non-PE industries. PE industries
activity. Not only are transactions with missing data grow more quickly in terms of total production (out-
excluded, but as discussed above, CIQ’s coverage is put), value added, labor costs, and employment.
incomplete. However, the PE industries have lower growth rates
Moreover, it is likely that having a significant frac- of gross fixed capital formation and consumption of
tion of firms in an industry under buyout ownership fixed capital. These basic comparisons do not control
has a substantial effect on competitors as well. As for industry, year, or country effects.
discussed in the introduction, earlier work suggests To control for these effects, we estimate several
that the impact of PE extends beyond the bought-out multivariate specifications. First, we include an indi-
firms. cator (PE5 ) that denotes whether the industry is a
PE industry or not (defined, as noted above, as an
industry with at least one PE investment during the
3. Analysis previous five years). An advantage of this definition
3.1. Industry Performance is that it only relies on the presence of PE deals, not
We begin by examining the relationship between var- on the aggregate value of these transactions. Second,
ious industry characteristics and the role of PE in the we use indicators to capture whether an industry is
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS 7

Table 5 Industry Growth Variables

All industries PE industries Non-PE industries

Average Std. Average Std. Average Std.

Observations growth dev. Observations growth dev. Observations growth dev. p-Value

Production (gross output) 81144 600 905 31624 602 903 41520 507 908 0001
Value added 81188 506 1007 31634 600 1003 41554 502 1101 0000
Labor costs (compensation of employees) 71888 504 801 31477 509 801 41411 408 801 0000
Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Number of employees 71062 −001 501 31324 001 402 31738 −003 507 0000
Gross fixed capital formation 61617 702 7407 31071 607 3808 31546 709 10304 0047
Consumption of fixed capital 71114 600 14001 31321 507 1006 31793 602 1604 0010

Notes. The sample consists of 9,216 country-industry-year observations of OECD countries between 1991 and 2009. An industry is considered to be a PE
industry if it had at least a single PE deal in the previous five years. The “p-Value” column provides the p-value of a test of equality of the means of PE and
non-PE industries. See Table 1 for variable definitions.

a low or high PE industry (the omitted category is the coefficient of 0.863 implies that the total produc-
no PE). A low PE industry (PE5 Low) is a PE industry tion of an average PE industry grows at an annual
where the fraction of total imputed PE investments rate that is 0.836 percentage points higher than a non-
divided by total production (both normalized to 2008 PE industry. The average growth rate is 6.0%, imply-
U.S. dollars) is smaller than the median (conditional ing that PE ownership increases industry growth by
on having a nonzero level of PE investment), whereas approximately 15%. For value added, we also find
a high PE industry (PE5 High) has PE investments to that the PE investments are associated with faster
production ratio above the median.10 We also perform growth. In industries with lower levels of PE activity,
the analysis dividing PE activity into quartiles to bet- we find an average growth rate of 0.661% faster per
ter measure the differential effects of different activity year than industries without PE activity and indus-
levels. For both the median and the quartile dummy tries with more PE activity growing 1.157% faster on
specifications, industries with no PE activity are the average.
omitted group. Hence, the coefficients can be inter- In Table 6, we can also see that the effects of PE
preted relative to observations with zero PE invest- investments on total production and value added
ment in a given country-industry-year. tend to increase in the amount of PE activity. How-
To control for common shocks across industries ever, the bottom row of the table reports the sig-
and countries, we include industry-year and country- nificance of a statistical test for differences between
industry fixed effects in our specifications. Hence, we high- and low-PE industries, and only for value
estimate the fixed-effect panel regression: added is the increase statistically significant. Finally,
we compare the differences between the four quar-
yciy = PE ciy ‚ + ‡ci + Žiy + ˜ciy 1 tiles of PE activity. We find some evidence that the
effect is stronger for industries with more PE activ-
where yciy is the endogeneous variable of interest, e.g.,
ity, although the effect is slightly weaker in the top
the growth rate of employment;11 PEciy is an indicator
quartile of PE activity, and the differences in the four
for whether the industry is a PE industry; ‡ci is a
coefficients are not statistically significant.
country-industry fixed effect; Žiy is an industry-year
A natural concern is the direction of causality. It is
fixed effect; and ˜ciy is the residual error term.
possible that PE investors pick industries that have
The results in Table 6 indicate that industries with
the potential to grow, and our results may reflect this
PE deals have significantly higher growth rates of
industry choice rather than the causal effect of the
production and value added. For total production,
investments on the industry. To mitigate this concern,
we change our definition of the PE industry mea-
When defining the PE5 Low and PE5 High indicators, we calculate sure to only include investments during the period
the median of the amount of PE activity in each industry (aggre-
from two to five years prior to the observation, called
gated over the previous five years and normalized by the indus-
try’s total production in constant 2008 U.S. dollars) among the 3,637 the twice-lagged measure (the original PE measure
industry-year observations with nonzero PE activity. This median included all five years prior to the observation). The
value is 7.10. All our results are robust to normalizing by total results are reported in Table 7. We find that the results
employment instead of total production. Moreover, the results are are very similar, indicating that the effect that we find
robust to a softer definition of non-PE industries as industries with
is unlikely to be driven by PE investors entering coun-
PE activity in the bottom 1% of the distribution.
tries and industries where they expect stronger imme-
We do not analyze more specific measures of total factor produc-
tivity (TFP), because TFP measures are only defined for manufac- diate growth.
turing industries, and much of the variation in our data involves Table 8 considers measures of employment. PE
PE activity in other industries. industries appear to grow significantly faster in terms
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
8 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS

