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“Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía Nacional”


Course: English

Teacher: Bustamante Palacios, Zoraida Del Pilar

Section: 23005


Yrene Céspedes Saavedra Mirian Hernández Valle

Cycle: IV

Chiclayo – Perú
Work and study

Today there are many young people who study and work at the same time, all

due to different circumstances, needs, etc. That is why in this work we will present

the pros and cons of young students.

Studying and working is the most difficult thing because it demands a lot of time,

mornings, and dedication. It is likely that we dedicate fewer hours to studies than

we normally do, and, on some occasions, I prevent you from handing in your work

on time. It is also very likely that our energy will decrease since we would have

less time to rest. However, working and studying at the same time makes young

people develop more skills and aptitudes such as assertive communication,

logical thinking, emotional intelligence, etc., in their work and university

environment, likewise these young people are more disciplined in their tasks and

jobs that they should perform, it should be emphasized that these young people

can pay their expenses and can meet their economic responsibilities and be able

to pay their rent, services, meals and the monthly payment of the university, etc.

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