Đọc Hiểu 1: Exercise 1

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Exercise 1:
Children can learn a lot from doing household chores. Doing chores helps
children learn about (1)________ they need to do to care for themselves, a home and
a family. They learn skills they can use in their adult lives, like preparing meals,
cleaning, organizing and keeping a garden. (2)______ in chores also gives children
experience of relationship skills like communicating clearly, negotiating, cooperating
and working as a team. When children (3)________ to family life, it helps them feel
competent and responsible. Even if they don't enjoy the chore, when they keep going
they get the feeling of satisfaction that comes with finishing a task. And sharing
housework can also help families work better and reduce family stress. When
children help out, chores get done sooner, and parents have less to do. This frees up
time for the family to spend doing fun things together.
The secret for involving children in household chores is asking for
contributions that you (4)________ and that suit your children's ages and abilities. A
chore that's too hard for a child can be frustrating – or even dangerous - and one that's
too easy might be boring. Even a young child can start to help out if you choose
activities that are right for his age. You can start with simple jobs like looking after
his own toys. Chores like this send the message to your child that his contribution is
important. If your child is old enough, you can have a family discussion (5)________
chores. This can reinforce the idea that the whole family contributes to how the
household runs.
(Source: https://raisingchildren.net.au/toddlers/family-life/)
1. A. what B. which C. that D. when
2. A. Having involved B. To involve C. Being involved D. Involving
3. A. devote B. contribute C. introduce D. encourage
4. A. valued B. value C. valuable D valueless
5. A. on B. over C. about D. in

Exercise 2:
"Parents today want their kids spending time on things that can bring them
success, but (1)_________, we've stopped doing one thing that's actually been a
proven predictor of success-and that's household chores," says Richard Rende, a
(2)_________ psychologist in Paradise Valley, Ariz, and co-author of forthcoming
book “Raising Can-Do Kids." Decades of studies show the benefits of chores-
academically, emotionally and even professionally. Giving children household chores
at an early age (3)_______ to build a lasting sense of mastery, responsibility and self-
reliance, according to research by Marty Rossmann, professor emeritus at the
University of Minnesota. In 2002, Dr. Rossmann analyzed data from a longitudinal
study (4)_______ followed 84 children across four periods in their lives-in preschool,
around ages 10 and 15, and in their mid-20s. She found that young adults who began
chores at ages 3 and 4 were more likely to have good relationships with family and
friends, to achieve academic and early career success and to be self-sufficient, as
(5)_______ with those who didn't have chores or who started them as teens. Chores
also teach children how to be empathetic and responsive to others' needs, notes
psychologist Richard Weissbourd of the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
(Adapted from http://www.wsj.com/articles/why-children-need-chores )
1. A. ironically B. especially C. brutally D. bitterly
2. A. develop B. developing C. developed D. developmental
3. A. help B. helps C. helped D. has helped
4. A. whom B. that C. what D. when
5. A. compared B. compare C. comparing D. to compare

Exercise 3:
There are many strange superstitions in the world. The most common one
is related to black cats, (1) ______are the source of hundreds of unlucky
superstitions. It’s a sign of bad luck if they walk in front of you or you step on their
tails. They even bring bad luck into a house if they sneeze inside! This superstition
dates (2) ______to the Middle Ages when they became associated with witches and
evil spirits.
Another common superstition is about walking under a ladder. A more (3)
______ explanation can be traced back to ancient Egypt. The early Egyptians
believed that the shape of the Pyramids had a special power. It was considered very
bad luck to break the “power” of this shape and that’s exactly what walking under a
ladder would do!
In addition, in Roman times, people (4) ______ the habit of looking at
themselves in pools of water. Some believed that these reflections were in fact
“glimpses of the soul”. Any disruption to the water in the pool would bring bad luck
to the person looking in it. This superstition lives (5) _______ with the fear of bad
luck from breaking a mirror.
1. A. which ` B. who C. when D. where
2. A. from B. back C. in D. out
3. A. mystery B. mysterious C. mysteriously D. mysteries
4. A. had B. took C. kept D. held
5. A. on with B in with C. with D. together with