Table 6 PE Activity and Growth Rate of Productivity

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Production Production Production
(gross output) (gross output) (gross output) Value added Value added Value added
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗
PE5 00863 00881
4002315 4002595
PE5 Low 00790∗∗∗ 00661∗∗
Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

4002555 4002755
PE5 High 00955∗∗∗ 10157∗∗∗
4002735 4003055
PE5 Q1 00687∗∗ 00485
4002995 4003045
PE5 Q2 00918∗∗∗ 00838∗∗
4002895 4003335
PE5 Q3 10181∗∗∗ 10273∗∗∗
4003055 4003545
PE5 Q4 00724∗∗ 10067∗∗∗
4003065 4003265
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PEL = PEH 00519 00292 00060∗∗ 00165
Observations 8,134 8,134 8,134 8,173 8,173 8,173

Notes. The table contains OLS panel regression coefficients. An observation is a country-industry-year pair. The endogenous variable is the growth rate of
production or value added (as defined by OECD). The exogenous variables are an indicator for positive PE activity over the previous five years at the country-
industry level (PE5 ), indicators for whether the measured PE activity is below or above the median activity level (PE5 Low and PE5 High), and indicators for
quartiles. The omitted base category is no PE activity over the previous five years. Country-industry fixed effects (C-I FE) and industry-year fixed effects (I-Y
FE) are included as indicated. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. PE L = PE H contains the significance level of a Wald test of equality of the PE Low
and PE High coefficients or all the quartile coefficients.
∗∗∗ ∗∗
, , and ∗ denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

Table 7 Twice-Lagged PE Activity and Growth Rate of Productivity

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Production Production Production
(gross output) (gross output) (gross output) Value added Value added Value added
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗
PE2−5 00863 00881
4002315 4002595
PE2−5 Low 00721∗∗∗ 00662∗∗
4002325 4002665
PE2−5 High 00786∗∗∗ 10143∗∗∗
4002655 4003065
PE2−5 Q1 00827∗∗∗ 00586∗∗
4002725 4002925
PE2−5 Q2 00652∗∗ 00751∗∗
4002925 4003345
PE2−5 Q3 10072∗∗∗ 10314∗∗∗
4002975 4003465
PE2−5 Q4 00437 00970∗∗∗
4003005 4003555
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PEL = PEH 00794 00099∗ 00098∗ 00247
Observations 8,134 8,134 8,134 8,173 8,173 8,173

Notes. The table contains OLS panel regression coefficients. An observation is a country-industry-year pair. The endogenous variable is the growth rate of
production or value added (as defined by OECD). The exogenous variables are an indicator for positive PE activity over the previous four years −2 to −5, i.e.,
not including the year prior to the year where the growth in the endogenous variable is measured (PE2−5 ), indicators for whether the measured PE activity is
below or above the median activity level (PE2−5 Low and PE2−5 High), and indicators for quartiles. The omitted base category is no PE activity over the previous
five years. Country-industry fixed effects (C-I FE) and industry-year fixed effects (I-Y FE) are included as indicated. Robust standard errors are in parentheses.
PEL = PEH contains the significance level of a Wald test of equality of the PE Low and PE High coefficients or all the quartile coefficients.
∗∗∗ ∗∗
, , and ∗ denotes statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS 9

Table 8 PE Activity and Growth Rate of Employment

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Labor costs Labor costs Labor costs
(compensation (compensation (compensation Number of Number of Number of
of employees) of employees) of employees) employees employees employees

PE5 00905∗∗∗ 00777∗∗∗

4001985 4001475
Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

PE5 Low 00642∗∗∗ 00922∗∗∗

4002145 4001695
PE5 High 10239∗∗∗ 00598∗∗∗
4002295 4001715
PE5 Q1 00165 00820∗∗∗
4002525 4002185
PE5 Q2 10123∗∗∗ 10056∗∗∗
4002435 4001835
PE5 Q3 10439∗∗∗ 00867∗∗∗
4002735 4001895
PE5 Q4 10131∗∗∗ 00319
4002415 4001975
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PEL = PEH 00004∗∗∗ 00000∗∗∗ 00057∗ 00002∗∗∗
Observations 7,885 7,885 7,885 7,928 7,928 7,928

Notes. The table contains OLS panel regression coefficients. An observation is a country-industry-year pair. The endogenous variable is the annual growth
rate of labor costs or total employment (as defined by OECD). The exogenous variables are an indicator for positive PE activity over the previous five years
at the country-industry level (PE5 ), indicators for whether the measured PE activity is below or above the median activity level (PE5 Low and PE5 High), and
indicators for quartiles. The omitted base category is no PE activity over the previous five years. Country-industry fixed effects (C-I FE) and industry-year fixed
effects (I-Y FE) are included as indicated. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. PEL = PEH contains the significance level of a Wald test of equality of the
PE Low and PE High coefficients or all the quartile coefficients.
∗∗∗ ∗∗
, , and ∗ denotes statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

of labor costs and the number of employees. The As above, we are concerned about the direction of
annual growth rate of total labor cost is 0.905 per- causality. Table 9 repeats the analysis using the twice-
centage points greater for PE industries, whereas the lagged PE measure. The magnitudes in Tables 8 and 9
number of employees grows at an annual rate that is are largely similar, providing some evidence that sug-
0.777 percentage points greater. gests that the effects we identify are not mainly driven
These findings may be surprising, since a common by PE investors picking industries with expectations
concern is that PE investors act aggressively to reduce of immediate employment growth.
costs with little concern for employees. This concern Finally, in Table 10 we examine measures of fixed
is not necessarily inconsistent with our results, since capital formation and consumption of fixed capital.
we are looking at the industry rather than the firm The results are weaker than for the production and
level. Even if buyouts may lead to initial employment employment measures, with larger standard errors.
reductions at PE-backed firms (as found in Davis et al. If anything, the results suggest that PE investments
2014 for the United States), the greater subsequent increase the growth rate of gross fixed capital forma-
growth in total production, observed in Table 6, may tion but do not affect consumption of fixed capital.
lead to subsequent employment growth in the indus- These results, however, are more tentative.13
try overall.12 Considering the specifications with PE
3.2. Cyclical Patterns
activity quartiles, the growth rate of labor costs and
We next analyze how PE relates to industry cycles. For
number of employees may be fastest in industries
each industry and year, we average the growth rate
with moderate levels of PE activity. This may suggest
of the production and employment measures across
that the increase in growth is not entirely driven by countries to attain the average growth rate. This rate
increases at the PE-backed firms themselves but may measures the annual aggregate shock in these vari-
also be driven by the spillover effects at other firms. ables (e.g., production output in the steel industry fell

12 13
Boucly et al. (2011) document that PE investment leads to both Using twice-lagged PE activity gives qualitatively similar results
higher employment growth and production growth in France. to those in Table 10.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
10 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS

Table 9 Twice-Lagged PE Activity and Growth Rate of Employment

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Labor costs Labor costs Labor costs
(compensation (compensation (compensation Number of Number of Number of
of employees) of employees) of employees) employees employees employees

PE2−5 00905∗∗∗ 00777∗∗∗

4001985 4001475
Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

PE2−5 Low 00614∗∗∗ 00829∗∗∗

4001995 4001595
PE2−5 High 10242∗∗∗ 00658∗∗∗
4002125 4001605
PE2−5 Q1 00214 00762∗∗∗
4002305 4002045
PE2−5 Q2 10017∗∗∗ 00930∗∗∗
4002345 4001755
PE2−5 Q3 10417∗∗∗ 10008∗∗∗
4002545 4001695
PE2−5 Q4 10158∗∗∗ 00285
4002395 4001995
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PEL = PEH 00001∗∗∗ 00000∗∗∗ 00288 00000∗∗∗
Observations 7,885 7,885 7,885 7,928 7,928 7,928