Exercise 4:
If you want to make your school green, think beyond your classrooms.
Here are some suggestions that are all easy and simple to follow, and can make a big
difference in reducing your carbon footprint and creating a (1) _____ community.
One of the places where both teachers and students often spend some of their time in
the library. An eco-friendly reading space is likely to create a favourable impression
(2) _______ library users, and bring some significant educational benefits. For
example, you can install energy-saving products like fans instead of air-conditioners
which consume a lot of energy. You can also use biodegradable dust cloths or old T-
shirts to clean the environment. In addition, to (3) ______ public awareness, allocate
a clearly visible space on the noticeboard for everyday green tips like ‘Let others
reuse your book’.
Sporty students may prefer to spend more time in the swimming pool than
in the library. Therefore, keeping this place safe and green will also help to raise their
environmental awareness. Remember that (4) _______ pool water may cause red
eyes and itchy skin to some people if they spend much time in the pool. An ideal
alternative would be a salt-water pool, which can be naturally clean and economical.
In case warm water is required, think of solar heating save the environment as one
pool with gas or electric heater may emit tons of carbon dioxide each year.
Finally, focus on the school gym, (5)______ is perhaps the most
interactive and exciting place for all school staff. Think of installing low-flow taps
and showers to save gallons of water per minute and energy-saving lights to cut the
cost of electricity. Moreover, make sure that the airflow pathways are clear and free
of mould, mildew and other allergens.
1. A. substantiate B. substantive C. substantial D. sustainable
2. A. at B. in C. on D. over
3. A. enhance B. rise C. raise D. make
4. A. chlorinated B. chemical C. pollutant D. cozy
5. A. that B. which C. whom D. whose

Exercise 5:
Going to party can be fun and enjoyable. If you are invited to a party, (1)
_____ call your host up early to inform him or her of whether you are going. If you
want to bring someone who has not been invited (2) _______ with you, you should
ask for permission first. Remember to dress appropriately for the party. You will stick
out like a sore (3) _______ if you are dressed formally whereas everyone else is in
T-shirt and jeans. If you are not sure what to wear, do ask your host.
During the party you may perhaps like to help your host by offering to
serve drinks or wash the dishes. Your host would certainly appreciate these efforts. If
you happen to be in a party you do not know anyone, do not try to (4) _______ the
host's attention. This is inconsiderate since your host has many people to attend to
and can not spend all his or her time with you. Instead, learn to mingle with others at
the party. You could try breaking the (5) _______ by introducing yourself to
someone who is friendly-looking. Before you leave the party, remember to thank
your host first. If you have the time, you could even offer to help your host clean up
the place.
1. A. don’t B. not C. do D. make
2. A. together B. along C. away D. well
3. A. thumb B. throat C. head D. nail
4. A. catch B. attract C. pay D. monopolize
5. A. vase B. soil C. glass D. ice

Exercise 6:
Many young people strive to be independent. That means you are able to
take care of yourself, and you don't have to rely on anyone else. However, (1)
_______ independently, you need a number of life skills in order not to depend on
your parents and older brothers or sisters. One of the most important skills is time (2)
________ which can help you build your confidence and self-esteem. With good time
management skills, you can perform your daily tasks, including your responsibilities
at school and at home with pleasing results.(3) ________ , you will not feel stressed
when exam dates are approaching. These skills can also help you act more
independently and responsibly, get better grades at school and have more time for
your family and friends.
Developing time-management skills is not as challenging as you may think.
(4) _______ , make a plan for things you need to do, including appointments and
deadlines. Using a diary or apps on mobile devices will remind you of what you need
to accomplish and when you need to accomplish it. Secondly, prioritize your
activities. You need to decide which tasks are the most urgent and important and
then, concentrate on these first. This way, you may not be at a (5) _______ to deal
with too much work at the same time. Thirdly, develop routines because routines,
when established, take less time for you to do your tasks. Time management skills are
not hard to develop; once you master them, you will find out that they are great keys
to success and you can become independent.
1. A. to live B. living C. lives D. lived
2. A. demonstration B. administration C. consumption D. management
3. A. Beside B. Moreover C. In addition to D. Indeed
4. A. First B. At first C. Firstly D. First of all
5. A. glance B. loss C. fair D. pinch

Exercise 7:
Stories about how people (1) _______ know when they are being watched
have been going around for years. However, few attempts have been made to
investigate the phenomenon scientifically. Now, with the completion of the largest
ever study of the so- called staring effect, there is impressive evidence that this is a
recognizable and (2) ______ sixth sense. The study involved hundreds of children.
For the experiments, they sat with their eyes covered so they could not see, and with
their backs to other children, who were told to either stare at them or look away. The
results showed that the children who could not see were able to (3)_____ when they
were being stared at. In a total of more than 18, 000 trials carried out worldwide, the
children correctly sensed when they were being watched almost 70% of the time. The
experiment was repeated with the added precaution of putting the children who were
being watched outside the room, (4) _________ from the starters by the windows.
The results, though less impressive, were more or less the same. Dr. Sheldrake, the
biologist who designed the study, believes that the results are (5)________ enough to
find out through further experiments precisely how the staring effect might actually
come about.
1. A. however B. nohow C. no matter how D. somehow
2. A. genuine B. accepted C. received D. sure
3. A. notice B. find C. reveal D. tell
4. A. prevented B. banned C. separated D. spitted
5. A. persuading B. satisfying C. convincing D. concluding