Notes. The table contains OLS panel regression coefficients. An observation is a country-industry-year pair. The endogenous variable is the annual growth rate
of labor costs or total employment (as defined by OECD). The exogenous variables are an indicator for positive PE activity over the previous four years −2 to
−5, i.e., not including the year previous to the year where the growth in the endogenous variable is measured (PE2−5 ), indicators for whether the measured PE
activity is below or above the median activity level (PE2−5 Low and PE2−5 High), and indicators for quartiles. The omitted base category is no PE activity over
the previous five years. Country-industry fixed effects (C-I FE) and industry-year fixed effects (I-Y FE) are included as indicated. Robust standard errors are in
parentheses. PEL = PEH contains the significance level of a Wald test of equality of the PE Low and PE High coefficients or all the quartile coefficients.
∗∗∗ ∗∗
, , and ∗ denotes statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

by 2% on average in 2002 across the nations in our decreases by 2%, and this decrease is also equally
sample). We then investigate whether PE industries large for PE and non-PE industries, then ƒ is zero. By
are more or less exposed to this shock by including contrast, imagine that the growth rate of employment
the PE measure interacted with this average growth increases by 2% on average, but this increase is dis-
measure in the regressions. In particular, we estimate tributed such that PE industries grow by 3% and non-
the specification PE industries grow by only 1%, and this is followed
by a 2% decline in growth rate, but this decline is dis-
yciy − ȳiy = PE ciy ‚ + 4PE ciy × ȳiy 5ƒ + ‡ci + Žiy + ˜ciy 1 tributed such that PE industries decline by 3% and
non-PE industries decline by 1%. Then the coefficient
where yciy is the growth rate of interest (e.g., the ƒ is positive, and we interpret this as PE investments
growth rate of employment), ȳiy is the mean of amplifying the exposure to the aggregate shocks.
the growth rate (e.g., the average growth rate of In Tables 11 and 12, we examine the impact on
employment in industry i during year y across all production and employment. Across all the regres-
countries),14 PEciy is an indicator for whether the sions, the interaction terms are either negative or
industry is a PE industry, ‡ci is a country-industry insignificant, which suggests that PE industries, if
fixed effect, Žiy is an industry-year fixed effect, and anything, are less exposed to industry shocks than
˜ciy is the residual error term. non-PE industries. To interpret the coefficients, using
If PE and non-PE industries were equally sensitive the estimates in the first regression in Table 12, if
to economic conditions, we would expect the coeffi- an industry on average experiences a 5% increase in
cient on the interaction term, ƒ, to be zero. For exam- total labor costs in a given year (the aggregate shock),
ple, if the average growth rate of employment first a PE industry will experience, on average, a 5.768%
increases by 2%, and this increase is equally large increase (5% + 1.498% + 5% × −00146 = 5.768%). Con-
for PE and non-PE industries, and then subsequently versely, following a 5% decrease in labor costs, a
PE industry will only experience a −20772% decline
We calculate this average as an equal-weighted average. Since (−5% + 10498% + 4−5%5 × −00146 = −20772%). Hence,
this average may be sensitive to outliers, we confirm that our an aggregate swing from +5% to −5% (a 10% dif-
results hold when the average is replace by the median. ference) in growth rates translates into a swing from
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS 11

Table 10 PE Activity and Growth Rate of Capital Formation

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Gross fixed Gross fixed Gross fixed Consumption Consumption Consumption
capital formation capital formation capital formation of fixed capital of fixed capital of fixed capital

PE5 10336∗∗ 00175

4005225 4003165
PE5 Low 10417∗∗ −00140
Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

4006305 4003715
PE5 High 10245∗∗ 00513
4006085 4003545
PE5 Q1 10417∗ −00648
4007515 4004095
PE5 Q2 10433∗ 00335
4007315 4004655
PE5 Q3 10345∗ 00496
4006975 4003835
PE5 Q4 10135 00612
4007385 4004575
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PEL = PEH 00798 00985 00073∗ 00054∗
Observations 6,776 6,776 6,776 5,853 5,853 5,853

Notes. The table contains OLS panel regression coefficients. An observation is a country-industry-year pair. The endogenous variable is the annual growth rate
of gross fixed capital formation or consumption of fixed capital (as defined by OECD). The exogenous variables are an indicator for positive PE activity over
the previous five years at the country-industry level (PE5 ), indicators for whether the measured PE activity is below or above the median activity level (PE5 Low
and PE5 High), and indicators for quartiles. The omitted base category is no PE activity over the previous five years. Country-industry fixed effects (C-I FE) and
industry-year fixed effects (I-Y FE) are included as indicated. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. PEL = PEH contains the significance level of a Wald
test of equality of the PE Low and PE High coefficients or all the quartile coefficients.
∗∗∗ ∗∗
, , and ∗ denotes statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

5.768% to −20772% (a 8.54% difference) in the growth Overall, it appears that PE activity translates into
rates for PE industries. It may be the case, however, smaller employment fluctuations than average, but
that the sensitivity to economic conditions is different industries with a higher amount of PE activity may
in economic booms and busts. To explore such varia- follow a growth pattern that is closer to that of the
tions, we repeat the specification in Tables 11 and 12 industry as a whole. It also appears that PE invest-
with the addition that the variable PE × Avg growth ments are particularly related to reduced downside
is further interacted with a new variable, Boom. The risk of shocks to industry growth rates.
indicator Boom is set to 1 for the observations where
the industry growth rate exceeds the average growth 3.3. Geographic Patterns
rate of this industry over the entire sample period and It is interesting to explore whether the impact of PE
across all countries.15 is different in continental Europe than in the United
We report the results in Table 13. In the specifica- States and the United Kingdom. Not only is the level
tions that include the new triple interaction (specifi- of PE activity higher in the United States and the
cations 2, 4, 6, and 8), the coefficients on PE × Avg United Kingdom than in most other nations, but the
growth are consistently negative, implying that during industry is also more established.
busts (non-boom observations), PE industries are con-
In unreported results, we repeat the base speci-
sistently less exposed to these downturn than non-PE
fications reported in Tables 6–12 with the sample
industries. Conversely, during booms, PE industries
restricted to continental European countries. All the
become more “risky” (note that the “risk exposure”
main effects remain largely unchanged for the conti-
during booms is the sum of the coefficients for PE ×
nental Europe sample, suggesting that the effects are
Avg growth and PE × Avg growth × Boom). This greater
“risk” during booms means that the growth rates of not primarily driven by the United States and the
PE industries are now more exposed to the average United Kingdom. Moreover, we find that the effects
(higher) industry growth rates. are not statistically different for continental Europe
and the United States/United Kingdom, although the
We get similar results when defining booms as observations with
United States/United Kingdom subsample is natu-
growth rates that exceed the median, rather than the mean, which rally a smaller sample, with reduced statistical power
reduces the sensitivity to outliers. to distinguish the effect of PE investments.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
12 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS

Table 11 PE Activity and Productivity Cycles Table 12 PE Activity and Employment Cycles

(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Production Production Value Value Labor costs Labor costs
(gross output) (gross output) added added (compensation (compensation Number of Number of
of employees) of employees) employees employees
PE5 × 00013 −00033
Avg growth 4000295 4000405 PE5 × −00146∗∗∗ −00055
PE5 Low × −00046 −00125 ∗∗ Avg growth 4000335 4000385
PE5 Low × −00248∗∗∗ −00195∗∗∗
Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Avg growth 4000385 4000535

PE5 High × 00055 00047 Avg growth 4000465 4000475
Avg growth 4000375 4000535 PE5 High × −00050 00045
Avg growth 4000395 4000445
PE5 00802∗∗∗ 10013∗∗∗
4002735 4003065 PE5 10498∗∗∗ 00767∗∗∗
4002215 4001475
PE5 Low 10075∗∗∗ 10334∗∗∗
4003165 4003635 PE5 Low 10865∗∗∗ 00998∗∗∗
4002885 4001685
PE5 High 00702∗∗ 00919∗∗
4003255 4003675 PE5 High 10314∗∗∗ 00611∗∗∗
4002665 4001715
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 8,134 8,134 8,173 8,173
Observations 7,885 7,885 7,928 7,928
Notes. The table contains OLS panel regression coefficients. An observation
Notes. The table contains OLS panel regression coefficients. An observation
is the annual growth rate of the indicated productivity measure (subtracting
is the annual growth rate of the indicated employment measure (subtracting
its average growth rate across countries) at the country-industry-year level.
its average growth rate across countries) at the country-industry-year level.
The exogenous variable PE5 × Avg growth contains the interaction between
The exogenous variable PE5 × Avg growth contains the interaction between
PE5 and the average growth rate of the endogenous variable, averaged over
PE and the average growth rate of the endogenous variable, averaged over
countries. PE5 is an indicator for positive PE activity in the country-industry
countries. PE5 is an indicator for positive PE activity in the country-industry
during the previous five years. The variables PE5 Low × Avg growth and
during the previous five years. The variables PE5 Low × Avg growth and PE5
PE5 High × Avg growth are constructed similarly, where PE5 Low and PE5
High × Avg growth are constructed similarly, where PE5 Low and PE5 High
High are indicators for below or above median PE activity. Country-industry
are indicators for below or above median PE activity. The regressions contain
fixed effects (C-I FE) and industry-year fixed effects (I-Y FE) are included as
country-industry fixed effects (C-I FE); industry-year fixed effects (I-Y FE) are
indicated. Standard errors in parentheses are robust.
∗∗∗ ∗∗
included as indicated. Standard errors in parentheses are robust.
, , and ∗ denotes statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, ∗∗∗ ∗∗
, , and ∗ denotes statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels,