Exercise 8:
Living things include both the visible world of animals and plants as well
as the invisible world of (1)_____ and viruses. On a basic level, we can say that life
is ordered. Organisms have an enormously complex organization. Life can also
“work”. Living creatures can take in energy from the environment. This energy, in
the form of food, is changed to maintain (2) ________ processes and for survival.
Life grows and develops. This means more than just getting larger in size. Living
organisms also have the ability to rebuild and repair themselves when injured. Life
can reproduce. Life can only come from other living creatures. Life can respond.
Think about the last time you accidentally stubbed your toe. (3) ________ instantly,
you moved back in pain. Finally, life can adapt and respond to the demands placed on
it by the environment. There are three basic types of adaptations that can occur in
higher organisms.
Reversible changes occur as a response to changes in the environment.
Let’s say you live near sea level and you travel to a mountainous area. You may
begin to experience difficulty breathing and an increase in heart rate (4) _______
changes in the environment. These signs of sickness go away when you go back
down to sea level. Body- related changes happen as a result of (5) _______ changes
in the environment. Using the previous example, if you were to stay in the
mountainous area for a long time, you would notice that your heart rate would begin
to slow down and you would begin to breath normally. These changes are also
1. A. bacterium B. bacteria C. insects D. virus
2. A. metabolic B. metabolism C. metabolize D. metabolically
3. A. Most B. Mostly C. Almost D. Most of
4. A. because B. on account C. as a result of D. as a result
5. A. prolonged B. enduring C. lasting D. long

Exercise 9:
There are three main periods in Beethoven's music career: early, middle
and late.
The beginning of his early period was in 1792 when he moved to Vienna,
Austria. Beethoven quickly (1) _______ a name for himself as a talented pianist. His
compositions during this period consisted mainly of works for his main instrument,
the piano, and were classical in nature. (2) _______ , Beethoven's hearing was
beginning to deteriorate during this period, and he tried to hide this fact from those
around him.
In 1800, Beethoven turned from the classical forms of the previous century
to a more expressive or romantic music. His musical imagination began to grow
(3)_______ that of the piano. The middle period was believed to be Beethoven's
greatest and most productive stage. In less than a decade, he produced countless
masterpieces in every genre.
In 1809, however, his musical (4) _______ began to decline, possibly due
to his health problems and mental state. Beethoven stopped conducting and
performing in public, but continued to compose - many of his most admired works
were created during this period. By 1815, he was almost completely deaf and his
manners became increasingly rude. In 1827, he died after a long illness. Nearly
20,000 people lined the streets of Vienna to (5) _____ their last respect to the
composer who had changed the music scene of Western Europe.
1. A. made B. had C. created D. established
2. A. Whereas B. However C. Besides D. Otherwise
3. A. down B. up C. out of D. beyond
4. A. creation B. creativity C. creator D. creative
5. A. send B. give C. pay D. do
Exercise 10:
Every summer, when the results of the university entrance exam come
(1)_____ , many newspaper stories are published about students who are top-scorers
across the country. Most portray students as hardworking, studious, smart and,
(2)_____ , from low-income families. They are often considered heroes or heroines
by their families, communes, villages and communities, And they symbolise the
efforts made to lift them, and their relatives, out of poverty. The students are often
too poor to attend any extra-classes, (3) _______ make their achievements more
illustrious and more newsworthy. While everyone should applaud the students for
their admirable efforts, putting too much emphasis on success generates some
difficult questions.
If other students look up to them as models, of course it’s great.
(4)_______ , in a way, it contributes to society’s attitude that getting into university is
the only way to succeed. For those who fail, their lives are over. It should be noted
that about 1.3 million high school students take part in the annual university
(5)_______ exams and only about 300,000 of them pass. What’s about the hundreds
of thousands who fail? Should we demand more stories about those who fail the
exam but succeed in life or about those who quit university education at some level
and do something else unconventional?
1. A. up B. across C. out D. into
2. A. generally B. totally C. actually D. merely
3. A. that B. what C. which D. why
4. A. Therefore B. However C. Instead D. Whereas
5. A. entrance B. enter C. entering D. entered

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