3.4. Causality a percentage of GDP. This kind of identification strat-

Although it appears that PE is associated with more egy has been employed in other papers in the venture
rapid growth at an industry level in our sample, capital literature, such as Kortum and Lerner (2000)
it is natural to wonder which way the causation and Mollica and Zingales (2007).
runs. Does the presence of PE lead to higher produc- To see the intuition behind this identification strat-
tion, or do PE investors invest where they anticipate egy, consider first the industry classified as “Basic
industries will grow? Notably, we cannot address this metals and fabricated metal products.” A regression
of total production growth in this industry on the PE
question in a definitive manner because there is lit-
indicator gives a coefficient of 0.32, showing that a PE
tle random variation associated with PE investments.
investment in this industry is associated with 0.32%
Nevertheless, we provide some evidence that is con-
faster growth of total production in this industry. It
sistent with the effects being driven by our preferred
is not possible to attribute this additional growth to
channel, rather than by reversed causality.
PE investments, however, because PE investors may
First, our baseline analysis considers PE invest- focus on this industry in periods of faster growth.
ments during the five years prior to the observed To isolate the effect of the PE investments, note that
growth in total production and employment. As dis- periods with larger pension and insurance assets are
cussed above, we also narrowed our measure to only also associated with more PE investments. Specifi-
include investments in the two to five years before cally, regressing the PE indicator for the industry on
the investment. If our effects were due to PE investors total institutional assets per GDP (in the same coun-
anticipating growth in particular sectors, they would try and year) gives a coefficient of 0.80. This regres-
have to be quite prescient to anticipate growth two sion is the first-stage regression, and the coefficient
years in advance. shows that, for example, a 10% increase in insti-
Second, we address causality using an instrumen- tutional assets per capita is associated with an 8%
tal variables (IV) technique. As an instrument, we use increase in the probability of a PE investment in this
the size of the private pension and insurance com- industry. Changes in institutional assets, however, are
pany asset pool in the nation and year, expressed as largely determined by forces that are unrelated to
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS 13

Table 13 PE Activity and Economic Booms and Busts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Production Production Value added Value added Labor costs Labor costs Employees Employees

PE5 00802∗∗∗ 00440 10013∗∗∗ 00587∗ 10498∗∗∗ 10405∗∗∗ 00766∗∗∗ 00781∗∗∗

4002735 4002835 4003065 4003235 4002215 4002255 4001475 4001495
PE5 × Avg growth 00013 −00238∗∗∗ −00033 −00403∗∗∗ −00146∗∗∗ −00462∗∗∗ −00055∗ −00036
4000295 4000335 4000405 4000475 4000335 4000345 4000385 4000485
Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

PE5 × Avg growth × Boom 00450∗∗∗ 00727∗∗∗ 00584∗∗∗ −00050

4000315 4000435 4000305 4000775
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 8,134 8,134 8,173 8,173 7,885 7,885 7,928 7,928

Notes. The table contains OLS panel regression coefficients. An observation is the annual growth rate of the indicated employment measure (subtracting its
average growth rate across countries) at the country-industry-year level. The exogenous variable PE5 × Avg growth contains the interaction between PE and
the average growth rate of the endogenous variable, averaged over countries. PE5 is an indicator for positive PE activity in the country-industry during the
previous five years. The indicator Boom is set to 1 for the observations where the industry growth rate exceeds the average growth rate of this industry
over the entire sample period and across all countries. The regressions contain country-industry fixed effects (C-I FE); industry-year fixed effects (I-Y FE) are
included as indicated. Standard errors in parentheses are robust.
∗∗∗ ∗∗
, , and ∗ denotes statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

the investment potential or growth of this particu- The exclusion restriction requires that changes in
lar industry, such as changing demographics or reg- pension assets are independent of the error term in
ulatory initiatives. The IV methodology then isolates the regression. Although this is difficult to estab-
the marginal increase in the growth of the produc- lish empirically, pension funds primarily change as
tion in this industry that arises from the increase in a result of pension reforms, and we have reviewed
institutional assets. Estimating the second stage of changes in pension policies in Germany, Sweden, and
the IV model gives a coefficient of 4.3. Taken at face the United Kingdom. These reviews suggest that a
value, this coefficient would suggest that the marginal wide array of considerations drive reforms in the
increase in production growth that can be causally rules governing long-term savings, including demo-
attributed to the PE investments is 4.3%. However, graphic pressures and the consequent dangers of
when focusing on a single industry, the sample size is running out of funding, the presence of perceived dis-
small with low statistical power. The coefficient is not parities (e.g., between white- and blue-collar workers,
statistically significant, and it has a 95% confidence in the treatment of stay-at-home mothers), and the
interval from −1041% to 10.0%. desire to increase the labor supply. We found no evi-
The single-industry intuition still applies when dence that these changes are motivated by a percep-
including all industries in the analysis.16 Including all tion that PE investments offered particularly attractive
industries increases the sample s and yields more pre- investment opportunities. One concern with respect
cise estimates. In this analysis, we use two slightly to the exclusion restriction is that the motivation to
different definitions of the instrument. In the simple increase the labor supply could potentially generate
specification, we assume that an increase in institu- some of the results that we see. It is unlikely, however,
tional assets has the same effect across all industries that such reforms should be concentrated in indus-
(the 0.80 coefficient above). Another, more flexible, tries where PE firms are more active.
specification allows the effect to vary across indus- To estimate this model, we supplement the data set
tries, because changes in institutional assets may not with data on financial assets held by domestic pension
lead to exactly the same change in PE investments funds and insurance corporations from the OECD.17
across industries. Formally, we obtain this flexibility We include only funded pension obligations, exclud-
by interacting the instrument with an industry indi- ing, for instance, public pension plans that hold very
few investable assets but are funded on a “pay as
cator in the first stage. The empirical results remain
you go” basis. Table 14 presents the distribution of
largely unchanged.
financial assets across countries. The instruments for
the PE variable we employ are financial assets rel-
Although the instrument only varies at the country-year level and ative to the country’s GDP, along with country and
PE investors invest at the country-year-industry level, the valid- industry fixed effects. Moreover, we also interact the
ity of the instrument follows from standard arguments. Formally,
identification of the local average treatment effect (LATE) requires
an exclusion restriction and a monotonicity condition (conditions 1 Financial assets are defined by the OECD as currency and
and 2 in Imbens and Angrist 1994). The monotonicity condition deposits, securities other than shares such as bills and bonds, loans,
requires that an increase in institutional assets cannot be associated equities, and other financial assets. We collect the data from the
with a decrease in PE activity, which is reasonable. OECD’s Annual Statistics on Institutional Investors database.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
14 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS

Table 14 Distribution of Financial Assets by Country industries to assess the impact of PE on industry
Financial assets Financial assets
(2008 US$ billions) to GDP ratio The key results are, first, that industries where PE
funds have invested in the past five years have grown
Country Obs. Average Std. dev. Average Std. dev.
more quickly. There are few significant differences
Austria 19 94037 38006 0029 0008 between industries with low and high PE activity,
Belgium 19 176048 102062 0044 0020 suggesting that the results are at least partly driven
Canada 19 862078 301050 0082 0011
by spillover effects from PE-backed firms to other
Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Czech Republic 15 15055 10098 0011 0004

Denmark 16 282099 94071 1005 0019 firms in the industry. Second, we find no support for
Finland 15 48033 16061 0023 0005 claims that economic activity in industries with PE
France 16 11573083 647000 0069 0019 backing is more exposed to aggregate shocks. Various
Germany 19 11573028 499081 0051 0013
Greece 15 11085 5059 0005 0001 robustness tests provide some evidence that is con-
Hungary 19 11017 11050 0010 0007 sistent with our preferred channel, rather than with
Iceland 9 18027 7016 1016 0023 reversed causality. Finally, these patterns not only are
Ireland 9 277084 101077 1023 0026
Italy 15 511053 250004 0027 0010 not driven solely by traditional PE hubs such as the
Japan 19 31557039 687020 0065 0017 United Kingdom and the United States but also hold
Korea 8 374025 76055 0043 0005 in continental Europe.
Netherlands 19 971067 333089 1053 0025
Norway 15 111017 38082 0038 0003 This paper contributes to the overall literature on
Poland 18 34045 39010 0009 0008 the economic impact of private equity. Much of the
Portugal 15 68099 30090 0035 0009 literature has focused on the Jensen (1989) hypoth-
Slovakia 14 2065 2038 0006 0003
Spain 19 266086 153031 0024 0008
esis that PE-backed firms have improved opera-
Sweden 15 313000 92087 0081 0015 tions, ignoring the question of how these investments
Switzerland 11 754027 139054 1082 0013 impact the broader industry.19 One exception is
United Kingdom 19 31172061 993067 1051 0025 Chevalier (1995a), who shows that in regions with
United States 19 131393062 21943081 1010 0012
supermarkets receiving PE investments, the rivals
Notes. Observations” is the number of country-year pairs for which financial responded by adding and expanding stores. This sug-
assets data is available (since 1991). “Financial assets” is the value of assets
gests that investments drive rivals not backed by PE
held by domestic autonomous pension funds and insurance corporations (in
2008 US$ billions). “Financial assets to GDP ratio” is the fraction of financial to aggressively invest and leverage themselves.
assets normalized by country’s GDP. There is also a related literature on market cycles.
For instance, Axelson et al. (2013) show that the
instrument with industry indicators to permit institu- level of leverage is driven by the cost of debt, rather
tional assets to have different effects on PE activity than the industry- and firm-specific factors that affect
across different industries. The results are shown in leverage in publicly traded firms. The use of leverage
Table 15, which also includes regular ordinary least is also strongly associated with higher valuation lev-
squares (OLS) estimates for comparison.18 The previ- els and lower PE fund returns, consistent with Kaplan
ous results of a positive impact of PE investment on and Stein (1993). If firms completing buyouts at mar-
industry performance remain robust. In most cases, ket peaks employ excessive leverage, we may expect
the PE coefficient increases in magnitude. Interpreting industries where a significant fraction of firms have
this estimate as a LATE, this increase in the coefficient undergone buyouts to experience more intense sub-
may suggest that local PE investors, who are more sequent downturns, an expectation that is not sup-
affected by the instrument, have a particularly large ported here.20 In general, the relationship between
effect on growth rates. active investment in an industry and its ongoing evo-
lution has been little documented.
Our findings suggest a number of avenues for
4. Conclusions future research. First, it would be interesting to look
The growth of the PE industry worldwide has
spurred concerns about its potential impact on the 19
To highlight two recent works, Bloom et al. (2009) show that
global economy. This study looks across nations and
PE-backed firms are on average the best-managed group among
the 4,000 firms they survey. Davis et al. (2014) compare all U.S.-
In the first stage, the amount of pension assets has a large positive based manufacturing establishments that received PE investments
and significant (t-stat of 25.34) effect on the PE indicator. Addition- between 1980 and 2005 with similar establishments that did not
ally, we try various (unreported) alternative specifications of the receive PE investments and show that PE-backed firms experience
first stage. We find that all these individual coefficients have large a substantial productivity growth advantage (about two percentage
positive and significant effects (smallest t-stat across industries is points) in the two years following the transaction.
14.21). We estimate specifications with lagged pension assets rela- This is consistent with Hotchkiss et al. (2013), who find that PE-
tive to GDP (up to six years of lags). Across all alternative specifi- owned firms experience lower costs of financial distress than other
cations, the results remain qualitatively unchanged. distressed firms.
Bernstein et al.: Private Equity and Industry Performance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–16, © 2016 INFORMS 15

Table 15 Instrumental Variables Analysis

Panel A: Production and value added

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Production Production Production
(gross output) (gross output) (gross output) Value added Value added Value added

PE5 00863∗∗∗ 10416∗∗ 10316∗∗ 00881∗∗∗ 10808∗∗ 10887∗∗

Downloaded from by [] on 09 May 2016, at 08:04 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

4002095 4005885 4006225 4002555 4007115 4007515

C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 8,134 7,026 7,026 8,173 7,051 7,051

Panel B: Labor costs and total employment

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Labor costs Labor costs Labor costs
(compensation (compensation (compensation Number of Number of Number of
of employees) of employees) of employees) employees employees employees

PE5 00905∗∗∗ 20316∗∗∗ 20542∗∗∗ 00777∗∗∗ 00613∗ 00722∗∗

4001805 4004575 4004845 4001275 4003275 4003465
C-I FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I-Y FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 7,885 6,828 6,828 7,928 6,913 6,913

Notes. The table contains OLS and two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression coefficients. An observation is a country-industry-year pair. The endogenous
variable is the annual growth rate of production, value added, labor costs, and total employment (as defined by OECD). The exogenous variables are an indicator
for positive PE activity over the previous five years at the country-industry level (PE5 ) and country-industry and industry-year fixed effects, as indicated.
The 2SLS specifications in columns (3) and (5) use the fraction of assets held by domestic institutional investors to GDP as instruments for PE in the first
stage. Specifications in columns (2) and (4) use a first stage where the instrument is interacted with industry indicators to allow for differential effects of
the instrument at the industry level. Country-industry fixed effects (C-I FE) and industry-year fixed effects (I-Y FE) are included as indicated. Robust standard
errors are presented in parentheses.
∗∗∗ ∗∗
, , and ∗ denotes statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

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